Looking at the stubborn Sasuke, Tatsun knew that Sasuke had made up his mind. He said nothing was useful, so let him alone. Thinking of this, Tatsun didn't say anything, but said helplessly: "Well, you come with me! "

Throwing a sentence to Sasuke to signal him to follow, Tatsun turned around and walked out of the room, and after Tatsun's signal, Sasuke stood up and walked out of the room, following Tatsun without a word.

Chen walked in front and said without looking back: "I will take you to meet a person now, and he will meet your requirements and let him transplant you."


Sasuke frowned when he heard this. He originally thought it was Chen who helped him with the transplant, but he did not expect that it was someone else.

Although Sasuke felt strange, he was not the kind of person who talked a lot, and because of his trust in Chen, coupled with his eagerness to gain strength, he also knew that Chen would not harm him, so he didn't ask much, just follow. Behind Zhuchen walked to a certain place.

The person Chen is looking for naturally brings soil, because he is not good at transplanting the writing wheel eyes, so it would be better to bring soil for the transplantation of Zuozhu, and this condition was also negotiated with the soil before. As Taito said, I believe he is ready, so I waited for Tatsun to persuade Sasuke to carry out the transplant.

The two walked unhurriedly, and soon came to the place where Dai Tu was. …

Chapter Three Hundred and Two: Preparation

Tatsumi took Sasuke to find Taitou and explained his intentions. Sasuke and Taito have met several times before, and he also knew the identity of Taitou from Tatsun. He is no stranger to Taito, although I feel very disgusted with this. Human, but in order to transplant Itachi's eyes, he can only hold back the unhappiness in his heart.

After Sasuke was handed over to Daitu, the next thing was much simpler. For transplantation, Yitu was definitely better than him, and he also transplanted Sasuke to Sasuke in the original work, so there will be no accidents. , And after this, Chen also left. After all, the coalition forces of the five major powers have assembled, and he has to act.

Chen first found Shuiyue and Zhongwu, and then hurried back to Yinnin Village with them, where it was their base camp anyway.

On the way back, I learned that Tatsun actually handed Sasuke to Uchiha Madara, Shigego couldn't help asking with some worry: "Tatsumi, you just handed Sasuke to that Uchiha Madara, don't you worry about what he will be in Sasuke? What are you doing?"

Compared to Zhongwu’s worry, Shuiyue looked disapproving, and said to Zhongwu with a chuckle: "Don’t worry, since the boss dared to do this, there must be his reason, and the masked man begged the boss for cooperation. He definitely doesn’t dare now. Offend our boss."

"That said, but..." Although Shigego is still a little worried, but he doesn't know how to refute Shuiyue. After all, these things are not something he can control. Since Tatsun and Sasuke have no objection, he can't say anything.

Tatsun knew what Shigego was worried about, but he didn't explain anything. He just said to him indifferently: "We'll leave Sasuke alone for now, he will be fine, and it is enough for us to do our own thing!"

Although in the original work, Otodo has been trying to hide from Sasuke, so he is not assured of Sasuke, so he will place six white avatars on Sasuke to monitor Sasuke, but these avatars are not difficult things. In the original book, Orochi Maru just told Shigego to input Xianshu Chakra into Sasuke, Bai Jue was completely forced out, and it was not difficult for Chen, and naturally there was nothing to worry about.

Since Chen has said so, Shigego can only say helplessly: "I know!"

Next, the few people didn't say much, and rushed to the direction of Tanokuni as quickly as possible. It didn't take long for the three to return to Otonin Village.

At this time, the village of Otonin had already been fierce, and the whole village was filled with a sense of killing.

Because Otonin Village was founded by Otomanu, there are no ordinary villagers in the village, all are ninjas from all over the world in Otoyomaru or characters such as the orphans of the battlefield that Otomanu has taken in, so Otonin Village is also a strong predator who believes in the law of the jungle. The survival of the fittest, so that the entire Otonin Village has no weak people, and they are all desperadoes who do whatever they can to achieve their goals.

Although the number of people is not large, the gathering of these people in Zaichen has also formed a force that cannot be underestimated. At this time, he is watching the three people who appeared in front of the village with fanatical eyes. To be correct, he is watching Chen. , And standing in the forefront of this group of people is the whirlpool of the Eagle Team.

It turned out that when Tatsun and Shigeu and others went to the Akatsuki organization, he had already asked Xianglin to return to the Otonin Village first, and asked her to gather all Otonin.

Seeing that Xianglin had done what he had ordered, Chen couldn't help showing a smile of approval, and then greeted him with Zhongwu and others.

At this time Xianglin was looking at Chen suspiciously, and when he found that there was no figure that made her mind, he couldn't help but frown and said, "Where is Sasuke?"

Hearing Xianglin open his mouth and mentioning Sasuke, Mizuki grinned with a smile: "Hey, Xianglin, don't just worry about Sasuke. How can I say that we are also companions for so many years. You care about us too!"

"I...I don't worry about Sasuke, I just ask casually!" My thoughts were broken by the guy Shuiyue, Xianglin hurriedly defended, but the fool could see her thoughts by looking at her bewildered look.

Seeing the two guys quarreling with Zou Shi again, Chen frowned and said impatiently: "Okay, don't talk nonsense, Sasuke has his own business, and he will be back soon. Don't talk about him for now. How is your mission?" The last sentence was addressed to Xianglin, and Shuiyue saw Chen already showing an impatient expression, and she closed her mouth wittily and did not dare to talk any more.

Speaking of the task, Xianglin did not entangle Sasuke's problem anymore, his expression became serious, and he pushed the eyes on his face, and said: "All the ninjas in Otonin Village have been recalled, and they are all here. There are more than 500 people in total. , The weakest is the strength of Zhongren. Among them, there are almost 30 of the strengths of Shangren, and more than a hundred are special."

"Is there only this person..."

Hearing Xianglin’s report, Chen frowned again. Obviously he was not very satisfied with Otonin Village’s combat power. Although this strength seemed not weak, Chen knew that for the war, these people were still far away. Not enough, after all, what they have to face is the ninja coalition of the five great nations, and even the warriors of the Iron Kingdom are also involved. The number of enemies must be quite large, and the people in Otonin Village will definitely not be able to cope.

Xianglin said helplessly: "Originally, there were not only these people in Otonin Village, but after Oshamaru was killed by Sasuke, some good Otonin people left the village, and in the end only these people were left!"

Chen asked again: "Are there people from other strongholds?"

When Oshamaru was in charge of Otonin Village, there were many strongholds, of which three strongholds held many prisoners or experimental subjects. The western stronghold, which is the stronghold that was detained before Shuiyue, the eastern stronghold, that is An island prison, previously under the care of Xianglin, the northern stronghold, where Shigeo was detained, was all the products of the failure of Oshemaru's curse seal experiment. Almost all people detained there were able to enter the curse seal state, although it was a failure. Product, but the strength is considerable.

"There are many ninjas in the Western strongholds who have blood inheritance limits. They were all captured by Oshemaru from various places for experiments. When you asked me to integrate them before, those who disobeyed were killed by Suigetsu and Shigogo. Now There are not many people at all, only six people remain. The prison on the island originally had more than one thousand people. Excluding those who were killed for disobedience, there are more than 800 people left. The number is quite large, but the strength is too weak. It’s just some guys who play Ninja, not many of Ninja’s have been brought over by me! As for the northern stronghold..."...

Chapter 303: Clone Two Tails, Four Tails!

"Northern Stronghold..."

Speaking of this, Xianglin paused, and subconsciously glanced at Shigego, and found that he did not show any expression before continuing: "There are many people in the northern stronghold, and the strength is also the strongest, but..."

The northern strongholds are all the experimental subjects of the Oshe Maru, but they are all failed experiments. Although they can enter the curse seal state, the curse seal is not perfect. Although the strength is good, once the curse seal state is turned on, it may be at the beginning. You can also control it. Once you start fighting, you will lose your mind and become violent when you see the blood. When the time comes, it will attack the surrounding targets frantically, which is not easy to control.

Moreover, those failed products are not like the heaven and earth curse seals of Junmaro and Sasuke, and are not even as good as the four people. Once they enter the curse seal state, the power of the curse seal will gradually erode their bodies for a long time. In the end, there are only two results left, either to die from exhaustion, or to become a slave to the curse, and to become a beast that only knows to kill. No matter which one, the result is extremely bleak.

Chen didn’t feel sorry about the situation in the northern stronghold. Instead, a thought-provoking smile appeared on his face. Chen didn’t care about the life and death of those failed test items. In his eyes, those test items were just a group of more advanced ones. The only function of the beasts is to allow them to cause some troubles to the so-called Ninja Army Alliance, nothing more.

"These test items are very unstable, and they will even attack our people in turn. Are you sure you want to put them into the fight?" Xianglin frowned and said, obviously not optimistic about those test items.

Chen sneered and said: "I don't care about their fate. I only care about their strength. Rather than keeping them fend for themselves, it's better to use them for me. At least they can solve some problems for me. They exist. Meaning, there is only this point!"

Hearing Chen's words, even if Xianglin was unwilling to say anything in his heart, he just said: "Whatever you want, but many of those people are arrogant guys who don't obey the control at all. They are still being held in the northern stronghold. "

"How many of those test items are there?"

"Originally there were more than 600 people, but now there are more than 500 people left!"

After the news of the death of Oshemaru was spread, there were riots in various strongholds of Oshemaru, but Shigeo and Suizuki had already been sent to suppress them at that time. In order to achieve the purpose of deterring, they killed them. Many people are some of the most violent, and now the rest are all deterred by Shigeo and Shuiyue's fierce means, and they dare not riot again.

"Manpower is a little bit small, this kind of strength is much worse than that of the Five Great Ninja Villages." After learning about all the strengths of Otonin Village, Chen frowned slightly, seemingly dissatisfied, but after another thought, Otonin Village was just The small Ninja Village that Osha Maru casually founded has certainly not as good as those old Ninja villages that have been passed down for a hundred years. It's not bad to have such a degree, and Tatsun has never counted on Otonin Village to win the war.

Chen sneered in his heart and secretly said: "Forget it, anyway, the guy who declared war on the five big countries is the guy who called Uchiha Madara. That identity will definitely make the five big countries even more jealous of him. Then, it will be his organization and the five big countries. As soon as the country is heading, we will fight it."

Thinking of this, Tatsun's slightly frowning brows also let go. He looked at the extremely zealous Otonin people in Otonin Village, and said calmly: "The Five Ninja Village is now gathering their ninjas outside to prepare for the battle, Akatsuki is over there. It should be almost ready. War will break out at any time. When they fight on both sides, let's do it again. Let them prepare first!"

After speaking, he didn't pay attention to these matters anymore, and walked into the village. He still had some things to prepare, and the rest was handled by Aromatic Phosphorus.

Chen returned to the meeting room in Otonin Village, and first issued a mission to Shigego and Suizuki, asking them to go to the northern stronghold of Onoshimaru, and the two of them conquered the test products in the northern stronghold and brought them back. .

Because every character in the northern stronghold is an arrogant guy who is not controlled at all and can only use violence to control violence, and was killed a lot by Shigeo and Suigetsu before, so Shigeo and Suigetsu have a lot to them. Although they couldn't make them obey the deterrence, but with the strength of Zhongwu and Shuiyue, they could at least deter them, so that they didn't dare to make mistakes.

After sending Shuiyue and Zhongwu out, Chen then cast Fei Lei Shen and instantly appeared in a rare canyon.

I saw Chen took out the two tail beast Chakra collectors from the space, and reconnected with the system that hadn't bubbling for a long time.

"System, give me two tails and four tails!"

"Ding, two tails travel again, need points: 20000, four tails Monkey King, need points: 40,000, are you sure to exchange it?" The cold and emotionless voice of the system sounded in Chen's consciousness.


Chen didn't care about the number of points at all. Since he put the whole of Guerrell's veins in his bag, he hasn't bothered about the points anymore, and chose to confirm without thinking about it.

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