In the end, the furious Raikage repaired Kirabi with an iron fist, and was then forcibly dragged back to Yunyin Village by Raikage, and the dream of Kirabi's first concert in his life was ruthlessly torn apart. …

Chapter Three Hundred and Six: Assembling

After bringing Kirabi back to Yunyin and shutting him down, the Five Shadows continued the previous meeting and soon reached a consensus. They recruited personnel from various villages to form a special intelligence unit to share intelligence. Raikage proposed the hiding place for the eight-tailed and nine-tailed humans, and the fifth generation of Hokage also valued Kirabi’s ability to control tail beasts and proposed that Kirabi should guide Naruto. .

The content of the war meeting was quickly determined, and each village reported the number of all ninjas. In addition to the responses from the warriors of the Iron Kingdom and individual Ninja villages, the number of people totaled almost 100,000. Such a lineup is simply unprecedented, for the first time in the history of Ninja.

After that, various occupations were arranged, and talents were drawn from each village, such as the reconnaissance team, the sensing unit, the surprise unit, the medical department, the intelligence department, etc...

In Konoha Village, after a period of construction work, and the efficiency of the ninja is extremely high, with the help of various soil escape ninjutsu, the preliminary reconstruction has been completed.

Soon after, Naruto had also returned from his studies in Mt. Miaoki. After so many things, he was no longer the crane tail of the past, but he was sent to Paradise Island secretly by Tsunade just when he came back. It was the place where Raikage provided Human Zhuli to hide, and Kirabi had already been driven away by Raikage.

On Paradise Island, everything is the same as the plot in the original book. It hasn’t changed. Naruto and Kirabi meet unexpectedly, and then they teach Naruto to control Nine-tailed Chakra. Naruto is also conquering Nine-tailed Chakra. At the crucial moment, I met his mother, Uzumaki Kushina, and learned from Kushina's mouth the secret of the cataclysm that year.

A few days later, the Ninja Army Alliance gathered all the ninjas and gathered in Yunyin Village. During this period, the Five Shadows also gathered together again and held a combat meeting.

In the meeting room, the Five Shadows sat down around a round table. On the round table was a map of Ninja World. Nara Shikajima, who was already a Naruto consultant, used a thin pole to point on the map.

Nara Lukisa explained to the shadows present as he gestured to the map: “The X mark is definitely the enemy’s lair. It is called the tomb of the mountain. If you travel by land, you will pass through Shuangyin Village and Tangyin Village. The two countries belonging to Eryin Village sent out an evacuation advisory, and according to the intelligence obtained by the reconnaissance team, the number of enemies is no less than 100,000! Considering the way the coalition forces move, only a few will take the sea, but the number is too small If you do, you will worry about being surrounded."

The general of the Iron Nation, Mifune glanced at the battle map, and said calmly: "In this way, let's see which side will make the best move first!"

Wuying also understood this truth, and quickly issued an order to the assistant beside him.

"First summon the surprise troops, order the assembled Dalian team to form a formation and confirm their respective formations!"

"Similarly, order the unexpected troops in the rear to carry medical endurance equipment, Lu Jiu, you go to cooperate with the intelligence troops and carry out the intelligence confirmation route!"

"Contact the Sensing Forces and let them hurry!"

"Yes!" "Understand!" "Understand!"

After receiving Ying's order, the assistants around the shadows hurriedly retreated from the meeting room to convey the order.

When all the men ran to deliver the order, Gaara took out an item from under the table and put it on the table, and said softly: "I have completed this while you are away, look at it!"

It turned out that the thing on the table was just an ordinary ninja forehead, but there was no village logo on the forehead. Instead, it was replaced by the word "Ninja". This forehead was obviously specially made for the ninja coalition forces.

Tuying looked at the things on the table, admiringly said: "Oh, it's done, this is the forehead protection of the Ninja League, it's pretty good!"

Hearing Dokage’s appreciation, Iron Country’s Mifune also seemed very happy, saying: “This is the design of the people who used to be in dispute, and now they are united as a "ninja". Not only that, but the ninja also teamed up with the samurai. , This moment has finally arrived!"

"That's right, there is a day of united front in the Shinobi world, it seems that it is good to live a long time, at least to be able to witness this day!"

There were no further meetings, waiting for the ninjas to form a formation.

Just when the Ninja Army Alliance was already ready to go, and the Akatsuki organization on the other side was naturally not far behind. The surviving members of Akatsuki also gathered together, including just having a good talk with Daito. The condition of the big snake pocket, at this time a few people gathered together seemed to be discussing something.

"According to the information from the eyeliner, the ninjas of the five great nations have assembled and war will break out soon."

Da Snake Douxie smiled and replied: "This moment has finally arrived, then...I should also use my strength, psychic. Dirty soil rebirth!"

After speaking, the big snake pocket quickly formed seals with both hands, and then his hands suddenly pressed on the ground. With the movement of the big snake pocket, the whole ground was roaring, and it seemed that something was about to break out of the ground.

After a while, a white coffin with a forest sprung up from the ground like bamboo shoots after a rain. As the coffin lid fell, shadows came out of the coffin. Both pupils were black, without a trace of white eyes, and their eyes were dull and sluggish. Looked at the big snake pocket in front of you.

Seeing this, Da Shedou's face once again wore a wicked smile, apparently satisfied with his masterpiece, and introduced to the Akatsuki organization on one side: "First of all, the members of Akatsuki organization: Didara, Scorpion, Ghost Shark, Itachi! In addition to the predecessors Zhuli, Mio Yakura, Five-tailed Han, Six-tailed Bubble, Nanao Fu! And the predecessors Five Shadows, the second generation of Dokage, the third generation of Raikage, the fourth generation of Kazekage! , Ghosts No More Cut, Ice Shield White, Sansho Fish Hanzo, Sand Chiyo, Kaguya-kun Maro, Konoha's Sarutobi Asma, Den, Hyuga Nissa, Yamato Tenzo! and other names worthy of each Fang strong!"

Such a strong lineup really shocked the rest of the Xiao organization. They did not dare to despise the big snake pocket anymore, and also confirmed the identity of the big snake pocket. The strong reincarnated with the big snake pocket, plus Xiao The Baijue clone that has already been formed by the organization will definitely not lose to the Ninja Allied Forces of the Five Great Powers! …

Chapter Three Hundred and Seven: Rushing to the Battlefield

The fourth Ninja War finally started.

Ninja Army Alliance After a short swearing ceremony, as many as one hundred thousand ninja alliance forces were divided into five combat groups and a number of special combat units. Five masters decided by Gokage served as captains. Among them, I love the wind and shadow. Luo served as the commander-in-chief of the fourth unit and combat unit, and the soldiers split into the battlefield.

The Akatsuki organization was naturally unwilling to lag behind. The 100,000 Baijue clones and the reincarnated army of the Orochidou filthy earth rushed to the battlefield to contend with the Ninja Allied Forces. Although there has not yet been a large-scale battle, the leading troops sent by the two sides have already been handed over. First, the intelligence force sent by Konoha was discovered and hunted down by the people of Akatsuki, and then encountered by the surprise attack of the coalition forces, so a battle broke out between the two sides.

At the same time, in Otonin Village.

Tatsun stood on a high platform, and the three members of the Eagle Team Shigogo and Shuiyue Xianglin stood behind him. Below the high platform is the entire combat power assembled in Otonin Village, but the number of people is the same as that of the Five Great Nations or Akatsuki. Compared with the army, it is simply not worth mentioning, only worth more than a thousand people, but what is amazing is the aura of these ninjas is extremely strange, these Otonin seem to have undergone a certain change.

Seeing that the Otonin people below are already in formation, Xianglin reported to Chenhui next to him: "All the people in Otonin Village who can go to the battlefield are here. There are only more than 1,000 people, including the water a few days ago. According to the report by the eyeliner, the number of ninja allied forces in the five countries is as high as tens of thousands, even close to 100,000. These people alone..."

Hearing Xianglin’s report, Chen’s face showed a slight smile and said: “The number of people is a little less, but don’t worry, anyway, the main battlefield is held by the Akatsuki organization, and more importantly, the following people’s Strength, but it took me a lot of thought!"

As Chen said, although the number of Otonin at the moment is not large, these people have one thing in common. The aura of each Otonin is extremely evil. The lowest strength is especially Shangnin, and there are even a few. Several have reached the level of elite supreme ninja or even shadow level. Such strength is not much weaker than the five major power coalition forces. After all, although the five major powers have a large number of coalition forces, it is impossible for every one to be a supreme ninja. Most of them are some middle and lower ninja. As far as personal strength is concerned, these "supreme ninjas" in Otonin Village are naturally much stronger than those of middle and lower ninjas.

These Otonhinos were originally only mediocre in strength, with only a few Shangren, but after taking the evil potions that Chen exchanged from the system, the strength of the whole person actually increased by leaps and bounds in a short period of time, reaching the current realm, compared to before. It can be said to be a huge difference, the only shortcoming is that the "Shangnin" of Otonin Village is a bit weaker than the eight hundred decent ones. After all, even though their strength has reached the upper endurance level, it is just that they are forced to improve by using foreign objects, which is a bit worse than those upper endurance areas who have cultivated step by step.

The evil potion can overdraw the potential of the user after taking it, stimulate all the potential of the user, and increase the user's strength to the extreme in a short time, but the price paid is extremely heavy. Because of the overdraft potential, the user There will be very little lifespan left, the higher the increase in strength, the shorter the remaining lifespan will be, and most of them will not live for more than a year. Of course, this price Chen did not tell these sound ninjas.

Therefore, even though the strength of these more than 1,000 Shangren was strong, their vitality was exhausted in the end, and they eventually died miserably.

Although this is very unfair and even cruel to those Otonin, Chen doesn’t care. The life and death of these Otonin is not important to him. What he cares about is what these Otonin can do for him, That's it.

Looking at each one below, eagerly excited, with the fanatical Tonin people in his eyes, Chen sneered and said to them: "The war has started. The surprise forces of the five major countries and the advance troops of the Akatsuki organization have already handed over. Let the people of the five major countries see our strength!"


Suddenly possessing such a powerful strength, the Otonin people can't wait to find the trouble of the Five Ninjas immediately. After receiving Chen's instructions, everyone broke out with excitement and yelled and vented.

Standing behind Chen, Shuiyue seemed to be affected by the emotions of the sound of Shinobu, with a bloodthirsty grin on her face and said, "Hey~ Is it finally going to go to war? I can't wait!"

Hearing Shuiyue's words, Chen glanced at him indifferently, and said indifferently, "Well, these people will be led by you and Shigego, but there are no other tasks for the time being. Let's freely slay the ninjas of the five great nations. Others I will notify you later!"

Shuiyue Guai smiled and replied: "Understood!"

After that, all the ninjas in Otonin Village were led by Shigeo Suizuki to the battlefield.

After Suizuki and Shigego led Otonin Village to leave, only Tatsu and Xianglin were left on the scene.

Seeing the crowd of Yinnin's troops gradually moving away, Xianglin withdrew his gaze, turned to Xiangchen, and asked, "What are you going to do next?"

Chen said calmly: "I'm going to Xiao's lair first, some things must be resolved!"

"Is there anything I need to deal with?" Xianglin continued to ask.

Chen Qing shook his head and said: "Not for the time being. Now that the war has started, you should stay in the village and don't go out. I will notify you when there is a task!"

Compared with Suigetsu and Shigego, Phosphorus is not a combatant at all, and can only deal with some things later. Moreover, it is the time of war, and Chen naturally did not let Phosphorus perform any tasks.

Xianglin naturally had no objection to Chen's words, and he nodded and said, "I know, if that's the case, then I will go down first!"

After speaking, he didn't wait for Chen to reply, and he retired directly from the high platform.

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