It wasn't until the signal was successfully sent out and unfolded that the team leader breathed a sigh of relief, but still did not dare to relax his vigilance. He stared at Heavenly Dao Payne and asked sternly: "You are from the Akatsuki organization. What is happening here? What is the purpose?"

Payne did not stop these people from sending signals. He just looked at them indifferently and remained silent until they successfully sent the signal flare. Then he said coldly: "Since your business is over, you can now. Answered my question...Where are Uzumaki Naruto and Yaoto Juli?"


Hearing Payne's question, the captain was startled and exclaimed: "Your target is Naruto and Kirabi!"

Payne looked at the captain indifferently and raised his right hand to him. The next moment, the captain's body suddenly rose up, and the ninja found that his body was out of control at this moment, with a panic on his face, fierce. He was struggling, but to no avail. Then his body seemed to be attracted by an irresistible attraction. He pulled his body and quickly flew towards the person of Akatsuki. In the blink of an eye, he was choked by his neck and fell. Into the other's hands.

It is exactly one of the abilities of Tiandao Payne...... Vientiane Tianyin!

"Do you know? Tell me, where are they..." Tiandao Payne's icy reincarnation eyes fixed on the ninja in his hand, and asked indifferently, the force in his hand was constantly tightening, pinching the ninja with pain on his face. color.

"team leader!"

"Damn, let go of our captain"

The remaining ninjas saw this weird scene, and before they had time to react, their captain had fallen into the hands of the enemy. Only then did they come back to their senses, and raised the Kuunai in their hands, and moved towards the Heavenly Path Penn. Come on.


Payne indifferently glanced at these ninjas who had actually shot themselves at them recklessly, and snorted without feelings. There was no movement, but a huge repulsive force was formed instantly, centered on him, and suddenly turned towards him. As the surroundings spread, everything around him was razed to the ground, including the ninjas who rushed towards him. Before they got close to him, they were blown out by this powerful repulsive force, and fell heavily like a broken sack. On the ground, he didn't stand up again.

The captain whose neck was pinched by Payne had witnessed all this. His face was distorted because of pain, and his eyes were full of horror at the moment. Such ability was beyond his cognition.

After Payne had done all this, he ignored the miscellaneous soldiers, and turned his gaze to the ninja squad leader in his hand, and asked again indifferently: "Where are Uzumaki Naruto and the eight-tailed man Zhuli?"

"I...I don't know..." The ninja was struggling fiercely at this time, his hands were constantly breaking Penn's fingers in an attempt to break free of Penn's control, but his power was getting smaller and smaller, which was of no avail. Payne's hands are like cast iron, tightly around him.

Not getting the answer he wanted, Payne was not angry, but looked at the ninja coldly, and said calmly: "Hey, if that's the case, then you are no longer useful to me."

After speaking, Payne flicked his free hand, and a long black stick suddenly fell into his hand from the sleeve of his shirt, and then pierced the captain's heart.

The squad leader's eyes widened, and his body twitched for a few times and then there was no movement. After the corpse in his hand was thrown down, Tiandao Payne slapped the blood on the stick and retracted it into his sleeve.

Looking back in the direction of Yunyin Village, he continued to take steps.

Chapter Three Hundred and Seventh: The Four Shadows Dispatched

Payne didn't get the answer he wanted, but he just looked at the ninja coldly and said calmly, "Wow, don't you know? In that case, you are no longer useful to me."

After speaking, Payne flicked his free hand, and a long black stick suddenly fell into his hand from the sleeve of his shirt, and then pierced the captain's heart.

The squad leader's eyes widened, and his body twitched for a few times and then there was no movement. After the corpse in his hand was thrown down, Tiandao Payne slapped the blood on the stick and retracted it into his sleeve.

The team in charge of the guard did not delay Payne for long. From the appearance of Payne to the resolution of these ninjas, it took no more than a minute. After the ninjas were resolved, Payne looked at his cold eyes again. The direction of Yunyin Village.

At this time, several people appeared from behind Tiandao Payne, the other six Payne, and the six Payne gathered together at this time.

Obviously, Nagato didn't just send a clone of Tiandao. Just let other clones check it from a different steering wheel, but they didn't find anything. Even Nagato used the ability to extract souls to read memories, but no one was there. Know the whereabouts of Naruto and Kirabi.

"Isn't there?" Tiandao Payne groaned in a low voice, but did not show a disappointed look. Of course, he was a corpse, and it was not easy to make such a complicated expression.

"Disperse, there must be someone in the Ninja League who knows the whereabouts of Nine Tails and Eight Tails. They will check the site one by one, extract the memories, and they will always find them!" Without too much hesitation, Tiandao Payne quickly thought of a countermeasure, although this countermeasure Shutdown is simple and rude, without technical content.

As soon as the voice fell, the rest of Payne's "swish" turned into black shadows, and quickly dispersed around. After a while, Yunyin Village remembered bursts of huge explosions, and at the same time saw the village. Fireworks continue to be seen in several different places, and riots have begun in Yunyin.

In Yunyin's office...

The senior officials of Ninja League didn't know at this moment that their headquarters had welcomed an uninvited guest, and they were still discussing about Uchiha Tatsumi.

At this moment, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open, and a Yun Ren looked anxiously broke into the conference room. For a while, the various shadows in the conference room, as well as other staff members, all looked at this reckless place. Yun Ren who broke in.

Seeing the anxious look on Yun Ren's face, everyone present suddenly felt bad. The grumpy Raikage did not blame Yun Ren for his rude behavior at this time, and asked anxiously: "What happened? "

The situation was urgent, and the Yun Ren did not care about greetings at this moment, and hurriedly shouted: "Enemy attack, the outpost has sent a signal, there is an enemy attack!"


"how come?"

Upon hearing this news, everyone here was obviously surprised. After all, this is the headquarters of the Ninja Alliance. Let alone the number of ninjas staying at the headquarters, you must know the Five Shadows of the five major countries, except for the water shadows responsible for protecting the famous names of the countries. Besides, the other four shadows are all gathered here. Who is so bold and dared to directly attack the headquarters of the Ninja League, and they are still behind the battlefield. How did the enemy break through the front line and appear here?

Nara Shikahisa showed surprise when he heard the news of the enemy attack, and soon recovered his calm, and asked calmly, "Who is the opponent? How many people are there?"

The Yun Ren also recovered his composure at this time. He was no longer as flustered as he was just now, and replied in a deep voice: "It is still unclear. It is the flare initiated by the ninja in charge of the outpost. They should be fighting the enemy now. "

Seeing that there was no information to ask, Tukage stood up from his seat and said to Raikage: "Let’s go and see it in person, Raikage, you are the commander of our Ninja League, stay here to preside over the overall situation. Just leave the enemy's affairs to us!"

When Lei Ying heard this, he couldn't sit still, clenched his fists and slammed on the table, and roared: "How is it possible that I dared to run to Yunyin Village to go wild, how can the old man just sit back and leave it to Lu Jiu? Now, the old man will take action personally to blast all those guys who dare to offend Yun Yin to pieces!"

Seeing Raikage's reaction, Tuying shook his head with a chuckle, and said, "Well, it's up to you!"

Seeing that there was no point in the crowd, Lei Ying immediately turned around and asked the Yun Ren: "Have you sent a ninja to support the outpost?"

The Yunren nodded and replied: "Yes, when receiving the signal, Captain Ethan had already led some people to the outpost to support, and it should have been..."


However, before the name of Yun Ren had finished speaking, everyone in the conference room suddenly heard a loud noise. Hearing this sound, the place where the explosion occurred should not be far away. It seems to be in Yunyin Village...

Everyone's faces were shocked again! !

"How is it possible, is it possible that the enemy has already entered?"



Before they could take any action, a violent blasting sound came from other directions...

"Damn it, no matter who it is, the old man must break them into pieces!" At this moment, Lei Ying jumped like a thunder, and lightning appeared on his body. The whole body was full of this violent aura, and his hair was even more stimulated by the violent thunder and lightning. When it was erected, it could be seen that Lei Ying was already furious at this time.

Since Yunyin Village was destroyed by Uchiha Tatsun once, it took a lot of manpower and financial resources to rebuild it. Now, there are still people who dare to attack Yunyin again. This directly reminds Raikage After that shame, how could Lei Ying sit still, and he himself has that kind of irritable temperament.

Lu Jiu carefully distinguished the direction of the explosion sound, and said in a deep voice: "The sound of the explosion came from six directions, that is to say, the enemy was divided into six strands and attacked from the six directions of Yunyin. Have they surrounded Yunyin Village? If this is the case, there must be a lot of people needed. What method did they use to escape the frontline combat zone and the detection of the Sensing Department to arrive here?"

Of course he didn’t know that there were only six enemies who attacked Yunyin. As for how to get here, it was actually the animal road in the six penins that flew directly over on the flying psychic beasts, and used them when they arrived at Yunyin Village. Using spiritism brought the rest of Payne over.

"Six directions? Then the four of us are responsible for one direction, and the other two directions will be handed over to the other ninjas to resist. Let's go and support when we solve our opponents!" Fengying Gaara was speaking, listening When the enemy had been divided into six directions to attack, he proposed.

"Damn it, the old man is one step ahead!"

Obviously, Lei Ying couldn't wait. After all, the enemy had already entered. He couldn't wait for a second now. After roaring, he jumped out directly from the window of Lei Ying's office.

The remaining three shadows glanced at each other, nodded, did not talk nonsense, and each chose a direction to go straight to the place of battle.

Chapter 338: Strange Ability

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