At this time, Yun Ren no longer had the panic he had just now, and became calm, and said disdainfully: "What a stupid guy, don't waste your effort, don't want to get any information from me, I won't betray. Companion."


Hearing this, Tiandao Payne said quietly and did not feel surprised or irritated. He knew very well that there was a kind of person who could not betray his companions anyway. He met too many people, and he knew the root of pain. I couldn't make this kind of person surrender, so I didn't intend to waste any more time, and the Chakra stick in his hand ++ was raised again.

"If that's the case, then there is nothing wrong with you!" As he spoke, the Chakra stick in his hand suddenly pierced Yun Ren's heart.


Without any suspense, the Chakra stick pierced Yun Renxin's mouth all at once, and that Yun Ren also died, and the corpse was thrown on the ground by Payne.

After that, Pien turned his gaze to the only Konoha ninja left...

" will be next!" He walked over to the Konoha ninja.

At this time, the Konoha ninja also seemed to realize what Payne wanted to do, but at this time he was seriously injured and could not do anything more. He could only watch Payne step by step towards him.

After Tiandao Payne walked to the Konoha ninja, he looked at him indifferently and said: "If you don't want to be killed by me like them, just tell me the whereabouts of Nine Tails and Yao!"

Konoha's ninja looked at the companion who was killed by Tiandao Payne, his expression has become distorted because of anger, and said with hatred to Tiandao Payne: "Don't dream, I won't tell you anything. "

Without receiving any information, Tiandao Payne paused, and finally said: "It seems that you also made a stupid decision!"

While talking, Tiandao Payne held a chakra stick and pierced the heart of the Konoha ninja. The Konoha ninja had obviously expected such a result. He did not show the fear of death, and he had already recognized it. ++The meaning of life.

Seeing that Konoha’s ninja was about to die by Penn’s hand...

A hand suddenly appeared and grabbed the chakra stick of Heavenly Payne, making the chakra stick unable to move forward.

Tiandao Payne's eyes moved slightly, because at this time, beside him, there was an extra figure with silver hair, a mask on his face++, and the three gouyu jade in the eyes of a scarlet blood wheel were slowly rotating, right Staring at him closely.

"Oh? Konoha's copy of the ninja, Haaki Kakashi?"

Chapter 344: Kakashi vs Payne

Kakashi was originally to rush to the battle zone to support, but on the way, he suddenly found that Tiandao Payne was attracted by the movement caused by the Shinra Tianzheng released by resisting the previous ninjutsu attack. When he rushed over He discovered that Heavenly Way Payne was about to kill Konoha Ninja, and he stopped Heavenly Way Payne without hesitation.

Kakashi looked at the Heavenly Way Payne in front of him with solemn eyes, and said solemnly: "Hey, you are here for Yao and Nine tails. Do you want to create riots to attract attention, and then secretly search?"

"Ka... Senior Kakashi!"

Konoha Ninja, who had already accepted his fate and was waiting for death, exclaimed after seeing Kakashi's arrival, his tone was full of surprises, a kind of rejoicing for the rest of his life.

Hearing Konoha Ninja’s exclamation, Kakashi glanced at the unknown Konoha Ninja. Kakashi saw all the things that happened before. He recognized his courage to never betray his companions, admiringly. Said: "Good job, leave the rest to me!"

At this time, a small slug suddenly appeared and climbed onto the injured Konoha ninja. The Konoha ninja obviously hasn't figured out what the situation is, but he has suffered it now. He was seriously injured, and there was no way to do anything else, but nervously watching the slug crawling on him at a loss.

Kakashi obviously saw the mind of the Konoha ninja, and explained: "Don't worry, this is the psychic beast of Naruto-sama, it will help you heal your injuries!"

"Yes...Is it, it turned out to be the psychic beast of Naruto-sama!" After hearing Kakashi’s explanation, the Konoha ninja was also relieved, although he had heard of Tsunade, one of the three ninjas. Ji's psychic beast is a slug, but there are still many people in Konoha who have not really seen it, so they are surprised.

"The wound is recovering... It's amazing!"

After the slug crawled on the injured person, the body began to glow green, apparently starting to treat the injured ninja, and the wound on that ninja also began to heal with the slug's treatment. I saw this magical scene. , Feeling the healing of the wound, the ninja couldn't help but sigh.

After a while, the ninja’s injury was effectively healed, and at least the ability to act has been restored. Kakashi said to him when he saw it: “You leave here first, you will not be able to get involved in the next battle. Leave the rest to me."

"Yes, I understand!"

The ninja did not refuse when he heard the words. He also knew that his current state was just a cumbersome stay here, but before leaving, he reminded Kakashi: "Senior Kakashi, this guy’s abilities are very strange, we When fighting him before, he was knocked down without seeing his attack methods clearly. Please be careful."

After reminding Kakashi, the ninja didn't stop, but jumped and disappeared, leaving only Kakashi and Tiandao Payne who were facing each other.

For the conversation between the two, Tiandao Payne did not interrupt, even when the ninja left, did not stop it, because there was no need, the life and death of the ninja did not care for him at all, and appeared in Kakashi. After that, Tiandao Payne focused on Kakashi, and after the Chakra stick held by Kakashi was held by Kakashi, the two were secretly competing.


Not long after, the chakra stick held by Payne suddenly made a crisp sound. The chakra stick finally could not withstand the strength of the two people and broke suddenly from the middle under the wrestling, and this crisp crack sound seemed to be With a signal to start, the two people who were in a stalemate shot at the same time.

Tiandao Payne turned sideways, and a whip leg suddenly swept towards Kakashi's head.

And Kakashi’s writing wheel turned the three Gouyu jade slightly, and instantly saw through the movements of Penn, and when Penn was about to kick him, he squatted, avoided Penn’s sweeping legs, and squatted. While avoiding the attack, both hands are also forming seals, and a group of dazzling seals is almost completed in an instant.

"Tu Dun. Tu Liubi!"

With the completion of Kakashi's Indian style, the ground roared, and then three solid walls rose at the same time on the left, right and the back of Tiandao Penn. However, Tiandao Penn is not a waiter. In Kakashi just now When the ninjutsu was released, his attack had already struck again.

One hand re-imagined a chakra stick and pierced Kakashi, who had fallen into a short pause because of the release of ninjutsu.

"Puff puff~"

Almost at the same time that Kakashi started ninjutsu, the sharp Chakra stick pierced Kakashi's shoulder, and a blood spattered instantly.


Because of the injury, Kakashi gave a dull hum, but there was no panic in his eyes. His left hand quickly grasped the chakra stick that stabbed him, not giving Heavenly Payne a chance to attack again. And the right hand is already surrounded by lightning at this moment.


The violent thunder attribute Chakra condensed in Kakashi's hands, and instantly formed a super destructive thunder dodge, which quickly struck Tiandao Payne's head like lightning.

Kakashi’s combat experience is top-notch. First, he uses the earth flow wall to cut off the enemy’s retreat, then restricts the enemy’s actions at the cost of minor injuries, and finally uses Raeche to end the battle. All of this was planned by him. , And they are all actions that have been completed in an instant.

If you change to an ordinary opponent, Kakashi's set of blows may be very effective, but the opponent he faces this time is Heavenly Dao Payne, the core of Payne's six paths, and the most capable one.

Facing Kakashi’s fatal attack, Tiandao Payne’s expression remained as calm as ever. The thread-like reincarnation eyes looked at Kakashi indifferently, without any problems on the surface. However, Kakashi After seeing Payne's reincarnation eyes, Xi suddenly felt a palpitating feeling in his heart, making him feel an indescribable sense of oppression, making his original swift offensive stagnate.

At the same time when Kakashi was distracted, Payne's head slightly moved to the side, avoiding Kakashi’s fatal blow. Reche, who was supposed to explode Payne’s head, hit directly behind Payne. On the wall of the earth flow wall, the powerful Thunder Dun instantly blasted the wall into a small depression and crack.

However, Tiandao Payne was unscathed...

Three hundred and forty-fifth chapters: a powerful enemy

Kakashi’s Rachel had originally locked the head of Heavenly Dao Payne, but I don’t know why. When he was about to hit Payne, after seeing Payne’s reincarnation eyes, he felt a palpitation for no reason, waiting for him to recover. When he arrived, he discovered that his Raeche had hit the dirt wall behind Penn, but Penn was unscathed, and he was now looking at him with his head tilted indifferently.

After a missed hit, Kakashi immediately jumped back, drew a distance from Payne, looked at Payne vigilantly, and at the same time felt puzzled: "What happened just now..."

Payne had avoided his mortal blow, but the weird feeling just now made Kakashi puzzled. He himself didn’t understand why he suddenly felt an indescribable sense of oppression. , After all, he himself is considered a well-versed elite Shang Ren, who has experienced countless battles, and his will has already been tempered extremely strong, no matter how powerful opponents he faces, he can face it calmly.

However, after seeing his opponent's eyes just now, he did feel a palpitation, but he couldn't tell.

At this time, Tiandao Payne looked at Kakashi and said indifferently: "Konoha's copy ninja, writing round eyes Kakashi, I didn’t expect to be able to meet you here. It’s really an honor. You seem to be a nine-tailed ninja. Teacher Li, if it were you, you should know where Kyuubi is!"

"What a stupid question!"

Kakashi obviously didn't want to waste his tongue, his gaze condensed, and the light of thunder reappeared in his right hand, Sangouyu's writing wheel eyes tightly locked Tiandao Penn, and directly attacked Tiandao Penn again.

Facing the swift attack of Kakashi, Tiandao Payne's face was still calm, as if nothing could make him panic. Just when Kakashi’s Rachel was about to stab him, Tiandao Pei The thread-like reincarnation eyes glared slightly, and an invisible force emerged out of thin air, making Kakashi's body seem to be blocked by an invisible wall and it was difficult to move forward.

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