"Ahhhhhh" The two brothers, Jinjiao and Yinjiao, were screamed by electricity.

"Damn it, this guy, it seems that he can only use the power of Nine Tails, Silver Horn." Golden Horn said with difficulty towards Silver Horn.

"Yes, Golden Horn." Yin Jiao answered equally hard.

"Roar!" "Roar!"

Two roars of wild beasts sounded from the throats of the golden horn and silver horn at the same time.

The stones under their feet were all shattered, the huge chakras were scattered, and the hot chakra energy evaporated a lot of water vapor from the water on the lake.

Water vapor steamed up, blocking everyone's sight.

The steam slowly dissipated, and two huge figures stood on the surface of the lake. The red chakra coats dedicated to Nine Tails wrapped them, and the Nine Tails had no wind behind them.

These two figures are the golden horns and silver horns after the tail beastization. At this time, they have been completely wrapped by the nine-tailed chakras. The six chakras behind them are swaying freely, and their appearance has completely turned into a dark head. A small nine-tailed red chakra.

"Unexpectedly, they would still be able to use the nine-tailed chakra, this is terrible!"

Looking at the golden horns and silver horns that have been completely tailed, everyone in Ninlian feels an incomparable headache. The previous golden horns and silver horns are already difficult enough, but now they can be tailed. People feel desperate.

"Roar!!" Golden Horn and Silver Horn didn't care about Nin Lian's feelings, the two of them made a huge roar after they completed their tail beastization, and swiftly rushed toward the people on the shore.

"Bang! Boom! Boom!" The continuous sound of rock collapsing sounded, and the other members of the Ninja League were rushed by the golden horn and silver horn. They suddenly screamed and killed and injured countless people.

This level of battle has long surpassed the strength level of everyone in the Ninja League present.

"Shoo!" The golden horn stood there and began to brew chakra balls. The appearance of these chakra **** is very similar to the tail beast jade, but it is countless times smaller than the tail beast jade, although the Hezhengzhen tail Beast jade has a huge difference, but its power is also amazing, which should not be underestimated.

And Silver Horn is still in front at this moment, fighting with the people of Ninja League is not so much a battle, as it is a unilateral massacre by Silver Horn.

"I'm going to stop the Golden Horn, and you can help others." Darui looked at the raging silver horn and the golden horn that condensed his big moves, and made a decisive decision to greet the pig, deer and butterfly.

"Understand!" Zhuludie and the three agreed at the same time.

"You still want to stop me, stupid man!" A trace of contempt flashed in Jin Jiao's eyes, and the tail beast jade gathered quickly, and it was almost finished in a blink of an eye.

"Get out of the way, Silver Horn." The golden horn roared, and the huge tail beast jade hit the place where the silver horn was.

The silver horn and the golden horn had a tacit understanding of cooperation for a long time, and they were fighting partners who often cooperated with each other before they were alive.

The silver horn jumped up and ejected towards the sky, which was able to escape the attack of the tail beast jade. The tail beast jade continued to fly ahead and hit the stone not far in front.

"Boom!" A dazzling light centered on the tail beast jade, and quickly expanded. Along with the light was terrible destructive power. A huge yellow semi-circular light ball gradually expanded.

The huge impact will destroy everything around it.

The pig, the deer and the butterfly were just on their way to Yinjiao when a tail beast jade appeared in front of them and exploded. The huge destructive force knocked the three of them into flight, and the three of them could not control their bodies in mid-air.

"Ino!" "Ino!" Shikamaru and Dinci shouted at the same time, their voices were filled with great anxiety and panic, because they suddenly discovered that behind Ino, a huge rock was smashing towards her, but Ino was at this moment. The crisis has not yet been discovered.

After hearing Shikamaru and Dingji's exclamation, Ino had already noticed it, but she was in a state of floating at this moment and couldn't control her body at all.

Shikamaru and Dingci panicked without hiding their faces, desperately controlling their bodies, wishing to fly to Ino and push her away. However, at this time, they were powerless and could only watch the huge rock farther away from Ino. Coming closer...

Seeing that I was about to be hit by that huge rock, and the jade would disappear...

And at this very moment, a wave of spatial fluctuations suddenly appeared around Ino, and then a spiral black hole appeared out of thin air. Before everyone could react, Ino's body was sucked into the black hole in an instant and disappeared. trace.

The spatial black hole also completely inhaled Ino, and then dissipated, leaving only the astonished people.

Chapter 364: Rejoicing

"This...what's going on?" Shikamaru and Choji stared at the place where Yamanaka Ino disappeared. They couldn't figure out why a spatial black hole suddenly appeared beside Ino. That's fine, you must know that the reason why their Pig Deer Butterfly is called the Pig Deer Butterfly is because the three of them are in the same heart.

But now that Ino in the mountains is sucked away by the black hole of space, they can only pray that nothing will happen to Ino.

"Golden Horn, do you know what that thing is?" Silver Horn stared at the place where the spatial black hole appeared in doubt, knowing that the two of them have been together for such a long time, they have already cultivated a kind of completely difficult for ordinary people. The degree of tacit understanding of imagination.

Like the attack just now, the two of them can be said to be inevitable. The hair-tailed beast Yuming looked like it was hitting the stone in the distance, but in fact it was heading towards the three of them, the pig, the deer, and the butterfly. In fact, their tactics proved to be successful.

"I don't quite understand...but..." Jin Jiao was silent for a while, saying that he really didn't know what the existence of that thing was. After all, this is beyond the scope of their cognition. In their cognition, no one can unknowingly take people away.

You must know that there is no other way than space ninjutsu for this ability to take people away silently. In the days before their death, there seemed to be nothing other than the Thunder God developed by the second generation of Hokage...

But these second generations of Hokage have been dead for so long, and they were caused by them alone, so they didn't understand.

And at the same time...

Uchiha Tatsun glanced at Ino who was sleeping in his space at this time, with inexplicable complexity and inexplicable gentleness in his eyes, and then he seemed to think of something, and muttered in a low voice: "Golden Horn and Silver Horn Do you remember that in the original book they were calculated and sealed by Darui and the tenth class of Pig, Deer and Butterflies. I didn't expect such a big mistake. If it wasn't for me to pass by, maybe Ino had already..."

Thinking of that possibility, Chen's eyes showed a sense of solemnity, and at the same time he felt a trace of happiness in his mind.

In fact, Chen’s presence here is a coincidence, and it starts from the moment he killed Bai Jue...

Chen left the place where he was hiding and practicing after he easily solved Bai Jue. Now the entire Ninja World is playing fiercely, and Chen, who has been bored for a long time, also thinks of going around outside, but before that, Chen has already lifted the six ways. Mode, after all, his appearance is too arrogant, anyway, now he doesn't need to use the power of Ten Tails, so he doesn't need to maintain the pulling style all the time.

Not long after leaving, Chen encountered a battle between Ninlian and Akatsuki.

The dead corpses lying all over the place, there are ninjas from Ninja League, and Bai Jue clones from Akatsuki's organization. Obviously, there has been a tragic war before.

However, the battle here was almost over when Chen first arrived, because when Chen arrived, he saw hundreds of Baijue clones besieging the last ninja of the Ninja, the ninja of the Ninja was not bad. In the face of more than a hundred Bai Jue’s siege, he was still struggling to sustain it. However, at this time, he was alone in fighting alone. There were no teammates and no reinforcements, and it can be seen from his state. At this time, he had reached the limit, and until the end, the only remaining Ninja Ninja was consumed alive by the army of Bai Jue.

Obviously, in this battle, it seemed that the Bai Jue army of the Akatsuki organization had the upper hand, and the Ninja League ended in annihilation of the entire army.

When Tatsun appeared, the remaining group of Baijue avatars naturally found Tatsun, and the enemy was naturally jealous when they met. After discovering that the coming person turned out to be Uchiha Tatsun who killed their body, those Baijue avatars did not exist at all. Other thoughts swarmed toward Uchiha Tatsu directly, wanting to tear the man in front of him to pieces and avenge their body.

The result is obvious. The hundreds of Bai Jue seem to have a large number of people, but they have a bit of advantage in number. In Chen's eyes, they are just a group of moving wooden piles, without a trace of suspense. They are burned by Chen's Amaterasu. It became ashes, but Chen didn't kill all of these Bai Jue, leaving a living, because he had been in retreat for a while before, and he didn't understand the current situation, so he needed some information.

At this moment, Chen was standing in the center of the battlefield, casually let go of the Bai Jue clone that had been controlled by his writing wheel, and then the body of that Bai Jue clone ignited a black flame.

Chen just used the ability to write round eyes on Bai Jue clone, and has learned some information from that Bai Jue clone. Most of them are useless information. After all, these Bai Jue clones are just cannon fodder made with soil, so they know. There weren't many things at all, but there was one thing that surprised Chen a little bit, and that was Nagato's attack on the Ninja Headquarters.

"Nagato attacked Yunyin Village as the headquarters of the Ninja League. I didn’t expect that the scene in the original book that should have happened to Konoha is now staged in Yunyin Village. It seems that it must have been instigated by the guy who brought the soil. Do you want to capture the remaining eight tails and nine tails in this extreme way?"

Although he was a little surprised, Chen realized Nagato's purpose after another thought.

"Now Yunyin Village seems to have become the headquarters of the Five Ninja Ninja League, right now, there are shadows of various villages sitting there. These guys are not so easy to deal with, but how do you say that Nagato’s Penn Six Dao? , The ability is not bad, it is really bluffing before I figure out the details. When these guys meet together, it is estimated that they will have fun."

Anyway, the ten tails that Zhengchen has now merged, there is nothing important for the time being, just go over and take a look.

After making up his mind, Chen wanted to leave, and then rushed all the way to Yunyin Village, the kingdom of thunder.

On the way, Tatsun encountered several wars between the Ninja League and the Akatsuki organization. Among them, there were many ninjas who were reincarnated from the dirty soil. By.

Although I met, Chen didn't plan to intervene, so no matter how fierce the Akatsuki organization and Renlian people were, Chen was just a spectator.

Until just now, he encountered the collision between Ninja League and Akatsuki on the way to Thunder Country. He didn't care about it at first, and was planning to continue on his way. However, he did not expect that there was a sudden outbreak of two Nine-tailed Chakra agitation. , Let Chen stop, and felt a trace of doubt in his heart. He was very curious about anyone besides Naruto and himself who could use Kyu-tailed Chakra, so he planned to come over and take a look.

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