But, will Raikage really be killed by someone so simple? The answer is of course no.

Rai Ying's body suddenly heard a slight "pop" in everyone's eyes, and Lei Ying's figure disappeared at this moment, and what fell on the spot was a double wood that had been burnt to charcoal.

Seeing this change, Tsunade and Kakashina's heart had already been lifted, and then slowly let go. Fortunately, Raikage ran away, otherwise they didn't know how to talk to the ninja below.

"You deserve to be a member of Akatsuki's organization. I didn't expect the power of a casual blow to be so powerful, and the old man almost spoke." Raikage's voice came from behind the tree beside Kakashi.

When Lei Ying walked in front of everyone again, they discovered that the cuff of Lei Ying's hand had already been scorched, and it almost affected him.

It turned out that Raikage cast a substitute technique at the moment when the detonation talisman was about to explode to replace himself and then activate his own thunder attribute. Chakra retreated to behind the tree beside Kakashi in an instant. For that matter, his cuffs were also already Burnt scorched.

"Hmph, I heard long ago that the fastest in the Ninja World is the third generation of Raikage besides the fourth generation of Naruto Wave Fengshui Gate, and the fourth generation of Raikage is the fastest. I saw it today as expected. "Xiao Nan never thought that a single detonation talisman could kill Raikage. It was originally a tentative attack. She was very satisfied with this result. At least now, Raikage and the others don't dare to act rashly anymore.

"Paper shuriken shuriken." Xiao Nanxiu waved her hand, and pieces of origami were floating beside her, each piece of origami was exactly the same as the one she had thrown out before.

There are no more than hundreds of origami papers, if you look at it roughly, Raikage would no longer dare to think about it anymore if each piece of origami was attached with that special detonation symbol. So far he has completely put away his contempt for Xiao Nan, "The people organized by Xiao really can't be underestimated."

At the same time, Xiao Nan put down his raised hand, and all the origami suspended by Xiao Nan's side shot out in an instant, attacking Rai Ying and others.

"No, flash!" Fortunately, Lei Ying and the others didn't react too slowly, and they all dodged when the paper shuriken approached them. He avoided Xiao Nan's offensive at the very moment of his death.

The three of them looked at the scorched black ground that was destroyed by the detonation talisman behind them, and they couldn't help feeling a bit of luck. A second ago, they could still vaguely see the green vegetation where they were standing. As a result, the entire 30-meter radius is already there. Was razed to the ground.

At that time, if they didn't evade in time, they might end up turning into coke like that piece of land.

However, when they began to avoid Xiaonan's attack, they had already missed the best time to seal the three-headed dog in hell.

At this moment, the three-headed **** dog nourished by Penn Chakra has recovered. Standing up from the huge hole that Tsunade had hit, shaking his head, the three of them screamed loudly.

"It seems that the battle has failed." Lei Ying couldn't help but sigh when he saw that the three-headed dog of **** had recovered.

"Yes, Master Raikage." Kakashi didn't expect that their such a tacit cooperation would still be cracked by someone. And all of this was caused by that Jiraiya's disciple.

"Jiraiya, Jiraiya. What kind of apprentice did you teach?" Tsunade couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Even if the guy died, Jiraiya wouldn’t rest there. After coming down, the remaining disciples were not fuel-efficient lamps.

Chapter 382: Failed Negotiations

Especially the two of Penn and Nagato. Needless to say, Penn's strength has been learned not long ago. Nagato is the descendant of the Maelstrom clan and possesses the eyes of the gods of the six immortals.

But what Tsunade didn't know was that Payne and Nagato had become the same person a long time ago. Yahiko was killed after the negotiation with Hanzo failed. Since then, Nagato has used Yahiko's body as a clone of Heaven. It can be said that Yahiko is Penn and Penn is Yahiko.

"In the face of absolute strength, any tricks are useless, and there are any tricks you can use." Payne sneered at the three people of Lei Ying, a cold voice came from her mouth, although there was no trace of it. Silk's feelings, but anyone can feel the slightest disdain in her words after hearing it.

"Damn, there is no other way. Anyway, we are also a shadow, and even a few juniors can't take it down." Raikage's tone was a little frustrated. In his opinion, losing to Uchiha Tatsuo is already his life. A big shame in it.

In the end, I didn't expect that Sasuke Uchiha would be able to fight with him afterwards, and even a guy who claimed to be Uchiha Madara appeared during the Gokage meeting. His strength has been denied again and again, his confidence has been hit again and again, and now there is no way to take these two little-known guys, anyway, he is also the shadow of a village, so again and again When he was defeated, it was not only his face, but also the face of the whole village.

"Is Xiao Nan? I can call you that." Tsunade glanced at Xiao Nan and said, "Since you are Jiraiya's disciples, you can be regarded as my juniors. I want to ask you. one question."

"Say." Xiao Nan turned his head and looked at Payne. After seeing that she hadn't said anything, she frowned and said to Tsunade: "If you have something to say, don't think of any new tricks."

"Then, I said. Since you are the disciples of Jiraiya, you are the people whom Jiraiya agrees with. Since you are the people he agrees with, they must be kind-hearted people who can pass on his forbearance. But why now But you have completely deviated from Jiraiya, your master's forbearance, and you are willing to fall into the Akatsuki organization and become everyone's enemy."

Tsunade’s voice became louder and louder, and the feeling of resentment in her heart became stronger and stronger: “Your master’s forbearance is world peace. For this reason, he did not hesitate to give up his position in the village of Konoha and travel around in order to find that. The son of prophecy calmed down this troubled world. But you, you inherited Jiraiya’s ninjutsu but did not inherit his ninjutsu. Not only did you fail to contribute to the peace of the world, but you were even destroying the peaceful state that you managed to maintain. , Don’t you guys feel ashamed!"

Originally Tsunade was very upset by Penn’s theories between big countries and small countries. Now they have this indifferent attitude. How can Tsunade people with hot temperament accept it? NS? If it weren't for the disciples Jilai had taught before her eyes, she would have rushed to do it.

"Teacher Jilaiya..." Xiao Nan's head was slightly lowered, and no one knew what she was thinking.

"Nindo? Peace? Ashamed? Huh, clam..." After listening to Tsunade's words, Payne couldn't help but laugh up to the sky. Payne, who hasn't laughed for a long time after Yahiko's death, is now caught by Tsunade's words. Said with a long smile.

This is not a happy smile, this is a very angry smile, Payne, this is the expression of being so angry that Tsunade's words exploded. "Just like you? If you find that you can't fight, you want to play the emotional card, and you can use it as a reason to take less."

Animal Dao Payne looked at Tsunade disdainfully: "Don't say it's you, even if it is Jiraji standing in front of me to stop us, we will destroy him. Anyone who resists before God is a sin. Unforgivable, anyone who tries to change God's will is unforgivable."

"Furthermore, did we break the peace first? You guy will never know how much hope we have in our hearts that this world is peaceful. But what about the result?" The animal Dao Payne looked at Tsunade coldly and waited. People: "It's you, this group of you. Not only Konoha, but other countries, in order to prevent their own country from falling into the flames of war, they chose to put the place of war in other countries."

"Have you ever thought about the feelings of those countries? I should say that the people who really don't understand peace are actually you!" As soon as the beast's voice fell, she waved her right hand, the one in the sky that had been hovering in the sky. Dive into Tsunade and attacked the three people.

The three of them easily avoided Yatawu's attack. It was obvious that this time it was only Penn's pure venting attack, and they could easily avoid it. Fortunately, only Animal Dao is here. If the attack just now came from Heavenly Dao Payne, it is very likely that the situation will change rapidly.

"What do you mean." Tsunade glared at Payne after avoiding Yatatori's attack: "I only know your small country and your small country all day long. Is there no ambition between your small countries? If you give it to them Enough strength, do you think they will not attack other countries? You have no idea what kind of efforts and sacrifices have been made to balance the power of each country among the five major countries."

"You don't understand these at all, because you only know your own country, and the peace you seek is only the peace of your own country. If you go outside of your borders, you don’t care about it. Such a peace can be regarded as true peace. ?"

"Yeah, it is precisely because of this that we choose to make the world feel painful." Payne took it for granted, as if what he said was a trivial thing. "Only when the whole world feels pain will there be real peace. Isn't this a way of pursuing peace? Isn't this the forbearance of Teacher Ji Laiya?"

"You!" Tsunade was speechless.

If it was Oshemaru standing here at the moment, the situation might be much different, but it is a pity that Tsunade, a ninja who is not good at talking, is standing here and talking to Payne, and there is no way to convince them.

"How... After listening to our sad wish, do you think that this is the best way to truly resolve the war?" Payne looked at Tsunade trio with a plain expression, and she stretched out her hands: "Come on, join in. Let us, when our purpose is achieved, I will fulfill your wish as a god."

"Don't think about it!"

Chapter 383: Danger!

"How about, come join us and tell us the whereabouts of Yao and Nine tails. Correspondingly, we will also give you some help, how about it."

"Don't think about it! You bastards!" Tsunade stared at Penn fiercely. She wanted to persuade Penn to let go of the hatred in her heart, but she didn't expect to be induced by Penn in the opposite direction, which made Tsunade look very much. There is no face, and if there are not many people here, Tsunade might have rushed directly.

"It seems that the lessons I have given before are not enough!" Payne couldn't help muttering to himself, the Shenluo Tianzheng set in Yunying Village before was not enough, and the pain given to them has not reached the upper limit that they can bear. "In that case, wouldn't they feel pain if they were missing a few shadow rank powerhouses?" Payne showed a cruel smile on his face.

"Calculate the time, now the power of the heavens should be restored." Penn's hands Kieyin pressed towards the ground forcefully: "Psychicism!"

Heavenly Dao, who was confronting Tuying, suddenly disappeared under the eyes of everyone. Tuying gazed at the place where Tiandao Payne disappeared: "Did he retreat suddenly?" Then he subconsciously thought of the psychic beasts that had disappeared suddenly, and said in his heart: "No! Raikage and the others are in danger!" "

At the same time, the Rai Ying trio, who were confronting the animal Dao Payne and Xiao Nan, watched her psychic the Heavenly Dao Payne.

"What!" Lei Ying opened his eyes wide, so he could still perform such an operation? I'm Cao, don't take such a play.

It's not that Raikage and the others are afraid of Heavenly Dao Payne, but the current situation is inherently unfavorable for them. Coupled with Heavenly Dao Payne's strange undefeatable ability, their hope of winning is less than 50%.

"Now... it's three to three." After being psyched out of the Tiandao clone, he twisted his neck, and looked at the three people of Lei Ying and stretched out their hands with plain expressions.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

A powerful gravitational force came from Tendo Penn, and the three of Tsunade were constantly pulled by this gravitational force and moved towards the direction where Tendo Penn was. Even if they covered their legs with chakras, there was no way. Stop them from being sucked away.

But what is strange is that this gravitational force is only aimed at Raikage and the three of them, the psychic beast standing in front of Tiandao Payne, and even the ground in front of him shows no signs of being pulled at all.

Tiandao Payne coldly looked at the three people who were gradually being pulled over by gravity. With the other hand swiping down, a slender and dark chakra stick protruded from his sleeve, straightened, and aimed at it. It is Kakashi who has a kaleidoscope of writing round eyes. In Tiandao Payne's view, Kakashi may be the only person facing him the most threat.

Others shouldn't worry about it. Even if they are strong in the shadow level, the shadow of a village, Penn has a way to kill them unscathed. But Kakashi couldn't. The pupil technique of Kaleidoscope Writing Round Eye was so weird that he couldn't defend it.

"Not good! Kakashi, his target is you!" Tsunade saw that Kakashi was the main target of Tiandao Payne, and couldn't help but feel anxious.

In fact, it goes without saying that Kakashi knew in his heart that Heavenly Dao Payne’s attack target was himself, but he has nothing to do. He has opened a kaleidoscope to write round eyes before, which puts a great burden on his eyes. Now if it is again Using the power of the kaleidoscope to write round eyes is likely to cause his eyes to be unable to bear such a heavy burden, and even cause death.

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