"Huh...it's useless to say more, just do it!" Nagato looked at Tu Ying and said coldly, as if he was a little frustrated because he was seen through.

"It's just what I want!" Dokage stretched out his hands and stretched out his hand in front of Nagato in a dazzling knot of seal technique.

"The earth escapes the earth and flows through the big river."

The land where the two of them were in instantly became muddy. This move was originally a move that killed the enemy by one thousand at a cost of 800, or it was originally a move used to block the enemy from pursuing, but the eyes of the earth shadow are very sharp, and you can see through it at a glance. To overcome the disadvantages of Nagato's legs, he decisively used the earth flow to restrict Nagato's actions.

I have to say that the same trick is completely different in the hands of different people. If it is a normal Shinobu to use this trick, it is likely to be hidden by Nagato, but Tukage is playing with dirt. People who have been playing for a lifetime came to show it, but the results were completely different.

Nagato gave a light spit, apparently knowing that his secret had been discovered. He pressed his hands on the ground, and jumped directly out of the area where the earth flow was located.

"Good opportunity." Tuying's eyes lit up, and Nagato jumped up and his whole body vacated. There was no focus at all, and it was completely a living target.

"Dust escape Yuanjie stripping technique!"

A small cube was condensed in the hands of Earth Shadow, and attacked the Nagato that was still vacant.

"Small bugs!" Nagato glanced at Tu Ying with disdain, thinking too much about defeating him with such a move. Even if he has limited mobility now, ordinary people can't bully him casually.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

A strong repulsive force spread from Nagato's body to the surroundings, and Dokage's ninjutsu was directly bounced by Nagato, and flew toward him in the opposite direction.

Dokage reacted in time to dodge his big move and stared at Nagato: "What? Can you use this move in real life?"

The reincarnation eyes were originally Nagato's eyes, and the clone he made was just to replace his ability to use the reincarnation eyes, and of course his body could also use the reincarnation eyes ability. It's just that he generally uses the power of Heaven's Dao, and he doesn't use the power of other Dao often.

Coming and not going to be indecent, Nagato was still vacant, and a huge amount of Chakra circulated in his body, which was obviously a precursor to the launch of the technique.

"Wind Escape Gale Palm!"

The strong wind attribute Chakra took the earth shadow directly with the blade-like edge, but it seemed that it was not hit because of the distance problem. The earth shadow was lowered, and the gale palm of Nagato flew directly over his head. The wind attribute chakra blows so that he doesn't have much hair hunting.

"Ah, it's too short. I didn't expect to be able to avoid it like this." Nagato didn't feel frustrated when he saw a shot missed. It was just a tentative attack before, and it was only considered a warm-up match after familiarizing with Tukage's attack methods. end.

"I'm really sorry for being short." Tuying said casually. He didn't expect that as a shadow of a village, he would one day be called a dwarf. You must know that the last one said this in front of him. Those who say that the graves are already three feet tall.

It can be said that being short is actually a painful foot of Tuying, especially after getting older, his body shrinks further, and has been short to a certain level, even his granddaughter dare not use his height to make jokes with him.

A strong resentment rose from Tu Ying, yes, it was precisely because of Nagato's nonsense that directly hit Tu Ying's sore feet. At this time, even if Tu Ying was not blackened, it was not far away.

At the same time, Heavenly Dao Payne and Beast Dao Payne, who were on another battlefield, were taken aback, and couldn't help but say at the same time: "My true body has been found."

"What?" Xiaonan was startled. She knew that Nagto's body had been badly injured after fighting against the Sansho Fish. It was very inconvenient to move. If it weren't for this, she wouldn't have been working with Nagato to protect her. His real body.

"Well, I was found by the Tuying among them, that is, the guy who had cooperated with us at the beginning." Tiandao Payne said flatly. For a person like him, even if his eyebrows are on fire, he cannot become impatient, because he is born with such a character, or Nagato has become like this after Yahiko's death, and he has never experienced emotional ups and downs. .

"Where, I used to support!"

Payne: "..."

Xiao Nan looked at Payne with a complicated mood, because he knew that Nagato definitely didn't want to appear in front of him, but Xiao Nan had a reason for her to go.

Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Six: It's Over

Nagato gave a light spit, apparently knowing that his secret had been discovered. He pressed his hands on the ground, and jumped directly out of the area where the earth flow was located.

"Good opportunity." Tuying's eyes lit up, and Nagato jumped up and his whole body vacated. There was no focus at all, and it was completely a living target.

"Dust escape Yuanjie stripping technique!"

A small cube was condensed in the hands of Earth Shadow and attacked the Nagato that was still vacant.

"Small bugs!" Nagato glanced at Tu Ying with disdain, thinking too much about defeating him with such a move. Even if he has limited mobility now, ordinary people can't bully him casually.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

A strong repulsive force spread from Nagato's body to the surroundings, and Dokage's ninjutsu was directly bounced by Nagato, and flew toward him in the opposite direction.

Dokage reacted in time to dodge his big move and stared at Nagato: "What? Can you use this move in real life?"

The reincarnation eyes were originally Nagato's eyes, and the clone he made was just to replace his ability to use the reincarnation eyes, and of course his body could also use the reincarnation eyes ability. It's just that he generally uses the power of Heaven's Dao, and he doesn't use the power of other Dao often.

Coming and not going to be indecent, Nagato was still vacant, and a huge amount of Chakra circulated in his body, which was obviously a precursor to the launch of the technique.

"Wind Escape Gale Palm!"

The strong wind attribute Chakra took the earth shadow directly with the blade-like edge, but it seemed that it was not hit because of the distance problem. The earth shadow was lowered, and the gale palm of Nagato flew directly over his head. The wind attribute chakra blows so that he doesn't have much hair hunting.

"Ah, it's too short. I didn't expect to be able to avoid it like this." Nagato didn't feel frustrated when he saw a shot missed. It was just a tentative attack before, and it was only considered a warm-up match after familiarizing with Tukage's attack methods. end.

"I'm really sorry for being short." Tuying said casually. He didn't expect that as a shadow of a village, he would one day be called a dwarf. You must know that the last one said this in front of him. Those who say that the graves are already three feet tall.

It can be said that being short is actually a painful foot of Tuying, especially after getting older, his body shrinks further, and has been short to a certain level, even his granddaughter dare not use his height to make jokes with him.

A strong resentment rose from Tu Ying, yes, it was precisely because of Nagato's nonsense that directly hit Tu Ying's sore feet. At this time, even if Tu Ying was not blackened, it was not far away.

At the same time, Heavenly Dao Payne and Beast Dao Payne, who were on another battlefield, were taken aback, and couldn't help but say at the same time: "My true body has been found."

"What?" Xiaonan was startled. She knew that Nagto's body had been badly injured after fighting against the Sansho Fish. It was very inconvenient to move. If it weren't for this, she wouldn't have been working with Nagato to protect her. His real body.

"Well, I was found by the Tuying among them, that is, the guy who had cooperated with us at the beginning." Tiandao Payne said flatly. For a person like him, even if his eyebrows are on fire, he cannot become impatient, because he is born with such a character, or Nagato has become like this after Yahiko's death, and he has never experienced emotional ups and downs. .

"Where, I will support you in the past!"

Payne: "..."

Xiao Nan looked at Payne with a complicated mood, because he knew that Nagato definitely didn't want to appear in front of him, but Xiao Nan had a reason for her to go.

The only three people who studied ninjutsu with Jiraiya were Nagato and Xiaonan herself. Xiaonan, who had already regarded Yahiko and Nagato as family members, didn't want to try to lose the feeling of a loved one again.

"In the west..." After a long silence, Tiandao Payne still spoke, just like Xiao Nan couldn't live without him, he also couldn't do without Xiao Nan. It can be said that in addition to beliefs, Xiao Nan has been supporting him all these years. He also knew that Xiao Nan could not abandon him. It was like he had said before that she would not be allowed to follow, but she was still alone. It's the same as arriving at Yunyin Village.

"Okay!" Xiao Nan's body gradually began to crack, turning into sheets of origami scattered all over the world. Obviously, in order to be able to get to Nagato as soon as possible, Xiao Nan has already begun to perform secret techniques.

"Want to go?" After knowing that Tuying had found the real body of Payne through the slug, Raikage saw that Xiaonan wanted to escape. He immediately threw out a shuriken, and at the same time his body began to move. The Thunder attribute Chakra covered his whole body. .

"Hell stabs all four books!"

The chakra compressed to a certain level of thunder attribute circulates in Raikage’s hands. Unlike Kakashi’s chidori, it will make a mocking roar. The high-density compressed thunder attribute chakra is in Raikage’s hands. Just like an obedient child, there is no sound. It only looks like a layer of light is attached to his hand. It is completely invisible that this is actually the fame stunt of the third generation of Raiking.

And the limit that the three generations of Raikage can use at the beginning is consistent, and its power directly earned him the title of the strongest spear.

However, the fourth generation of Raikage was not able to use a single finger because of the lack of one arm. It was already his limit to be able to use four fingers.

"Your opponent is me!" The animal Dao Payne snorted coldly. A psychic beast stood in front of Raikage instantly. Raiking's four penetrating fingers penetrated the entire body of the psychic beast directly, and Raikage passed through the abdomen. It directly penetrated the entire body of the psychic beast, without losing its momentum, and still rushed towards Xiao Nan.

However, as far as Beast Dao is concerned, there is not a single psychic beast in the world that cannot stop an attack. If there is, there will be two.

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