He was very curious about what his own language spirit was, because he didn't have much to say since he was a child. If possible, he intends to **** the six ninjas and see for himself, but it seems that the golden rope is not useful to the operator himself, and it is useless for Uchiha Tatsumi to **** it, so he had no choice but to Use the hands of the golden horn and silver horn to try the power of the legendary six ninjas.

After Uchiha Tatsumi saw the arm that was originally on the silver horn, the silver horn had already given up the plan to use the six ninjas. After all, the golden rope, the seven-star sword and the purple gourd are a set of ninjas, only a combination. Only when you get up can it be effective. The lack of the Seven Star Sword now means that the ninja in their hands has become useless.

In the end, he didn't expect that Uchiha Tatsuki waved the Seven Star Sword under the gaze of the two golden horns and silver horns to chop off his own spirit. Silver Horn, who had missed many opportunities this time, obviously caught the time to win. Taking advantage of the moment Uchiha Tatsuhashi just cut off the Yanling, he raised the Zijin gourd to absorb his Yanling.

The ninja allied forces who were observing all of this from a distance looked at the dead Uchiha Tatsumi with their mouths stunned, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Shikamaru saw Uchiha Tatsumi's actions, and seemed to know what the other person was thinking, and reluctantly said, "This guy... regards this as a game? That is what the Six Dao Immortals left behind. It's really arrogant!"

At this moment, he suddenly sensed a wave of Chakra fluctuations in the open space beside him and others, and then a huge "bucket" appeared in front of them.

The well-informed Darui knew what it was when he first saw it. "This... isn't this amber clean bottle?"

"Huh? You told me that this big barrel-like thing is the ninja amber bottle that Liudao used back then?"

"Yeah..." Darui nodded, just trying to explain, but he heard the voice of Yamanakai in his ears. "Mr. Darui, Mr. Darui, can you hear it? The headquarters has already sent the amber bottle, so remember to receive it. How to make the amber bottle to play a greater role must be re-arranged tactics. ."

Darui looked at Shikamaru and nodded, "Unfortunately, this thing is really an amber bottle. Let's make tactics first."

And after the Purple Gourd had absorbed Uchiha Tatsu's words, a line of clear small characters appeared on the Seven Star Sword in Uchiha Tatsu's hand.

"Let me see what my Yan Ling is." Uchiha Tatsu turned the Seven Stars Sword upside down, and found his Yan Ling on the other side: "..."

He just glanced at it and almost crushed the Seven Star Sword.


Unexpectedly, his own words were not Sasuke, but these two words turned out to be, Chen's face instantly turned black when he saw this.

Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety: Resolution


Unexpectedly, his own words were not Sasuke, but these two words turned out to be, Chen's face instantly turned black when he saw this.

Shaking his head to shake off the thoughts in his heart that he didn't know where he came from, he probably knew what was going on with his own language spirit. When he was in Konoha, he had been stupid for a year, so he probably said this word. The number is more than that of Sasuke, but it’s no big deal. Now that the Seven Star Sword is in his own hands, he knows this secret by himself. Who hasn’t had any dark history?

Yin Jiao smiled after receiving Uchiha Tatsu’s words into the purple gold gourd, and slammed his mouth towards the golden horn. The golden horn also smiled knowingly. They did not expect that the victory of the battle would come so smoothly. They thought that Encountering a strong enemy like Uchiha Tatsumi would definitely experience a hard fight, but in the end he didn't expect that victory would be so easy.

"Haha, no matter how strong you Uchiha Tatsuo is, isn't it going to be defeated by Laozi?" The two Jinjiao and Yinjiao even withdrew from the nine-tailed state. Tanuki's face seemed to laugh at Uchiha Tatsumi.

"Say, you are talking, aren't you arrogant before."

Uchiha Tatsumi looked at the two golden horns and silver horns blankly. He didn't know where these two guys came from. The courage to talk to him like this, didn't he just want to try the power of this broken thing? He turned on the Six Paths mode, even if Uchiha Tatsu summoned Susao Noji, he would be able to break the seal of the Zijin Gourd.

Seeing Uchiha Tatsuno still not speaking, the faces of the two who were already holding the winning ticket were full of cruel expressions. "Yinjiao, your arm is okay."

"It's okay." Yin Jiao shook his head: "It's okay to connect the arm later. This injury is not a problem for this body at all. If you count the time, Zijin Gourd should be effective."

Sure enough, after Uchiha Tatsumi remained silent for a long time, Zijin Gourd began to play its role. A powerful attraction came from the gourd, and Yinjiao pointed the gourd at Uchiha Tatsumi: "Do you think the silence is effective? You must know that the greatest enemy of man is silence, and silence is the best word."

"You guys are really noisy." Uchiha Tatsun frowned impatiently. He had already felt the effect of Zijin Gourd, but he was very disappointed because he felt that the attraction was not even as strong as when Penn used the Vientiane Heavenly Guide.

"It seems that this thing is not as strong as imagined." Uchiha Tatsun waved his hand, and his eyes instantly turned into a kaleidoscope writing round eye state. After using his pupil power to counteract the effect of the purple gold gourd, he touched his chin. After thinking about it: "Forget it, although it is not very useful, it can be used as a collector's item anyway, and maybe it can be used for fun in the future."

This sentence also indirectly determines the ownership of the ninja in the hands of the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn. Uchiha Tatsumi smiled mysteriously, and when they saw the Golden Horn and Silver Horn, they showed horror and said, "Since this thing is already there. It's my collection, so should you two return my things to me?"

"Wh...what?" Dou Da's sweat drops fell from their foreheads. It can be said that apart from the tail beastization, this combined ninja is their biggest killer. And now his assassin is just a fair collection in front of the other party?

"It seems that you two are a bit reluctant to hand it over." Uchiha Tatsumi frowned slightly: "What I hate the most is that others hold my things and refuse to return it. Since you two refuse to return, I have to come by myself. got it…"

As soon as the voice fell, Uchiha Tatsuno's figure disappeared in place, and appeared in front of Ginko in the next instant. One hand grabbed the Zijin gourd a little harder before the two of them could react, and pulled the gourd's hands off.

"My hand! Damn..." People who reincarnated from the dirty soil don't feel pain. Even so, if the same person destroys their hands, they will feel angry, especially when this guy is already unaware of it. Appeared in front of myself.

Silver Horn's face began to twist gradually because of the loss of both hands, and the Chakra inside his body kept fluctuating, and the civet beard on his face began to grow gradually, and he was about to return to the tail beast state.

"Just be quiet..." Uchiha Tatsu's eternal kaleidoscope eyes glared at the silver horn, and the phantom Yuedu activated. Directly imprison the silver horn into the world of Yuedu.

The time outside only passed one second, but Silver Horn had already spent 72 hours in Uchiha Tatsu's Moondu World. Once Moondu was over, he fell softly.

"Go!" Uchiha Tatsuno kicked out, kicking the silver horn that had fallen to the ground aside.

"Silver Horn!" Golden Horn gave Silver Horn anxiously, and turned his head to look at Uchiha Tatsumi who was the culprit in anger. If this is the case, he doesn’t need to know that Uchiha Tatsumi is playing with them. Be the ninja, go home early and sell sweet potatoes. The urban routine is deep, so it is better to go back to the countryside.

"You guy...unforgivable!" Jin Jiao yelled at Uchiha Tatsu, and instantly entered the nine-tailed state. Raised his huge fist and slammed it on Uchiha Tatsumi's head.

"It's boring." The eternal kaleidoscope of Uchiha Tatsu's eyes began to rotate, and the pupil technique unique to the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye began to take effect. Under the suppression of the eternal kaleidoscope, the arm raised high by the golden horn could not fall.

We must know that the last thing that people who have opened the eternal kaleidoscope are afraid of is the tail beast, and the golden horn actually dares to fight with Uchiha Tatsumi in the open tail beast state, which is simply a lantern in the toilet-looking for death.

The coercion of the eternal kaleidoscope writing round eyes is far more than that. The golden horn's nine-tailed chakra was suppressed by Uchiha Tatsumi back to his own body a little bit, and the poor golden horn had just entered the tail beast state before he started acting He was forced back to his original form by Uchiha Tatsumi.

"Wooden cutting technique."

Numerous wooden rattans bound the golden horns, Uchiha Tatsu took the banana fan and the golden rope that were still in the hands of the golden horns and said without embarrassment: "It's better to return this thing to its original owner."

Jin Jiao almost didn't vomit him to death with blood. What does it mean to return to the original owner? This was originally theirs, okay, this guy is simply too shameless.

"Since the things are in hand, then you are of no use, you can go and die again." Uchiha Tatsun put the ninja from the hands of the two back into the system space and wrote that the wheel eyes turned crazily.


The dark ominous flame ignited Jin Jiao's body, no matter how much he shouted, it did not go out until his whole body was burned.

So far, two golden horns and silver horns, die!

PS: There is something to be done today. The two chapters were rushed out in a hurry, a bit sloppy, please forgive me!

Chapter 391: Restraint of Bringing Soil

The dark ominous flame burned on the golden horn, no matter how he called for Rao Uchiha Tatsu, he did not extinguish the fire of Amaterasu. Although it is said that people who are reincarnated from the dirty soil will not feel pain, the power of Amaterasu is more than just Just burn the flesh.

As the flame of the gods, it can burn people's souls even if they die. But it is a pity that even Uchiha Itachi is only a projection of the Amaterasu Flame, and it can only be never extinguished.

And since Uchiha Tatsu has successfully turned on the six modes after merging with Togo, he can summon the real Amaterasu Flame instead of the previous projection. Even if the Six Paths mode is not turned on now, the characteristics of the Amaterasu Flame to destroy everything still exist. .

The ruthless black flame burned Golden Horn's body and his soul. Uchiha Tatsun turned his head and didn't need to look at it again, because he knew that unless the Golden Horn had the power of the six Dao levels to escape from Amaterasu, he obviously didn't.

"There's another guy." Uchiha Tatsun turned his head and looked at the silver horn, which had only the wreckage, and couldn't help but sigh. Want to take action to destroy this corpse reincarnated from dirty soil. Because he knew that although the silver horn had been considered abolished after being hit by his Yuedu, he would have no life if he didn't make up the knife, but this guy...If it didn't happen to pass by himself, Ino might have...

I don't know why, every time he mentions Ino, there is always a feeling of irritability in his heart. He doesn't want to be mentioned about Ino's existence, but every time he can't ignore her existence.

Especially when he attacked Konoha, he understood that Ino had already entered his heart.

"Since the sky doesn't leave you anymore, then you should dissipate in the air with peace of mind." Uchiha Tatsumi was expressionless, raised his hands, the eternal kaleidoscope in his eyes turned crazily, and he said that he was about to move the body of the silver horn. To be destroyed.

"Wait!" An exclamation came from the void.

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