"No, wait!" Kakashi said calmly.

"Hey~~ Two special ninjas, six middle ninjas? Although a bit tricky. However, they are just used to be my trial stones." Chen, who has the Eye of Data, can see the strength of these ninjas. .

"Kill!" Shayin's six middle ninjas held Kuwu in their hands, and at the same time rushed towards Chen. The two Shangren also locked Chen to prevent Chen from escaping.

"Hey! Siege me? It's just what I want!" Chen sneered and stretched out his hands after quickly forming a seal. Just when the kunai in the hands of those few Sand Shinobu was about to stab Chen...

"Thunder Dun-Thousand Birds Flow!"

Chen’s body was instantly filled with thunder and lightning, which paralyzed all the ninjas who rushed towards him, and Chen’s hands instantly turned into six-armed giant snakes, opened his mouth in the blood basin, and showed his teeth facing each other. The six Nakanobu who had been paralyzed by Chidoryu bitten on the necks.

"Kakashi, what's the matter? Is this Chidori? How did it become this shape?" Kai asked Kakashi in surprise when he saw Chen Shi's Chidori flow.

Kakashi did not answer immediately, but looked at Chen below, thoughtfully.

"Hey, that's it! Distribute chakras all over the body, and use the chidori method to fill the whole body with electric current, which means that you don't use the chidori with your hands, but use it with your whole body, abandoning the destructive power of the chidori. But in exchange for a larger attack range, this can not only be used as an attack method, but also as a special absolute defense!... Can you actually master the Chidori so thoroughly? Such a strong talent, I am afraid that even Sasuke is even better than Sasuke. Go! And, the ninjutsu that killed the six Ninjutsu in the end should be Oshemaru's shark hand, not only mastered my own Chidori, but also used the secret art of Oshemaru, this person Where is it sacred?"

Kakashi is worthy of being the creator of Chidori. Just watching Chidori flow once can fully comprehend the principles and functions of Chidori flow.

"Ding! The host kills 6 Zhongren and earns 12,000 points!"

In just a few seconds, those who planned to besiege Chen Zhongren were killed by Chen instead. It happened so suddenly that the two Shangren hadn't reflected yet, and before they had time to stop them, they stared blankly at their subordinates and were killed by Chen.

They are just ordinary Shangnin who have just been promoted, and their strength is only the level of special Shangnin, because they have to launch the Konoha collapse plan, they will be promoted to Shangnin by an exception.

"Hey! The two of you will be next." Chen looked at the two stunned Shangs with a cruel grin, but was blocked by Anbu's mask.

"But... Damn it! How dare you..." the two Shangren pointed at Chen and said in disbelief.

"Huh! If you want to kill, you must have the consciousness of being killed. Would you let me stand without resisting, and then let you kill? Idiot!" Chen laughed at the two Zhongren.

"Damn! I killed you!" A special Shangren saw Chen even taunting them, and angrily pulled out Kuwuxiangchen and rushed over.

"Huh! Good come!" Chen said with a sneer looking at the special Shangren who rushed up. Then he drew the short knife from his back, rushed towards the name of Shangren, and instantly came to the opponent, waved the short knife in his hand and slashed at that special name.

"Nani? So fast!" The one who was particularly shocked, raised the miserable knives in his hand to block Chen's short knife. "hateful!"

"Hey!" Chen sneered and exerted force with the hand holding the short knife, and pressed towards that special Shangren. That special Shangren could only hold Chen's short knife hard, and clenched his teeth to hold on.

"Asshole!" Seeing this, another Shagakura yelled, and then quickly Kieyin with both hands wanted to launch ninjutsu on Tatsun.

"Hey!" Chen noticed the movements of another Shayin, and immediately changed the pressure with a short knife to shave, and cut off the neck of the Shayin who was holding Kunai. The Shayin hurriedly lowered his body and escaped Chen. Short knife. Chen then threw a kick and kicked at the famous Sha, who could only hurriedly use one arm to block Chen’s attack, but he couldn’t bear the strength and was caught by Chen. Kicked and flew out.

"Feng Dun. Vacuum jade." At this time, another Sha Yin also completed the seal, and sprayed several wind waves in the direction where Chen was. Chen immediately jumped into the air, evading the attack of ninjutsu, and treated the short knife in his hand as a kunai, and threw it at the Shangsha Shinobu who had been kicked out by him just now, and quickly Jieyin with both hands. The sand Ninja with Kumo in his hand saw Tatsun jumping in the air, and originally planned to shoot Kumo at Chen, but Chen was the first step to throw a short knife at him, and Shinobu had to dodge and avoid it. Finished printing. Chidori's call sounded again. After landing on the ground, he immediately sprinted towards the sand that was kicked by him.

"Be careful! This is the thunder-dance ninjutsu he used to kill the giant snake just now. It is very lethal! Keep away from it and don't let him get close!" The ninjutsu-playing Ninjutsu Ninjutsu faced the Kunaisha. Shinobu reminded him that he was fast Jie Yin again.

"Huh! Is this another trick? Although this trick is very strong, as long as the distance is pulled away, then this trick won't work anymore!" The person who held Kuwu's Sand Ninja saw that he and Chen still had it. A small distance, so he didn't jump away immediately, but stood there and said to Chen pretendingly.


"Lei Dun. Thousand Birds Sharp Spear!"

PS: One thousand words are back! Ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for reward! …

Chapter 31: Konoha's Counterattack

The sand ninja was still pretending to be on the spot. At this moment, the Chidori in Chen's hand changed and transformed into a javelin-like shape. Before the sand ninja hadn't reacted, it instantly pierced his chest. !

"Hey...Nani? Actually...I could...!" The man who was pierced by the Chidori sharp gun and looked at the wound on his chest, said in disbelief.

"Hey! Let you pretend!"

"Ding! The host kills a special upper ninja, reward points: 3000, the host's total points: 13343." After killing a special upper ninja, the system sounded a prompt.

"Yamu... Damn it, go to hell!" The sand ninja of Jieyin saw that his companion was killed by Chen once again, and the seal in his hand was just finished, and then roared at Chen and started ninjutsu.

"The wind escapes the vacuum!"

That Sha Yin sent out dozens of rotating wind-cut attacks in succession, hitting Chen's body in a blink of an eye, knocking Chen out so far, Chen's body was also cut to **** flesh by the wind blade!

"Did you kill it? It's impossible to survive all the damage of "Wind Dune Vacuum Waves"." The murderer used a large-scale ninja and panted while looking at Chen who was lying on the ground without moving. Talk to yourself.

"It's really dangerous!"

This sentence suddenly came from Na Shinobu's ear, and then the back of his head seemed to be pierced by something, and his consciousness gradually blurred, "Didn't I already hit him? How could it..." At the last moment, he glanced at being ninjutsu. Down with Chen on the ground.

"Bang!" The Chen that fell on the ground suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke, and after the smoke dissipated, it was found that Chen that had just been knocked down had turned into a piece of dead wood.

"Hey, that's the case! I actually used a substitute technique..." After saying this, Na Shayin swallowed one last breath. From his doubtful eyes, he must be thinking about when Chen used it. The double technique!

"Ding! The host kills a special Shangren, reward points: 3000, and all the host's points are: 16343." After Nasha Ren breathed out, the system reminded Chen.

"Fortunately, this time the opponent only has a special level of Shinobu. If it is a real Shinobu, it won't be so easy." Chen has been paying attention to the Shinobu who released ninjutsu to attack him just now. Chen also saw that Shinobu was working. After Jieyin, he was on guard. As early as Tatsun used the Chidori sharp spear to kill the sand-ninh who was holding Kunai, Tatsun used the substitute technique. Sure enough, when Tatsuno had just completed the substitution technique, the ninjutsu of the sand ninja attacked. However, Chen had already left his attack range. The Sha Yin thought that Chen had been killed, so he relaxed his vigilance, and Chen also appeared behind him at the moment when Sha Ren was slack, and fired his finger spear. I pierced the head of the sand ninja, although it seemed that time had passed for a long time, in fact, it was only a few seconds after the sand ninja launched the ninjutsu until after Tatsuno was killed.

At this time, Kai standing on a high place was already amazed by Chen. : "Kakashi, this Chidori can do this?"

"Well, I have mastered Chidori and created a ninjutsu that mobilizes Chidori's offensive and defensive system. It can also make Chidori stab like a javelin and perform long-range strikes. The talent of this young man is among the people of my age. It's the best!" Kakashi looked at Chen below, thinking in his heart.

"Kakashi, look..." Kai suddenly shouted at Kakashi, and at the same time motioned Kakashi to look into the air. At this time, above Konoha, an eagle was flying in the sky.

"It's a signal! It's finally started, let's go." Kakashi glanced at Chen below, and then jumped away first, and Kai followed closely.

On the other side, the battle between the three generations and Oshe Maru is also coming to an end. At this time, the three generations clasped Dashemaru's shoulders tightly to prevent him from moving, but the three generations were also pierced in the chest by the grass pheasant sword. And behind the three generations, there was a huge phantom, and that phantom was exactly the **** of death that could only be seen after displaying the ghoul seal. At this time, an arm of the **** of death had passed through the body of the third generation and grabbed the Oshemaru before the third generation, trying to drag the soul of the Oshemaru out.

"My hands are still being held tightly, I can't perform the operation!" Oshemaru thought bitterly, then smiled at the three generations in front of him and said, "You should let go, too?"

Three generations clenched their teeth and insisted, struggling to say to Oshemaru: "Your ambition to harm Konoha ends here."

Dashemaru looked at the three generations and said with his hoarse voice: "My ambition will not be stopped, you will die here soon, you who are still in the wind, do you still want to save Konoha as the third generation of Hokage? Have you ever figured out the status quo! My subordinates and Shinobu attacked the village together. You Konoha's ninjas, women, and children will all be killed. Konoha's collapse plan is now successful! Hahahahaha!"

"You probably don't know, Oshemaru! Don't underestimate the ninjas in this village!" Although the three generations at this time were already very weak, they still persisted and retorted to Oshemaru. "The ninja of Konoha, in order to protect the village, will block their lives and fight. The real power in this world is not after you have learned all the ninjutsu. I have taught you before, when you are protecting important people. When the time comes, the true power of the ninja will emerge."

Da She Wan stared fiercely for three generations.

On the other side, the ninjas of Shayin and Otonin had entered Konoha's hinterland, and at this time they were searching room by room.

"There is no one inside."

"Neither do I here!"

"There is no one here!"

After searching, Sha Yin gathered together.

"What's the matter? We have clearly penetrated into Konoha's hinterland, why didn't we even see a woman and a child! What's the matter?" A Shinobu looked at the empty houses, really thinking not understand.

"Huh! He must have hid in the refuge, find them out, let's go!" Then, the group of sandyin began to run deeper into the village.

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