There are still many places where Naruto can improve. He doesn't want Naruto to be lost in this place. You must know that he and the Yao in his body are very optimistic about Naruto, thinking that Naruto may have the hope to change the world. people.

And Naruto is also considered arrogant. With his help, he has taken the first step to control Nine-tailed Chakra. However, this is not enough. If Ren Zhuli is in perfect form, he might have a fight against Chen, but now, the two of them will definitely not be Chen's opponents.

"Perhaps it can only be this way." Kirabi murmured to himself, then he turned his eyes to Naruto, and said to Naruto with an unprecedented seriousness: "There is no way now, if the guy in front of him doesn't change his mind. Fortunately, if he changes his mind, it would be a foolish dream for the two of us to retreat."

"For the present plan, only I will try again. Take advantage of this opportunity and go to the headquarters, and bring Uchiha Tatsui's intelligence to the headquarters!"

"Okay." Naruto nodded, then turned his head to leave. Suddenly he stopped walking keenly as if thinking of something and asked suspiciously: "Since you have said that neither of us can retreat, What about you, Uncle Kirabi?"

Kirabi barely pulled a smile on her stiff face and said, "If Uchiha Tatsuo changes his mind, I can still stop him a little bit for you here."

"No! Let's go together!" Obviously, Naruto rejected Kirabi's proposal, saying that he was about to drag Kirabi's arm and retreat together.

Kirabi waved away Naruto's hand that was holding him, and said in Naruto's puzzled eyes: "You idiot, bastard, idiot! The goal of the two people is too big, shall we go to death together?"

Kiraby paused, and continued: "Besides, this uncle is so easy to die? My concert has not successfully opened yet, how could I die."

"Let's go!" Kirabi stretched out his hand and pushed Naruto, pushing Naruto behind him, since he turned sideways and stood in front of Uchiha Tatsumi.

"Idiot, bastard! Now that the uncle will be your opponent, you will feel excited and tremble!"

I have already chosen to face Uchiha Tatsumi, so it is useless to speak as cautiously as before. Uchiha Tatsumi will not let you go because of your humble attitude.

In this case, Kirabi doesn’t have to hold back his temper anymore. After regaining his nature, Kirabi feels that his thoughts are clear, the air he breathes is refreshed, and even the scenery in front of him seems to be beautiful. NS.

All of this is thanks to Uchiha Tatsun, Kirabi dare not relax his vigilance against Uchiha Tatsun when he is at ease, knowing that he is already at a disadvantage.

I saw Kirabi drew out his seven knives again, hooked his fingers towards Chen, and said vaguely with his short knife in his mouth: "Don’t worry, come here bravely, my uncle will let you see what is called seven knives. The art of knives!"

"Idiot!" Chen looked at Kirabi, whose legs were swaying from side to side, and said strangely: "I originally thought it was Naruto who had a problem with his brain, but I didn't expect you to have a problem with his brain. Ha, no wonder, only The same guys who don't have a good brain will get together, so that they can appear to be at the same level as normal people."

"Chen you bastard, who do you think has a bad brain!" Naruto was furious in his heart, then turned his head angrily to look at Kirabi and said: "Uncle Kirabi, you have seen this too. I am It is absolutely impossible to leave, Chen dare to say that my brain is not good, I must teach him a lesson!"

"What did you teach him? Don't you have been taught enough by him? You idiot, bastard!" Kirabi said with a dagger in his mouth.

Chapter Four Hundred and Fortieth: Unequal Battle

If Kirabi had only vigilance and caution in his eyes, Naruto's eyes were filled with fiery fighting enthusiasm.

Perhaps even Naruto himself did not expect that the emotion that erupted when facing Uchiha Tatsumi had already surpassed the level of ordinary friends. After all, Chen was the first friend to identify with him. Since childhood, the lonely Naruto cherished this first friend. He couldn’t even tell him how much he cherished. This is why even Chen Jiangjilai was killed, and Naruto did. I want Chen to return to Konoha.

Kirabi flew one foot and kicked Naruto away, muttering: "You guys are joining in the fun, it will be enough for me to deal with him later."

"The wild heron cuts a knife!"

After finishing talking, Kirabi took the first step with one foot, and immediately his whole body flew out like a geese, and he swung out seven knives, like a butterfly wearing a flower, and slammed it at Uchiha.

"Tsk tusk tusk tusk, is this the courage you dare to provoke me?"

Uchiha Tatsuo avoided Kirabi's attack with a calm look, and even had time to taunt him. None of Kirabi's attacks in the vertical and horizontal dodge could touch Chen's clothes corner, and he couldn't even push back Chen.

Tatsun just stood in place to evade and didn't fight back. After hundreds of moves came down, Kirabi looked at Uchiha Tatsun with a slight gasp in surprise.

"This this…"

"Why, are you surprised?" Chen looked at Kirabi with a smirk and ridiculed: "Or, with your vision, you can only do this?"

Kirabi was silent. Although Uchiha Tatsuno talked to him with a smile, the pressure on him invisibly was something that even four generations of Raikage had never done before. You must know that even the fourth generation of Raikage. There is no way to perfectly avoid his seven-sword flow without moving his legs.

"It's not good!" Kirabi murmured to himself.

If you don’t use Yao’s power, Kirabi would have no chance of winning against Uchiha Tatsun, but Kirabi didn’t dare to borrow Yao’s power easily. But even the vitality of the nine tails and the ominous weapon that can be swallowed by Chakra, Kirabi didn't dare to take a chance.

"Hey! Uncle Kirabi!" Naruto beckoned at him behind Kirabi: "Use that trick, that trick!"

Kirabi frowned, looked at Naruto's hint, suddenly realized, clapped his hands and said: "Yes. I didn't expect it. Boy, you really have you."

Speaking, Kirabi gave Naruto a thumbs up, then turned around again to face Uchiha Tatsumi and said, "I'll hold him, you quickly use that trick, it's up to you."

"it is good!"

I saw that Naruto no longer paid attention to the dynamics of the two under Kiraby's intentional or unintentional cover, but concentrated on separating the two chakras with big hands, compressing the two chakras of Yin and Yang according to the ratio of 2:8.

Under Naruto’s efforts, the dense black chakras continue to converge into a spherical shape. Just by looking at the amount of chakras contained in it, you know that the power of this trick must be amazing. Naruto is trying hard to maintain the stability of the ball, but it doesn’t. The stable Chakra always wanted to escape from Naruto's control.

"Please, you must succeed!" Naruto tore his throat in a low voice, trying to keep his voice from being too loud and causing the ball to become unstable.

"Naruto...must succeed." After taking a deep look at Naruto, Kirabi turned his head, and a layer of brown and blood-red chakra's coat suddenly burned on his body. It was clear that Kirabi was now acting as a substitute for Naruto. People fight for time to choose to use the power of the eight tails to enter the tail beastization state.

"Have you finally started to be serious?" Chen's eyes gradually became sharp. He knew very well what idea Kirabi and Naruto were fighting in their hearts. That thing Chen knew very well, it was nothing but tail beast jade. That's it, relying on Kirabi to delay Naruto to release the tail beast jade.

"The idea is good." Chen Leng snorted, and stared at Kirabi with a crimson wave of his arm, "Unfortunately, I can only think about it, do you think it will be useful to me?"

Sen Leng's eyes revealed endless chills. Since they don't know what to do, don't blame Chen for being too ruthless.

"How do you know if you don't try? You idiot, bastard!" After the tail beastization, Kirabi's whole person became different.

It seems that the Chakra borrowed from the eight tails gave him confidence, and the chakra was continuously flowing from the seal to Kiraby's body. Kirabi squeezed his fist fiercely and made a "click, click" sound.

He stared at Uchiha Tatsuo with scorching eyes. Although he might not be able to defeat Tatsun with his current state, he still could cause Uchiha Tatsuta some damage in Kirabi's eyes.

Some people will swell once they have power, become blindly arrogant, and even forget how helpless they were when they were weak.

For example, the current Kirabi, from Chen's point of view, he just started to borrow the Chakra from Yao, with a slight increase in strength, and then began to become a little swollen, and he didn't have any in his heart.

"It's really a little bit of power and it starts to float." Uchiha Tatsuno stretched out his hand and shook it. The natural attributes of the world and the earth continued to flow, and they began to converge in his hand.

Uchiha Tatsun immediately stirred the flow of chakras within a radius of 100 meters. The first one was Naruto who was condensing the tail beast jade. When Tatsun stretched out his hand to hold it, Naruto finally condensed the chakra. Almost because he exploded directly.

Had it not for Naruto's eyesight and hand that quickly blocked the channel where Chakra gathered from the outside world, the unformed tail beast jade would explode directly in Naruto's hands, causing it to fall short.

Between the heaven and the earth, the natural attributes of colorful colors converge continuously in Chen Xu's hands, one after another, continuously condensing and compressing, gradually forming a colorful sword of nature.

"So, are you floating or I can't lift the knife anymore?" Chen took a step forward and shook the colorful sword in his hand, looking at Naruto and Kirabi with an unkind expression on his face.

Kirabi, who was still full of confidence, suddenly had an ugly face as if he had stepped on shit. He drooped his eyes and stared at the colorful sword in Chen's hand. There was a faint feeling in his heart that told him that he must not be stabbed by that sword. , Otherwise the consequences will be exactly the same as the previous Naruto.

"Sure enough, no matter how I overestimate you, I still underestimate your strength."

Kirabi reinserted the seven knives behind his back and gave a cold voice: "Ha!"

A strong chakra air flow passed from Kirabi.

Chapter Four Hundred and Forty One: Unequal Battle Two

"Boom" on the ground, pushed by the strong air current of Kirabi, directly dried the top layer of the ground. If you look closely, you can still see the smooth surface of the ground. Obviously, this layer of mud The qualitative land has been directly dried into ceramics by the strong air current of Kirabi.

Take a closer look at Kirabi's body once again changed. The tail that was still materialized is now absorbed, and four energized tails composed of Chakra energy are gradually extended.

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