In an instant, the still picture was instantly broken, and the huge meteorite under the sword of Shigeru Hagaki had not had time to fall, but it was shattered into dregs under the last forbidden technique of Shigeru Hagaki.

The blazing meteorites are falling continuously. After being blocked by Shigeru Hagaki, they no longer fall so fast, but become light and fluttering like petals. However, the meteorites that are braving in flames really seem to be like flames. The flowers are so common that they fall continuously.

Shigeru Hagaki breathed a sigh of relief, with a little toe, returning to the ground step by step with the debris of countless meteorites.

He retracted the white tooth blade back into the scabbard. At this moment, the sharp white tooth blade had already become riddled with holes. You have to know that meteorites are not so friendly. No matter how good Hagaki Shigeru's sword is, the power of meteorites cannot be changed. It is very good that the white tooth blade breaks up the meteorite forcibly without turning it into fragments. .

Now the Blade of White Fang must be recast, or it can only be sealed up and put on the shelf, and can no longer be used as a fighting blade.

Uchiha Tatsumi stared blankly at the man who had just completed the feat. However, Chen's heart had already set off a great storm! Is Shigeru Hagaki strong? powerful! Is it strong enough to have no boundaries? no!

But why can he break up the meteorite abruptly? Even if the pseudo-celestial shock star released with the help of the meteor meteor knife is not as overbearing and powerful as the original version, it is still not something ordinary people can stop.

Lian Chen himself, if he is not the performer, let him do the same thing as Hagishi Shigeru. If he does not turn on the full body, he will use Suo Nenghu or turn on Mu Dun to use thousands of hands on top of the Buddha. The words simply cannot reach the level of Shigeru Hagaki.

Chen is now the ten-tailed man Zhuli, where is Hagaki Shigeru? It's nothing, but it can accomplish things that are simply impossible under the blessing of the fairy model. From Chen's point of view, this is simply a fantasy, touching a realm beyond the reach of manpower.

"How did you do it." Although shocked, it was nothing more than that moment. After all, with Chen's strength, Shigeru Hagaki's ability to do this can only brighten his eyes. That's it.

"How did I do this?" Shigeru Hagaki was taken aback. He thought that Chen would take the opportunity to attack him. After all, after using the forbidden technique continuously, the Chakra in Shigeru Hagaki's body was exhausted, even if it was him. It was useless to take Bingliang pills at the moment.

After seeing Chen did not attack but questioned, Shigeru Hagi shook his head calmly and said, "I don't know I can do it."

Tatsun frowned and said again before preparing to speak: "But I believe I can do it!" Shigeru Hagaki's eyes were full of confidence, and he looked at Uchiha Tatsumi with piercing eyes, even at this moment. His body is in a weak state, but his aura still shows no signs of weakness.

"Believe?" Chen paused: "Just... just because of believing?"

However, at this moment Shigeru Hagaki ignored Uchiha Tatsun and turned around on his own, turning his back to him and said, "Yes, I just believe it!" Maybe it's because Tatsun's origin is too mysterious, after all. The three things, Shulanyan, Flying Thunder God, and Mu Dun, were pulled out, all of which were able to rely on the top of the Ninja World, and more importantly, they all belonged to Konoha.

It is for this reason that Shigeru Hagaki opened his mouth to explain to him. After all, Chen, who possessed three things at the same time, had nothing to do with Konoha, he didn't believe that Shigeru Hagaki killed him.

Therefore, Shigeru Hagaki felt that he had to rectify Chen's three views.

"I believed that I could do it myself, so I did it. This is not just a need to have 100% trust in my own strength, but also a very strong heart, a heart of being a strong person! "

"The heart of the strong?"

"Confident enough to overcome all difficulties, not afraid of anything, mentality of anything! Face the challenge at any time, treat yourself as a strong, and then keep learning and fighting to become stronger!"

"The death comes without being surprised...without any reason and without being angry?" Uchiha Tatsun suddenly muttered to himself.


"It's nothing." Chen waved his hand, and said to Hagaki Shigeru as if he was fainted: "Forget it, I don't want to fight, this time I will let you go."

Hearing Chen's words, Hagishi Maoshuo's body was still slightly tight, and he let out a sigh of relief. He just wanted to say something, but when he saw Chen had turned his back, he couldn't help but open his mouth.

Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty: Lost in the Heart

After all, I still don’t believe in Uchiha Tatsu’s stance, and it’s worth it. Haakishi Shigeru said that he has no obligation to help Tatsumi get out of this state of mind, and he can point Uchiha Tatsumi to this. There is an inextricable relationship with Konoha, and this was the point in advance.

The clay figurine also had three points of anger, and Chen was holding his nose and hitting him. After playing for so long, Shigeru Hagaki said that it was okay. It must be fake, and he still had resentment towards Chen.

Shigeru Hagaki saw that Chen had turned his back to him. At such a moment, Shigeru Hagaki had such a slight movement in his heart, but considering his own physical condition and his subordinates did not run far. The three of Lu Jiu and Shigeru Hagi gave up this attractive decision after all.

However, what he didn't know was that when he decided to give up this opportunity and sighed and prepared to leave, Chen unexpectedly showed a surprised look, but he did not look back, but continued to move forward.

Although he was a little surprised, Shigeru Hagaki's performance was taken for granted in Chen Kailai.

Shigeru Hagi is different from Naruto Uzumaki. Naruto is a type that has a fever and doesn't think about anything. Although Shigeru Hagi is the head of Konoha's Anbu, he has never deliberately elevated his identity. .

Therefore, when making a decision, Shigeru Hagaki can accurately find his own position, so as not to lose himself. At this moment, with chakra and severe lack of energy, even if he stands still, he is a little unstable, let alone. Go to attack Chen.

"Good for yourself!" Shigeru Hagaki whispered, and he no longer looked at Uchiha Tatsumi, but stepped back, catching up with the three of Nara Lukuhisa step by step.

Sure enough, Uchiha Tatsumi did not stop him when Shigeru Hagaki evacuated, and the guy in front of him was just a poor creature. Like Tatsun and the Uchiha family, they were all pawns abandoned by the Konoha high-level. They were originally from the same root. Health, why is it too anxious?

Chen's hand holding the knife opened lightly, and the streamer star and meteor knife gradually faded like ink printed between the mountains and rivers until it disappeared.

With a sigh of relief, Chen stepped on the emptiness step by step, and when he entered the system space, he could obviously feel such a slight fluctuation in this heaven and earth space.

However, Chen's space is not the only person in the space at this moment, but...

"System, what's the matter with her!" As soon as Uchiha Tatsuh touched the clothes halfway through, he fell asleep to the half-naked Xiao Nan and asked the system.

"Because the host came to other time and space, because this time and space there was originally a Xiao Nan, the souls of the two people attracted and influenced each other, and each fell into a short sleep! After a while, Xiao Nan's soul will adapt to this. Time and space awakened."

Chen glanced at Xiao Nan who was half naked, and looked at the big bucket of water next to him. Chen knew in his heart that this must be the rhythm of getting dressed just after a shower, but he didn't expect Chen to come into this time and space.

Chen covered his eyes, stretched out his hand to hug Princess Xiao Nan, and couldn't help sighing when Chen's big hand stroked Xiao Nan's bare skin on his outer arm and the popliteal area.

However, Chen didn't have any other evil thoughts. Although he was just an otaku in his previous life, Chen has already had Ino in his life. He is not the kind of idiot who can take advantage of others.

After putting Xiao Nan on the bed and covering the quilt, Chen sat on the chair and couldn't help but secretly tweeted. He didn't expect Xiao Nan to enjoy her space quite well. Not only did she build the house, but she also followed suit. All the daily necessities are complete. Looking at the carefully decorated paper paintings by the bed, I have to say that Xiaonan has already begun to regard this as her home. After all, only home can make people want to make it better. Comfortable.

At this time, Chen couldn't help but began to think of what Shigeru Hagaki had said to him at that time.

"The heart of the strong?" Chen whispered softly.


He scratched his head, always feeling that he was in control of something, but whenever he wanted to go deeper, that thing disappeared from his mind.

"What the **** is it!" With one hand sticking to his chin, the other hand playing with Xiao Nan's hair unconsciously, closing his eyes and slowly replaying in his mind every word that Shigeru Hagi said to him at that time. Every word.

After a long time, he sighed softly. In fact, he knows all the truth, but he just doesn't know what to do.

As an earth boy from the 21st century, I don’t know how much he has experienced the bombardment of network information, and his understanding ability is many times stronger than that of ordinary people. But the most embarrassing thing for Chen now is that he can understand the concept of the strong heart, but he has no clue about how to have the strong heart.

"Maybe, this is fate." Chen helplessly spread out his hands, as if everything in front of him was indifferent, stood up and clapped his hands, ready to go out to meet the next wave of guests.

"Ding! What the host wants to understand is the heart of the strong?"

"Huh?" Chen couldn't help being surprised when he felt that the system hadn't appeared actively for a long time, and then asked: "Do you know anything about the system?"

"As a strong system, it was originally designed to cultivate the host's strength, mentality and self-confidence. Among them, the most critical heart of the strong has another explanation!"

Chen, who had stood up, sat down slowly, stretched out a bottle of Pulsation and poured his mouth: "Go on, I'm listening."

"What is a strong? It is a person with super strength, but there are still a group of people in this world who do not have super strength, and even are congenital disabled, but there are still a group of people who are called strong. Why? Mentality problem..."

"Just talk about the main point!" Chen waved his hand to interrupt the system's speech and said: "I know all this, it is nothing more than an optimistic attitude, healthy and upward!" Just kidding, I don't know how many inspirational stories I have seen since childhood in Chen's previous life. Although the characters are different, the story is the same. Chen can guess the end even after seeing the beginning. With this level, where is there still a need for a system to explain?

"The point is that it is not difficult to say that the heart of the strong is not difficult. To put it simply, some people will not be able to get started. To put it plainly is nothing more than a question of self-confidence. If you believe in yourself, you can do it. If you even believe in your own courage There is no more, then there is really no hope at all."

"trust yourself?"

Chapter 481: Restoring pupil power

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