"Actually, things are not that simple. No matter how you say it, your opponent is also the strongest Naruto of the Five Great Nations. But you are so powerful, you actually gave two of the Five Shadows to..." The medicine master on the side looked respectfully to the Dashewan. Said.

"Don't...come to comfort me again, or I'll kill you." Dashemaru looked at the pharmacist with a stern look.

"I didn't mean that. Although you didn't capture Konoha, this plan has one purpose... Uchiha Sasuke is now put on your collar."

"Hehehe...This is for my hands and all the ninjutsu. Originally, I got Uchiha Itachi and it wouldn’t have been so much, but that’s an unrealized dream. Because he is better than me. "That's why I will leave that organization."

At the same time, in a secret base in Yuren Village, there was a huge golem with nine figures standing on its ten fingers. This place is the main base of Akatsuki, and the nine figures are the core members of Akatsuki... They are all S-rank rebels from various ninja villages. "According to information from outside, the Oshemaru was once a member of our organization. Yesterday, she united with Sahin to attack Konoha. Although it was unsuccessful in the end, Konoha suffered a great loss. The third generation of Hokage was also killed by him." Orange short hair, various nails on his face, and a pair of eyes There are circles of lines, which is the way of heaven in the six penins.

After hearing this news, Itachi, who had closed his eyes and opened his eyes.

"Hey! It's just a bad old man who is too old to walk. Oshemaru is really worthless. How? Zero, let me go and kill the traitor Oshemaru, by the way, take what he has Bringing the ring back just happens to add a person to the organization." Deidara on the side couldn't help yelling.

"Oshemaru will leave him alone. If you encounter him in the future, he will be cleaned up. Konoha is currently being rebuilt, and no new Naruto has been selected. It is the dragon without a leader, so no one should care about Kyuubi's human strength. Our organization has been preparing for that plan for so many years, although it hasn’t been fully prepared yet. However, this time it’s a test. Who of you will go to the Land of Fire and bring back the Nine-Tailed Man Zhuli."

"Let me go! I will definitely bring back the Nine-Tailed Man Zhuli, whoever dares to stop me will let him **** momentary art." Deidara offered to invite Ying.

"No, this time it can't cause too much commotion." Tiandao did not agree to Deidara's request.

"Jiaodu!" Tiandao looked at Takinobu's Jiaodu.

However, Jiao Du didn't buy it: "Huh! I still have to make money, so I don't have time to do such boring things as probing."

"I go!"

Just when Tiandao wanted to say something to the corner, Itachi, who had been silent, spoke.

"You go? Good too!"

"Ah! It just so happens that I will get rusty when I stay here, so I will accompany you out for a walk!" said the ghost shark in the same group as Itachi.

"Okay, that's it!" Tiandao Payne turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared.

The rest of the people, after a lot of noise, also went to do their own things.

PS for flowers, for collection!

Group tail: 475137322...

Chapter 36: Return to Hometown in the Morning Fog

"Oh oh oh! I have it, I have it, so good! Konoha is really the best, and the average score is very high!"

On the roof of the Hokage Tower, there was a wretched laughter. Wearing a kimono, with long white hair, with a forehead guard on his forehead, there is an oil written on it. It is one of Konoha's three ninjas, the mad ghost Jiraiya. At this time, Zi Lai was also squatting on the side rail of the roof, holding a telescope in his hand while peeking at the women's bathhouse, while making a nasty laugh.

"You're doing this kind of boring thing again." A voice came from behind Jilaiya. After being disturbed, Jilaiya put down the binoculars in his hand and looked back.

"Huh! This is the work of collecting materials. It turned out to be Uncle Menyan and Teacher Xiaochun. Why are the two consultants looking for me?"

"Does this still need to be asked? You don't need to say that you should know!"

Jilai also stood up, turned to look at Konoha’s two consultants seriously, suddenly changed their expressions, and said casually, “Don’t put on a terrible expression. I heard that we have negotiated with Sanda. It's over!"

"Everything is Osaki Maru's stalking from it, and Shayin has nothing to do with Shayin, and Shayin has announced a full surrender to Konoha, so negotiations are not important. From Konoha's standpoint, in order to restore national strength, it can only be accepted. The other party’s proposal. However, Konoha’s current strength is very low. Under the current situation, the highest priority is to assume that there will be a greater crisis and be prepared, and any neighboring country will be able to take bold actions at any time. Therefore, We decided to convene elites from various troops to form an emergency executive committee to deal with the assumed emergency situation before the village’s power is restored. But before that, we need a strong and trustworthy leader. Now there is the possibility of disputes everywhere, not just Oshemaru, And..." Mito Menyan wanted to continue, but was interrupted by Jiraiya.

"You don't need to tell me this specifically. Okay, I will continue to collect materials." Ji Lai turned around and took out the binoculars again to continue peeping.

"Let me tell you a policy first. We now need a fifth-generation Hokage. In the emergency meeting with Daimyo of the Country of Fire yesterday, we decided to have you take the post." Zhuan Xiaochun on the side faced Jiraji. He also said, "I'm so sorry, I am not suitable for this position." Jilai also waved his hand without looking back.

"This is an established fact. If even one of the three of you is not suitable for Hokage, who else is suitable?" "There is another one for Sannin, Tsunade!"

"Huh?" Zhuan Xiaochun and Mito Menyan looked at each other.

"Yes, Tsunade's girl does have this ability, but now she is missing."

"I'll just go get her back! Compared to me who is not motivated, the clever Tsunade is more suitable for the Hokage position, what do you think?"

Turning to bed, Koharu and Mito Menyan exchanged eyes with each other, and then said to Jiraiya, "I see, we will consider it as soon as possible. However, we will send three Anbe to join you to form a Tsunade search team. ."

"Don't worry, I won't run away, there is no need to send someone to watch me. But...I want to take someone with me, because I found a very interesting newcomer." Jiraiya didn't plan after finishing talking. Continued to peep, and left the Hokage Tower directly to find Naruto.

At this time, on the outer wall of Konoha Village, two uninvited guests came. Wearing a black robe with a red cloud on his head, he also carried a hat, and one of them was carrying a huge weapon wrapped in a bandage on his back. It was Uchiha Itachi and the dried persimmon ghost shark of Akatsuki's organization. They stood on the city wall and looked condescendingly at Konoha in front and below.

"Although destruction was avoided, the damage was still serious. The originally prosperous village... really pitiful!" Looking at the severely damaged Konoha village in front of him, Uchiha Itachi sighed with emotion.

"It's not like your style. Even if it's you, you will be nostalgic for your hometown!" said the ghost shark on the side.

"No... I have no nostalgia." Itachi, still maintaining facial paralysis, did not show any other emotions because of returning to his hometown.

"Now! What should I do next?"

"Enter the village and follow me!" After itachi finished speaking, he jumped off the wall first. The ghost shark followed closely. After the two landed, they walked towards the village. When they came to the Konoha gate, the ninja who was guarding the gate was knocked down by Itachi by an illusion.

After entering the village, no one in Konoha noticed them.

"Where are you going now? Just go to Jiuwei Ren Zhuli?"

"No, follow me to a place first." Itachi directly looked in one direction and walked.

"Okay, listen to you!" Guiyu had no choice but to keep up with Itachi.

On the other hand, in the past two days, I did not go to the laboratory to practice again, but stayed at home. The same is true today. When Tatsun got up, Sasuke had already left home, Tatsun came to the yard alone to bask in the sun.

"Really, it's so boring! Sasuke is really hardworking. He went out early in the morning and made me bored at home alone." Tatsun, who had nothing to do, lay directly on the corridor in the yard, wanting to bask in the sun. While sleeping.

At this time, Chen suddenly noticed that someone was staring at him from a certain place, and the system followed up with a prompt: "Remind the host that the host is under surveillance. Do you want to send an image?"

"Could it be that Tuanzang sent someone to watch me again?" Chen didn't dare to act rashly without finding out who came, and continued to lie down and pretend to sleep. "The system, send me the image of the monitor."

"Ding! The image has been sent!"

As soon as the system's prompt sound fell, a picture emerged in Chen's mind. Two people were standing on a big tree outside Tatsun and Sasuke's home, looking at Tatsun at this time.

"It's him? So that's it!" Chen secretly said in surprise after discovering the identity of the person coming.

"Oh, I heard that you have two younger brothers. Is this one of them? So much worse than you!"

"Hey! Waste, there is no use value at all. He should have been allowed to reunite with Mom and Dad at the beginning. Now, I don't even have the qualifications to die in my hands." Itachi looked expressionlessly and drooled while sleeping underneath. Chen said indifferently. But I didn’t think so in my heart: "I’m sorry, Chen! I didn’t expect you to be like this, but it’s okay. Compared with being recruited into the "root", it becomes a tool that only obeys orders and has no emotion. My brother would rather let you live without worry. The three generations still kept their promises and saved Sasuke from being taken away by Danzo, otherwise..."

Seeing Chen's stupid appearance, Itachi felt deeply self-blame, and he really didn't want to stay here for too long.

"Let's go!" He said and then left.

"Are you gone?" Chen also sat up from the corridor after Itachi and Guiyu left, and wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

"Huh! Uchiha Itachi, the three-generation old man was just killed by Oshemaru, so he can't wait to come back? It's to let Konoha's senior officials know that he is not dead, so as to protect Sasuke! His elder brother is really serious. Competent!" Chen looked at the direction Itachi was leaving, sneered in his heart.

Chen knew that the culprit of the Night of Extermination was Danzo, but it was itachi after all. Although he will not resent Itachi like Sasuke, but every time he thinks that Itachi killed Mikoto, he will not forgive Itachi.

And after Itachi left the house of Tatsu and Sasuke, he and Kakashi came into a teahouse, and Kakashi happened to be waiting for Sasuke outside that teahouse. I saw Itachi wearing a red-cloud robe with a black background, and expressed doubts about its identity, but did not take immediate action.

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