"This..." The woman was stunned for a moment... After thinking about it, she took out a small wad of paper from under the front desk, stretched out her hand and handed it to Uchiha Tatsumi. By the way, she hooked the palm of his hand, winking like silk: "These... enough Isn’t it? If it’s not enough..." She pointed at herself with another finger: "What do you think of me."

Chen frowned, took the small wad of papers, ignored the woman's self-professional behavior, and looked at it one by one.

However, the lady at the front desk saw Uchiha Tatsumi once again ignored her seduce, and her heart suddenly became angry, and then she coldly snorted, lowered her head and began to count the coins, and ignored Uchiha Tatsuhiro.

You must know that every time a business is made, the lady at the front desk will have a commission, which is why this woman will be so diligent to recommend Uchiha Tatsumi to complete the task. Every time you complete a task, in addition to the deduction of the handling fee, the front desk lady can draw a small amount from it, except for the money exchange office, but even if you complete more tasks, it is not like today. reward.

Although it violates the principle of not selling the intelligence of the five major powers during the war, can't the principle be changed? I believe that after seeing so much money, the supervisor will definitely not say anything.

After reading all the information, Chen chuckled and said to himself: "So..." He raised his head and looked at the sky, but he could only see the dim ceiling, but he didn't care.

"It seems that things are getting more and more interesting!"

Chapter Five Hundred and Fortieth: Life and Death

After touching the last piece of those small pieces of paper, Uchiha Tatsu could not help but frown. He glanced at the woman and found that she was also looking up at herself, even revealing a provocative look.

Uchiha Tatsu calmly put away the obviously provocative note. After seeing this scene, the woman couldn't help but tick her lips upward, drawing a beautiful and **** arc.

"In the end, he still can't escape my charm... Hmph, I said, it turns out that the indifference before this was nothing more than shyness." The woman couldn't help but think with joy. Looking at Uchiha Tatsumi's handsome cold face again, her face couldn't help but flushed.

Tatsun may be the most handsome man she has ever met, and she may be considered a battlefield, but where can the men in this small town be more handsome than Uchiha Tatsun? Compared with Chen, it was like the gap between the bright moon in the sky and the stars.

Thinking that Uchiha Tatsu might be about to become the minister of her skirt, the woman couldn't help rubbing her legs when she was excited, and her whole body was shaking. It seemed that she could reach the top of that pleasure just by thinking about it.

However, what she didn't know was that Uchiha Tatsun had thrown away the note before she could not see it. The reason she didn't let her know was that she was afraid that it would be too troublesome to be annoyed and become annoyed when she saw it.

There was only a time and the name of the small hotel written on that piece of paper. Even if Chen's EQ is low, he should understand what this means. However, Chen wouldn't have taken a fancy to this kind of dilapidated willow at all. Not to mention that he already has Ino, even Xiao Nan in his space is countless times more beautiful than this woman.

After reading all the information, Chen put all the notes on the candle at the front desk and lit it, letting the information that cost a lot of money burn out.

I clapped my hands. Now that the purpose of this time has been achieved, Chen naturally intends to go back and make something to wake up the two little girls to eat. The food in this small hotel Chen is not flattering. If it is a special product, Chen also If you can bear it, it's better to do the rest yourself.

Shi Shiran walked out of the hall, completely disregarding the desire of the group of people behind him, as if to eat Uchiha Tatsuo's eyes.

Those people look at me, I look at you, can't help but smile cruelly, get up quietly, and slowly follow behind Uchiha Chen.

There are always some people who can desperate for money, even if they have already felt Uchiha Tatsu's aura, but in the face of huge interests, they still decide to take the risk. As the saying goes, people die for money, and birds die for food. The reason why they dare not act is just that the rewards they get do not meet psychological expectations.

After Chen Chen walked into the small bungalow, a dedicated person came to clean the small road in front of the gold exchange. In terms of service, the gold exchange can be said to be meticulous, but for those who seek death on their own, the gold exchange does not Will not stop.

Just like the group of people who were going to intercept Uchiha Tatsu on this small road before, if not all of them were killed too much to affect the name of the gold exchange, I believe that even the man who guards the door will not care about so many.

The body was dragged away, as did the wounded. The people who were exchanged for money were all piled up like rubbish, thrown in a mess in an unknown corner of the town, buried with soil. The money exchange does not treat the wounded. In their eyes, people are divided into two types, valuable and worthless.

Obviously, these people who can't even stop Uchiha Tatsu's aura are classified as worthless people by them. Since the corresponding value cannot be obtained, it is normal for the exchange to not sell.

Walking on this road, Uchiha Tatsun couldn't help but sigh at the efficiency of the gold exchange. How long is this? There is no time for a stick of incense, right, the whole ground is refreshing and clean, and even the dirt from the past was also cleaned up when the blood stains were reasonable.

If it wasn't for this road to lead to the outside world, Chen probably thought he was on the wrong path.

When passing the man at the door, Uchiha Tatsun stopped and glanced at him. After thinking about it, he took out a pot of Yunokuni's fine wine from the system space, reached out his hand to throw it to him, and said lightly: "Save a little drink, if you can touch me again..."

Chen's voice is getting smaller and smaller, and his figure is getting farther and farther away. Seeing Uchiha Tatsumi's disappearing figure, the man opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, he felt the very obvious aura of the group behind him, he smiled slightly, as if thinking of Uchiha Tatsumi's strength, and continued Leaning softly against the wall.

He stretched out the cork of the wine gourd, raised his head and took a sip, no longer paying attention to the group of desperadoes who passed in front of him.

In his opinion, Uchiha Chen's strength is unfathomable. Even he could feel this very obvious killing intent, how could Chen not feel it? Since Chen didn't say that he had his own thoughts, he didn't make a sentimental reminder.

A little bit that man feels a little good. Tatsumi knew that he would spy on himself with covetous eyes when he took out the coins, but Uchiha Tatsumi would not put this trash in his eyes.

But even **** has uses that **** should have. Generally speaking, people who are at the bottom of society have inexplicable sources of information. Although the information that Chen obtained during the gold exchange was enough, this was only a movement from Shanin Village.

Compared with Sand Ninja Village, Tatsun is more concerned about the movement of Konoha Village. From the beginning to the end, Chen's purpose has not changed, that is, the information about Konoha Village, and other Ninja Village's information is just incidental.

Walking on the road, he ignored the group of desperadoes behind him who tried to track Uchiha Tatsumi using a lame concealment method. Gradually, Chen's direction deviated from the main road of the town and began to walk towards the small road out of town.

The eyes of the group of guys behind him lit up. They could not help but lick their tongues when they saw Uchiha Tatsuya who hadn't had a chance to start. Glancing at each other, they found that the heat in everyone's eyes contained a trace of vigilance.

Everyone is a human being and has been in the gold exchange for so long. What kind of person hasn't been seen? They think that the concealment method is not smart, at least in the eyes of people who can release that kind of momentum, it can be said to be incomparable.

The reason why he dared to follow him was only because of the large number of people.

Chapter 541: Shocking Xiaoxiao

Seeing Uchiha Tatsumi walking down the path, although they were excited, they were not stupid. No one wants to be the first bird.

Everyone is not a fool, everyone wants to stay behind, waiting for them to solve Uchiha Tatsuno before they come out to pick up the leaks.

Everyone had different thoughts, and they followed Uchiha Tatsun all the way without speaking, and there was no more eye contact.

Following Uchiha Tatsun, he passed the exit of the town, did not stop, but accelerated toward the front. Even they started using Chakra to accelerate, but they still did not catch up with Uchiha Tatsu's speed.

This made them cry secretly, after all, this was their fastest speed. If it accelerates again, it will inevitably affect their physical strength, so that their situation will be even worse when they are already at a disadvantage.

"That won't work?" Uchiha Tatsumi chuckled, his eyes full of sarcasm. Even though he said that, the speed of his forward movement could not help but slowed down. After all, he still had to hang this group of people, and it was impossible for them to lose confidence in himself.

Seeing Uchiha Tatsumi's speed slowed down, the group of people hanging behind couldn't help but their eyes brightened, and they saw hope that they and others could catch up with Uchiha Tatsuo's speed.

Don't know how far he has gone, Uchiha Tatsuno glanced around, glanced past the group of guys, looked at the surrounding environment, and nodded slightly. It was a more suitable place to bury people.

Chen smiled cruelly and stopped his footsteps. Turning his back to this group of desperadoes who sneaked out of the gold exchange, he said calmly: "Get out, follow me all the way, do you want me to invite you?"

Everyone look at me, I look at you, no one is the first to go out. They were all waiting quietly, waiting for the first person to die. The scene was very silent for a while, no one made a sound, and no one came out of the shadows.

After waiting for a long time, Uchiha Tatsumi frowned, turned around and looked at their hiding place, and said coldly: "Are you still not going to come out? I have to ask you..." He said that his hands had already started to seal. , Chakra surged in his body, seeing the ninjutsu in his hand about to be released.

But the group of people on the opposite side were still unmoved. Since Uchiha Tatsuno did not release ninjutsu, it meant that things were still going around.

But is this really the case?

"Fire escape is extinguished!"

Uchiha Tatsu made a seal with one hand, placed it on his chin, took a deep breath, and spit out a ball of flames at the place where everyone was.

The raging fire hit where the group of people were. It's like a sea of ​​blood and a deep hatred, to kill them all in one fell swoop.

"not good!"

Feeling the strong sense of crisis in the extinguishment of Uchiha Tatsumi's fire, everyone couldn't help but evacuated from their hiding place, just the next second they left.

Uchiha Tatsu’s arrogance hit the place where they had just hidden. The dense fire burned the green trees. In the blink of an eye, the lush trees turned into blackened under the devastation of Uchiha Tatsu’s ninjutsu. , Even the soil on the ground was burned into a ceramic-like object by high temperature, and something luminous could be seen faintly, which was a manifestation of being burnt into a layer of glaze.

Seeing that their original hiding place was burned into such a miserable state, everyone couldn't help taking a deep breath, cold sweat on their heads, looking at Uchiha Tatsumi, a sense of regret rose in their hearts.

Isn't it, what did they do wrong? Why do you want to get into this evil star?

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