With a chuckle, Hyuga Naruto glanced at his companion without a trace, and made a signal with a gesture that only their Hyuga clan could understand.

Xianci looked over and saw him means letting the two go together, acting by chance, and saving people whoever has the chance to save them. Nodded intently.

This method is better than who is the main attacker and who assists. On the one hand, both of them are the main attack, so that Chen can not distinguish the focus. On the other hand, he can act according to the form of the field, and it will not be the cover and the rescue. A lot of tongue was wasted in this regard. This result couldn't be better.

The two stood in the left and right directions of Uchiha Tatsu respectively, and began to count silently in their hearts.

"Three, two, one!"


Just when Xianci said it, the two moved at the same time.

"Open your eyes!"

The ferocious white eyes appeared on their faces again, and the two picked up the Chakra, stepped on their feet, and flew towards Uchiha Tatsumi like a volley.

"Sixty-four palms of soft fist!"

"Thirty-two palms of soft fist!"

The two of them used the Hyuga family's solo physique, both hands worked together, and the four hands waved again and again, looking for the flow of the meridians, and tapping around Uchiha Chen's body.

Chen did not resist, but continued to evade under the offensive of the two soft fists.

I saw Uchiha Tatsumi alone like a butterfly wearing flowers, and the whole person came and went freely in the two offensives, and even the smile on the corner of his mouth could be seen on Uchiha Tatsuo's face.

How did Rao Xianji and Hyuga hit the soft fist, but there was no way to touch the corner of Uchiha Tatsumi's clothes.

After the two of them finished a soft punch, they were surprised to find that Uchiha Tatsuta's last step of avoiding had formed a small gossip pattern.

That is to say, Uchiha Tatsu has never taken a step from the little gossip pattern from beginning to end. His every step is in delicate calculations. At the end, the gossip pattern aroused by rubbing his feet on the ground may be The biggest mockery of both of them.

"Rouquan sixty-four palms? You should not belong to the Hyuga Sect family, when will the Hyuga branch be able to learn sixty-four palms?" Uchiha Tatsuno raised his eyebrows and said with interest when he watched Hyuga Enji .

"You..." When Xianci heard Uchihatatsu's words, he was shocked, and then shocked: "You...how do you know the secrets of our Hyuga clan, and how do you see that I am not a member of the clan? ?!"

"Guess!" Uchiha Tatsumi showed a mysterious smile, but the words he said made Hinaga Enji furious.

Looking at Uchiha Tatsumi, the furious Hyuga Xianji gradually frowned, and what was revealed in his pale eyes was a glow that was not usual.

"This person...not easy!"

Chapter 569: Teasing

There was an unbearable feeling in Hyuga Enji's heart, not only anger, but also the shock, why the secrets of their Hyuga family would be known.

Even in Konoha Village, there are only a handful of people who know that there are other differences between the clan family and the branch family apart from caged birds.

Rouquan is originally an exquisite physical technique. It is not only a technique that connects one after another, but also communicates the flow of their own meridians. In the eyes of outsiders, they form a system of their own, and they are the same as Konoha's physical technique. They are different, based on the gossip and the meridians of the human body, under the careful research and inheritance of Hyuga Tennin, they carry forward the soft boxing.

Especially during the Warring States period, they were a big clan that could be compared with the Senshou clan and Uchiha clan. After continuous inheritance, in their generation, although many family soft boxing secrets have been lost, the Hyuga clan in Konoha is faintly stronger than it was during the Warring States period.

Without him, they, who are now the second family of Konoha, have resources that are not comparable to the previous ones.

However, all this is illusory in front of Uchiha Tatsumi. Compared with Uchiha Tatsumi, they are nothing at all, or, in Uchiha Tatsumi's eyes, their soft fists are not worth mentioning at all.

Although he was shocked by the fact that his family was known, Enji Hyuga didn't stop the attack. He and Huga Naruto looked at each other, and the two nodded tacitly in their hearts, and stepped forward again.

Although it seems that Uchiha Tatsumi cannot be defeated, how about actually?

They didn't need to defeat Uchiha Tatsun, just rescue the people behind Tatsun.

With this mentality, the two swooped forward, holding their other hand in one hand, opened their hideous white eyes, and shouted.

He grabbed Uchiha Tatsumi with both hands.

"The soft fist has two palms, four palms and eight palms... the soft fist has sixty-four palms!"

Xianji used all the soft fist palms he had learned all his life on Uchiha Tatsuo. The airtight palms formed a semi-circular encircling circle, limiting Uchiha Tatsuno to Hinji Kenji for a short time. In the field of soft boxing.

"It's now, Huoto!" Hiuga Enji secretly said in his heart. Now his offensive has temporarily restricted Uchiha Tatsumi. As long as Hyuga Hutoto is smarter, he knows what to do.

Sure enough, Hinata's eyes lit up, and when Xianji restrained Uchiha Tatsumi, she attacked with all her strength. Taking advantage of this moment, he shook Uchiha Tatsuo aside and rushed towards the tent.

"Haha...you got it!" Hinata Huoto laughed loudly, and after passing Uchiha Tatsumi, the tent was right in front of her eyes.

At this moment, Hyuga Huohu couldn't help but feel a little upsurge. While he was immersed in the joy of rescue, he did not see the horrified eyes of his companion Hyuga Enji.

It turned out that he discovered that Uchiha Tatsu was not restricted by himself at all.

In the field of his soft fist, the so-called moves he called were a joke in front of Uchiha Tatsuno. Restricted by him? Suppressed by him?

Everything was joking, because he was horrified to discover that Uchiha Tatsumi was able to move freely in his soft boxing field, and even, no matter how delicate his soft boxing field was, he could not touch Uchiha. Chen minutes.

He was almost deceived by the actor Uchiha Tatsu!

With the last punch, Hyuga Kenji retreated behind Uchiha Tatsumi, blocking Tatsumi and the tent.

Xianci yelled behind him, "Hurry up! I can't hold it for long!"

After hearing the cry of his companion, Hyuga Naruto woke up from the joy of breaking through the encirclement, took a deep look behind him, and rushed into the tent resolutely.

Seeing the three people sitting cross-legged on the ground, Hyuga Naruto couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"This is over." Hyuga Naruto smiled bitterly, because he observed with his eyes and found that the injured three people could not move easily except for Nara Shikahisa who was able to move freely.

Under the eyes of Hiuga Huoto, it can be clearly seen that, except for the meridians that the deer hasn't injured for a long time, the meridians of both Yamanaka Hiichi and Hagaki Shigeru have been severely traumatized.

Although the two of them are already using Chakra to treat their injuries urgently, this is just a drop in the bucket and barely maintaining the meridians without further damage. Unless there are highly skilled medical ninjas, if the two of them move randomly, they will inevitably cause further damage to the meridians.

Frowning, with a wry smile, slowly walked out of the tent.

Seeing Xianci standing not far in front of him, he couldn't help but ask: "What's the matter?"

Xianci took a breath, took a step back, turned his head to look at Hinata, and questioned: "What. Haven't you acted yet?"

Hyuga Naruto smiled bitterly, and he reached out his hand and pointed a finger to his back helplessly: "Let's see for yourself...how do you act now."

Following the pointing of his fingers, Xian Ci looked at her hideously and couldn't help but breathe in air.

"This...what's going on!"

Xianci's face was pale, and he looked at Shigeru Hagaki and Hideichi Yamaaka: "How could it be like this...before...why didn't we see through it before!"

He was frightened and angry. When he used his eyes in the distance before, he didn't notice the situation of Qimu Maoshuo and the inner meridians of the mountain and the sea. I don't know why, but they discovered this problem after they got closer.

Could it be that their white eyes have failed? No, it's impossible. The sight range of the white eyes is very wide, and they can be seen through between their previous position and the tent, but the facts have proved that there is no.

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