"What do you mean?"

"You should know..." Nara Shikaji looked at the medical ninjas around him. Some words were hard to say in front of them. After all, Uchiha Tatsumi should only exist when some people know that some people are not at a level enough, so don't It’s better to know.

As if understanding Nara Lujiu's scruples, Nonoyu calmly told the medical ninjas who were guarding him to retreat, nodded towards Lujiu and walked out.

Lujiu gave her an apologetic look. After they walked out, he looked at Shigeru Hagi with serious expression and said, "To Uchiha Tatsumi, what attitude should we have now..."

Shigeru Hagaki thought for a while: "Report truthfully, after all, he is not under our control. I personally feel that if we can't contact Uchiha Tatsuo, try not to contact him, but I don't want other villages to contact him, so if you can If we do, we must try our best to keep him close. Prevent him from contacting other villages..."

"Is this also the attitude in the village?" Nara Lukuji suddenly interrupted.

Shigeru Hagi gave a long sigh and looked at Nara Lukisa with profound meaning: "The three generations meant that we should try our best to establish friendship with him, but I didn't expect to fight him."

"The plan can't keep up with the changes..." Nara Shika was indifferent for a long time: "So now our strategy is to maintain a good relationship with him again?"

"At the moment it seems to be possible. I will report what happened today truthfully later. I hope that the three generations of adults can carefully consider it. If you really want to maintain a friendly relationship, I will apologize to you..." I couldn't help but turn to On the Qiu Road side of Ding Zuo, although Shigeru Hagi can't see anyone now, he obviously meant it to Ding Zuo.

Qiu Dao Dingzao listened to him without speaking. Seeing Shigeru Hagaki brought the topic to him, he couldn't help shaking his head again and again. Although his chubby face was a little unwilling, he still insisted: "I...I'm fine. , The big deal is that I apologize to him again, as long as he doesn't blame the past, I will ask him to eat barbecue when he returns to Konoha..."

Hearing the words of Akimichi Koza, Shigeru Hagaki and Shigeru Nara couldn't help but laugh in unison.

As we all know, the people of the Qiu Dao family are big foodies. They even regard food as more important than life. It is harder to get food out of their mouths than to reach the sky, even if they are friends or brothers. It is impossible to transfer food.

Since Qiu Dao Ding Zuo can say that he invites people to eat barbecue, it also proves that he has indeed paid a great price.

In his eyes, barbecue is the best food in the world, and it is impossible for anyone to grab a meal from the Qiudao family.

With a smile, Shigeru Hagi stopped suddenly and sighed: "I don't know what the three generations of adults think. I hope that the group of elders don't do stupid things. Otherwise, things will get bigger. It’s not something that can be solved with two barbecues."

Shigeru Hagaki's worries are not impossible. Although Konoha's strength is strong now, even the second-generation Hokage Qianshoujian who should have died still exists in the world, but the elders still cannot be underestimated.

Don't say that Qianshoujian is no longer in trouble now, even when Qianshoujian was in power, he was not less affected by the elders' elders. Those guys don't care if you are Hokage or not. They only care about their own interests. Even if Thousand Swordsman's methods are vigorous and resolute, they can't completely wipe out Konoha's shadow, especially after the Thousand Swordsman's serious injury and abdication, they become more unscrupulous.

It was fine at the beginning, and until the beginning of the past two years, it seemed that I was aware that Qianshoujian’s health was not good. When the deadline was approaching, the elders' behavior became more and more arrogant. They acted increasingly without guidelines. Over the years, Shigeru Hagaki followed the three generations and the regiment to hide behind him and watched the intrigue between them and the elder regiment. He said that the elder regiment might not be unable to do such things.

"Where is Uchiha Tatsuo's apprentice?" Nara Kajiu asked, "Where are they now?"

Hearing his question, Shigeru Hagaki replied: "The two little girls? I just comforted them before, but now 80% of them are asleep. We have already talked to the two little guys, but their master hasn’t come back. We were all taken care of before. Fortunately, we didn't make a bad impression in front of the two little guys before, so we didn't cry after hearing their master left. It was still obedient."

"That's it..." Nara Shikajiu said thoughtfully: "Since it is his apprentice, we should take care of it as much as possible, and there is no need to deliberately please, but... Master Shige, I suggest that it is better to arrange for a female ninja to go there. Take care of their daily lives. After all, their master suddenly left and did not know when he would come back. How to say the two little girls is not convenient in our camp. It is best to be escorted back to Konoha."

"Hui Konoha?" Maoshuo Hagi frowned.

"Yes..." Nara Shikajiu nodded: "Anyway, their ultimate goal is to go to Konoha. In order to grow branches, we'd better take people there and settle down. If the two little girls like Konoha's environment, At that time, even if Uchiha Tatsumi wants to leave, we must comfort the two little girls. In this case, we and Uchiha Tatsumi will have a bond that can be communicated, so that we can't even talk."

"What if we make our own opinions arouse people's dissatisfaction?"

"No...I can be sure of this!" Nara Lukisa said vowedly.

Chapter 577-Chapter 578: Results of Discussion

"Don't worry... he would never do this!" Nara Shikajiu puffed up his chest and said swearingly.

Seeing Nara Shigeru's confidence, Shigeru Hagaki raised his eyebrows.

"How to say."

"Have you forgotten it? Isn't the reason for our conflict because Uchiha Tatsumi wants to go to Konoha first. We didn't agree." Nara Shikahisa smiled mysteriously: "This wasn't originally what Uchiha Tatsumi wanted Really? We took the little girl back to Konoha to take care of him. When he comes back, he is done, and he has no choice but to go to other villages."

"So, the most important thing now is to leave his two apprentices in Konoha, so that Uchiha Tatsuo will be tied to our Konoha chariot?" Hearing Nara Shigeru's words, where can Shigesaku Hagaki pay? Don’t know what Nara Lukisa means? He frowned. Even though the ninjas are nothing unusual, but to use two little girls who don't know anything like this, Shigeru Hagaki still can't do it.

"Yes..." Nara Shika nodded, spread the sheets, so that he could maintain a more comfortable position lying on the hospital bed and said: "We are now going to bring the two young disciples of Uchiha Tatsuno back to Konoha. Let them know how good Konoha Village is and make them inseparable from Konoha Village. Children at this age are the best to cheat. As long as anyone treats them well, they will also reciprocate for their kindness."

I saw a faint smile on the corner of Nara Luji’s mouth, his eyes full of bewitching, and he spoke softly: "So as long as we treat the two little guys well, we can instill a little more Konoha on them along the way. Let them be curious about us Konoha, then arrange some people for them to subtly instill the will of fire around them. Isn't the elders the best at these, let them do it.

Knowing that subtle changes can change a person’s personality, just let them deepen their impression of Konoha. It’s not too simple. If it succeeds, it means that Uchiha’s two little apprentices will be tied up. We are above Konoha's giant wheel, so that we can achieve the purpose of indirectly controlling Uchiha Tatsumi. "

After listening to Shigeru Hagaki, he was silent. It is not difficult to guess that he did not agree with Nara Lukisa's ideas at all. Although this is indeed a good way, if the people of the Konoha Elders group do it, Chi Mu Shigeru believed that they would be able to do this well, but only if they did not offend Uchiha Tatsuo.

Shigeru Hagi can be sure that this method will be successful if it is implemented. From the eyes of Shigeru Hagi, from this day's relationship, the two little girls have a good personality, although they say yes. They are well-educated, but they have this very strong and simple temperament, which is not the temperament of the young ladies in the big villages. Combined with the national conditions of the country of Sichuan, Shigeru Hagi can be sure of these two. The little guy is probably someone in the family who has been well-educated, and then he will be so clever and sensible under the influence of ears and eyes, but still maintain that simple temperament.

If Uchiha Tatsu takes them out of their hometown, I believe that even if they have a good education, they may be like this in their lives.

The success rate of this method is very high, but Shigeru Hagaki is very repulsive in his heart. He frowned and his head slightly tilted towards Nara Lukisa. Although he could not see with his eyes, he could still faintly feel Nara Lu at this moment. The smile on his mouth for a long time.

He knows that, as the person with the highest IQ and the best ability to formulate strategies at Konoha, let him count the two little guys. Obviously they are big talents and small ones, but this is also impossible. He wants to tie Uchiha Tatsumi. On Konoha's chariot, only people around him started, and so far they knew only his two little apprentices. In the case of mental arithmetic and unintentional, the success rate is very high.

With a soft snort, Shigeru Hagi turned his head and no longer perceives Nara Lukisa: "Whatever you do, I will not participate in this matter, but I will report it to the third generation. As long as the third generation agrees, then I have no objections here. NS."

"But I have a little..." Although Shigeru Hagaki closed his eyes, Nara Luji could still feel his scorching gaze: "Absolutely, never hurt those two little guys. Everything must be done. The two little guys do what they want, don't force them, or I won't stand by and watch."

Nara Shigeru laughed dumbly. He thought what Shigeru Hagaki would say to reject him, but it was for this reason. He sat up reluctantly, looking squarely at Shigeru Hagi, and said to him word by word: "I It can be guaranteed that the safety of the two little guys is contracted by my Nara clan..."

"You know what I didn't mean..."

Nara Luji nodded and said: "I know, I will never give them to the elders, you can rest assured."

Hearing Nara's guarantee, Shigeru Hagaki breathed a sigh of relief, not only for the safety of the two little girls, but also for the elders.

As the Minister of Anbu, I have seen too much darkness that I have never seen in these years. He does not want these two little girls to wander in the darkness all year round when Konoha lives, contaminating the original pure white and simple personality. Stained.

He secretly vowed in his heart that if Nara Lukisa or the people of the Nara family can't do it, then he will do it directly. The little girl was treated unfairly in Konoha, not only because he couldn't bear it, but more importantly, it was from Uchiha Tatsumi's value.

If you go too far, anyone with a little bit of mind will understand that Shigeru Hagaki didn't dare to gamble, he believed that the third generation of Hokage also didn't dare to gamble. A master like Uchiha Tatsuno, even if he is not dating, try not to offend him.

In this matter, the people of the elders group are not allowed to be presumptuous. This is not just a struggle between factions in the village, but more about the survival of the village.

Speaking of this, there is no need to talk about it anymore. Now that the plan has been arranged, it is waiting for the consent of the three generations to reply.

"That’s it. I’ll go back and write a report. You can recover from the illness. You will be on the road after the three generations have sent a reply. If you are in contact with the two little girls in the past few days, after all, I don’t know when Uchihasatsu Come back, if you can establish a good friendship with the two little girls at this time, it would be a way."

Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy-Nine: Getting Started

Shigeru Hagi stood up and snapped his fingers. Pharmacist Ye Naiyu who had been guarding the door opened the curtain and walked in, and asked in a low voice, "Is everything discussed?"

Shigeru Hagi nodded, and Ye Naiyu stepped up and helped him to get up slowly. Shigeru Hagaki turned around and said to Nara Kajiu: "The matter is set, you remember to be ready, don't let them get on the road first, when you recover from your injury, you must be ready to go on the road. You can make a plan first, don’t wait for a lot of things when you go back."

Shigeru Hagaki still knows the character of Nara Lukuhisa. As a partner who has worked with him for so many years, he knows his procrastination and troublesome temperament. It is for this reason that he has not been promoted in this position for a long time. The strength is also the same. If he was a little bit diligent when he was practicing, he wouldn't be surpassed by his two partners. Now he is only a supreme forbearance, and he will not be able to break through to the level of elite supreme forbearance for a long time.

You must know that Yamanaka Keiichi and Akudo Chingza have already broken through their limits on the battlefield and reached the elite level forbearance, but Shigeru Hagi believes that after this time, Nara Lukisa will definitely become more adept in training. Xin, I believe that soon, when Shigeru Hagaki sees him again, maybe Nara Lukisa will become stronger. He is no longer just relying on his mind to feed himself, he can also be on his own.

Although Konoha now has a lot more people in the elites than in other villages, as his companion and old subordinate, Shigeru Hagaki sincerely hopes that Nara Shigeru can cheer up and focus on cultivation instead of opportunism. Just rely on the brain.

He knows that Nara Lukisa’s talent is very high, even in the history of the Nara family, it can be ranked high, but due to character reasons, he has not been able to become the pillar of Konoha for a long time, and it also failed the Nara family’s treatment of him. Clan members who have placed great hopes.

Knowing all this, Nara Lu took a deep breath, looked at Shigeru Hagaki solemnly in his eyes, and nodded. Although he did not speak at this time, he knew that Nara Shigeru knew that Shigeru Hagaki would be able to feel what he meant, not for anything else, because of the tacit understanding they have worked together for so many years, and because they have been working together for so many years. Feelings.

After getting the guarantee from Nara Shigehisa, Shigeru Hagaki was relieved and returned to his tent with the support of Yakushi Nonoyu and began to write the report.

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