Are you kidding me?

Although they all expressed doubts, the gaze of Uchiha Tatsun gradually changed. This is the deterrence of the strong, and the power of the strong. Being a strong must be respected by everyone.

Everyone present was very shocked, but the Hyuga Enji and the Hyuga Huoto of the Hyuga clan looked unpleasant. After all, they know the strength of Uchiha Tatsumi, and have personally experienced Uchiha Tatsuno's strength, saying that he and Shigeru Hagaki will have a five-five-five match. In fact, they have exaggerated the strength of Shigeru Hagi. , The recent two consecutive injuries of Shigeru Hagaki were all related to the Uchiha Tatsumi in front of him.

If the news weren't for them to come to rescue by mistake, maybe they didn't know it at the moment. Because they received the warning from Shigeru Haaki and made the news about Uchiha Tatsumi the highest super S-level secret in the village of Konoha, they all pretended not to know Uchiha Tatsumi at this moment and cooperated. The others pretended to be shocked, but only they knew what they were thinking.

However, since Uchiha Tatsuta approached the tent, he did not say a word to cooperate with Nara Yakuhisa's pretending behavior. After all, he was here to help Konoha. He didn't care about those who didn't, and gave them more or less. It doesn't matter a little bit of face.

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar faces present, Uchiha Tatsuno knew that these people in front of him were the pillars of Konoha Village. Each of them is the elite Shinobu of Konoha Village. As Konoha Village's main combat force to receive missions in foreign operations, they are all fighting on the first front of the ninja.

Familiar faces are naturally those people who succeeded in the mission and survived until Uchiha Tatsumi was born, such as Nara Kajiu, Yamanaka Keiichi, Yuzushi Hui, Inuzuka Claw, etc., they can live in battle after battle. Then he became the heir of their respective families until later became the pillar of Konoha's families.

There are also some unfamiliar faces that are naturally the poor people who have not survived the war and died in battle after battle. They are all the progenitors of those big families or the pillars of some small and medium-sized families. Those small and medium-sized families will inevitably decline after the sacrifice of their pillars, and it is inevitable that Uchiha Tatsumi is unfamiliar with everyone gradually.

Shigeru Hagi looked at the expressions of everyone, and found that although they all showed expressions of surprise and confusion, none of them raised questions in public. He couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. If you know that Uchiha Tatsuo is very noisy, he is really worried. At this meeting, someone would offend Uchiha Tatsuo somehow. Since no one raised any questions, Shigeru Hagaki was relieved a lot. He looked at Nara Shigeru and nodded at him.

Nara Shigeru took a step forward after getting the consent of Shigeru Hagaki, clapped his hands and attracted everyone’s attention, and said, "Well, now that everyone is here, we will start our combat meeting now, everyone. ..."

Speaking of this, Nara Shikajiu paused first: "This time we must fight against the village of Ninja. It is best to surrender them in a battle. Only in this way can we get rid of the delay of the village as soon as possible. Go to other battlefields to support our companions."

"I don't know if Assistant Lu Jiu has a combat plan for this battle in his mind?" Hinata Xianji was silent for a moment, and said first.

Apart from Shigeru Hagaki, only he was the oldest and the most powerful, and he knew some of the inside story of this battle, so it was a clear choice for him to speak first.

Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety Five: Unexpected Changes

After hearing Enji Hyuga's words, everyone's eyes were on Nara Lukisa's body, and they seemed to be waiting for his plan.

After all, the Nara family are famous for their brains. No matter what kind of ninja Konoha is, I am afraid that there is a member of the Nara family in his team. Their existence can better formulate combat plans, can make their mission execution at least double the ease and reduce casualties. As the next patriarch's favorable successor, Nara Lukisa's mind has been recognized by the high-level Konoha, and Nara Lukisa can be seen in basically every battle plan.

And he did not disappoint. Every suggestion and every decision he made can make Konoha's plan more perfect, and can greatly reduce Konoha's casualties. So when he opened his mouth, everyone's eyes were on him alone.

Nara Lujiu secretly applauded in his heart, but did not reveal it. He coughed slightly, spread the map in his hand and displayed it on the big round table. Holding a long baton in his hand, he pointed to the map and said: "Here, here and here will be the place where we will fight Shanin Village. I believe there are capable people in Shanin Village. If the strategy is only If it is so simple, they must be able to see through. So we need to lead people to a place and lead them quietly. Here we need you to pretend to be defeated and lead people to the past.

And the place of our final battle is Mount Kikyo! At that time, we will ambush a group of ninjas in Kikyo Mountain in advance, and after all the people from Sand Ninja Village come in, we will release ninjutsu and kill them all at once. It is very simple to deal with Sand Ninja Village. Most of their ninjas are puppet masters, and their training is not as good as our Konoha ninjas, so we can take advantage of this and use the power of natural disasters to wipe them out in this place. "

"Natural disaster?" Hyuga Xianji thought for a while and continued: "Then how can we let them all enter our pre-set encirclement?"

"It depends on your acting skills..." Nara Shikahisa smiled mysteriously and said: "We have developed the latest antidote, and all the poisons in the village of Ninbu can be completely detoxified with this antidote. At that time, I hope you can pretend that a poison is working, and seduce them step by step into the encirclement we have set."


Everyone looked thoughtful.

In fact, this strategy is not difficult to understand, as long as a slightly savvy person can understand the main points of this strategy. Obviously Nara Shikahisa meant to take advantage of the eager mentality of Nara Village to make them pretend to be defeated and then seduce them step by step. Even if there are capable people in Nara Village can understand this strategy, they are eager to ask. In front of the high-level Sun Shinobu Cheng, it didn't help.

Without him, now is the time of war. In order to prepare for the war, Ninja Village has stopped all open windows for external missions. Unlike Konoha, even if it is a six-line war, there is still room to perform some tasks that are not very difficult. Coupled with the fact that the daimyo of the country of wind has always had a bad impression of Sand Ninja Village, he has repeatedly reduced the supplies in Sand Ninja Village, and it can be said that Sand Ninja Village is using the savings that have been accumulated for several years or even ten years. In the war with Konoha, they also have to guard against attacks from their ally, Iwanin Village. As the weakest Sand Ninja Village in the Five Ninja Villages, they simply can't hold back the war.

As the saying goes, fighting is actually burning money. The country of fire is rich in resources, and the family of Konoha has a great career. Coupled with the full support of the daimyo of the country of fire, Konoha still has spare capacity even if it is a six-lane war. Like other Shinnin villages, it is different. Nara Lukuji clearly grasped Lived with this very good weakness, in order to defeat Sha Ninbu Village in a battle.

The strategy is simple, but the execution is a test of the Konoha Ninja's acting skills. After a period of subtle discussions, the elite Shangren received their own tasks and execution locations, and then got up and left to make the final preparations before the war.

When the people in the tent left one after another, those who were left were insiders who knew some inside information. At this time, Shigeru Hagaki didn't need to pretend any more, and nodded to Uchiha Tatsumi, "I'm going to ask your Excellency Uchiha Tatsumi for this battle."

Chen shrugged his shoulders and said, "Yes!"

Uchiha Tatsuno doesn’t care, after all, even if his current strength completely wipes out the people of Sunin Village, it is effortless, but now he will not do it. He has to explore the real secret hidden behind Kikyo Mountain. , He has already made a decision. He will only take action until the last moment of the war, unless Konoha is at a disadvantage in this battle, but this is impossible, and Shinobu's current strength is not Konoha. The opponent of the village.

After listening to Nara Shikahisa’s strategy, Uchiha Tatsuro slowly felt that he seemed to know something, but he was not sure. This feeling seemed to be inexplicable, just like the end of the matter as soon as he took action. Will change the same. In that case, he made up his mind to fight a wave of soy sauce in this war, and take care of Konoha's people a little, and he would take it back as a favor.

He didn't say to help out anyway, Uchiha Tatsumi would never do such thankless things.

After the matter was negotiated, Uchiha Tatsuno was ready to go back to the tent to prepare. The army had decided to start the call tonight. The time now is for the elites to go to Shinobu to inform his subordinates.

But at this moment, Hinata Kenji stopped Uchiha Tatsuta: "Your Excellency, please stay!"

Uchiha Tatsumi frowned, turned around and glanced at Xianci indifferently. This old guy was beaten by Uchiha Tatsumi before and couldn't move. He didn't expect to recover so quickly, Uchiha Tatsumi. Through induction, I can perceive that although Hyuga Enji has not yet recovered his peak combat power, his current injury does not affect his battle at all, and even faintly, he still has a trace of breakthrough. It is not a blessing in disguise. .

"You... can you tell me something about your life experience?"

Just as Hinata Kenji's words fell, Konoha everyone present, especially Lujiu, who knew Uchiha Tatsu's horror, suddenly changed their expressions, and even exclaimed with difficulty in self-control.

"Old man, are you crazy?"

"Xian time!"


Chapter 596: Admit the wrong person

"Old man, you are crazy!"

Hearing Enji Hyuga’s words, Huoto almost didn’t frighten to death. You must know that Uchiha Tatsumi’s life experience, although Shigeru Hagi and the others didn’t say it clearly, can still guess a little bit from his temper. After all, he His temper is so stinky, he always beats people into serious injuries, and then asks such untimely questions, do you think you don't live long enough?

Besides, after Shigeru Hagaki and the others heard Hinji's words, there was no time to stop them. They could only look at Uchiha Tatsun nervously, hoping that he could let off Hinji and not make trouble.

It turns out that this is because they thought too much. Uchiha Tatsuno was not angry, but looked at Hyuga Xianci lightly and said, "What do you want to express?"

"Why can I feel a breath from your Excellency that only our Hyuga clan has?" Xianci struggled for a long while, and finally said it.

It may be that the previous meeting was too rushed, and Xianji didn't have time to sense Uchiha Tatsun's breath. Only now did he have the opportunity to take a good look at Uchiha Tatsun.

As a result, he discovered that Uchiha Tatsun's body actually had the unique aura of their Hyuga clan. Needless to say, he also knew that Hyuga Kenji was talking about rolling his eyes.

Hearing Xianci's words, Huoto was startled at first, and then said with an expression of disbelief: "How is this possible, old man, you are joking. How could he have white eyes on him!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone who hadn't reacted before suddenly realized. It turned out to be that Uchiha Tatsun had a breath of white eyes on his body.

and many more! Blind?

The eyes of everyone looking at Uchiha Tatsun changed. He...why does he have a breath of white eyes? Or... he... Hagiaki Shigeru and others didn't think about it.

At first, Hiuga Naruto, who heard the news, would naturally not believe it, but after he slightly sensed the breath in Uchiha Tatsumi's body, his face changed, and he took a step back and talked to Hinata Enji. Standing together, looking sharply at Uchiha Tatsumi.

"I didn't expect it to be true, Xianci, what should I do now?"

Xianji was calm. After Hyuga Naruto put on a fighting state, he did not follow him to fight Uchiha Tatsumi. Instead, he looked at Uchiha Tatsumi with a flat face, and his appearance seemed to be a little bit similar. Uchiha Tatsuno had no desire to fight.

Although Hyuga Enji did not have the desire to fight, but Hyuga Naruto was different. His expression was tense, and his eyes were full of caution when he looked at Uchiha Tatsumi. He approached Hyuga Enji, which formed a sharp contrast with Hyuga Enji.

The two were calm and nervous. Although it seemed that this was the case, anyone with a discerning eye would find that Hinata Enji's hands were already shaking slightly at this moment. If he hadn't forced it, he would look very calm. , Maybe he has already lost his temper.

"Old man..." Hyuga Naruto glanced at Xian strangely, not knowing why he is so calm now, that is their kin. Although Hyuga Naruto was young, it did not hinder his awe of the family: "Why are you still indifferent and act!" Hyuga Naruto couldn't help feeling secretly anxious for Xianji, and began to urge.

Xianji didn't pay attention to Hinata, he spoke to Uchiha Tatsumi in a flat tone: "If it is convenient, can you tell the old man about your life experience? Or, I want to ask who your mother is ."

Uchiha Tatsumi frowned slightly when he heard Hyuga Enji's opening, but after seeing the suppressed excitement in his eyes, he let go of Enji.

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