"I am the acting Xingying of Xingnin Village, Red Star! Who are you? You dare to trespass into our Xingnin Village and hurt our guards. If you don't give me a satisfactory explanation, then you don't want to leave here. "The skinny Xingren saw the guards lying on the ground, came to Chen's face very angrily, and questioned Chen.

"Xingying? A small village character who is supported by a few Xingren even dares to speak out as a shadow, overwhelmingly!" Chen looked at the poor Xingren who was opposite, and expressed disdain to them.

"Damn it! What did you say?"

"Asshole, I want to teach you..."

"The peacock trick..."

Seeing Chen actually insulting Xingren Village, the stars were angry and clamored to take action against Chen, but they were stopped by Xingren who claimed to be the Red Star. "Don't do it, first figure out what the other party's purpose is."

"Huh! Although our Star Ninja Village cannot be compared with the Five Great Ninja Ninja Village, but it is not easy to insult, your Excellency, what is the purpose of coming to our Star Ninja Village?"

"Humph! Asking knowingly, just where your birds don't shit. Apart from that thing, what else is worth mentioning?"

"Master Red Star, he... he came for the sacred object "Xing" of our Star Ninja Village. He also killed Kazama and Sanda. Master Red Star, don't let him go!" At this time, Bei Chen was left at his feet. Xingying reminded the red star.

"What? Your target is "Star"?" Red Star said in surprise, a haze flashing in his eyes. And the Star Ninjas behind him couldn't bear it anymore, "Asshole, they killed our Star Ninja, and dare to covet the holy artifacts of our village, so brave!" Those Xing Ren angrily killed Xiang Chen.

"No matter why you are here, just rely on you to kill the people in our Star Ninja Village, so you don't want to leave alive." This time, Red Star did not stop the Star Ninjas.

"Go to hell..." The Shinnins projected Kuwu Shuriken towards Chen, and then attacked with Kuwu Xiangchen in their hands.

"I can't help myself!" Looking at the attacking Xingren, Chen snorted, took down a handful of Kuwuying and went up. Those star ninjas are all the strengths of the ninja, and they are far different from the ninja of the five major countries, so none of them are Chen's opponents. Chen didn't even use ninjutsu, so he killed the star ninjas one by one with strange powers. .

"Damn! Peacock's magic. Slash!" In Xingren, two Zhongren released a strange chakra from behind, in the shape of a fan, which looked like a peacock on the screen. Then it turned into the shape of a tail beast's tail and slashed towards Chen.

"Huh? Is this the peacock magic method? This is a pure chakra attack after realizing the chakra. Is it because of the "star" cultivation?" Chen dodges the opponent's attack while observing secretly. The magic of peacocks.

"This "star" is just a small meteorite, and the ten-tailed chakra contained in it must be only a few, but even this can make the strength of these star-ninths rise to this level, if it is a true ten-tailed human column power , How strong is that..." Thinking of this, Chen felt a creepy feeling.

"Asshole, if you have the ability, don't hide, cut!" Seeing that Xing Ren who used the peacock magic method did not attack Chen, he shouted at Chen unshuang.

"Huh! Write round eyes, open!"

"That turned out to be... Writer eyes! Isn't that the bloodstain of Konoha's Uchiha? Isn't he the Konoha's Uchiha..." The red star did not join forces with the two Hoshino to attack Chen, but Observing from the side, I found Chen's extraordinary eyes.

"Is it because I want to control Chakra to attack, so the main body can't move? In that case, just kill the main body directly."

Chen found out the opponent's attack route instantly after opening the writing wheel. Chen dodges the opponent's attack while leaning up against the opponent's body.

"Damn, he saw the weakness of the peacock magic method. To be buried in death, don't let him get close." Another Xingren who used the peacock magic method saw Chen's intentions and hurriedly reminded another companion, while commanding He stretched out his peacock magic technique to his companion.

Although the star Shinobu was reminded by his companions, his speed was not as fast as Chen, and he was already close to him before he could jump away.

"Damn it!" The star Ninja could only watch Chen throw his fist at him. Just when Chen's fist was about to hit the star named Death Burial, another star Ninja's peacock magic appeared there in time. Before Ming Death was buried, Chen's fist was blocked.

"Saved!" Dead Burial hurriedly jumped away, and after getting a distance from Chen, while paying attention to Chen, he thanked his companions, "Nighthawk, thank you!"

"You're welcome, be careful!"

"Huh!" Seeing that his attack was blocked, Chen Leng snorted, and then quickly formed seals with both hands, gathering Chakra in the shape of thunder and lightning on his right hand. The thunder and lightning throbbed violently in Chen's hands, making a harsh chirping sound, it was Chidori. "Can block my fist, see if I can block this!" After using the writing wheel to lock the star Shinobu named Death Burial, Chen dragged Chidori to sprint towards the target.

"Quickly, stop him!" The Star Shino named Nighthawk, while reminding the private possession, while controlling his own peacock trick, attacked Chen. However, Chen easily avoided all these attacks under Chen's writing wheel.

"Damn it, the peacock magic. Lingyun." When the dead burial saw Chen killing him again, he quickly switched the shape of the peacock magic to form a pair of wings, and then flew into the air, avoiding Chen.

"Haha! Know how powerful our peacock technique is!" The dead burial man flying in the sky mocked Chen. He thought he was invincible, and in his knowledge, no ninja could fly. Except for them who have practiced the peacock magic method.

"Haha! Can it be transformed into wings to fly? However, if you transform into wings, you can't attack! Then, you will end here!" Looking at the dead burial flying in the air, Chen's mouth corners. He turned up and showed a grin. Whenever Chen showed this expression, it meant that someone was going to suffer.

Chen stretched out his hand, escaped a special kunai from the ninja bag, and shot it at the death burial in the sky. Chen didn't use much power, so Kuwu was not fast, as long as he noticed the ninja, he should be able to avoid it.

"Haha! Can't attack me, just want to project kunai to attack? However, how can this kind of attack hit me!" Flying in the sky looked at the kunai projected by Chen disdainfully, and twisted his neck. , Escaped the Kuwu that Chen projected to him.

"Hahaha... Uh?" The Xingren, who is called Death Burial, smiled triumphantly after avoiding Kuwu, and suddenly noticed something was wrong... Chen, who was still underground, had disappeared in place, and then He heard the harsh chirping sounds of chidori and...

"What is so funny? Can you tell me?"

PS: Upload a chapter first! Wait for the codeword to continue! Seeking flowers, asking for rewards

Group tail: 475137322...

Chapter 42: Battle Star Ninja II

The kunai projected by Chen is exactly the special technique kunai made by Fei Lei Shen, although the star renunciation easily avoided kunai, this is indeed the result Chen wanted. Just when Kuwu missed the star Shinobu, he immediately activated the Flying Thunder God, and suddenly disappeared in place, appearing in the position of Kuwu, which is behind the star Shinobi, and kicked the air with the moon step, keeping it. The figure does not fall, and the right hand still maintains the form of Chidori.

"What is so happy? Can you tell me?" Chen said sharply in the ear of the famous star.

The star Ninja just reacted in horror and wanted to escape, but it still couldn't match Chen's speed. As soon as he thought of running away, the Chidori in Chen's hand had already been printed on his back, and the violent Lei Dun directly shredded the call. The peacock's magic method of the death burial pierced the back of the death burial, and the palm of his hand came out from his chest.

"How... maybe..." Dead Tomb stared blankly at the palm of his chest, which had been stained red with his own blood and entangled with violent thunder and lightning. Looking at this palm, Dead Tomb said in disbelief. . Then the consciousness became weaker and weaker, and the peacock magic was no longer maintained and disappeared. After Chen took his arm back, the dead body fell from the sky.

All this happened so quickly, from the beginning to the end, it was completed in an instant, so that the Zhongren named Nighthawk and the Shangren named Red Star had not yet reflected it. Until the dead body, no! It should be said that they woke up when the body fell to the ground.

"Death tomb..." The star-ninja named Nighthawk cried out sadly. The two have worked together for many years and have established a deep friendship. This time they watched the best companion die in front of him. But I can't do anything, how can I not feel sad and angry!

And the red star looked at Chen who was in the air and thought with horror: "I was absolutely right about what happened just now. That person suddenly disappeared, and then suddenly appeared behind the death tomb. This What is going on?"

After being frightened, there was anger. The Tomb and Nighthawk were his confidants. Although he had never regarded these two as his true confidants, they had been with him for so long anyway, and that person was Going for the "star", so I have to kill him anyway.

"Peacock magic. Bear demon!" The star named Red Star launched the peacock magic, which was more powerful than the previous two Zhongren's peacock magic, and turned into a giant bear. After the giant bear took shape, it roared and rushed towards Chen in midair. After Chen killed the death tomb, he planned to continue to kill the nighthawk. He didn't notice the Red Star's sneak attack. He was caught off guard by the Red Star bear demon, and dragged to the ground, holding Chen to his prison. Being firmly trapped, Chen couldn't break free for a while. But Nighthawk saw the right time and controlled the peacock magic that he had transformed into the shape of a javelin, stabbing to Chen.

"Go to hell!" The Nighthawk yelled at Chen full of hatred, looking at the Chakra Javelin that was attacking him, Chen quickly used the Shulker Snake Hand to conjure five or six giant snakes to block it. Still unable to stop the opponent’s Chakra javelin, the illusioned giant snakes were cut off one by one. Seeing Chen was about to be stabbed by Nighthawk, Chen suddenly disappeared in front of them again, and Nighthawk’s attack also It's empty.

After Chen disappeared, he immediately appeared again. At this time, Chen is standing far away, keeping a long distance from the two Xingren. Chen's feet are stepping on a technique of kunai, which is exactly the one cast out just now to kill the funeral. Bundle.

"This is another trick that can suddenly disappear and then appear in other places. Isn't this the legendary... Space Ninjutsu? If that is the case, then it will be troublesome!" Red Star looked at Chen who appeared in the distance. I felt a little uneasy.

"Huh! Careless, but only this time!" Chen stood in the distance and looked at the two Xing Ren indifferently, and did not immediately attack, and the two Xing Ren in the distance also did not act rashly, looking at Xiang Chen. The eyes were full of solemnity, and the two sides formed an opposition.

At this moment, a teenager who seemed to be about the same age as Chen suddenly ran over from a distance, yelling, "That's not good! Red Star Lord." He came to Red Star in a blink of an eye.

"Ang! What are you doing here? What's going on?" The red star asked the boy who had just arrived.

"Master Red Star, Xing...Xing was taken away by someone...by someone!"

"What are you talking about? The star was taken away? What happened?" After hearing that the star was stolen, the red star immediately asked the boy named Ang several questions nervously.

"The few of us were practicing around the star in the training room, and suddenly broke into a powerful ninja. We are not his opponent at all. He knocked all of us down in an instant and then snatched the star. Ran away!"

"A bunch of trash! You guys..."

Just about to scold the young Red Star, something suddenly came to mind, and he stared at Chen angrily: "Damn, there are even helpers? But as long as you catch you, then you don't have to worry about your companions not appearing!"

"Companion? When did I have a companion? What the **** was going on? Hearing what that guy said, the "star" seemed to have been snatched away. Is there anyone else but me who is thinking of hitting this "star"? Damn, Someone got on board first, and that person should have acted while I was holding those stars. Asshole, dare to use me, no matter who it is, I will have him pay the price." Although someone has been mistaken for a companion, But Chen didn't say anything, because he knew that the other party would definitely not believe it, and he didn't bother to explain anything to these stars.

After Chen Chen looked at the boy of Xing Ren, he was stunned, and suddenly thought of something in his mind, "I seem to forget something... By the way, Xia Xing!"

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