The two shurikens accurately hit the two foreheads, "Pump!" With a sound, blood splashed from the two foreheads.

Aoki instantaneously stepped forward, caught the fallen bodies of the two of them, and placed them gently on the ground without making any other sounds.


Aoki smiled slightly, let go of the two, turned to look at Kato Hide and smiled: "Good job!"

Kato Hide coldly snorted: "A joke, don't look at who it is!"

After taking back his soul, he was not very scared at this moment. The panic in his heart gradually calmed down, but this did not mean that he could forgive Aoki for what he had done before. He glanced at Aoki and didn't say anything. Instead, he turned his head and continued to walk towards the mission goal.

Sand Shinobu walked by from time to time along the way, but they all died under the perfect cooperation of Kato Hide and Aoki, and they didn't even have time to see the enemy clearly.

This has nothing to do with Konoha's general offensive. Under the feign attacks of other places, Sand Shinobu has already become a frightening bird. Most of Shia Shinobu has just stepped into the battlefield and has never experienced such a scene.

Suddenly being attacked in the middle of the night and mutinously fleeing, only those Zhongnin and Shangren who have experienced countless battles can remain calm. However, they are not good at organizing the panic and fleeing of Xiaren. After all, they are ninjas in their own village and dare not dare. Use strong.

Because they know that as long as they use strong words, they will arouse the resistance of this group of Ninja, making them more violent and denying them. In this case, Konoha's people have not come, they have already suffered heavy casualties, then this war There is no need to fight anymore.


The sneak attack continued, and Aoki and Kato Hide were gradually approaching their mission goals. But at this moment, Kato Hide is already exhausted. After all, he is Zhong Ren. After using so many family secret techniques, the Chakra in his body has long been lost. Chakra.

After learning about Kato Hide’s state, Aoki patted Kato Hide on the shoulder and said, “Okay, it’s coming soon. If you stick to it, the mission goal is ahead. Then I will seduce the enemy, and you should finish it quickly. Mission, I’ll cover for you, and run away after destroying the target! Remember, if you don’t want to die, take care of me!"

Although Aoki didn't say anything further, Kato Hide knew what he meant. Taking a deep look at him, Kato Hide nodded, feeling the chakra recovered in his body, "I'm done, let's do it!"


After saying this, the two separated, Aoki threw down several detonating charms in the place where the sand ninjas gathered with one hand, and the huge roar suddenly attracted the attention of the sand ninjas. come over.

Although not many people were killed, but after Aoki attracted their attention, Shin and Kato Hide and the others were able to complete the task better.

But it is said that after being attacked by Konoha's people, Sand Ninja had already suffocated a breath of bad breath in his heart, and couldn't find the enemy for a long time. This bad breath accumulated in his heart and couldn't get out, causing the resentment to become more and more serious. At this time, someone suddenly caused it. They noticed that all Sand Shinobu's goals were placed on Aoki, and they chased them in the direction of Aoki regardless of them.

"Successful!" Aoki smiled coldly, "Stupid Sand Shinobu, come chase me! Hahahaha!"

Chapter six hundred and eight: bombing the warehouse

Just after Aoki diverted the sand from this area, Shin and Kato Hide finally came to the mission goal of their trip.

Two huge warehouses stood in front of the three.

Looking at the two towering warehouses, Hideo Kato couldn't help but curled slightly: "Humph!" In other words, after he left Aoki, Hideo Kato's face became very unsightly.

"Damn fellow, you better die on this battlefield! Otherwise one day I will make you look good!"

Although his mouth was chattering, the movement of Kato Hideo's hand did not drop at all. Kumo in his hand broke the lock of the warehouse, his hands quickly formed seals, and fifteen seals were formed in one breath, and then Kato Hideh's hands were placed on the warehouse gate.

An invisible wave came out of Kato Hide's hands. To my surprise, this invisible wave was bounced away after touching the warehouse gate, with no effect at all.

"Huh, is it a high-level enchantment? I didn't expect that there are capable people in Shinobu!"

It's an enchantment technique! There is a layer of high-level enchantment in Sand Shinobu's material warehouse, which is to prevent someone from destroying materials and breaking their logistics supplies. Let Kato Hideyoshi's breaking the seal actually didn't work.

"Huh! Do you think this is foolproof? Naive!" Kato Hide coldly snorted, and his hands flashed again.

However, this time the Boundary Breaking Technique was different. Kato Hideo kept a posture for two minutes before suddenly opening his eyes: "Broken!"

Kato Hideyoshi's hands were placed on the warehouse door, and a chakra wave that was larger than before was transmitted through. The barrier blessed on the warehouse door was like a window paper, and it broke with a poke, just like a mirror flower. open.

"Ignorance!" Kato Hide flicked his sleeves and patted the non-existent dust Shi Shiran into the warehouse.

Although Sand Ninja's enchantment technique is very delicate, but the Kato clan's deciphering technique is not ordinary. Their soul technique is one of the best in Konoha, and even the heart-turning technique of the mountain clan can't match them.

It can be said that their secret technique is the only secret technique that can remove the soul from the body. Although Kato Hide has a bad personality, but his strength is really good, except for the secret technique that can only be learned by Shinobu, all other secret techniques Kato Hide They have mastered them thoroughly, and the small enchantment technique can't stop him at all.

After putting down four or five detonating charms at the four corners of the warehouse, Hidekazu Kato ran out of the warehouse in an instant.



The sound of the detonation symbol exploding represents the successful completion of his mission on this trip.

Sand Shinobu's warehouse stored more than half of their materials for this war, not only medicines but also equipment, but also a large number of detonation charms, otherwise they would not spend so much effort to set up the enchantment technique.

After being detonated by Hide Kato's detonator, the detonator inside the warehouse exploded twice, and a strong heat wave came from behind Kato Hide.

"Oops!" There was a cold sweat on his face: "Forget that their warehouse also has a detonation symbol!"

Seeing the bad situation, Hideo Kato quickly left the place and evacuated quickly in the direction opposite to the warehouse.

However, it was a little late after death at this time, and when they heard the explosion, the sand ninjas reacted.

"No! Their purpose is a material warehouse!"


"Be sure to guard the remaining warehouse!"


Hearing the sound of detonating talisman exploding in the distance, Aoki knew that Kato Hide had successfully completed his mission. A stone in his heart could not help but slowly fall: "Want to go?"

Aoki couldn't help but snorted: "After chasing me for so long, why don't you keep chasing me?"

However, Aoki also knew that this was not the time to play tricks. Although Kato Hideh had completed his task, there was no movement on the letter side.

Whether it is to help Kato Hideo or to cover the letter, he will continue to drag Shinobu here.

Kumo, with the detonating talisman on the four-handed tail, threw it out, stuck in the crowd of Sand Ninja, making a roar.

Although the lethality is not enough, what Aoki wants now is to hold everyone down. Simply his method of throwing kunai was not bad, and those who wanted to evacuate were blocked by his exquisite kunai throwing technique.

Sand Shinobu looked at where Aoki was hiding with ferocious eyes.


A large group of them chased for so long without catching a little Konoha Ninja. It was a big joke to say it.

"Everyone, let's go! Damn this bastard!"

A group of Shinobu rushed forward, and Aoki saw everything in his eyes. He smiled coldly and took a step back. In the blind spot of Shinobu's sight, a shadow clone was separated to contain everyone on the spot, but he himself had already escaped. Go to the next location.

"Just stay here! Uncle, I'll go one step ahead!"

When he concealed the blind spot of Shinobu's sight, it meant that he himself could not see the actions of Shinobu. Only twos and threes of Shinobu quietly left the team, evacuated from the place where Aoki could not see, and went to the rest. Rushed to the warehouse.

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