When the last sand ninja team chasing Konoha Ninja came to the plain not far from Kikyo Castle, Shigeru Hagaki and Nara Kajiu stood on the high mountain to observe their movements.

"Are you ready to start?" Shigeru Hagaki couldn't help but whispered to Nara Lukisa next to him.

Nara Luji frowned, observing the movement of Shinobu, thinking for a long time, and said: "Wait, they haven't all gone in yet."

"Wait?" Shigeru Hagaki seemed to have thought of something: "Has the residents in the city been evacuated?"

"This..." Nara Lukuji's words paused, and it was a little difficult to speak: "Because of the real reasons, we did not notify the residents of Kikyo Castle to evacuate."

"What!" Shigeru Hagaki was taken aback and scolded Nara Lukisa: "You didn't notify them in advance for such a big thing? Didn't you say that you must notify them before!"

Hearing Hagiaki Shigeru's words, Nara Shigeru smiled and shook his head: "There is no time to notify. Because of Uchiha Tatsumi, our headquarters can be said to be completely paralyzed for nearly a week, and there is no time to notify. Residents of Kikyo Castle."

Speaking of this, Nara Luji paused briefly. It seemed that it was because of Uchiha Tatsumi. He didn't know what to say. After three seconds of silence, he sighed again and said: "Because Uchiha Because of Chen, all the people familiar with the matter were seriously injured and were admitted to the medical tent. No one passed the news at all. It was also because of confidentiality that a third person could not be known, so this matter was delayed. Come down, the evacuation order has not been conveyed for a long time."

"Then why didn't you say it earlier!" Shigeru Hagaki pulled Nara Lukisa's collar and shouted at him: "Why didn't you say it earlier, you have to say it at this time?"

Nara Shigeru hasn’t resisted for a long time. No matter how Hagiaki Shigeru pulls his collar to lift him up abruptly, he endures his uncomfortable feeling and said: "Sorry, I just thought of it. When I was going to tell you, all Everyone has already set off, and even if you speak again at that time, it won't help."

"Then tell me too!" Shigeru Hagaki put down Nara Lukuhisa's collar and snorted coldly to him: "So now? The mission is cancelled. It is a mission failure. Tell all Konoha ninjas. Their task now is to intercept all of the Sunnins outside of Kikyo Castle, and not allow Sunin to step into Kikyo Castle for half a step!"

"It's... too late!" Nara Lu said with a helpless wry smile: "You forgot? Just before, a large number of Sand Ninja was led to Kikyo Castle by us. Now the evacuation is of little significance, it can only be hard. Go ahead and execute it on the scalp."

"No!" Shigeru Hagaki rejected Nara Lukuhisa's proposal, categorically saying: "There are still residents in the city. They are absolutely not allowed to perform tasks in the city. They must all be driven out of Kikyo Castle! Now we will give orders. Asking all Konoha ninjas to go to Kikyo City to expel Sand Ninja who has already entered the city, I don't believe it, dignified Konoha, can't it be a mere guilty Sand Ninja? Even if you don't rely on these little tricks, you can deal with Sand Ninja! "

"Masaku-sama..." Nara Lu hesitated for a long time, not knowing how to speak, and all the words at the end turned into a deep sigh.

Chapter six hundred and eleventh: cold-blooded big snake pill

"Maosaku-sama..." Nara Lukisa's words contained a little helplessness, and finally he sighed deeply, and then persuaded him: "It's too late. For the current plan, the wisest choice is to continue to act according to the original plan."

"Bastard!" Shigeru Hagaki stared at Nara Lukisa with wide eyes. He couldn't believe that such words were actually said from his mouth, and he immediately slapped him on the face with a slap.

"This is the end of the matter, and I have nothing to say...only to continue with the mission." Nara Shikajiu said without any irritation.

"Dare you!" Shigeru Hagaki suddenly exploded with a powerful aura. He pulled out the white tooth blade on his back, and stared at Nara Lukisa with sharp eyes: "I am here today, Shigeru Hagi, I see Who dares to give orders!" It seems that as long as Nara Luji dares to give orders, the blade of his white teeth will fall on Lujiu's head in the next second.

Nara Lu gave a bitter smile for a long time, what can he do? He is also very desperate, who can be blamed for this situation? Blame Uchiha Tatsuo? Not that, after all, he didn't know it, and to blame, he could only blame the injustice of fate, the mischief of this world.

Seeing that Sun Shinobu’s troops had entered the predetermined ambush range, it was almost time to launch an ambush, but now Shigeru Hagaki, who was in front of him, was staring at him with the sword in his arms, so he simply There is no way to give orders. If this continues, the best opportunity is bound to be missed.

Nara Luji is anxious, but now he can't do anything. He thinks he is not an opponent of Shigeru Hagaki, and did not want to arouse Shigeru Hagaki's anger. But if the stalemate continues, all their plans may fall short.

At the moment when Nara Lujiu's heart was extremely anxious, he saw a small group of Konoha ninjas in Anbe uniforms slowly lurking to a place not far from the plain, releasing a flare into the sky, which also represented The plan has officially begun.

"The plan begins!" Nara Shikuji squinted his eyes, looked at the signal flare blooming in the sky, and said inwardly.

"No! Who! Who the **** is it!" Shigeru Hagaki held a blade of white teeth in his hand like crazy, his eyes were full of fierce meaning, "Who the hell!" Sen Leng reveals layers of The words of killing intent came out of his mouth.

"Hiss...what's the matter, Lord Shigeru, why such a big anger." Behind Shigeru Hagi, a gloomy voice sounded, and the evil and cold meaning made Nara Lu's heart beat for a long time. There was a shiver.

Shigeru Hagi turned his head and stared at the place where the sound was made. Gradually, a long-haired figure walked out of the darkness. His face was pale, and there was a hint of madness in his eyes, looking at Shigeru Hagaki as if he had seen the best guinea pig in the whole world.

"It's the big snake pill!" Shigeru Hagaki raised his eyebrows inadvertently, flicked the knife in his hand, looked at him and asked, "What happened to the flare just now!"

"Signal flare?" A weird smile appeared on Da Shemaru's face. After thinking about it pretendingly, she made a suddenly realized expression: "Oh! You mean the signal flare in Anbu. I asked them to release it."

"You! I'm the highest commander, how can you start action without authorization..."

"Master Maoshuo, now the enemy has entered the encirclement circle. If we don't act anymore and wait for the enemy to react and escape the encirclement circle, then we will suffer. Time does not wait. If we don't act at this time, when will we wait?"

Shigeru Hagaki's words were interrupted by Oshemaru, he calmly expounded his point of view, it seemed to him that he had just done a small thing.

Shigeru Hagi almost laughed when he heard Dashemaru's words: "Do you know that there are still thousands of residents in Kikyo City who have not evacuated? If you release the signal flare now, it doesn't mean you have ruined these tens of thousands. The person!"

"What?" Oshemaru frowned, with an ominous premonition in his heart: "You mean, there are still residents in Kikyo City who haven't evacuated?"

"It's not that there was no evacuation, it was that no one was evacuation at all." Nara Shikajiu interjected with a wry smile on the side.

"What's going on!" Da She Wan, who knew that the matter was serious, couldn't help but asked in a deep voice.

Shigeru Hagaki sighed lightly: "It's all to blame. I didn't let other people know about it because of confidentiality. It happened that during the first few days of the plan, both I and Lu Jiu were recovering from their injuries. They didn't care about this matter at all, waiting for the task. I only remembered this when I started to execute it."

Hearing Hagiaki Shigeru's words, Oshemaru kept squinting and frowning. "So, if we want to implement the plan, we must sacrifice them?"

After saying this, Oshemaru stopped speaking, but looked at Kikyo Castle in the sky with twinkling eyes, as if thinking about the pros and cons of the whole thing. Is it to end this war at the expense of a city or to sacrifice more than half of the ninjas to save most of the residents?

The time left in front of me was not long enough for Oshemaru to think, but in just a few breaths, Oshemaru had already made his decision: "Plan, continue, proceed!"

I saw that his eyes were full of madness, and it seemed that after making this decision, he had fallen into madness.

As the saying goes, killing one is a sin, but killing one is a male. Nine million slaughtered, that is, the male Zhongxiong. Although there were not nine million people in this city to kill him, there were still thousands of people. Obviously, Da She Maru had his own thoughts in his mind for being able to make such a decision.

"You're crazy!" Shigeru Hagi took a deep look at Dashemaru. At this moment, he has fallen into a state of madness, or he is now indulged in the coming massacre feast.

Those who have the right to make decisions are here. The current situation is two to one, and the plan is proceeding as usual.

It is true that Shigeru Hagaki can force a violation, forcing the plan to fail and change the plan, but what can be done like this? Now that the signal flares have been sent, 80% of all Sand Shinobu know that Konoha has a different plan here.

Will they be honestly led by Konoha? If there is no signal flare, maybe Shigeru Hagi will fight for it, but now...

He wasn't a bad guy either. As early as World War II, Shigeru Hagaki didn't know how much blood he had on his hands. He was always a decisive person, and he was never soft when facing enemies.

Now it's just that people in their own country can't help but start.

The six hundred and twelfth chapter: the scientific madman Oshe pill

None of the people who came from that era would give up the mission because of a little compassion, and it was not that Shigeru Hagaki had never done a slaughter mission.

There is a rule in the ninja world that as long as it is the target of the mission, even a baby must wield the butcher knife without hesitation. Such a mission Shigeru Hagi has not never done.

Now that the plan has been implemented, it is too late even if it wants to withdraw it, and Dashemaru is not a person in the know, even if he wants to blame it, he doesn't know what to say.

"Oh!" In the end, Shigeru Hagaki hesitated several times and wanted to speak, but when he opened his mouth, he didn't know where to start. In the end, he could only close his mouth, and all the words turned into a long sound. Sigh.

At this moment, Shigeru Hagaki looked a bit vicissitudes of life, just thinking that he had grown a few years old at this moment. He buckled his back, leaned forward unnaturally, turned around helplessly, and walked towards the back.

Now that the plan has already begun, it also means that the massacre is about to begin. This kind of battle, Shigeru Hagaki, who kills 10,000 enemies and hurts himself by 3,000, really can't stand it. This kind of battle Shigeru Haguki would rather not watch.

"You...you just need to send me the result of the battle after it's over. I'm a little tired, so I'll go back and rest first. There is a big snake pill here, so it's up to him to decide everything."

After talking about it, Shigeru Hagaki went down the mountain and left without looking back. He no longer paid attention to the victory or defeat of the war. In his heart, the battle of Kikyo Mountain was over. Yes, it was Konoha's complete defeat. The result is over.

"Oh? Are you ready to go in such a hurry? Don't you really want to stay and have a look?" At this moment, a misty voice came from the void again, but this time there was a slight joking taste in the voice. .

"Who!" Da She Maru looked around and said in a deep voice with his unique hoarse voice. At this moment, his whole body is already tense, ready to fight.

Those who can approach them silently and have not yet let them discover are bound to be the strong.

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