Luo Sha was ecstatic, following the induction of his body, Luo Sha's soul slowly drifted towards his body.

Because he is a soul body, ordinary physical attacks can't work on him, even Garaura's Sand Dun can't stop him. He stretched out his hand and directly penetrated the thick sand wall. At this time, he could already feel the call from his body.

Following this feeling, he naturally returned to the body.

The process of fusion was a bit slow, even though it was his own body, Luo Sha did not master the ninjutsu that manipulates the soul, and could only rely on the soul to naturally fit with the body.

In this process, Luosha has been able to feel the state of the people around him, their voices, and their emotions.

Seeing Kayan Luo looking at her worriedly, Luo Sha couldn't help but smile and tried to reach out and touch her face. But Luo Sha had forgotten that he was still in the soul state now, and his body and soul did not fit together completely.

When Luo Sha stretched out his hand, his arm passed directly through the physical void and lifted up, so that he could not completely control the body. The arm he lifted only slightly trembled with his fingers, and then stopped heaving.

This should have been a very inconspicuous action, but in the eyes of Jiarenluo and Yecang, they saw surprise and excitement.

"Moved, moved!" Jiarenluo couldn't restrain the joy in his heart at all, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. The feeling of escaping from the dead is really good.

Yekura didn’t have much to say, but he was glad that she could finally leave this ghost place. After all, she and Luo Sha had a bad relationship. In essence, they were still competitors. They were the fourth-generation Fengying candidates. But there is Ye Cang's name.

But they didn't see the strange spirit revealed in the eyes of the scorpion on the side.

Scorpion’s human puppet research project has reached a bottleneck. The most important thing is how to inject soul into the puppets that have been made. If this problem can be overcome, it means that there will be no bottlenecks in this research ever since.

Why was Luo Sha, who had lost her soul, suddenly found her soul? So how did his soul leave the body?

"Perhaps we should find some time to discuss with Luo Sha!" Xie nodded thoughtfully. After conducting multiple studies, it is not difficult to see that Luosha's soul is slowly returning to his body at this moment. The finger conditioned reflex just now was for this reason, and it must have been involved when his soul was doing something.

Scorpion understood the key point of the matter at once. If it weren't for the reason that he was still on the battlefield, the scorpion would have liked to send Rosara to his laboratory for research now.

Now that Luosha's soul had begun to fuse, it was time for them to consider the issue of breaking through.

"Okay, now Luosha's soul has returned, now we should decide which direction to break through?" Scorpion clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention.

Kayanluo glanced at Luosha who was resuming action, and then worried: "Should we not wait for Luosha to wake up before making a decision? Besides, his soul has been out of the body for so long, I don’t know if there will be any problems. Or should I look at it before making a decision?"

"When will you have to wait?" At this time, no one in the crowd murmured.

"Isn't Lord Luosha recovering now? I think Lord Scorpion's suggestion should be followed."

"Don't worry, Master Luosha will be guarded by us. Even if we fight our lives, we will protect Master Luosha!"

"That's right, it was Master Kayura and Master Luosha who were protecting us before. Now let us protect Master Luosha!"


" guys!" Jiaren Luo looked at the group of Sand Shinobu behind him with a touch of emotion. Although they looked very weak at the moment, they had already forcibly straightened their waists and made a seemingly nonchalant appearance.

Scorpion chuckled at the sight, and said coldly: "Okay, don't try to be aggressive, too, and Luosha is protected by us. You should decide the direction to break through as soon as possible. It is best to be able to directly after Luosha wakes up. action."

"Why don't you think about it then!" Ye Cang glanced at the crowd with contempt, and immediately pointed his hand in the direction behind him: "If I didn't hear it, it was only where the fighting sound was the loudest? Isn't it enough to break through that place? "

Everyone looked at the place where Ye Cang's finger was pointing, and it was indeed the gate of Kikyo City! And there, it is also the place where Konoha ninja ambush the most.

"Hiss!" Scorpion took a breath: "You are so bold!"

"But, I like it!" The corner of Scorpion's mouth was curved, and a charming smile was hung on a delicate face that had been paralyzed all the time.

"By the way, it was because I didn't know where Luosha's soul was not easy to move. Now that Luosha's soul has begun to return, there will be no problems with moving."

Jiarong Luo's eyes lit up, and after hearing Scorpion's explanation, he started to move around.

Chapter 626: The Prey of Dashewan

In the past, I was afraid that moving Luosha's body would cause bad effects, so I didn't move. Now that the scorpions have said that there is no problem, then the last obstacle that lay in Sand Nin's heart is eliminated at this time, and there is no obstacle for them to break through.

After confirming again and again, Jiarenluo was considered relieved. At this moment, someone volunteered to step forward to help Luo Sha's body, and everyone headed towards the gate of the city with the ninjutsu falling from time to time.

At this moment, Konoha's efforts to encircle the sand ninja in Kikyo Castle have been much smaller, and the sand ninja group at the door has already made them overwhelmed. Fortunately, Shouzuru was stopped by Shigeru Hagi, otherwise this would be for Konoha standing in a pile. It was a disaster for the ninja.

There is no worries, no need to be distracted to take care of Luosha. After Jiarongluo's firepower is on, the sand wall that he propped up is even stronger than before, but now he feels no more tired than before.

Perhaps it was because of letting go, which allowed her to burst out to the limit in her heart. After this war, if Gaurao could survive, she might be able to break the current limit and reach a higher level.

As early as when Luosha's soul began to return to his body, Uchiha Tatsun felt it, and he moved his fingers lightly. He originally wanted to do something on it to intercept Luosha's soul, but after thinking about it carefully, he wanted to give up this plan. .

Since Luo Sha was destined to not escape death, Uchiha Tatsuno didn't have to spend that effort to calculate him, anyway, this short-lived ghost eventually died in the hands of Oshemaru.

Without Uchiha Tatsu's interference, Luo Sha's soul merged quickly. Although he didn't cultivate the soul technique, after all, it was his own body, and even if it was slow, it would not slow down much.

Just as they were halfway there, a heat wave suddenly spread outside Kikyo. The scorching air wave rushed towards the face through the sand wall of Gairara.

With a strong fire attribute chakra, the scorching waves of air burned the sand ninjas in the sand wall.

"Damn it, what the **** is this!"

"What is Konoha's ninja doing!"


They were unable to stop the burning of the air waves, the raging heat waves not only burned their bodies, but even burned their last gleam of hope.

"What the **** is this!" Supporting the sand wall with difficulty, Jiaren Luo looked at the substantial heat wave in front of him, and couldn't help but glanced at Luo Sha with concern, wondering if Luo Sha could persist.

Outside the city of Kikyo, the angry Shou Crane raged in his heart after he could not catch Hagaki Shigeru. With his mouth open, dozens of air-refining bombs were sprayed at Hagaki Shigeru.

Immediately, it plunged its hands into the ground, and its thick arms plunged deep into the soil. The two arms used force together to pull up all of the large circle of soil forcibly, and threw it at the flag wood Maoshuo.

Shouhe opened his mouth wide, and the strong wind attribute Chakra condensed in his mouth.

"Feng Dun really refines empty bullets!"

An air-refining bomb that was at least three times larger than before spewed out from Shou He's mouth, with the chakra compressed to the extreme wind attribute, and suddenly hit the clod of soil.

In an instant, the poor clod spread out and turned into thousands of small rocks, whizzing towards Shigeru Hagaki at supersonic speeds.

Facing the surrounding rocks and the huge refining bullets hidden behind him, Shigeru Hagaki didn't dare to hold on.

Maybe he can follow, but in this case, he will definitely use up most of the chakras in his body. It is a fantasy for the remaining chakras to deal with Shouhe.

He doesn't have an unimaginable huge amount of chakra like a tail beast monster like Shouhe. Some people say that the chakras of the tail beasts are unlimited. In fact, this statement is different. The chakras of the tail beasts actually have an upper limit. If they exceed that limit, they will temporarily lose their combat effectiveness due to excessive consumption of the chakras.

After all, they are tail beasts. The amount of chakras in their bodies is huge. In addition, they can directly absorb chakras with various attributes from nature, and the recovery speed is very fast. This creates the illusion that tail beasts are basically infinite.

However, it turns out that apart from the Six Ways of Immortals, only Uchiha Madara in the Senjutsu column was able to defeat the tail beast. No one knows this little secret of the tail beast and it is normal.

Fortunately, Shigeru Hagaki deliberately moved towards a place where there was no one after he flashed past. There was no one behind Shigeru Hagaki. Even if he escaped Shouhe's attack, he would not worry about casualties.

What Shigeru Hagaki did not expect was that he did nothing after avoiding the attack of Shouhe. Thousands of pebbles hit the ground behind Shigeru Hagaki, making "bang-bang" noises, setting off arrays. 'Huge waves'.

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