"Why do you blame yourself? I think you should be very clear? All your words and deeds before the implementation of the plan is the cause. The people in Kikyo City died because of the plan. Under the circumstances of responsibility, it is impossible for you not to fall into an out-of-control emotion."

"Causality is very troublesome. This kind of thing is not easy to talk about. For example, I want to kill you. What is the cause and effect? ​​You are dead, this is the effect. Only when the two are connected together can they be regarded as a complete cause and effect. , Then this also means that the two of us who have nothing to do with each other are linked by this cause and effect."

Uchiha Tatsumi sighed lightly. I don’t know if he said these things will be counterproductive. After all, he doesn’t understand causation very well. Because of the systematic reasons, although he can’t completely avoid causation, at least Tatsuno doesn’t. Will be restricted by cause and effect.

Naruto’s world causality line is actually very heavy. Since Kaguyaji came to the earth, there has been a cause, and this will create the fruit of Taoshi's search for the earth in the future. The six immortals and his brother sealed Kaguya together. Ji, this is the reason. In the future, Naruto and Sasuke, who have the blood of Asura and Indra, will seal Kaguya Ji again. This is also a cause and effect. Hanzo killed Yahiko for the cause, and ultimately died in the hands of Heavenly Way Payne. This is also a result...

The world of Hokage is full of causal involvement everywhere. Even the immortals of this world cannot break free from the **** of causality. Uchiha Tatsuta told them that he broke the world’s biggest involvement. I don’t know what will happen afterwards. What kind of consequences will it cause? He can't think about it, but it's just right. Will Uchiha Tatsuo be afraid? Perhaps his greatest interest is to turn the world into a muddy water.

Chapter six hundred and fortieth: Flicker does not accomplish intimidation

There is a system behind Uchiha Tatsun, Tatsun can avoid the involvement of cause and effect to a large extent. As long as he is not overdoing it, cause and effect will not have a big impact on him.

For Uchiha Tatsumi, the causality that even a fairy should be a little afraid of in this world is just a small obstacle.

This is also the reason why Dashemaru killed Eilaozang Chen without stopping.

The so-called butterfly effect, because the death of Eilao Zang may involve the changes of countless world lines in the Hokage World, but the reducibility of history will forcibly restore those modified trajectories to normal trajectories.

Uchiha Tatsuno is not afraid, his existence is the biggest irrationality in this world, so as long as he exists for one day, then the world will not be back on track.

"The power of this cause and effect is so strong? But what does he have to do with us annihilating Sanda Ninja?" Nara Shikajiu was a little puzzled.

After Uchihasatsu's explanation, he probably understood the meaning of cause and effect, but what can be done? What does this have to do with the fact that they want to annihilate Sara? Could it be that causality can control the killing?

"It really has nothing to do with your war. If it's just a simple war, you won't have anything to do with it. But this time it's different..." Uchiha Tatsumi lowered his head in thought, his expression very serious.

"Like this dead leaf, if it falls naturally from the tree, nothing will happen, but if you forcibly remove it from the tree..."

With a splash, countless leaves fell with Uchiha Tatsumi's movements.

"Then they will be like this..."

Everyone present was silent. Although they didn't fully understand Uchiha Tatsu's meaning, they seemed to feel very powerful.

"So what are the consequences of this?"

"There are people who shouldn't die in Kikyo Castle. Forcibly changing a person's destiny will result in a backlash from fate, from a desperate situation to death, and even the people around him will die together." Uchiha Tatsumi stretched out his hand Pinch, the dead leaves that fell on his hands suddenly turned into dust, and as his hands spread out, they slowly drifted away in the wind.

"so serious?"

"It's just to lighten it... It doesn't matter if a person dies. If it affects the people around you, how many people are there who participated in this annihilation war? Counting their family members, it will lose so much at one time. People, can you Konoha eat it?"

"Hiss!" Naralu couldn't help taking a breath for a long time, and subconsciously glanced at Shigeru Hagaki, and found that he frowned slightly, as if thinking about the credibility of Uchiha Tatsumi's words.

To be honest, what kind of cause and effect Uchiha Tatsumi talked about, he didn’t believe in destiny. For a ninja, destiny is always in his hands. If you don’t even have this courage, then don’t take it. Ninja, you don't even have this courage. Sooner or later you will die. It's better to quit early and maybe you can enjoy your old age.

So Shigeru Hagaki frowned and stepped forward and said softly: "The ninja is going to charge forward fearlessly. Fate has always been in his own hands. It’s also just right to die, because for this reason, let’s just let us give up the victory we won so hard, it seems a bit unreasonable."

Shigeru Hagaki's words were a bit aggressive, but his words were rough and not rough, and he won the approval of many ninjas as soon as he said them.

If there were people who were shocked by the big world that Uchiha Tatsumi said before, then they have all recovered now and no longer pay attention to it, just care about why the wall was suddenly broken, combined with Hagishi Shigeru and Nara Deer The meaning of a long time.

The opening of the city gate before seemed to have something to do with Uchiha Tatsumi in front of him. Subconsciously, they stood apart, faintly forming a circle to surround Uchiha Tatsumi. The field was back to the confrontation again.

Seeing this, Uchiha Chen stomped his feet coldly, and then his whole figure was the same as a sharp sword that came out of its orifice, and the sharp, majestic and vast momentum suppressed everyone's head.

"This... this kind of strength!"

"Ok... so strong!"

Most of the Konoha ninjas who were present had never seen Uchiha Tatsuta make a move, and thought that Uchiha Tatsuta was just a little furry boy from somewhere, pretending to be forceful in front of them, but they did not expect that they were really awesome.

Three years without a blockbuster. Uchiha Tatsuno's momentum suppressed everyone's head, and he could only barely bend his body slightly forward to resist Uchiha Tatsuo's coercion.

"Are you floating or I can't lift the knife? Kindly explain to you that you don't appreciate it?" Uchiha Tatsuno frowned, without too much expression on his face, his tone was very flat.

But the hearts of everyone present were not as plain as Uchiha Tatsuo.

"Where did this guy... come from!"

"How do I know, how can he be so strong?"

"I'm afraid that even Master Maoshuo is not an opponent!"


"Mr. Tatsun, please calm down!" After all, Nara Shikahisa is the Chakra who has been in contact with Uchiha Tatsu. The Chakra in his body has been further improved, so the pressure on him in the face of Tatsun's coercion is much less than that of other people. .

Nara Shikajiu took a step forward and made an apology with his hands together: "Sorry, Mr. Tatsu, we didn't mean that, please don't get me wrong!"

"Misunderstanding?" Uchiha Tatsu sneered: "Do you think I misunderstood you?" He pointed to the ninja who punched himself, and looked at Nara Lukisa mockingly.

"Does Konoha treat your benefactor that way?"

"No, no, no!" Nara Lu Jiuxin came next and hurriedly explained: "It's really not what I meant, Mr. Tatsu, please calm down, we...we are willing to apologize."

As the person who has the most contact with Uchiha Tatsun, Nara Yakuhisa knows Tatsun's character and strength best among all people. You kindly tell him that it's okay, if you dare to threaten him? Sorry, I'm afraid you don't know how to die.

For this reason, Nara Lujiu hurriedly stepped forward to explain. Otherwise, if another silly person like Akudo Dingza appeared again, the people here would really be cold.

Chapter 641: End

Uchiha Tatsuo always eats soft but not hard, just like the previous few times when Nara Lukisa and the others dealt with Tatsu, if it weren’t for the Akudo Dingza, they might have already been there. It's settled.

Regarding Tatsun’s character, Nara Shikahisa thought he could still grasp it a little bit. He smiled and looked at Uchiha Tatsun, and said faintly: “Mr. Tatsun, we know that people don’t talk darkly, this matter is indeed ours. We are willing to apologize for Konoha's fault and compensate Mr. Yuchen, so please look at our sincere attitude, can you just let it go?"

"Huh." Uchiha Chen snorted in a very flat tone, but he didn't just withdraw his momentum so directly.

When Nara Kaji saw it, his eyes lit up, "There is a play!" So he took a step forward again: "Don’t Tatsun want to take your two precious apprentices to Konoha? I am Nara Shika here to make it. From now on, you will be here in Konoha. All the medicinal materials needed by Ye were contracted by our Nara family."

"Oh?" Uchiha Tatsun's voice was slightly adjusted to a higher key, but he still didn't agree.

Nara Shikahisa put his hand on his back and hooked it. Yamanaka Kai, who knew his heart, gently pushed Qiu Dao Dingza forward and winked at him.

Only then did Qiu Dao Dingzuo suddenly realize that he touched his head and smiled: "Mr. Chen, I have something wrong with this and the previous things, so let’s go, if you come to live in Konoha in the future, we are under the family of Qiu Dao. All the rotisserie restaurants in China can eat whatever you want, and you will be free!"

"Cough..." Uchiha Chen coughed softly, but remained unmoved.

The people present are not fools either. At this time, where can they still not know what to say?

"If you come to Konoha, all clothing stores under our family will be open for you, all for free."

"If you can let me wait a while, I am willing to open the blacksmith shop, you can choose the weapon you like at will, even if it is a weapon mixed with chakra conductive metal."


Everyone said one after another, each vying to offer their own price, only to ask Uchiha Tatsuno not to hold them accountable.

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