Listening to Uchiha Mirror's words, Futake groaned for a long time without speaking. For a long time, he breathed out and continued to ask: "Is it because of this? Haven't I already concealed the news of Kaleidoscope? Why do I have to do this?"

"You are still too young." Jing said with a bitter smile: "Don't you think that there are three pairs of kaleidoscopes in our clan a bit too much? The old man has been assassinated a lot over the years."

"Could it be?"

"That's it."

Uchiha Tomitake was silent. He had not made the news public as long as he opened the kaleidoscope, and even weakened his influence in the village in a disguised form. Once Uchiha’s most famous genius became obscure. Now Many people in the clan felt that the name of the heir to the patriarch didn't match the truth and wanted to replace it. If it hadn't been forcibly suppressed by Uchiha, the name of the heir to the patriarch would have disappeared.

But that's it, the top still felt that Uchiha was too strong, and a trace of rebelliousness took root in Uchiha Tomitake's heart. He looked at Uchiha Mirror's old face with a somewhat uncertain look in his eyes.

Fu Yue knew that the old man in front of him had dedicated his life to the village, and he could even give his life for the peace of the family and the village, so he wisely hid his inner little Jiujiu, and nodded calmly on the surface. Said: "I understand."

When Uchiha saw Fudake in the mirror, he fell silent, thinking that he really understood his good intentions for doing this. He was thinking about the gains and losses of Uchiha this time, and he couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction, and said with satisfaction, "It's good if you understand. It’s not in vain that I reject all the opinions and put you in the position of heir to the patriarch. There are many talented people in the clan. Do you know why I only look at you? It’s because you know the generality, know how to advance and retreat, and are able to understand us. The embarrassing position of the family, I hope you can continue to maintain the relationship between the family and the village after inheriting the position of the patriarch."

"Don't worry, Lord Patriarch, I will definitely do it." Uchiha Tomitake looked at the mirror and said firmly.

Seeing such Uchiha Tomitake, Kagami became more and more satisfied, and he couldn't help but sighed: "Unexpectedly, that man could have such a castle at a young age. It seems that the high-level people want to draw him in to achieve the purpose of controlling him. It fell through."


"While the old man is acting, he is also acting."


After walking out of Uchiha's station, Tatsun couldn't help but glance back and snorted, "Old fox!"

He found that no one in Konoha can be the leader of a clan is good-for-nothing. This is the case in the Senjushu, and the same is true of Uchiha Kami. Don't look in the mirror and act as if to please the village, but this is also a good way for them to protect themselves wisely.

That's right, Chen had already realized after walking out of it, but what could he do? People make up their minds to pretend to be crazy and stupid with you, so why use a hot face to stick to someone's cold ass? Coupled with the incident of hurting Uchiha to stop the water, Tatsun simply made a favor and returned the Uchiha mirror. From then on, he has nothing to do with the Uchiha clan.

"The next time I encounter it, it won't be that simple." Uchiha Tatsumi murmured to himself, his eyes full of deep and intriguing.

Chapter 666: Assassination

"A group of old foxes." Uchiha Chen snorted coldly, and a trace of disdain flashed in the corner of his eyes. Throwing around as something?

"Sooner or later, I will clean up all of you." Chen remained silent, just walking forward.

However, at this moment, a bad omen suddenly appeared in his heart.

"What's the matter?" He faintly felt something wrong in his heart. Tatsun's brows wrinkled slightly, his legs stopped moving, and he stood still and closed his eyes slowly. Although Uchiha Tatsun did not make any movements, he was already vigilant in the dark.

"Is it an illusion?" Chen thought so in his heart.

At this moment, the entire street became empty. The original noisy central street could not even be seen by one person, and even the two people who were stationed at the entrance of Uchiha station disappeared.

Doesn't this explain the problem?

At the moment Tatsun closed his eyes, a kunai shot out from the dark, projecting straight towards Uchiha Tatsumi's heart.

However, at this moment, Uchiha Tatsumi seemed to be asleep, and he didn't even notice that the danger was coming.

In the blink of an eye, the sharp kunai pierced the back of Uchiha Tatsu's heart, and pierced his chest through his back, kunai without losing his momentum, and plunged into the wall on the opposite side. The face is several centimeters deep.

The lips of the people in the dark under the mask slightly curled up, thinking that the goal of this mission would be difficult, but I didn't expect it to be so easy to solve.

Just as he was about to stand up to greet his teammates to call for work, he suddenly discovered a trace of something wrong. It turned out that there was no trace of blood in the place where Uchiha Tatsu was standing, and there was no trace of wounds in the place where Kuan Wu hit.

"What's going on!" The masked man in black looked at Uchiha Tatsumi in surprise.

Why, why is there no wound on Uchiha Chen's body, he said clearly that he had hit it.

What the **** is going on here. A trace of doubt flashed in the black masked man's heart, and suddenly he seemed to have thought of something.

"No, go back!" In horror, he jumped up completely and quickly left the place where he was hiding. The whole person was like a fluttering eagle, jumping in the air, but at this moment, he unexpectedly I found myself unable to control my actions.

He wanted to control himself to jump up, but his body did not obey his wishes. Then, he slowly realized that his vision was getting higher and higher, higher and higher, rising up, and he only felt that the world was spinning in front of him. I actually saw my own body, pouting blood.

I saw a headless corpse stiffened in place with twitching hands and feet with pouting blood.

"So I am dead." This was the last consciousness in his heart, and then a strong tingling sensation came from the brain, that is, after this consciousness emerged in his head, it gradually became stiff and slow. Slowly, the scalp of the brain began to numb, and he lost his consciousness.

It's like being immersed in the darkness forever, slowly sinking into the endless darkness.


For a long time. He lost his consciousness.

I don't know how long it took. When he woke up again, he saw the scarlet world around him that was as thick as blood, and his eyes were confused.

"This...Where is this?" He sat up from the ground in a daze, shook his heavy head, and stared blankly at the scarlet world around him: "Am I not dead? Is this the world after death?"

He sat up and scanned the strange world. He didn't stand up for the first time, but sat cross-legged and felt the chakra in his body.

"Nothing?" His eyes widened in surprise, his fingers trembling slightly, and his mouth opened slightly, "This...what the **** is going on."

His brow furrowed into contemplation.

I couldn't help but stand up, scan the world around, walking and exploring constantly, just like an explorer with a thirst for knowledge.

It can be said that the heart is so big that he is enough.

Uchiha Tatsumi sat at the top of this world, watching the actions of the man in black with cold eyes. Chen slightly squinted his eyes and sensed a slight change in the outside world. With a movement of his mind, he sank his consciousness into the outside world.


In the outside world, several people in black are slowly retreating. Seeing the corpse with the head of the black-clothed person separated, their vigilance arose and they began to retreat slowly. When Uchiha Tatsumi's consciousness came out of the world of illusion Later, I just saw them slowly evacuating from the hidden place.

The corners of Uchiha Tatsumi's mouth slightly twitched, "Sure enough, I knew that there can be only one person who intercepted me in Konoha."

Talking about Uchiha Tatsumi's fingers lifted slightly, the chakras between the fingers condensed slightly, and a smiling Chakra ball slowly condensed in Uchiha Tatsumi's hands.

Then he tapped his finger lightly.


The chakra ball landed silently from the sky, landed on the heads of a group of people in black, and exploded, suddenly a dazzling white light flashed across the street.

When the eyes dangled again, the field became empty. All the men in black who came to assassinate Uchiha Tatsu were shattered by the aftermath of the explosion of the chakra ball, and turned into invisible dust, disappearing in Between this piece of heaven and earth.

"Weak one! It's boring." Uchiha Tatsuno's mouth curled slightly, as if he was a little dissatisfied with the inattentiveness of this group of guys.

After the smoke disappeared, Uchiha Tatsun once again sank his mind into the illusion space. He didn't care what kind of sensation would be caused by such a big movement in Konoha Center Street.

What Uchiha Tatsuno didn't know was that after he left, Konoha made a great uproar.

When they were preparing to ambush Uchiha Tatsuno, they had already dispersed all the pedestrians on the street and made all the preparations before the ambush.

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