There is a saying that is good, if you don't die, you won't die. The dead villagers followed behind Uchiha Tatsuno, trotting towards the place where Uchiha Tatsuno left. Follow behind the elite ninjas in the village.

However, it is said that those ninjas who saw Uchiha Tatsuchi immediately notified the second generation of Naruto Senjuma. Actually, they did not use them to notify. As early as the moment Uchiha Tatsumi's aura radiated, Senjuma was already there. Sensed.

After he sensed that the aura in Uchiha Tatsu's body contained murderous intent, he felt something was wrong, and even called out the hidden part behind him, "You hurry up and see what happened. Hurry, send someone there!"

Speaking of Senshou Kenma, he didn't wait for Anbe to act. He took Anbu one step first, put on his battle uniform, and rushed to the place where Uchiha Tatsu's aura radiated.

"Oh my God, who has provoke this uncle again?" Senshou Kenma rushed towards the place where Uchiha Tatsumi was with all his strength, even he had already used the Thunder God technique, but that was how it was. Can't keep up with Uchiha Tatsu's speed.

"Don't do anything!" Senshoujian prayed secretly in his heart. If he remembers correctly, it should be Uchiha Tatsumi to visit the Uchiha family today. Could it be that it happened when he was in the Uchiha family? What is the dispute?

But it shouldn't be. If it's a dispute, Uchiha Tatsuno should not have such a murderous intent. This clearly means that I want to kill, don't stop me.

That's right, Senshoukan understood his meaning from Uchiha Tatsumi's aura, otherwise he would not be so panicked. After all, judging from the information sent by Shigeru Hagi, he was not sure that he could kill him if he could kill Shigeru Hagi in a second.

Chapter six hundred and sixty ninth: destination

At the beginning, Senjuka was subconsciously rushing towards the residence of the Uchiha clan. When he was halfway there, he suddenly reacted. Uchiha Tatsun’s position has been changing. Only then did he react and Tatsun moved forward. The direction is not towards the Uchiha clan at all.

Feeling his direction, Qianshoujian thought slowly in his heart, who is there in that direction, and who provokes this little ancestor.

When Senjukan changed the direction of advancement, he was able to catch up with Uchiha. It takes only ten minutes to run a lap along the village of Konoha.

After a period of chasing, Qianshou Jianma was able to see Uchiha Tatsumi's back. When he saw Tatsumasa stepping in the sky step by step, even a well-informed person couldn't help it. Take a breath.

In his impression, apart from the super light and heavy rock art of the second generation of earth shadows and the third generation of earth shadows, he has really never seen anyone else able to fly without any tools.

Even if they are in Iwanin Village, it is impossible for them to walk on the ground as easily as Uchiha Tatsumi. How strong is it to be able to walk freely in the void like Chen?

Some people might say that this may actually be just a unique skill, and Uchiha Tatsu's strength is not as strong as imagined.

This idea flashed through Qianshoujian’s mind and was immediately thrown out of his mind, joking, who can cover the whole of Konoha Village with his aura, where will the strength be worse? Even Senshoujian himself couldn't do it like Uchiha Tatsumi himself.

Shaking his head, leaving behind the unrealistic thoughts in his mind, Qianshoujian began to follow behind Uchiha Tatsuen intently. It was not that he did not want to call Uchiha Tatsun, but their current distance. Chen couldn't hear the words in hand.

In fact, Senjukan can also use ninjutsu to speak, but after sensing Uchiha Tatsumi's aura, he decisively chose to give up this option. Now Uchiha Tatsumi is like a volcano about to erupt. Whoever touches him Needless to say, it would definitely suffer a thunderous blow from Uchiha Tatsumi.

Before clarifying the situation, as the second generation of Naruto Senjuma, he must not be the first to make a move. Can't make things worse.

The second generation Hokage walking on the roof inadvertently glanced at the ground and found that there was a large group of ordinary villagers behind Chen Chen, and he couldn't sit still anymore.

Although he doesn't know what Uchiha Tatsun is going to do, he also knows that it is a bad thing to have so many villagers behind Tatsun. If there is a conflict between the two sides, these ordinary villagers will definitely be injured.

Before he could think about anything, he volleyed out a piece of paper, didn't know what was written on the paper, and threw it towards the dark part behind him, then went down from the roof and came to the group of villagers.

"Everyone, go back quickly. This matter is not something you can mix. If we fight, we may not be able to protect you. This is very dangerous. You should leave as soon as possible!"

Unlike the third generation of Hokage, who would talk to other people amicably, the second generation of Hokage entered the subject as soon as he opened his mouth.

He looked at the villagers parked in front of him with a serious face, and stretched out his hand to stop them from advancing.

"It's the second generation of Hokage!"

"Master Naruto!"

"Hokage-sama, what's wrong with you?"


After seeing that the visitor was the second generation of Hokage in their hearts, the villagers unanimously stopped their progress. After all, the second generation of Hokage did not abdicate for a long time, and the status of Qianshou Feijian among the villagers is not low.

At least when Senjumon was in power, he expanded the entire Konoha village several times, and opened a ninja school, so that all civilians have the opportunity to become ninjas and advance forward, open a ninja hospital, and treat ordinary villagers. A lot of infrastructure has also been built in many places in Konoha to make life in Konoha more convenient for the villagers.

These are things that the first generation of Naruto did not do when they were in power, even the third generation of Naruto is just a little bit of maintaining the status quo on the basis of the second generation of Naruto.

Now that the second generation Hokage that made their lives better and better has appeared again, they couldn't stop his words.

"Hokage-sama, what's the matter?"

The villagers, look at me and I will look at you. From among them, I selected an elite who is fairly well-known among Konoha, Shangren. Two steps forward, he started to ask: "Second-generation adults, what happened? That guy. Who is it? How come I have never seen it in the village, is it an enemy attack?"

After listening to the second generation of Hokage, his face was serious, watching their lips lightly opened, not knowing what to say, and finally he could only sigh lightly and said: "Oh, this is not something you should know. You still don't want to know it. it is good."

Hearing what Senshou Jianma said, the elite Shang Shinobu's face became serious. It seemed that he had discovered something wrong with it, but he was embarrassed to ask. He knew that if there were things that shouldn't be asked, he couldn't. Asking, this is the rule of being a ninja, you can only ask what you should ask, don't ask what you shouldn't.

"Okay." The elite Shangnin nodded with a serious face, "Then what should we do?"

"It's all gone." The second generation of Hokage Thousands of Hands waved his hand and sighed softly. An inexplicable entanglement inevitably formed in his heart, "What the **** is this guy doing? I miss my old man a lot of age. I still need to wipe my butt. Is it because I was born with this exhausted life?"

The commoner ninja started to disperse the villagers under the sign of Senjuema. Senjuema let out a long sigh, and saw that the Anbu behind him had come over, beckoning them to help disperse the crowd, and then continue to follow Uchiha Tatsumi. Behind.

He wanted to see what the **** Uchiha Tatsuh was up to, what he was going to do, the two of them had just separated in the morning. It hasn't been long before, why did it suddenly make such a fuss? What was going on? Who caused Uchiha Tatsumi?

Following Chen's path forward step by step, Qianshoujian narrowed his eyes, and suddenly, he seemed to have discovered something.

"This... this direction! It turned out to be there!"

Six hundred and seventieth chapters: the road is not hindered

Senshoukan looked at the direction Uchiha Tatsu was heading for a moment and thought about it carefully. Suddenly he looked shocked: "This...this direction!" Then his face gradually became gloomy: "Isn't this the direction of the Hyuga clan!" "

Senjuman's face gradually became gloomy: "What the **** is going on, why did Uchiha Tatsuo run towards the residence of the Hyuga clan? What happened between them. Why is the Hyuga clan involved. Could it be them? What consensus has been reached between them?"

It seemed that he had thought of something that he shouldn’t think of. Senjumama’s heart had a bad premonition. He saw that the reason Uchiha Tatsumi rushed to the Hyuga clan must have been with something from Uchiha. What bad agreement did people make, otherwise, why would Uchiha Tatsumi go toward the Hyuga clan?

It was because of this aspect that Sensumi's mood gradually fell. I don't know who reached this consensus with Uchiha Tatsumi, but who actually reached a consensus with him Sensumi could not understand.

No matter who it is, this is enough to attract his attention. After the Senju clan gradually showed weakness, Uchiha and the Hyuga clan gradually became the two largest families of Konoha. Together, they attacked and attacked each other. This would cause Konoha's turmoil. I don't want to see it in my hand.

Konoha Village is not the Konoha of Senjuma alone, nor is it Konoha of the family of Uchiha and Hyuga. After his elder brother Chijuma Senjuma and Uchiha Madara established Konoha, especially in Senju. After his hand passed the position of his elder brother, he vowed to protect Konoha that his elder brother had established.

If it’s an ordinary small fight, Qianshoujian will not say anything. After all, healthy competition brings only progress. The normal competition between the two families will only bring good benefits to Konoha, but if it is This vicious competition will only cause Konoha to fall apart, and even have a painful impact on Konoha.

Qianshoujian will never allow such a thing to happen. Just thinking about it, Qianshoujian's eyes gradually became serious, and their eyes slowly became firmer. Can't do this!

As he said, the speed of Qianshou Jianjian slowly increased, and the speed of throwing Fei Lei Shen Kuwu in his hand gradually became faster. Although this speed is much faster, it consumes more Chakras, and Qianshoujian is no longer in its peak state.

When the first World War I signed a contract with Yunren Village, after that battle, Qianshoujian was seriously injured. After so many years of cultivation, although it no longer affects normal operations, it is not in its peak state.

Such continuous consumption of Chakras, with his current chakra volume, can't bear it in a thousand hands. Reaching out from the ninja bag and taking out a few bingliang pills, the warm Chakra passed from the limbs and the corpses into the meridians of the thousand hands.

It was hard to catch up with Uchiha Tatsumi's pace. Thousands of hands panted slightly, his hands trembled slightly, and he looked at Uchiha Tatsun with solemn eyes.

"Finally... finally caught up!"

Uchiha Tatsumi glanced at the Qianshou Shujian slightly, and did not speak. He stopped and stood at the gate of the Hyuga Clan’s residence. He lifted his feet slightly, crossed the two stone gates, and kicked open the closed gate. Chen raised his leg and walked in toward the door.

"Wait! Your Excellency, have something to say! What happened, let's discuss it carefully?"

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