At this moment, the field is quiet, and even a little voice on the field will be heard. Obviously, the voice of that person is not small, and it is such a sentence that everyone on the field can hear.

However, at this time, the crowd turned all their eyes on the person, scaring the speaker to shrink their heads among the crowd.

But this was of no use. After he said this, everyone next to him moved a certain distance away from him, and no one existed within one meter of him.

The man looked around, crying without tears on his face. He had already regretted it a long time ago. What kind of performance is he doing? Now it's all right, and he will lose his life.

He knew that after Uchiha Tatsuh heard this sentence, Tatsun would never let him go, and a feeling of sorrow had long been born in his heart, even if he was going to break the jar.

Uchiha Tatsun glanced at him with interest, but he didn't expect that someone would dare to be the first bird after he established his prestige.

Chen walked over slowly, walked in front of him and patted his shoulder gently: "You seem to be unconvinced?"

The man was shot by Uchiha Tatsumi, and the whole person was shocked, and immediately shivered. Seeing Uchiha Tatsun asking him something, he babbled twice and didn't say anything.

"What do I want to say to you!" Uchiha Tatsumi frowned, and his voice could not help but raised a little bit: "Looking at you, I feel unconvinced?"

"No...No!" The man's face was painful, he almost didn't feel scared to pee, his face was embarrassed, and said tremblingly: "No...I didn't say anything."

Seeing Chen's aggressive aura, Qianshoujian couldn't help but walk over to resist the member of the branch of the Hyuga clan and said, "Mr. Let him go, the Lord is coming. If there is anything, how about we ask the patriarch of the Hyuga clan?"

Senjuka was tentatively trying to take the hand that Uchiha Tatsuh placed on the shoulder of the member of the Hyuga branch, but he pulled it hard and Uchiha Tatsuno's hand did not move.

Thousands of hands were surprised. He didn't believe in evil, and used 50% of his strength to pump it out, but it still didn't come out.

Two consecutive attempts to open Chen's hands were unsuccessful, which made Qianshou's old face flushed for a while. Even though he didn't keep his hand anymore, he directly used ten% of his strength to pump, but the result was still the same, Uchiha Tatsuno's hand did not even shake.

This kind of powerlessness made Qianshoujian a little frustrated. He even started to doubt his life, "Is it true that I am really old and weak?"

Uchiha Tatsuno didn't pay attention to the Qianshoujian who fell into doubt in his life, and pushed his hand away, looking at the young man who separated from Hyuga, his face was full of joking: "What's your name."

"I... Me?" The man was overjoyed when he saw that the second generation of Hokage wanted to save himself, and thought he was saved. He couldn't help but feel fortunate, and the expression on his face was gradually enriched, but he did not expect this second generation of Hokage Chishou. Feijian was just an old guy who didn't want to use it. After three attempts of Jin did not rescue him from Uchiha Tatsumi's hands, a happy face suddenly strode down.

The guy who separated from Hyuga looked embarrassed and didn't dare to disobey Uchiha Tatsumi, so he could only hesitate to say: "I...My name is Hyuga Homon."

"Oh? What is your Hyuga Naruto?"

"He is my elder brother." Although I don't know why Uchiha Tatsumi would ask his brother Hyuga Naruto's name, he still answered Uchiha Tatsumi's words cautiously.

"Oh, that's the case..." Uchiha Tatsumi said with a mocking smile.

"Do you know my brother?" There was a burst of spirit in the eyes of Hyuga Huomen. Although I don't know why he knew his brother, since he is an acquaintance, wouldn't it be a discussion?

Uchiha Tatsun slowly put down his hand on the shoulder of Hyuga Fire Gate, gave him a mocking glance and snorted: "I don't know whether it's related to you, but what surprised me is, why is the gap between you and your brother like this? Big? Your brother Hiuga Naruto has the courage to shoot at me anyway, how come you trash brother doesn't even have the courage to look at me?"

"You...what have you done to my brother!" Hearing Uchiha Tatsumi's words, even if Hinata Huomen became angry, we must know that the relationship between him and his brother is the best in the clan, although he is timid. One point, but the matter involved his closest brother, even Uchiha Tatsumi, he couldn't bear it.

Seeing this, Qianshou Jianjian stepped forward to stop the impulsive Hyuga Huomen: "Huomen, please calm down, your brother Huoto did not have an accident. Now that he hasn’t come back, it proves that he is not injured and can still fight on the battlefield. You Don't be dazzled by anger, calm down!"

Uchiha Tatsumi did not deny the words of Qianshou Jianma this time, but nodded and said: "Indeed, your brother is one of the few people I can consider. He is not a big problem, and he will lie down for ten and a half days at most. It should be almost there."

Chen's tone was flat, as if he was not the one who did this.

Chapter 673: The Lord Appears

As soon as the voice fell, there was a whisper in the entire field. Hyuga Naruto is the youngest genius of the Hyuga clan at the moment. Even if it is compared with the patriarch's heir, Hyuga Hizutsu, he is more than killed by Uchiha Tatsumi before. That Hyuga Asaba did not know where the height went.

There is also a difference between the elite upper ninja and the elite upper ninja. Some elite upper ninjas have been unable to advance to the quasi-shadow level due to various restrictions, but in terms of strength, they are no worse than the quasi-shadow-level powerhouses.

Just like the sunset red of later generations, as an elite who is proficient in illusion, Shinobu has been unable to advance to the quasi-shadow due to physical reasons, but who dares to say that her strength is worse than that of the quasi-shadow? Even on the battlefield, the lethality of Sunset Red is greater than those of the so-called quasi-shadow powerhouses.

The strengths of Hyuga Naruto and Hyuga Nissaka are not much better than those of the quasi-film level powerhouses, but because of age, the amount of chakras is not as good as those of the old quasi-film powerhouses, so it is too late. There is no advanced to the quasi-kage class powerhouse, and Hyuga Asaha is just barely stepping into the threshold of elite Shinnin. His strength is not outstanding. Unlike Hyuga Huoto, as long as he does not fall, he has basically booked a Hyuga. The position of the elders.

The shock brought by the two is very different.

Just when everyone was shocked, a large group of people walked out of the backyard of the Hyuga clan.

"What's going on!" As soon as the first middle-aged man came out, he couldn't help feeling irritated when he saw this situation, and he yelled: "What a decent group of people around here!"

When everyone heard someone talking behind them, they turned their heads and found that it was their own patriarch, and they couldn't help retreating one after another to give way.


As the patriarch, Tokuzu Hyuga nodded, and walked through the crowd to Uchiha Tatsu and Senjusuma. First he called to Senjusuma and called the second generation of Naruto, and then saw Uchiha. Chen frowned and couldn't help but whispered softly: "Who can tell me what happened here!"

Seeing that no one stood up to speak, Hyuga Tokuzu suddenly snorted in his heart: "Who is going to talk about what happened?"

At this time, someone came from the side, attached to Tokuzu Hyuga's ear and said a few words softly.

Tokuzu Hyuga frowned and listened to all of the words, his face uncertain. After that person left, Tokuzu Hyuga looked at Uchiha Tatsumi with an embarrassed expression: "Who is your Excellency, what is the purpose of coming to our Hyuga clan to make trouble? Where did our Hyuga clan offend you?"

Then he turned his gaze on Qianshoujian, and said softly: "Second-generation adults, what is going on? Why did you bring a person to our Hyuga clan to make trouble? What is wrong with our Hyuga clan? Where is the place? You can point it out. We can make corrections. There is no need to send people to our Hyuga clan to make trouble, right?"

Hearing Tokuzu Hyuga said this, the old face of Qianshoujian couldn't help but turn black. It was said that Tokuzu Hyuga was still his nephew's generation, but he was even said to him by a nephew's generation. I can't see it on my face.

"Are you the current patriarch of the Hyuga clan?" Uchiha Tatsun turned his head and looked at Tokuzu Hyuga with a plain expression.

"It's right here. Your Excellency came to make trouble in my clan, what is the cause!" Hyuga Tokuzu's face was serious, and the people standing behind him lined up, and there was a tendency to fight and fight.

"Oh?" Uchiha Tatsun could not help but asked mockingly: "Are you sure you can represent the Hyuga clan?"

"Presumptuous!" Before Hyuga Tokuzu said anything, an old man behind him stood up and yelled: "It's okay to trespass our Hyuga clan, and even kill people. At the moment, our patriarch is not in his eyes. There is a big gimmick here, come, catch him up for me!"

"Oh?" Uchiha Chen was shocked, and a strong shock stunned everyone present, and the guys who were already ready to move subconsciously stopped their steps.

Seeing that everyone was stunned by him, Uchiha Tatsumi looked at Hyuga Tokuzu and couldn't help but laughed and said, "Can you tie up your dog when you talk? The owner didn't speak, so the dog interjected."

Hearing Uchiha Tatsumi’s words, Hyuga Tokuzu and the person who had spoken before suddenly turned gloomy, and Hyuga Tokuzu stared at Uchiha Tatsumi’s words, and the tone was full of threats: "Your Excellency is serious. of?"

However, Uchiha Tatsuno seemed to have not heard the threat in Tokuzu Hyuga's tone, and he said relaxedly: "Aren't you the patriarch of the Hyuga clan? Why didn't the patriarch of yours speak, so a cat and a dog jumped out to speak?"

"Presumptuous!" The man couldn't help it anymore, and broke free from the shackles of others and stood up and shouted: "I am the elder of the Hyuga clan. I have made great achievements for the Hyuga clan. Why can't I speak, but you , Wherever you guys come from, dare to make trouble without asking about the reputation of my Hyuga clan!"

Indeed, the reputation of the Hyuga clan is very strong in Konoha, especially when the Senju clan is gradually weakening, the Hyuga clan has faintly become Konoha's nobles, and has anyone dared to come to their Hyuga clan to make trouble?

If it weren’t for Uchiha Tatsumi who was standing next to Senshou Kuma, if it wasn’t for Uchiha Tatsumi’s aura to tell everyone that he was not easy to provoke, it is estimated that Hyuga Tokuzu would not speak at all at this moment, and would just call people. If Uchiha Tatsun was taken down, where would there be so much nonsense with Tatsun?

However, the elder said that he was dissatisfied when he saw that his patriarch did not order the capture of Uchiha Chen. He knew that his patriarch was not good at giving the order because of the face of Qianshoujian, and that he suffered such a big humiliation, all because of the immediate humiliation. This second-generation Hokage.

At this moment, the elder secretly hated Qianshoujian.

"Oh?" Uchiha Tatsuno sneered: "Is it, your name is so big? Why haven't I heard of it? Isn't it a blow out?"

"Humph!" The elder snorted coldly: "When the old man was on the battlefield, I'm afraid your adults didn't know where to play in the mud. What qualifications do you have to bark here!"

"What qualifications do I have?" He was silent for a while, and then the whole person's momentum fell on the elder: "I am better than you!"

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