At this time, Nagato keenly grasped the key word in Xiaonan's words: "How many people are there in your partner?"


"Is there only one." Yahiko was shocked when he heard Xiaonan say that there was reinforcements, but only one person was in the end.

"Ding!" After taking advantage of Kuwu to block the Qianben launched from the dark, Xiao Nan continued to explain: "Don't underestimate him. Although he is only one person, none of these people in front of him is his opponent. Don't worry. As long as we can hold on to him, that's enough! Trust me!"

It may be that Xiao Nan's words are really sincere, or it may be because of the trust between her companions. After seeing her repeatedly explain this, Yahiko and Nagato chose to believe in Xiao Nan after all.

Without him, because they are now a dead end, left and right are dead, why don't you believe that this person who looks like Xiao Nan and suspected Xiao Nan will really succeed?

With a goal, people will no longer become confused. Although the situation is still unfavorable for the three of them now, Wu Ren can't dare to attack with such carelessness at this time.

Not everyone can kill silently. After performing the fog hiding technique, it not only restricted the actions of Nagato and others, but also restricted Hanzo's actions to a certain extent, so that they did not dare to act rashly.

Chapter 684: The Arrival of Uchiha Tatsumi

Originally, the three Yahikos were at an absolute disadvantage on the field, but because of the mist concealment technique of Mistura, Hanzo became jealous, and the situation slowly changed from the absolute disadvantage of the three Yahikos to a three-legged situation.

With winks, all his subordinates gathered, Hanzo didn't stop the actions of Kiri Shinobu, but he did not give the Kiri Shino any support. Happy to watch them bite the dog.

But this just gave the Yahiko and the three people a chance to breathe, allowing them to slowly adapt under the intensive attack.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Nan and the others didn't notice it, they didn't know what happened between Hanzo and Wu Ren, but seeing the situation in their favor, Yahiko and others didn't say anything. Instead, concentrate on dealing with the foggy people.

Although there is no help from Hanzo and others, the misty people are not easy to provoke.

The name of Blood Mist is more than just talking about it. Yahiko and the three people are surrounded by dangers under the attack of Wu Ren. If it had not been for Xiaonan to protect the two Yahiko Nagato, they might have died at this moment.

I don't know what these two people think. They just barely reached the level of forbearance among the elites, so they dared to learn from others and negotiate with others.

Xiao Nan looked at the two of them and felt angry, what a little bit older kids, but what Xiao Nan didn't think was that these two little kids, she followed them for so many years, little by little. Witness the growth of the two.

As time passed by, Xiao Nan was not a **** after all, and couldn't guarantee the safety of the two of them all the time. The paper escape placed in front of the two of them had been shattered.

Because of protecting the two, Xiao Nan had already spent a lot of chakras, and once again he took the next pill, Xiao Nanqiang cheered up and injected chakras into the paper again.

"Hold on for a while, hold on for a while." Xiao Nan gritted her teeth and braced her spirit. Her clothes had been torn by Wu Ren's attack, and her body was wounded, and the blood could not stop flowing from the wound.

Yahiko couldn't bear it, and couldn't help but say: "Forget it, Xiao...Xiao Nan's sister, they want our life, it has nothing to do with you, you should run quickly."

Although Nagato didn't speak, he snorted softly, and what he expressed was the same as what Yahiko said. Everything was their fault, and it had nothing to do with Xiao Nan.

They still want to come even after Xiao Nan's persuasion. All this is their own self-conceit, and they don't want to involve this person who might be Xiao Nan's sister.

"What nonsense!" Xiao Nanjiao scolded, once again blocked Wu Ren's attack, and said to the two of them: "Didn't I tell you, I will definitely take you away safely. Hold on for a while, my partner is coming!"

A trace of unbearable flashed in Yahiko's heart, but it was not a sad time at this time. He knotted his hands, closed his eyes, and listened carefully to the information from the outside world. Suddenly, he opened his eyes abruptly, took a deep breath, and shouted.

"The Art of the Fire Dragon!"

A fierce fire dragon spouted from Yahiko’s mouth. This is the ninjutsu that Jilai left to them before he left. Yahiko’s Chakra has fire attributes. After persistent efforts, he finally learned this B-level ninjutsu. Surgery.

A cold light flashed in front of him, and a Wu Ren happened to appear in front of him. However, at this moment, the fierce fire dragon pierced his chest and burned him to death.

"Pretty!" Yahiko couldn't help getting excited when she heard the screams from Wuren.

Seeing this, Xiao Nan couldn't help but nod in approval. This was the first time they had caused Wu Ren casualties. They had been in a defensive state before, and they had suffered due to the fog hiding technique.

It's just that Yahiko's attack did not scare the Wu Renren, but further aroused their fierceness. Their attack became more fierce, and at the same time, the situation of the three people once again became dangerous.

Under the danger, Xiao Nan's heart was cruel, and she simply waved her hand, and countless paper escapes were made by her, forming two pairs of huge paper wings behind her.

"Paper Escape Paper Rain!"

What is a three-hundred and sixty-degree dead-angle attack? In the state of Shizhi Dance, Xiao Nan's body is everywhere without Shishi, countless sharp pieces of paper shoot out from Xiao Nan's wings, and scatter toward the surroundings at an all-round angle of three hundred and sixty degrees centered on the three of them.

The Mist Ninjas evaded one after another, but things were not that simple. The piece of paper exploded after it hit the real thing!

"Boom" explosions sounded from time to time on the court, and a lot of Mistura died tragically in the explosion because they didn't come to avoid it.

However, the mist hiding technique at the moment became denser with the smoke rising from the explosion, and even Mizuki themselves did not dare to move forward easily.

There is no way, they can only take the initiative to stop the technique of mist hiding.

Gradually, the smoke on the field began to dissipate, revealing the original state. When everyone looked at the court, they couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath at the same time.

Terrible, terrible! After the explosion, there were more than a dozen fragmented bodies left on the field, all of which were due to carelessness forgetting to dodge the Wu Ren who was killed by Xiao Nan's detonating talisman.

However, at the moment, Xiao Nan and the others are not in a good state. Because of maintaining the paper dance state for a long time, I have to be distracted to protect the two.

At this moment, there are very few Chakras in Xiao Nan's body. If she hadn't taken the liangliang pill continuously, perhaps her Chakras would have been exhausted long ago.

Similarly, the conditions of Yahiko and Nagato are not better. Although most of the attacks were blocked by Xiao Nan, after all, the two of them are not the strength of the elites. The Chakra in the body has been exhausted during this period of time. Where are the remaining Chakras?

After the mist hiding technique was lifted, the two people who were relieved were sitting on the ground and gasping for breath in order to recover their physical strength.

"Not bad!" Seeing that the three of them could hold on for so long under the attack of Wuren, Hanzo couldn't help applauding and laughed: "Being able to hold on to the dark side of Wuren for so long, you are already worthy of my admiration. It's a pity... It’s not that you are going to die today, otherwise I really want to keep you under my command. If you are to blame, I can only blame you for doing things you shouldn’t do!”

Hanzo said with a cold snort, waved his big hand, and the crowds of Yuren under his hands rushed up and attacked the three who had lost their combat effectiveness.

At this moment, a light voice suddenly sounded.

"It's really embarrassing!"

Hearing this voice, Xiao Nan felt soft, and finally let go of the heart he had mentioned.

"Is it finally coming..."

Chapter 685: Strong shot

He kept busy looking for the person who made the sound. Suddenly, a Yuren stretched out his hand and pointed tremblingly at the sky: "Boss,, look at it! What is that!"

Hanzo didn't care. When a large shadow appeared in the sky that he had to notice, he raised his head and suddenly found a huge figure blocking the sun and blocking their sunlight.

"This...this is!" Hanzo is a person who has seen the world, he knows that there are still people in this world who can fly in the air, just like the earth shadow of Iwanin Village that often protrudes from the waist disc, his hand is light and heavy. The technique can make people fly in the sky without the help of psychic beasts.

But in front of this, Hanzo did not sense a little bit of Chakra movement from him. There are only two possibilities. The first is that he did not use Chakra at all, and the second is that Chen’s strength is too strong and Hanzo can’t. Perceive the flow of Chakra in Chen's body.

The first one is too appalling, and Hanzo is inclined to the second possibility both mentally and physically.

Hanzo moved his small steps and watched Uchiha Tatsu in the sky as he walked. He counted all the strong men he knew in his mind, but none of them could match the guy in front of him, or else Too old or the gender is wrong.

"When did Ninja World come out like this?" Hanzo couldn't help but muttered in his heart. However, he did not make any drastic actions. Instead, he stepped forward and said respectfully to Uchiha Tatsu: "Thanks for your love, I am here to be the current leader of Unin Village. I don't know who your Excellency is, come to Uchiha Tatsumi. What the **** is it?"

Uchiha Tatsuno just glanced at him without paying too much attention. He slowly fell back to the ground and walked to Xiao Nan who was obviously relieved. Seeing her exhausted, he couldn't help but reproach: "It's really embarrassing, is this the result of your handling?"

The implication is to blame Xiao Nan for why she has been allowed to come to Yuyin Village. These things that should have been prevented have still happened. If it hadn’t been for him, he had just kept an eye on her and gave her the traits of kunai. The situation can be dangerous.

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