How could Hanzo not be angry when his child was killed by Uchiha Tatsuno!

"You bastard!" He gritted his teeth, took out the sickle behind his back, stomped the sansho fish under his feet, and pounced at Uchiha Tatsumi.

"Physical surgery chain and sickle two-stage strike"

Constantly waving the sickle in his hand, trying to kill Uchiha Tatsu with the help of a long weapon.

The three Xiaonans who had lost the battle were sent away by Chen a long time ago, and this place is no longer suitable for them. Hanzo's poison is simply not something they can resist.

Draw out the Meteor Blade from the system space to resist Hanzo's powerful attack. Chen did not kill.

"Asshole! Asshole! Asshole!" Hanzo waved his sickle openly, but stopped for a while and started to gasp.

Now he is not like he had unlimited physical strength to squander him when he was young. When he was old, his physical strength began to decline. With a weapon as heavy as a sickle, he no longer had any strength after swiping it for a few times.

Panting with big mouths, Hanzo looked at Uchiha Tatsuo with ferocious eyes: "You bastard!"

It seems that Hanzo is going to die with Uchiha Tatsuo, but in fact, after a while, he calmed down. He knew that he could not beat Uchiha Tatsuo, so he was already thinking about how to escape the battlefield.

Chapter 687: Strange Mission

Hanzo is very calm, or when he comes to his age, he has passed the age of being competitive and innocent. Now he has been famous for many years. I don’t know how many times he has fought with people. There are wins and losses. It is impossible because of a battle. If you fail, you lose your mind.

The anger he showed right now was actually pretended to be seen by Uchiha Tatsun. He didn't know where Tatsun came from. The strength is so strong that he is even more powerful than Sannin.

Sansho fish was observing the surrounding terrain without hiding a trace, thinking about the next retreat route.

It would be unrealistic to just rush out like this. Although he was old, he wouldn't be faint to such a degree.

For the present plan, I can only use the tactics to make a noise. Hanzo gritted his teeth, helplessly made such a decision.

The reason why they chose to negotiate peace in this valley is because it is surrounded by mountains and there is only one exit to go out. If they want to leave other places in the valley, they will become a living target for the enemy.

As long as the exit is blocked, Hanzo and the others can catch turtles in the urn. He never thought that the peace talks would be successful. With this plan, they chose this valley, and they chose this valley that is very beneficial to them.

However, Hanzo guessed the beginning, but did not guess the end. He never thought that the valley where he had retreated in order to block the two people turned into a desperate situation that blocked his escape.

This joke is not funny at all, shook his head, and pityingly glanced at the sansho fish at his feet, a look of remembrance flashed in his eyes.

"Old friend, I didn't expect we would say goodbye here today!" Hanzo sighed, with a hint of remembrance.

However, the enemy would not give him a chance to remember the past. When Hanzo was still remembering the past, Xiao Nan shouted at Uchiha Tatsumi: "Just now, don't let him react!"

Xiao Nan still feels jealous of Sanjiao Hanzo, after all, he caught Xiao Nan and threatened Yahiko Nagato.

Even though she has become stronger now and Hanzo is no longer strong, Xiao Nan still has a hurdle in her heart that she cannot pass. Like a demon, she has always blamed herself for killing Yahiko because of her own cause. Hurt.

Xiao Nan is so eager to let Chen be able to let her go back to save people, isn't it just such a mentality? Xiao Nan wanted to atone for his sins, even if he lost his life for it.

Seeing the flaws in the Sansho Fish Hanzo, Xiao Nan would never let it go. After yelling at Uchiha Tatsu, a sharp piece of paper condensed between his fingers, shaped like a spiral needle, and used the last trace in his body. Chakra threw hard at the Sansho Fish Hanzo.

Although the paper was light and fluttering, it turned into an invisible weapon in Xiao Nan's hands.

The spiral piece of paper did not cause any harm to Hanzo, but he waved his hand and blocked it with a sickle.

A regretful expression appeared on Xiao Nan's face, and then she fell softly. She had no strength to fight anymore. Xiao Nan itself was not in the best condition after the long journey. After the long journey, she experienced such a long battle again.

Where can Chakra, who was already consumed in the body, withstand the squandering? What's more, he has to protect two guys who don't know anything. After a game, if it weren't for the support of the Liangliangwan, Xiao Nan might have been unable to hold on for a long time.

Hanzo, after fending off Xiao Nan's attack, also reacted from nostalgia in a timely manner. He couldn't help but glanced at her viciously, as if he was blaming the person who disturbed him from nostalgia.

Uchiha Tatsumi didn't seize this good opportunity. He watched the Sansho Fish Hanzo's performance as quietly as he was watching a play. As an audience, how could he be ashamed to disturb someone who wanted to act?

Just like you can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, you can never wake up an acting person.

In Chen’s view, Hanzo couldn’t escape from his own hands no matter what methods he used. Chen just wanted to see what the demigod of the Ninja World had in front of him, whether it was worthy of the name or it was rumored in the world. Those native chickens and dogs.

Uchiha Tatsumi sneered, Sansho Fish Hanzo's face was calm. It is as if the suppressed person is not himself. He raised his head and chest, stepped on his giant sansho fish, a psychic beast, and stared at the four people intently.

"It's too late for you to retreat now. Otherwise, don't blame my ruthless men!"

"Heh." Uchiha Tatsun answered his threat with a sneer. Reached his hand behind his back and took out a kunai from the ninja bag, and threw it at Hanzo with a "shoo".

The result was obvious, it was useless, and Chen didn't care. Just continuing to throw kunai at Hanzo, completely treating him as a moving target.

At first, Sansho Yu Hanzo thought that Uchiha Tatsun had some conspiracy and did not dare to act rashly, but after a long time passed Tatsun still threw kunai in place, without a slight threat.

Kunai Hanzo has also checked carefully. There is no poison on it, and there is nothing weird about it. It is exactly the kind of kunai that can be bought on the market, um, it is a bit sharper than the kunai on the market.

Other than that, Hanzo did not find any special place in kuma. Looking at the mocking smile on Uchiha Tatsu's face, it was as if he was entertaining himself on purpose?

The more I thought about it, the more I felt something was wrong, but the more I felt it was wrong, the less he dared to act rashly. He didn't want to be cut off and separated like Chitose Taki.

How is it in fact? Uchiha Tatsumi was playing Hanzo. These kunai are all excellent kunai exchanged by Chen from the system. They appear to be the same as the kunai on the market, but in fact they are much sharper than those kunai. The system's products must belong to them. Boutique.

"Ding, side mission, revenge: Use the host to entertain Sansho Yu Hanzo, and respond to Sansho Yu Hanzo's past pastime Sanren's pastime Xiaonan, so that he feels that he is being played by the host. Successful quest rewards 10,000 points. Failure of the mission will randomly erase a skill from the host."

That's right, at this critical moment, the system that has not had any sense of existence suddenly released a task. Although this task is very nonsensical, the reward of 10,000 points is nothing but a drizzle for Chen, but the punishment for failure of the task makes Uchi. Bo Chen was a little unacceptable.

Chapter 688: Body sharpening

After Uchiha Tatsumi successfully integrated the power of the six realms, his strength had already reached the pinnacle level, and the skills learned from the system had already been integrated.

His strength has long been different from the little guy who relied on the system to barely be called the strong back then, and now he can get mixed up in the Naruto World even if he leaves the system.

If the skill to erase randomly is the paper painting Chen obtained early, Lanjiao is okay, if it is the reincarnation eye, or the power of the tail beast, then Chen has to pay attention to it.

Although a large part of his current strength was obtained from his own cultivation, the most critical part was obtained from the system.

For example, his kaleidoscope writing round eyes, his Mu Dun, and the tail beasts fused in his body are actually closely related to the system. It can be said that it is bestowed by the system or it can be said that he has cultivated himself.

As for the other escape techniques and the like, those were obtained through his own cultivation, even if the system wanted to deprive them, they couldn't deprive them.

But if the system removes Chen's most critical reincarnation eye or the tail beast in his body, it will be a devastating blow to Chen's strength, and he can't just watch this happen.

Even if the reward for this task is small, he can only bite the bullet and complete it. Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case.

Uchiha Tatsumi had a lot of fun, he can be said to be the first and the only one who turned the head of the Sansho Fish Hanzo. In the Shinobi world, who would dare to play like this and be called a demigod. ?

Finally, when Uchiha Tatsumi threw the 234th kunai, Hanzo couldn't help it anymore. He waved the sickle in his hand and blocked Uchiha Tatsumi's kunai at him loudly. Roared: "You bastard, are you kidding me!"

At this moment, Hanzo's feet were already covered with traces of suffering.

"Huh?" Chen raised his eyebrows and said with interest: "Yes, I'm just playing with you, what's the matter!"

"You bastard!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the task is completed, and the host will be rewarded with 10,000 points."

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