Chapter 49: Inquiry

Ang took Naruto and others into Xingyin Village. However, because Chen almost destroyed the entire Xingyin Village a few days ago, the Xingyin Village is being rebuilt at this time, and there are collapsed houses and ruins everywhere, so it looks very miserable. The people in Xingyin Village, who were busy rebuilding their homes, also saw Ning Ci and others led by Ang, and they all stopped their movements, and even showed very unfriendly eyes to Naruto and the others.

"Is this the Xingyin Village? How could this be?" Naruto said in surprise as he looked at the surrounding ruins.

"Huh! It's not because of..." Ang heard Naruto's words, turned his head and glared at what Naruto wanted to say, but resisted and continued to lead the way.

"Hey, Ning Ci! How do I feel that the eyes of the villagers in Xingyin Village around us are very unfriendly? Is it because they exclude outsiders?" He looked at the people around him every day and said in a low voice next to Ning Ci.

"Well, don't worry about so much, wait until you see the leaders of their villages." Neji, who has white eyes, can find the surrounding situation without turning his head to look.

"Ang, who are they?" At this moment, a ninja from Xingyin Village walked over and asked Ang.

"They are all Konoha's ninjas, they were sent by Kokage's Hokage, Master Xingying wants to see them now." Ang replied.

"Konoha's ninja? The person who destroyed our village has a pair of horrible eyes. Master Xingying said that they are Sharilanyan, and Sharilanyan is the blood heir of Konoha Uchiha's clan. Is that person Konoha? Sent?" Naruto stared at Naruto with hatred after he finished speaking.

"What are you talking about? Zhuanyan? You mean that your village became like this by someone with Zhuanyan? Tell me who that person is?" Naruto heard what the star Shinobi said. , Hurried to Ang's face and asked anxiously.

"Huh!" Ang cast a glance at Naruto, did not answer, but continued to move forward.

"Hey! Wait a minute and tell me quickly..."

"Calm down, Naruto!" Ning Ci stretched out his hand and held Naruto, so that Naruto should not be impulsive.

"How can I calm down? The person they are talking about is probably Sasuke. Let go of me. I'll ask him to ask him clearly."

"Enough, Naruto! I am the captain now. You must listen to me. If you have anything, wait until we meet the leader of Xingyin Village."

"But...I...I know." Naruto was still going to say something, but after seeing Neji's serious expression, he was still obedient.

Soon, Aiyou brought Ning Ci and the others to a building in the center of the village. This is the Xingying office building in Xingyin Village.

"We are here, Master Xingying is inside, come in with me." Ang said to Naruto and the others, then opened the door and walked in first.

"Let's go!" Ning Ci greeted Naruto and Xiao Li, and followed Ang into the office building.

In the Xingying office building, Xia Xing, who is the fourth-generation star, is sitting on a chair behind his desk, closing his eyes and opening his eyes when he hears Tokyo.

"Ang, you are back, you have worked hard! They are the ninjas sent by Konoha? Ask them to sit down." Xia Xing said with a smile when he saw Naruto and Neji and others behind Ang.

"Yes, Master Xingying." Ang replied respectfully, and then greeted Naruto and Neji to sit on the tatami next to the house.

After leaving Xingying Village a few days ago, Xia Xing also told the ninjas in Xingying Village about the secrets of the year, as well as Red Star’s ambitions and the hazards of star cultivation. The body of the young Hoshimizuna was confirmed, and finally Hoshiyuki's ninjas asked Xia Xing to be their fourth-generation star, and Ang forgave his mother after learning the truth. However, in front of outsiders, he did not call Xia Xing his mother, but honored her as Lord Xing Ying.

"Guests from Konoha, hello! I am the fourth-generation star shadow of Xingyin Village, Xia Xing." Xia Xing introduced himself with a smile after seeing Ning Ci and the others sitting down.

"Xingying? Isn't it the leader of the Five Ninja Villages that can be called a shadow?" Naruto said in surprise.

"That's not the case. We didn't lose to you. Although our village is still very small, one day we will keep pace with the Five Ninja Villages and become a real star..." Hearing Naruto's words, Ang immediately stood up and confronted Naruto. Retorted.

"Stop talking." Xia Xing waved his hand to Ang, motioning him to sit down.

"Hey!" Seeing Xia Xing's words, Ang didn't go on talking. He glared at Naruto and ran out unconvinced.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Naruto hurriedly stood up and ran after him.

"Sorry, Naruto..."

"No, it's me who should apologize, it's Ang's rudeness."

"Leave Naruto alone, please go on with Master Xingying."

"It's disrespectful. As you said, the ninjas of our Xingyin Village are not qualified to be named, because we are too weak. The reason why we were able to have a place in the ninja world was entirely because of the stars of our village,...Forget it, Let’s talk about the mission of your trip, did your Naruto-sama tell you anything?"

"Master Hokage just confessed that we came to investigate who had stolen the star in Xingyin Village. Let us know the situation after we arrive in Xingyin Village." Ning Ci replied.

"so it is!"

"Master Xingying, please tell us what happened!"

Xia Xing sorted out his emotions, and then like Ning Ci and others said: "You also saw the tragedy of our village when you entered the village, do you know what caused this?"

"What is it?"

"In fact, our star was not stolen, but stolen directly. The other party did not hide his deeds. After coming to our Xingyin Village, he bluntly asked us to hand over the star. The result is conceivable. Of course we don’t. Will just hand over the stars like this, and the other party directly attacked us after we refused. Unexpectedly, the opponent's strength is too strong, our Xingyin Village is not an opponent at all. Helpless, in order to avoid greater casualties , We had to hand over the star to the other party, so that the other party could let us go."

"Seeing the outside scene, I think the battle must be very tragic, right? How many people have they come? Do you know the identity of the other party?"

"Haha! Our enemy is just one person..." Xia Xing said with a wry smile.

Xia Xing's answer surprised Ning Ci and the others: "What? Alone? You mean that the other party single-handedly challenged all the ninjas in Xingyin Village, and also..."

"Yes, the other party alone not only challenged all our ninjas head-on, but also killed most of the ninjas in our Star Ninja Village, including the former acting Star Shadow of our Star Hidden Village, and destroyed most of us. The village. The other party is too strong. As a last resort, I have to hand over the star, hoping that he can let us go. And the other party is also considered trustworthy. After getting the star, he didn't attack us again and left the Xingyin Village directly."

"Then... Then do you know the identity of the other party?" Ning Ci hurriedly asked after hearing what Xia Xing said.

"I don't know. Although the opponent did not hide his face, he did not have a forehead or mark that could identify his identity. But...when the opponent was fighting with us, we found the opponent's eyes..."

"Yes... Write round eyes?"

"Yes, when fighting against us, what the other party showed was the blood heir that you Konoha's Uchiha family only has --- blood wheel eyes!"

"Is it really writing round eyes? Could it be wrong?" Tian Tian asked in surprise.

"Impossible, this is not just what I saw with my own eyes. All the ninjas in our village have seen it. The blood-colored eye pupils and three black gouaches can't be wrong."

"That is indeed writing round eyes, so the murderer should be Uchiha, who would it be?" After listening to Xia Xing's description, Neji and others had to believe it.

"Who is it? Is it really Sasuke? However, Sasuke should not be that strong. What is going on?"

PS: Ask for flowers! Seeking collection! Ask for a reward! …

Chapter Fifty: Sasuke with a Black Pot

"So, it's no wonder that Naruto-sama will give me a graduation photo of Uchiha Sasuke before I leave. It seems that Naruto-sama already knows it!" Hearing what Xia Xing said, Neji secretly said in his heart.

"Master Xingying, can you tell the approximate age of the ninja with the writing wheel eyes?" Ning Ci asked Xia Xing.

"Age? It should be around thirteen or four years old, about the same age as you." Xia Xing said embarrassedly. After all, their Xingyin Village was destroyed by a young boy, and all their ninjas It's too shameful to be unable to deal with each other.

"What? At the same age as us, how is this possible..." Tiantian exclaimed.

"Humph! Although I don't want to admit it, this incident has left our Xingyin Village face dull. Would I make fun of our Xingyin Village's honor and disgrace?" Xia Xing frowned and said a little unhappy.

"Sorry...I..." Seeing that Xia Xing was angry, he apologized every day.

"Is it really him..." Ning Ci secretly said in his heart, and then saw that he took out a folded piece of paper from his pocket, and Ning Ci spread the paper out. The paper turned out to be Uchiha Sasuke's ninja information, and there was also a picture of Sasuke posted on it.

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