Uchiha Chen sat up, supported his chin with one hand, his deep eyes seemed to penetrate the door wall, he was ready to see what tricks this guy could do.

Ikeda cautiously walked up the stairs, ignoring the dissuasion of the nearby store, and pushed the store away with a "click". The store's hands subconsciously pinched Ikeda's clothes. How could I have thought that Ikeda's clothes were so fragile and so fragile? With a twitch, the store was torn off most of the waist directly by the store.

I saw Ikeda's upper body clothes intact, and a floral-colored leggings appeared on the lower body. From the look of the style, it is obvious that Ikeda stole this from a woman. After all, no normal man would wear this. This kind of floral shorts obviously only worn by women.

The pants were taken off, and Ikeda's face twitched with an awkward expression. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, resisting the urge to kill the store.

"You can't stun the snake right now, you can't stun the snake now." Taking off the shop's pants, he comforted himself in his heart while wearing Ikeda.

Chen perceives this scene in the room with a faint sneer: "boring." He didn't make too many comments. In his opinion, such a grandstanding guy is not worthy of being a ninja.


After driving away from the store, Ikeda took a deep breath, staring at the door of the room solemnly, and his hands began to seal slowly but strongly.

The speed of his seal formation is not fast, and the speed of the movement of Chakra inside his body also appears to be so slow.

"The technique of the great waterfall?" Uchiha Tatsumi frowned. He inferred the ninjutsu he wanted to release based on Ikeda Yuki's seal pattern and the trajectory of the chakra flowing in the body.

As the signature water escape ninjutsu in Wuyin Village, basically every fog ninjutsu can release this ninjutsu. But with such a slow and non-standard release of ninjutsu, Chen has seen it for the first time since he betrayed Konoha.

As long as Chen thinks, he can completely kill Ikeda Yuyin before it is completed, and it is effortless at all. Uchiha Tatsumi's eyes were full of disappointment. He thought that the so-called family worship was at least a little bit strong, but he didn't expect to be just a little ninja who was not qualified for a mere ninja.

Suddenly, Uchiha Tatsuno lost his thoughts of exploration. He sighed lightly, stood up, took a step forward with his feet, and disappeared into the room with a "swish".

At this moment, Ikeda's eyes condensed, and the final mark of the Great Waterfall technique was condensed. Ikeda's excited hands pushed and pointed Chakra, who was about to be overwhelmed in his body, at the door of the room.

"The technique of water escape from the big waterfall!"

Suddenly, the entire corridor on the second floor seemed to be flooded. A steady stream of water continued to gush from the Ikeda on the second floor and hit the door wall in front of Ikeda. The fierce water rushed the wooden door open in the first place. The sound of running water flooded Chen's room for the first time.

"Success!" Ikeda couldn't help but secretly delighted, his words inevitably brought a bit of excitement. This is his first successful release of the Great Falls technique.

Although it did not achieve the best effect of the Great Waterfall technique, it is already a big improvement for Ikeda. You must know that he couldn't control the chakra flowing in his body when he was half of the seal before, and now he can. Very well suppressed.

"Am I really the protagonist!" Ikeda couldn't help but think so.

"Not good!" Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, "Miss Meizhi wants to live!" Ikeda couldn't help but patted his head in annoyance. For a moment he felt that he could successfully release the technique of the Great Falls. , So he subconsciously released the technique of the big waterfall, and it turned out to be really successful.

It was only then that I remembered that the person Ms. Meizhi had ordered to take away was probably just a wandering ninja. How could it have withstood the impact of the Great Falls technique?

"I hope your life is big enough." Ikeda prayed secretly in his heart.

If you want him to go in now, he dare not. The big waterfall is still raging in the room. The fire and water are ruthless. The ninjutsu that has been released doesn’t care who you are, as long as you dare to enter, even the ninjutsu releaser will not be wronged. .

Ikeda was not generous enough to take his own life to save Chen, but waited quietly at the door, waiting for ninjutsu to calm down.


After a long time, the movement in the room finally stopped, and Chakra was attached to his feet, and Ikeda stepped on the water wave and walked into the room.

At this time, the room was completely destroyed by ninjutsu. Not only Chen’s room, but the two rooms next door were also destroyed under the attack of ninjutsu. Fortunately, only Chen lived on the entire second floor. Otherwise, it would be so big. His movements have already spread to other people.

And Ikeda dared to release ninjutsu so unscrupulously after knowing that only Chen lived in the hotel.

I looked around the room and didn't find Chen's figure. "Where is the person?" Ikeda looked curiously: "Where has the person gone, shouldn't they be really washed away by my ninjutsu?"

No matter how he looked for it, he would never think that Chen was actually behind him at this moment, but he didn't find it, it was impossible to find it.

"Who are you looking for?"

The cold voice suddenly sounded, and it seemed so abrupt in this silent night. It shocked Ikeda who was searching intently, and turned his head subconsciously, but he didn't find anyone, but he also raised his heart's vigilance at this moment. .

"Who, who is talking!" Taking out the kunai from the ninja bag, Ikeda Yokoto squatted halfway, leaning against the wall, looking around, his eyes full of alertness.

However, no one responded to him. The room was silent, and there was no other sound except for Ikeda's own breathing, as if the previous sound was nothing more than an illusion.

Ikeda quietly leaned on the wall, never making any movements. For a long time, Ikeda took a deep breath: "Is it an illusion?" Touching his head, I wondered who was talking, but Miss Meizhi's task was still Go on.

He is the consecration of the wise family, and naturally he has to complete the tasks ordered by the master family. What's more, Miss Meizhi's status in the wise family is not low. As long as she succeeds in the list, it is not the money beauty that allows him to squander the cultivation resources?

Thinking of this, Ikeda couldn't help speeding up his search.

After searching all the locations, Ikeda couldn't help showing a puzzled look, "No, how could it be missing? Didn't he come back at night? No, no, I could clearly perceive someone in the room before, could it be... My ninjutsu was washed away?"

Thinking of this, Ikeda couldn't help but stick his head out of the window and looked down.

Chapter 703: The ignorant is doomed

"Is that guy swept away by my ninjutsu?" Ikeda couldn't help but wonder in his heart. If this is the case, the strength of that guy is too weak.

Shaking his head, Ikeda went to the window and looked around. He couldn't take a corpse back with Miss Meizhi if she wanted to live.

"What are you looking for?" The playful voice sounded abruptly in the room.

This time Ikeda can be sure that he heard it correctly.

"Who the hell..." He didn't finish his words. Just when he was about to turn his head, Ikeda suddenly felt a pain in his head, and then there was numbness in front of him, and the whole person gradually lost consciousness.

Uchiha Tatsuno was standing behind him, and a wooden stick had been inserted into Ikeda's head in Tatsun's hand. Uchiha Tatsun has never been soft on those who attempt to attack him.

Letting go of the wooden slats in his hands, Chen's big hands were directly placed on Ikeda's head, his eyes turned into reincarnation eyes, driving the power of reincarnation eyes, and forcibly captured Ikeda's soul.

"Is that so?" Ignoring those unimportant memories casually, Uchiha Tatsu found the reason why they attacked him.

"Miss Meizhi?" Chen couldn't help muttering to himself. Until he saw Miss Meizhi's appearance in Ikeda's memory, Tatsun couldn't help it anymore, waved his hand to shred Ikeda's soul, couldn't help but quickly closed his eyes and began to imagine the appearance of Ino, Xiaonan and others. The guy named Miss Meizhi drove out of his mind.

"Oh! How could there be such an ugly person!" Uchiha Tatsun couldn't help feeling nauseous.

He shook his head and walked out of the room. He didn't expect that the reason for everything was that he was too handsome.

That Meizhi...that woman actually tried to seize herself as his face because she heard that she was very handsome. And it seems that she hasn't done such things less.

Fumbling for his chin and walking out of this hotel, Uchiha Tatsu looked at the store who was still standing at the door with cold eyes.

"Dare to divulge my whereabouts?" Uchihatatsu snapped his fingers with one hand.

"There is more than a guilty death!"

Only a "click" was heard, and the entire hotel, including the shopkeeper at the door and the two people brought by Ikeda, disappeared out of thin air.

It's as if it has never appeared before. The majesty blew by, and a gust of wind and sand was rolled up. In the place where the hotel originally existed, a bottomless hole awoke everyone, not to try to approach it.

"Now it's time to solve the person called the Wise Family." Uchiha Tatsumi murmured to himself, his figure disappeared in place with a "swish", and when he appeared the next moment, he was already in the Wise Family. Station door.

Uchiha Chen stood proudly in front of the Wisdom Family in the sky. He stretched out a hand, opened his five fingers, and the six dark purple circles in his eyes seemed to shrink irregularly.

Uchihasatsu didn't notice this little detail. He slowly showed a weird smile: "Since you dare to provoke me, then you must be aware of death at any time."

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