There was already a person in Chen's heart. Ino filled his heart, and he could no longer hold another person. No matter what Maitreya did, Chen would not be moved.

My heart turned to the bright moon, but the moon illuminates the ditch.

Uchiha Chen sighed lightly and poured the glass of wine into his throat. The cold wine made his mind a little clearer. With a wry smile, I asked what love in the world is? Directly teach life and death.

"It's all the fault of feelings!"


No words for a night.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night, and Maitreya can't sleep all night, what I have been thinking about is Uchiha Tatsun's words and his attitude.

Thinking halfway through, couldn't help but smile happily. I stayed up all night like this, until the next day when I got up, I was still groggy, with dark circles in my eyes swollen. Qianfeng, who had come to dress Maitreya to get up, couldn't help but take a few more glances.


Uchiha Tatsumi spent three or four days in the capital city of the country of ghosts, and Maitreya has been following Tatsun in the past few days, introducing the customs of the country of ghosts to Uchiha Tatsumi, completely becoming Uchiha Tatsumi's little follower.

In the past few days, everyone in the city knew that Maitreya's little girl who turned into Uchiha Tatsumi followed behind Uchiha Tatsumi.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that Maitreya is in love with Uchiha Tatsumi. Many people, including Qianfeng, agree with this point. After all, the two men are talented men and women, standing together is a combination of golden boys and girls.

Moreover, Kantoyo is someone who knows Uchiha Tatsu's strength. If Maitreya can pull Uchiha Tatsuo into their lineup of the ghost country, the self-protection ability of the ghost country will rise again.

But not everyone knows Uchiha Tatsu's strength.

There are many young people in the capital of the country of ghosts who secretly like Maitreya in their hearts, but they did not show their intentions due to the disparity in status.

Suddenly, I noticed that a person appeared beside Maitreya, and Maitreya still showed admiration for that person. Many young people expressed dissatisfaction.

"Why can an outsider win the favor of Master Bauhinia? What is his ability, isn't he just looking better? In the country of ghosts, after all, he has to rely on his strength to speak!"

Having said that, no one dared to step forward and disturb the two of them, but more or less, people looked at Uchiha Tatsumi's eyes with a trace of contempt. Everyone thinks Chen is just a guy who eats soft food.

This kind of news came back to Maitreya Uchiha Tatsumi's ears, causing Maitreya to cover her mouth and sneer. Others didn't know Tatsun's strength. Isn't Maitreya still unclear about Tatsun's strength? People who are said to be eating soft rice are also magnanimous and don't have general knowledge of these ants.

At the end of the song, people are separated, there is no permanent banquet in the world, and time will always pass.

Uchiha Tatsumi is going to leave after all.

On this day, Chen did not choose to tell Maitreya. He knew what Maitreya meant and didn't want to cause trouble. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Chen still chose to go quietly by himself.

The sky is full of stars, like pearls, like a handful of broken gold, scattered on the jasper plate. It was so peaceful and serene at the moment, the leaves were rustling, and the stars were blinking.

The air was filled with sultry humidity, like fog. The faint light of the lighthouse in the distance made the night quieter.

Taking advantage of the sporadic light spots at night, Uchiha Tatsu intends to leave this evening.

Opening the door quietly, Chen found that Maitreya was standing at the door.

He looked at Maitreya in surprise.

There were tears in Maitreya's eyes, and a sad expression on her delicate face. She bit her lower lip and intertwined her hands in front of her. She looked up at Uchiha Tatsumi, her mouth opened, and she didn't know what to say.

Wiping the tears from his eyes and forcing himself to calm down, Maitreya said softly, "Are you leaving today?"

"Well, I've been here for several days, it's time to get ready to go."

"Didn't you say you wanted to tell me! Why did you prepare to steal away by yourself?" Maitreya couldn't help but question.

Being questioned by Maitreya, Uchiha Tatsumi looked a little speechless. If it's someone else, Chen won't pay attention at all, just ignore it.

However, Maitreya not only blatantly showed that he likes himself, but Uchiha Tatsuno said that it is not good to reject them directly. He was silent for a long time, and then defended: "I...I'm just about to find you?"

Maitreya did not speak, but looked at Uchiha Tatsun quietly, knowing Tatsun wanted to sneak away by herself. Otherwise, how can you not say it during the day and come and say it at night when you are ready to go to bed?

Chapter 731: Maitreya's affection

If it wasn't for Maitreya to secretly grow an eye and find that Chen's mood is a little uneasy these days, he sneaks over and squats, maybe Chen has already slipped away.

"Feel sorry……"

It is useless to justify, and a thousand words will eventually turn into a sentence of sorry. After all, Chen broke his promise first, so he couldn't refute anything.

Maitreya was silent, she could not accept this kind of deception, even if it was Uchiha Tatsumi.

"Really, can't you stay?" Maitreya said quietly.

"Feel sorry."

"Well, you don't need to say, I understand!" Maitreya interrupted Uchiha Tatsumi, and she gently stepped forward.

"Before you leave, can you promise me a little wish?"

"You said, I will try my best." This time Uchiha Tatsuno did not refuse. After all, he had deceived Maitreya once before. If it weren't for his wish to stay, Tatsun would agree to it within the scope of his ability.

"Then... Then I'll just say it." Maitreya stepped forward shyly and looked at Uchiha Tatsumi and said: "Before this, can you please close your eyes first, I have something for you."

"Huh?" Uchiha Chen frowned slightly, but closed his eyes as usual.

Seeing Uchiha Tatsuno closing her eyes, Maitreya flushed, and slowly walked forward, stood in front of Uchiha Tatsuno, stood on tiptoe, and slowly closed her eyes...

Uchiha Tatsun closed his eyes tightly: "Alright..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt that there was an extra person in front of him, and he knew that that person was Maitreya without even thinking about it. I was curious and didn't understand why Maitreya leaned forward.

Uchiha Tatsu opened his eyes suddenly and found that Maitreya was less than five centimeters away in front of him at this moment.

Maitreya closed his eyes and moved his face towards him. Just when Uchiha Tatsu subconsciously wanted to avoid it, a cold lip pressed against his own.

The moist lips pressed against Uchiha Tatsuno's mouth, with a warm breath, Uchiha Tatsuno could feel Maitreya's lips soft, with a glutinous taste.

The warm breath is different from the feeling that Ino gave him. If Ino’s lips are sweet and vanilla, then Maitreya’s lips are ice-cold and sweet and waxy.

A small tongue stuck out, trying to reach Uchiha Tatsumi's mouth. At this moment, Maitreya understood the highest realm of kissing without a teacher.

When Maitreya came up in person, Uchiha Chen made a "boom" as if he had lost consciousness. It was only at this moment that he suddenly reacted.

"No, no!" He pushed Maitreya away, and took a few steps back in a panic. Immediately, he sighed softly, and said helplessly: "We, we will not have results!"

At this moment, where is there the shrine maiden of the land of ghosts, where is the strongest Uchiha Tatsumi in the Ninja world? There are only two young girls who are beginning to show off their love, and two young girls who don't know how to express their love are venting their feelings in a jerky way.

At the moment when he pushed Maitreya away, Uchiha Tatsuno regrets it. Although he is also an emotional idiot, he knows that his action has deeply hurt Maitreya.

She widened her eyes and looked at Uchiha Tatsumi in surprise. Maitreya couldn't believe that Uchiha Tatsuno pushed her away.

"He actually pushed me away?" Maitreya felt a little sad.

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