The nine-headed beast Uchihasatsu did not intend to wait for his own world, but borrowed the sealing technique learned from Maitreya to communicate the power of heaven and earth, and combined with the nine-headed beast's own power to seal all the tailed beasts. In a unique space?

People in this world cannot rely on the power of the tail beast, nor can the tail beast appear in this world. The tail beast originally existed as a strategic weapon.

The tail beast is basically an existence that breaks the rules. In a war between two Ninja villages of equal strength, if one party has a tail beast, the result of the battle will be a lopsided situation.

It is for this reason that Uchiha Tatsu collected all the tail beasts and made all Shinobu villages stand on the same horizontal line.

As for the strength gap between the ninjas, Uchiha Tatsumi could not manage, and it was impossible to kill all the ninjas. This would violate Uchiha Tatsumi's original intention of peace.

Killing can indeed quell a war, but killing alone cannot solve the problem.

Just when the five great nations hurriedly prepared to launch the Five Ninja Federation again, Uchiha Tatsuno didn't have the time or the time to participate.

At least for now, he has to solve Uchiha Madara's problem first.

In the dark and deep cave, Uchiha Madara could only use the power of the Outer Golem to linger, and Madara closed his eyes and silently absorbed the power in the Outer Golem.

Suddenly, he suddenly opened his eyes: "You are here!"

"Yes, Lord Madara!" Kurozue emerged from the shadows, stood in front of Uchiha Madara, and said to him with his head down.

"What's the matter?" Uchiha Madara frowned and said, "Didn't you tell you not to come to me if you have nothing to do. The current situation is very unfavorable for us. You don't plan to come to me for what you do."

"I have a very important thing to tell you, Master!" Kurozutsu lowered his head and glanced at him with fear. Since Uchiha Madara's defeat in the battle with Tatsun, Kurozutsu has moved other thoughts.

However, Uchiha Madara is not a friendly person. It seems that he has faintly felt the bad thoughts of Kurozu. Uchiha Madara has a little suspicion in his heart.

Kurozutsu originally wanted to find Uchiha Tatsumi to continue his plan. Originally, he gave up his life and succumbed to Uchiha Madara for his own plan and was able to successfully rescue Otsuki Teruya.

If Uchiha Tatsuo can cooperate with him, or even follow his instructions, even if it is to bend to Uchiha Tatsuo again.

However, Kurozutsu had no time to contact Uchiha Tatsumi. In other words, every time Kurozutsu wanted to contact Uchiha Tatsu, he could feel a strong murderous aura coming from his side.

It seems that as long as Kurojue goes to contact Uchiha Tatsu, it will definitely cause some bad results. There is always a feeling of heart palpitations, which makes him feel dangerous.

Even, Heizie once stretched out his hands to get in touch with Uchiha Tatsuo, and that was not the case.

The feeling of palpitations turned into a reality. That ruthless force turned into a killing intent and turned towards Hei Jue.

After being hit by the ruthless force, Hei Jue was seriously injured, and even his own existence was threatened. If it weren't for Heijue's swift movement and swift retreat, I am afraid it would be more than the impact of the soul, and even his existence might be deprived.

After training for a period of time, Heijue dismissed his plan to contact Uchiha Tatsumi.

However, the wise Uchiha Madara noticed his actions and took precautions against him. The sorrowful Kazure could only drag his wounded body, trying his best to please Uchiha Madara, trying to regain Uchiha Madara's trust.

But the estrangement has already arisen, how can it be such a simple thing to fix it?

"Go ahead!" Uchiha Madara coughed and said flatly.

"Just not long ago, Uchiha Tatsumi, who had fought with you before, invaded Gonin Village and took away all the tail beasts from each Ninja Village, and disappeared!" Hei Jue took a deep breath.

"What are you talking about!" Uchiha Madara sat up and stared at Kurozu with wide-eyed eyes, as if he wanted to confirm the news from Kurozu's eyes.

"Are you sure you are not teasing me?" Uchiha Madara's overcast voice came from the valley: "If I knew that the information you were talking about was false..." Madara didn't say any more, his eyes were cold. He has expressed his attitude.

"There is absolutely nothing false!" Heijue vowed: "In fact, it is. Uchiha Tatsumi appeared in the five major countries at the same time, and invaded the major Ninja villages, and there was no one enemy."

"Is it a shadow clone?"

"No, it's Mu Dun clone..."

"..." Uchiha Madara meditated, thought for a while, and said: "You continue to explore. It is best to find out Uchiha Tatsumi's location clearly. This has a great impact on our plan! The tail beast must not fall into other people. Hands!"

Uchiha Madara’s cold tone made Kurojutsu shudder a bit, but Madara means Kurozu. The tail beast must never fall into the hands of others. If you want to save Otsuki Kaguyahime, the nine-headed tail beast can’t even one. few!

If you want to rescue Kaguyaji from the moon, you can only reintegrate the nine-headed beast into ten tails. Only in this way can Kaguyaji be rescued.

If Uchiha Tatsu takes away the nine-headed beast, where will Heijue save Kaguyahime?

Chapter 736: Goodbye Uchiha Madara

Uchiha Tatsuta obstructed their plan, which Kazuki and Uchiha Madara can bear. After all, the plan can be changed. Even if this plan fails, it can be replaced by other plans.

But they would never allow Uchiha Tatsumi to take away all the nine-headed beasts. In their plan, whether Madara wants to implement unlimited moon reading, or Hei Jue's secretly planning to rescue Otsuki Teruya, it is inseparable from the nine-headed beast.

Only when the nine-headed beasts are fused together can they become ten-tailed human pillars, can display unlimited moon reading, and can rescue the big barrel Mu Huiye in the moon.

This plan is one link after another, and there is absolutely no room for failure.

So if the intersection between them and Uchiha Tatsuo wasn't too deep before, it wouldn't matter even if Uchiha Tatsuo obstructed them, but now they have to face Uchiha Tatsuo again.

"Then what should we do now?" Heijue is very helpless. Uchiha Madara can do nothing but he can't. Uchiha Madara will die when he is dead. After all, at this age, his life span depends entirely on an outside golem.

But Hei definitely can't do it. He has been waiting for a thousand years, and he has been preparing for this plan for a thousand years, and he has been preparing for nearly a thousand years since he consciously started it.

In other words, his mother, Datongmu Huiye, has been sealed for nearly a thousand years.

In this thousand years, he has exhausted all his thoughts and thoughts to provoke the hatred between the two sons of the Six Dao Immortals, and he has been ambushing since the generation of Asura and Indra.

It was not until this generation that the reincarnations of the two people believed him, and they succeeded in intensifying the contradiction between the two to the greatest point. Up to now, it has been the greatest opportunity. If this opportunity is missed, I don’t know if I have to wait again next time. Thousand years of time.

Hei Jue has been waiting for a thousand years. He has no thoughts to wait for another thousand years. This time is the closest he can save his mother. He will never miss this opportunity in vain.

Thinking of this, Hei Jue's eyes gradually became firmer: "This time, I definitely can't let it go!"

Uchiha Madara was thinking about Tatsun's question, so he didn't see Kurozutsu's constantly changing face. If he could see Kurozu's face, he might have a deeper level of suspicion.

It's a pity that Heijue's complexion recovered in an instant, as if he knew that he would attract Uchiha Madara's attention, and forcibly calmed himself down.

"Are we going to take countermeasures?" Hei Jue asked cautiously.

"Yes, the tail beast must not fall into the hands of others. This is too important for our plan. We must control the tail beast in our own hands."

"Then what should we do next? Shall we grab it?"

"Are you an idiot?" Uchiha Madara glanced at Kazuki, as if looking at a fool: "How can we have the strength to grab it now? Even if we want to grab it, we don't know where that person is! You found that person Is there anyway?"

"!" Hei Jue lowered his head, and big cold sweat came out of his head. This is where he made a mistake and did not find the position of Uchiha Chen.

There is no other way. In order to be able to contact Uchiha Tatsumi before, Kurojetsu has already exposed his whereabouts. Coupled with the injuries sustained during the last attempt to contact Tatsun, Kurojere no longer dared to follow Uchiha Tatsuhiro. , So Heijue lost Chen's whereabouts after the ghost country.

This is a mistake in his work. Madara Uchiha is very generous with his opponents, but this is for unimportant people. If it is someone who is valued by his side, Madara Uchiha has very high requirements. Once there is something wrong, It must be remedied the first time.

"I'm sorry, Master, I will look for it right now!" Hei Jue lowered his head and took the initiative to admit his mistake. He knew that if he didn't take the initiative to admit it, the consequences would be very serious.

I have to say that at this point, Kurogetsu is very clever. After all, he claims to be the incarnation of Uchiha Madara’s will. If he doesn’t understand Uchiha Madara’s mind, how can he be called Madara’s will. Avatar?

Madara nodded gently, it didn't matter if he made a mistake, the important thing was to be able to remedy it in time. If Hei Jue could not do well in this aspect, it would have wasted his trust for so many years.

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