"You're welcome, we just moved our mouths and didn't help you. Okay, we have enough rest. It's time to hurry. Boy, you must be careful and remember, don't go wrong. Otherwise, you will be taken into the mountains by them and insulted 100 times, ah 100 times!"

"Um... I see, thank you uncle!" Chen thanked the uncle and the old man, and then continued along the official road in the direction the uncle pointed out.

Chen hurried along the official road, and it didn't take long to reach the intersection of the small road mentioned by the uncle. Chen just glanced at the small road and then continued to follow the official road, without any thought of taking the small road.

"Let me take a detour for 4 more hours? Are you kidding me, I have to go to the Kingdom of Wind before dark. I have been eating and sleeping in the past few days, but I finally got here. I don't want to waste time anymore. I'm on the road, aren't they just a few gays? They'd better not jump out and disgust me, otherwise I will walk for the sky and burn them to death!" Chen said secretly in his heart.

After that, Chen drove on the official road alone, and never met anyone on the road. It was estimated that they were all scared by the names of the two **** guys, so they all walked down the trail. The broad official road was empty, and Chen was the only one on the road.

Just after Chen walked for almost an hour, she suddenly sensed something not far ahead.

"Huh? There is an ambush! Is it a robber? But if it is a robber, why did I only sense four people? Two elites, and the other two have no chakra fluctuations. They should be just ordinary people." In Chen's induction , Not far from the front, four people were lying in ambush on both sides of the official road.

"Could it be that there are only four robbers in this group? Or maybe two of these four are what the uncle referred to as gay? It really made me meet."

"Ooooooooooo... Brother Dong, I didn't expect that before we left here, we could meet such a handsome young man. It's so wonderful!"

PS: Thank you Dongshiwang and Yi Leng for their friendly guest appearances!

Group tail: 475137322...

Chapter 53: Burning a pair of gays

Chen walked alone on the road to the Kingdom of Wind, and suddenly noticed movement in front of him, and then there was a disgusting sound.

"Ooooooooooo... Dong brother, I didn't expect that before we left here, we could meet such a handsome young man. It's amazing!" This sound is like the sound made by a duck stepping on its neck, piercing. It's as sharp as a woman but not feminine, it's just the voice of the **** in the TV series that Chen watched in the previous life.

As soon as the voice fell, two people walked out on both sides of the official road in front of Chen. To be precise, they were four men. However, two of them were crawling on the ground like a dog, and both had a dog collar around their necks. He was tied by an iron chain and then led by the two of them who were standing.

Look at the two standing people. They are wearing the forehead guards of Kushinin Village. The pattern in the middle of the guards is drawn with a horizontal line, which means that they are the rebels of Kushinin Village. In the data presented by the Data Eye, Chen learned that both of them have the strength of the elites, while the eyes of the two men crawling on the ground were hollow, as if they were a walking dead without a soul. Apart from being a little handsome, Chen didn't feel that they had any strength, they should be just ordinary civilians.

"It's really handsome! Look at his small appearance, and that weak body, it makes me really ticklish, I can't wait to love him well!" One of the two elites. The famous ninja with a beard, looked at Chen with a yin face, and said with a lewd smile.

"Oh, Brother Dong is always so anxious. Really, don't be so rude, it will scare our cute sweetheart!" Another Zhongren pretended to be shy and made a harsh, shrill voice. The one just now spoke like an eunuch, and it was he who sent it out. However, a big man insists on pretending to be a shy woman, which is really disgusting and disgusting.

"Hahaha~~ My little Yi Leng, don't you like my roughness the most?" The beard turned his head and raised his hand to squeeze the chin of the Cao Ren named Yi Leng, and said with a smile.

"Oh, Brother Dong, you hate it. If you say that, you are bad, you are bad!" The ninja named Yi Leng patted his beard off his beard, and then, like a shy girl, he held his face in his hands and squeezed his body. This originally cute action appeared on a big man, which is really disgusting!

"Well, Yi Leng is a good boy, let us take this cute little guy home first, and let us love him well!"

These two gays just showed their affection in front of Chen like no one, completely ignoring Chen, who had been petrified, and then walked towards Chen, wanting to take Chen away.

"I...I'll go! This...this is the **** couple that the uncle said? Oh~~~"

"Asshole, it's disgusting, let me be wiped out!" Seeing that the **** couple walked towards him, Chen was agitated, and he recovered. Chen, who was disgusted to the extreme, opened the kaleidoscope and wrote the wheel and stared directly at him. For those two gays, bright red blood suddenly flowed out of Chen's right eye. Immediately afterwards, a group of black flames appeared out of thin air on the two **** guys who had not yet reflected. It was a kind of kaleidoscope's ability to write round eyes, Amaterasu!

Chen was really disgusted by the two gays in front of him, and only thought that he must burn the gays to death, and let the disgusting gays disappear as soon as possible, and it would be best if there is no scum left. So I didn't think so much, I directly opened the writing wheel to the kaleidoscope, and cast the Amaterasu, which is known as the "strongest physical attack", which can burn everything to the point.

"Ah~~~What's this? It's so annoying!" The Cao Ren named Yi Leng hadn't figured out the situation yet, and after seeing the flame on his body, he stretched out his hand to extinguish the fire on his body. The result can be imagined. "Amaterasu" is known as "the strongest physical attack" in the original work, and it can only be used by people with kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes open. Summon a black flame from the center of the sun at the focal point of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye's horizon, which can burn everything out and will never extinguish until the target is destroyed. Therefore, not only did that Cao Ren not put out the flames on his body, but instead ignited his palms.

"Ah! These fires... what are these fires? Why... why can't they be extinguished? Ah so painful, so hot! Save me! Brother Dong, save me!" It's a pity that his beloved Brother Dong is also at this time. It's hard to protect himself, because the black Amaterasu also appeared on his body, and there was no time to take care of him.

"Damn it! You...you did it! What the **** did you do to us? Hurry up and take back these black flames for me, hurry up!" The Bearded Bearded Ninja named Winter Lion has already understood that these black flames are Chen made a mess, and rushed towards Chen roaring.

"Humph!" Chen snorted coldly after seeing that Cao Ren rushed towards him, but Chen didn't make a move because he didn't want to meet that gay. So I tuned into the air and avoided the **** guy, and then, relying on the moon step, just stood in the air condescendingly looking at the two **** guys who were burned by the sky.

"Ah~~ I don't want to die... I don't want to die! Please, forgive me, forgive me." At this time, the **** named Yi Leng was already lying on the ground by the flames of Amaterasu. He was rolling and wailing, and was soon dying of burning. It didn't take long for the two of them to be silent, and they were directly burned to death. And just after the death of the two of them, the Amaterasu flames on their bodies were still not extinguished, and they continued to burn on them until both of them were burned to ashes. Do not! Not even the ashes remained, they were all burned by the terrifying Amaterasu, and there was really no **** left.

"Ding! The host kills two elite Zhongnin, reward points; 2000, the host has 78,000 points

"Huh! The **** **** came out and disgusted me. The unforgivable thing is that he dared to hit me on the head. I really wanted to die!" After the two gays were burnt to death, Chen Ye Landed from the air to the ground, and then took back the Amaterasu fire that was still burning on the ground after burning the gay.

"Dead...dead? Are those two demons dead?"

Just when the two gays were burned to the point that there was no scum left, the two men crawling on the ground and wearing dog collars suddenly had a look on their sluggish faces. They all showed incredible and excited expressions!

"Woo~~ they are dead, those two beasts are really dead, we... we finally got rid of the torture of these two beasts, we are saved! Ah~~~" The two collared men were already crying with joy at this time. Shouted excitedly. These two people are ordinary civilians. When passing here, they were unfortunately taken into their nest by the **** couple and became their slaves for their enjoyment. From then on, their nightmare began. The two collared men lived with chrysanthemum (harmonious) flowers every day, full of wounds, and were insulted by the **** couple every day. Life is better than death! And that pair of gays are extremely abnormal and cruel. If they are male slaves who are tired of playing with them, they will be brutally killed by them. Originally, the two collared men thought that their fate was the same as those of the male slaves before. After being tired of those two gays, they would be brutally killed. They could not escape at all. The two collared men were already desperate. , Because those two gays are too powerful, there have been several waves of ninjas to crusade the gays, but they were easily defeated by the gays, and then killed by the gays. But today, the **** couple were finally wiped out, and they were free. Of course, they also knew that all of this was given by that young man.

Since the foul name of the **** couple has been spread, no civilians dared to pass by here anymore. The two gays originally planned to leave here today and go to other places. It’s just unlucky today. They ran into Chen before they left, so they didn’t die. They even hit Chen on the head, so they paid the price of their lives.

At this time, the two collared men came to Chen, then knelt on the ground, and kowtowed a few heads to Xiang Chen: "Thank you, my lord, if it wasn't for the adults to kill these two beasts, we...we..." I cried bitterly!

Looking at the two collared men lying on the ground and crying, Chen frowned: "It's so noisy, shut up!"

When the two collared men heard Chen's roar, they immediately closed their mouths in fright, looked at Chen in horror, and did not dare to make another sound!

"I ask you, you should know where the two guys' nests are?"

Those two gays had been robbers here for so long, and they should have robbed a lot of money, and Chen would certainly not let it go.

The two collared men immediately understood Chen's thoughts and nodded quickly. One said: "Yes, we know where their lair is, and I also know where they hide the money they robbed, my lord, I"

"Very good, take me over!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Then, the two collared men led the way and walked towards the old nest of the **** couple.

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for collection! Ask for a reward!

Group tail: 475137322...

Chapter Fifty-Four; I didn't expect any title for the time being

After Chen used the fire of Amaterasu to burn the two showy gays to the point where there was no scum left, he let the two male slaves lead the way to the lair of the two **** robbers. Not long after, Chen was taken to a small village by the two male slaves. This cottage is not big, and very simple, just surrounded by some tree stumps.

"My lord, we are here, and the two scumbags are in front of us." The two male slaves ran to Chen's face and said respectfully.

"Why is it so quiet? Is there no one in the cottage?" Chen said suspiciously, looking at the quiet cottage.

"The adults don't know. Those two perverts have that disgusting hobby. No one wants to follow them at all, so they don't even have a subordinate. There are still many men in the mountain who were taken abducted by them and insulted by them. But they were all killed, so now there is no one in this cottage."

"Huh! That's the case, if that's the case, then go in quickly and help me find the two **** treasures!"

"Yes, my lord, I know where their treasure is, and I will take you there!"

Then Chen followed the two male slaves into the simple cottage. There was nothing else in this small cottage except for two or three wooden houses built with wood. A male slave Xiangchen explained: "The biggest wooden house is the room of the two robbers. The other two are used to imprison the men who were caught up to the mountain by them..."

"Huh! Don't tell me these nonsense, I'm not interested in anything here! Tell me the two garbage collection places." Chen Leng hummed, interrupted the male slave, and then became impatient. Said.

"Yes... I'm sorry, sir! Let's go and dedicate the treasures of the two robbers to you!" After speaking, the two rushed into the largest wooden house, and soon moved out of the wooden house. The iron box was then placed at Chen's feet.

"My lord, the things that the two robbers looted were all put in this box, but this box has been locked by the two robbers, and the key is on them, and the two robbers have been taken by the adults. It's burned to death, I'm afraid this key has also been burned to ashes..."

"Huh!" Chen didn't speak, and directly reached out to hold the lock, and then pulled the lock with force. Ignoring the surprise of the two male slaves, he opened the box by himself.

After opening the box, I found that the contents in the box were all gold and silver jewelry, ring jewelry and so on, as well as a wad of silver tickets and some silver.

Looking at the money in the box, Chen's mood of being ruined by the **** couple has also changed. "It's a good harvest. I didn't expect that the two **** still saved so much money. These should be robbed by them. As expected, robbery is a very rich career!"

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