"But, can I really do it?" Nagato was a little embarrassed. With his temperament, it is indeed difficult for him to be a big name.

"No, but!" Uchiha Chen yelled, "If you can't, you have to, even if it's just because of these eyes, I won't agree with anyone except you!"

Nagato was speechless.

"Come on!" Uchiha Tatsuno patted Nagato's shoulder: "You go down first. I will tell you about this first, so that you can be mentally prepared."

Nagato nodded, carefully closing the door.

Chen looked at the back of Nagato's departure and shook his head helplessly. It seemed that this matter needed to be reconsidered.

One day later, all the people from the five major countries arrived, and all the countries that have come to participate in the conference have all arrived.

Chen did not wait, but directly started the meeting without giving them time to rest. Chen can't wait any longer, Chen will set off on his way back soon after the matter here is resolved, he doesn't have time to continue wrangling.

More than a dozen leaders, including the five major countries, gathered together. This is the real Ninja Congress.

How is this discussion? This is obviously a direct order, anyway, they are also a big name in the country, it is absolutely impossible to agree to all Chen's requirements so easily.

Naturally, he understands these Chens. The reason why he put forward his request in advance is to make these countries wrangling. Otherwise, wait for them to talk nonsense in a slow meeting, and I don't know when they will get on the right track.

In the face of opposition from other countries, Chen has prepared and divided the cake prepared in advance. In addition to the cakes of the five major countries, the other countries have more or less allocated their due part. This allowed them to calm down again.

There are people who agree to the meeting, and naturally there are people who disagree. The Daimyo of Nami and his minister, Cardo, opposed Uchiha Tatsu's proposal and strongly demanded that Nami should get more cakes.

However, Chen did not pay attention, but went down with a stab. The two fell to their heads and suppressed all the voices of dissatisfaction with thunder. At this point, there was no dissent from the Ninja World Conference, and everyone was frightened by Chen's methods.

How can you use the knife if you don't agree?

The following talks went very smoothly, and only when they were running for the name, each country was quite criticized. Everyone thought that Chen would be the first big name after the reunification of the country.

However, Chen pushed Nagato out, and the little guy in front of him, who was not young enough, didn't look like he could be a good name.

Chen didn't say much, just let them look at Nagato's eyes.

The eyes of reincarnation were the eyes of the six immortals back then. In terms of potential, none of the people who are doing it can compare with each other. Although the strength is still relatively immature, once he grows up, no one who is doing it can compare to Nagato.

At this point, the talents of the five major countries finally have no objections. They are very clear in their hearts that no matter who is a big name, people from their five major countries cannot be a big name, so they did not expect the position of a big name from the beginning.

Just strive for as many benefits as possible and make your own cake bigger.

After all the details were discussed, the five powers united all countries to announce a news that shocked the world.

"From today onwards, the five major countries will become a thing of the past. There will no longer be five major countries in this world, but a complete and unified country with the name of forbearance!"

Chapter 755: Return to the original world

After discussing with the daimyo of various countries and Shinobu Village, a consensus was finally reached.

The entire Ninja world is unified into one country, the country name is "Nin", and each country no longer calls itself a country, but is divided by region, dividing the five major countries into five major regions.

The country of wind is sand, the country of water is Chuanzhou, the country of earth is earth continent, the country of fire is Zezhou, the country of thunder is mountain, and the other small countries are combined into three continents, Linzhou, Muzhou, and Liang Continent!

Nagato Nagato was appointed as its first daimyo, under the daimyo, the presbytery was established. The names of the five major nations served as governors of each state and also served as permanent elders of the presbyterian committees. After that, three additional elders were added, and the governors of the other three continents served concurrently. .

Nin villages in all regions were abolished, and the country added a military headquarters. The shadow leader of Wu Nin village was appointed as a general. In addition to maintaining their own daily troops, all military powers were nationalized...

Everyone couldn't help crying when watching the news jointly released by the five major powers.

"How many years, how many years, and finally, there is no more war!"

After hearing the news of the decree from their children and grandchildren, many old people all sighed unanimously.

Ninja has gone through ups and downs. From the Warring States period to the present, I don’t know how many wars it has gone through. Finally, today, in this era, years of unnecessary disputes have ended.

These people have all experienced several Ninja World Wars, and there are even people who have survived since the first Ninja World War.

They are not living under the aggression of war all the time. Fearful, for fear that in a certain war, the ninjas carried out the plan to kill the village.

However, now that the Ninja world has been unified, there will be no wars from now on, and they can't help tears in their eyes.

The only regret is that they are old and will not live long, and may never see the prosperity of the country after reunification.

Even people who are stupid will understand that after the reunification, the whole world will usher in a period of rapid development. As long as you are not a fool, you will seize this opportunity. This is a good time to make progress.

After the establishment of the country, it is inevitable that there will be bulls, ghosts and snakes who jump out, like those bandits and rebellious forbearance. After the country is reunified, it will be of no benefit to them.

There was no time to clean them up before because all countries were caught in war, and there was no time or energy to manage them.

Now that the country is unified, the ninjas are bound to refocus their attention on these bandits and rebels when there are no foreign enemies.

If there is anyone in this world who doesn't want to see the unity of the Ninja World, it is them.

At this moment, the bandit rebels of various countries united to launch a rebellion. They absolutely cannot wait to die. They know that people like them who are innocent and do no evil will not have their place even after the country is reunified.

Rather than just waiting to die like this, it's better to take a fight on the spot, starve to death the timid and support the courageous. What if they succeeded?

With this idea in mind, the bandits and rebels launched a series of offensives.

However, their offensive in front of the military after the unification was undoubtedly nothing but a smashing tree.

Even the military headquarters did not dispatch the entire army, but only ordered the local garrisons to resolve themselves, and then wiped out this vigorous rebellion. Since then, there has been no second voice in Ninja World.


Time flies like an arrow. Years flies, and another few months pass in the blink of an eye. In the past few months, the world has entered a period of rapid development, many people have benefited from it, and many people have also failed.

All these Uchiha Tatsumi saw in his eyes, the most important thing is that after these months of running-in period, the unification of the Ninja world has become a foregone conclusion. The five major countries have not, but the five major regions have obtained huge benefits from it.

If someone wants to rebel at this time, without Chen doing it, the people in the five major districts will make them unable to eat. Blocking people's wealth is tantamount to making money and killing lives.

The world gradually stabilized, and the burden in Chen's heart gradually eased. But Chen knew that his existence was always the biggest trump card in the world.

He cannot leave quietly, on the contrary, he must leave with a big fanfare. Seeing the business level that Nagato became familiar with, Uchiha Tatsuno nodded in satisfaction.

"Nagato, now the Ninja world is basically on the right track. Counting the time, it's almost time for me and Xiao Nan to leave."

Hearing Chen's words, the three of Nagato and Xiao Nan who stood next to Chen couldn't help but startled.

"Finally, is this time still?"

They have been deliberately neglecting this matter all the time, forced themselves not to think about it, and dealt with it coldly, for fear that they would be sad when Chen suddenly mentioned it.

But I didn't expect that when I was really ready to leave, I still couldn't help it.

With tears in Nagato's eyes, he looked at the two reluctantly, and whispered: "Really, do you really have to leave?"

Chen was speechless and nodded. He is not a person without feelings. After so long together, Chen has actually regarded them as his younger siblings a long time ago.

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