But now it has long since been wrong, my mother is no longer, and those people back then have already gone with the wind.

Is this person in front of him really his father, or maybe some of his brothers?

However, none of this is important anymore, who cares? Shion is Shion, and it has nothing to do with anyone. The person her mother misses is the person she misses, and it has nothing to do with herself.

With such thoughts in mind, Shion tried hard not to cry. However, how can the expectation for more than ten years and the longing for more than ten years be said to be discarded?

Large drops of tears ticked across her cheeks and dropped to the ground.

Seeing Shion’s tears, Uchiha Tatsu didn’t know why, he was a little worried, that kind of unspeakable taste, why would he care so much about this unknown person in front of him?

If you are fancy her beauty? Not to mention Ino, even Xiao Nan is no worse than her, but Chen did not do anything extraordinary after Xiao Nan returned to his heart. But, what about the mood that blood is thicker than water?

Uchiha Chen sighed lightly, stopped floating in the air, slowly came to Shion, stretched out his hand, and gently wiped away the teardrops on Shion's faces.

Feeling the strange sensation on her face, Shion raised her head subconsciously, and she couldn't help being stunned when she saw Uchiha Tatsu's face that was somewhat complicated, but with a bit of pity.

"Are you pitying me?"

Uchiha Tatsuno didn't answer. This brave girl, who is clearly heartbroken to death, still pretends to be indifferent. Why, why should he be so brave? Obviously, this is not necessary.

With a helpless sigh, Uchiha Chen leaned down and picked up the scroll that had fallen on the ground.

What caught the eye was his portrait. Uchiha Tatsumi's pupils shrank, why is his portrait in this place? who is it?

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in Uchiha Chen's mind, as if he had thought of something. He looked up at Ziyuan and suddenly asked, "Who is Maitreya?"

"She... is my mother."

Uchiha Tatsumi was silent. "Sure enough?" A wry smile appeared on Chen's face.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the task reward has been issued, please confirm the host for the ghost country task reward."

At this time, the system interrupted in due course, allowing Uchiha Tatsumi to confirm the matter thoroughly.

It turned out, it turned out to be like this. He had already thought that this time it was not easy, and the system prompts were so obvious. As a result, he stupidly thought that the task reward was nothing more than the Oki Orochi.

It turned out that the task reward turned out to be Shion. The reward for this deceptive task turned out to be a daughter?

"In other words, you... are my daughter?" Uchiha Tatsuno was still somewhat unacceptable. He is less than twenty years old now, but he has a daughter who is eighteen or nineteen years old. It is unacceptable to put this matter on anyone's body.

"If there is nothing wrong, it is indeed the case." Shion nodded and replied calmly.

what happened? Uchiha Tatsuno frowned, what is going on? Uchiha Tatsun was a little confused now, and subconsciously asked about the system. But the system did not give him the answer in the first time.

"I remember, I have never been with your mother Maitreya. What is going on?"

Shion chuckled, and then explained: "The reproduction and reproduction of our maiden clan is not the same as that of ordinary people. Even if they don’t copulate, they can give birth to life. Before you left, my mother gained some power from you and bred it in her own body. , So I have me."

Uchiha Tatsu was speechless, but the problem was that this was not a reason. He knew Maitreya, it was all things in that world, why would Maitreya in this world also...

"Ding, answer the host. This is due to the intercommunication of the two parallel worlds. What the host did in the last parallel world will slightly affect this world."

Seven hundred and fifty-ninth chapters: have an extra daughter?

"Ding, answer the host. This is due to the intercommunication of the two parallel worlds. What the host did in the last parallel world will slightly affect this world."

The system answered Uchiha Tatsumi's doubts in a timely manner, but such an answer left Uchiha Tatsumi speechless.

What the **** is it, how could this be? Uchiha Tatsun couldn't imagine it at all. It was just a little kiss before leaving. In the end, Maitreya gave him a daughter?

It's okay now, not only is there an extra lover, but also a daughter by the way?

This led him to explain to Ino later. Said that he was forcibly kissed, and then he gave birth to a daughter with a kiss?

Who will believe this? Mo said that Ino wouldn't believe it. If it hadn't happened to Uchiha Tatsuo, he wouldn't believe it himself.

Faced with this unbelievable thing, Uchiha Tatsu felt that he needed to calm down.

"I think..." Chen opened his mouth and looked at the cheap daughter in front of him. He didn't know what to say.

"Say!" Before Uchiha Tatsuno finished speaking, Shion came up with a look of expectation. For her, anyway, as long as Uchiha Tatsuno agrees to recognize her, that is all.

Over the years, she has lived by herself too hard. Although a person has a high status in the country of ghosts, there is no one around him who can talk to her well.

Because of her predictions, countless people close to her continued to die. The last time someone ignored her predictions was something that Naruto had come a few years ago.

She is so lonely, she is eager to have friends, relatives, and most importantly, she is eager to have a home that can free her from loneliness.

"I think." Uchiha Chen wanted to say something, but when he saw Shion's expectant face, his heart ached, and all the words turned into a heavy sigh.

"Well, I will try to adapt. But it will take time, and I will try to adapt as slowly as possible. You know, whoever has a daughter suddenly, I am afraid it will be unacceptable for a while, but Don't worry, after all, you are my daughter anyway. There is no doubt about this."

Shion was stunned when she heard Uchiha Tatsun's words, and then she was relieved after thinking about it, yes, it is true, no matter who it is, suddenly there is a son or daughter, and it is definitely unacceptable to accept it in a short time. .

There must be a process of adaptation between this. Whether it's Uchiha Tatsun or her Shion.

In fact, if it wasn't for Ziyuan that she had been alone for so long and hoped to have a family, she might not have been able to accept that she had a father in the first time.

Shion can understand Chen's mood, but she must be a little uncomfortable in her heart, which is also human nature. But apart from the sadness, she was still a little awkward facing Chen.

Combined with what Chen said from the previous generation, Shion understood that this has always been the wishful thinking of his mother. Maybe Chen has a good impression of his mother, but it is just in the lover’s future. Full state.

But his mother Maitreya secretly took advantage of the power of the witch clan to gain Chen's power and gave birth to her.

It is conceivable that Chen suddenly learned that she had an extra daughter without knowing it, and it was very rare to be able to recognize her.

Uchiha Tatsumi smiled bitterly and shook his head, and then said to Shion: "This time I came to the country of ghosts to find something. If I didn't find it, then forget it. Let him go. I will leave soon. Wait until I see you next time?"

"Father... Are you leaving?" Shiyuan opened his mouth, still not embarrassed to say the word father.

Chen also heard the embarrassment in her words, and did not force it. He smiled and nodded and said: "Yes, I have more important things to do."

"What are you looking for? Do you need my help?"

Chen shook his head: "Everything is fate. It is destined that I can't find it now, and it's also fate. There is no need to force it."

Tatsun naturally knew that Shion, the country of ghosts, must know where Yaki Orochi was sealed.

But for pets, Chen didn't have a special need. Before, he thought that the system task reward was Yaqi Orochi. Since it is not, there is no need to look for Yaqi Orochi.

Shion nodded, thinking about something, and suddenly gritted his teeth and said, "Can you...take me away too?" Shion raised his eyes and looked at Uchiha Tatsumi, eyes full of expectation.

"Take you away?" Chen was a little puzzled: "Aren't you a witch from the Kingdom of Ghosts? Don't you think there is no need for a maiden in the Kingdom of Ghosts now?"

"You are gone, so what should the monsters in the country of ghosts do?"

"The country of ghosts... Actually, there is no need for witches anymore," Shion said softly.

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