However, Chen seems to have forgotten that now his system space is not the only person in the system space, Xiao Nan and Ziyuan are in the system space.

When Tatsun took Ino into the system space, he reacted.

"Suck." Chen couldn't help but smile. It's all right now. With three women in one scene, he can fully imagine what the system space has become at this moment.

Chen didn't dare to use consciousness to visit the situation in the system space at all, just as he didn't know. Not seeing the heart is still. It's just that Chen might be hit afterwards and it is no longer in his calculations.

At this moment, Sasuke and Naruto were already fighting Liudaoban.

Naruto, who has completely controlled the power of the tail beast, and Sasuke, who has Gouyu reincarnation eyes, are not easy to provoke. Liudao Madara can't attack for a long time, and has begun to become a little impatient.

Seeing Liu Dao Madara holding the scepter in his hand, he waved his hand, Qiu Daoyu turned into a force that could not be ignored, and attacked the two.

"Sasuke!" Naruto yelled.

"Ah!" Understanding Naruto's thoughts, Sasuke nodded, his pupils shrank slightly, and his power gathered in his hands.

"Naruto, attack me!"

"it is good!"

Naruto clenched his hands, calling out a shadow clone.

"Xianshu Helix Maru Shuriken!"

Sasuke also placed one hand down, staring at Uchiha Madara with his eyes tightly.

"Yan Dun, add fate!"

The two rushed out at the same time, and the two hands came together for the first time in history.

"Come on!" The second generation of Hokage Qianshoujian and the fourth generation of Hokage Wave Feng Shuimen stared at the hands of the two closely, watching their attacks coming towards him.

"Oh?" Liudaoban looked at with interest, "Are you two stupid? You actually attacked your companion?"

"Or do you already know that you can't win, so you have begun to give up on yourself?" Uchiha laughed loudly, his face showing an unconcealable sarcasm.

"Huh, is it too early to say this now?" Naruto said with a mouth, his temperament is like this, facing Madara's mockery, he couldn't help it at all. If it wasn't for Sasuke to stare at the side, maybe he was early now. Just rushed up.

"Don't be impulsive Naruto! It was your ratio to match me before, now it's my turn to match your ratio!" Sasuke reminded.

Due to the fact that the two had already marked each other, the second and fourth generations did not panic in their hearts. Originally, this trick was intended to bring soil, but the guy with soil had a short life.

It is different from the original work. Although Ototo also incorporates the power of the six ways, he was controlled by Kazuki to use his pupil technique to resurrect Uchiha Madara before he had time to let him use his strength.

The poor guy, before he had time to make the world feel the pain, he withered first. Although he did not die, he was not far away from death now.

"Go to hell!" Naruto Sasuke and Sasuke forcefully threw the moves in their hands towards the fourth generation of Hokage.

"Ohhhhhh, it's stupid." Madara couldn't help laughing and mocking.

"Huh?" At this moment, he found that the second generation of Hokage suddenly came behind him and looked at him negatively.

"When!" Uchiha Madara was shocked.

"It's now! Come on, Naruto Sasuke!"

"The technique of mutual flashback·Flying Thunder God!"

Thousands of hands pressed one hand behind Madara, and Bo Feng Shuimen abruptly withstood the attack of the two.

However, at this moment, after the two roared, the positions of the three changed in an instant. The fourth generation of Hokage, who was supposed to withstand the attack of the two, teleported to the position between Madara and Senshou.

Senju Kuma came to Sasuke Naruto by means of the imprint he had set with the four generations of Naruto.

"Shining Dun: Light Wheel, Blast, Jet Black Arrow Zero!"

"go to hell!"

Naruto Sasuke roared and pressed the escape technique in their hands to Uchiha Madara.

Originally, the two of them were a little worried when Bofeng Shuimen appeared in front of them. Although they had been reminded before, they were still a little frustrated when they really used it.

What if it fails?

No one thought that this process would go so smoothly. This was due to Uchiha Madara's arrogance, and he believed in his own strength too much.

So that there is no defense against the second generation and the fourth generation of Hokage. In Madara's view, one of these two guys is disabled and the other is half-dead. There is no need to guard against them, but he did not expect to be put together.

The power of Escape kept pressing Uchiha Madara, making him unable to escape. Under the oppression of this force, Uchiha was retreated steadily and was pushed away abruptly.

"Whirring whirring!"

The two were panting with big mouths, but at the moment they were not tired at all, with a happy smile on their faces. After playing for so long, this was finally a fruitful victory.

Uchiha Tatsumi looked at him from a distance with great joy. He hid his breath, not to mention the current Liudao Madara, even Otsuki Kaguyahime might not be able to spot him.

Tatsun didn't expect that this move that was supposed to be used on Moto was actually used by the four on Uchiha Madara.

Chen, who went to another world through the dragon veins, didn't know that the sad reminder that brought the soil became the ten-tailed person Zhuli before he had time to kill him.

"I thought I couldn't see this scene anymore, but I didn't expect it to happen. No matter how many times I watched this trick, it is still so shocking!" Uchiha Chen couldn't help but sigh.

After all, in anime, it is not as shocking as it is in reality. This kind of attack not only requires strong strength, but also requires perfect cooperation. No matter which link goes wrong, it will collapse. In addition, the person who made this plan is also a genius.

I am afraid that only a genius can come up with such a perfect plan. The second generation of Hokage is indeed an amazing character. Uchiha Tatsumi subconsciously marveled at the wisdom of the second generation of Hokage.

Chapter 762: The Konoha of Master Brush

I deeply admire the second generation of Naruto's planner Uchiha Chen, I am afraid that only his amazing talents will come up with such a method.

Not only is he proficient in the use of the Thunder God technique, but also uses his mind to go further when the development of the Thunder God technique reaches its limit, and creatively refresh people's understanding of the Thunder God technique again.

Naruto Sasuke panted, looking at Uchiha Madara who was blasted away by the two, he couldn't help but smile.

"Now, that guy shouldn't be able to escape."

"You can't be careless, Naruto." Sasuke reminded Naruto in good time. Naruto's character is like this. When he gets a little bit of benefit, he becomes proud. When he is teased, he becomes angry. The careless character is not reassuring at all.

If there is no one to take care of it, it is estimated that it would have been eaten up long ago. A person like Naruto is only suitable to be a general who charges and is not suitable to be a commanding marshal, which is why he was forced to learn a lot before he became the seventh generation of Hokage.

"Well, what's the matter, as long as the two of us are there, isn't that guy caught up?" Naruto didn't care about Sasuke's reminder. In his opinion, as long as Sasuke is there, there is nothing that can't be solved. .

Sasuke has no reason for Naruto’s mental retardation. He just looked at the place where Uchiha Madara fell to the ground with a serious face. Naruto didn’t find out, but he was able to find that Uchiha Madara was not affected by the combined blow of the two. A fatal blow.

I don't know why Uchiha Madara hasn't appeared for a long time, but in front of these eyes, all the conspiracies are vain.

When the dust settled, Uchiha Madara's figure appeared in front of the crowd after the smoke dissipated. Madara wiped the dust on his body and looked at the crowd blankly, with contempt in his eyes.

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