"Damn it, let us go..." The group of Sand Shinobu was still struggling and noisy, making Chen very annoyed. Then it suddenly occurred to him, doesn't he have a space where he can put living things in? Throwing these sands into that space, won't you be quiet? Thinking of this, Chen looked at the few Sha Shinobu, thoughts moved, and just wanted to bring them all into the space, but it didn't succeed. The Sha Shinobu was still outside and was not taken into the space by Chen.

"System, why can't I put these people into the space? Isn't that space capable of storing living things?" Chen asked the system a few times and still failed.

"Answer the host, if you want to put the target into the space, it must be voluntary for the target to succeed. If the target has a slight psychological resistance, it will not be able to be included in the space.

"I knew there was no such cheap thing!" Chen said helplessly, hearing the system say so, Chen had no choice but to give up and gave up his plan to take those people into the space.

What Chen didn't know was that just after he left Shayin Village, Shayin's Temari had gone to Konoha to rescue soldiers.

At night, Konoha's residents had already fallen asleep. Since before Uchiha Sasuke defected, no Konoha's guard found it, so the fifth generation of Hokage Tsunade strengthened Konoha's guard. Honda Ichiro is one of Konoha's ninjas, and he is usually responsible for guarding the gates of Konoha village.

Originally today, as usual, he stood guard at night with his companions. Suddenly, the sharp-eyed Honda Ichiro found a figure in his sight, and that figure was rushing towards them from a distance, making him refreshed.

"Hey, pay attention! There is a situation ahead!" At Konoha's gate, Ichiro Honda quickly reminded his companion.

The guards were shocked and showed a look of alert. Some even took out the signal flares, planning to notify the village immediately if the situation was not right. After all, it is already late at night, and the sudden appearance of a person always makes people vigilant.

Soon, the figure came in front of them. It turned out to be a female ninja, and on her forehead was Sa Yin's forehead protection.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" a Konoha ninja asked Nasuna.

"I am the ninja of Sain, Temari. I have an urgent need to ask to see Naruto-sama, and take me in!" That female Ninja was the Temari who came to Konoha to rescue soldiers. Temari has been on her way since she came out of the village of Sain. The direction of the country of fire rushed desperately, without stopping, and finally rushed to Konoha when the sky was falling into the night.

"You want to see Master Naruto? What's the matter?"

"Yes! I have very important information. I want to see Master Naruto right away and report it soon!"

"But, Master Naruto has taken a rest, you should talk about it tomorrow!"

"Damn... That piece of information is very important. It is about your Konoha's S-rank rebel ninja Uchiha Sasuke. He appeared in our Shayakura village and captured several of our Shayakura ninjas to threaten us. If there is no one before noon tomorrow If he meets his conditions, the sand that is captured by him will be killed by him." Temari shouted excitedly. After all, Chen's condition is that Gaara should go to the appointment. With Gaara’s current personality, he will definitely go. I don't know what Chen will do to Gaara, so Temari is so anxious. After all, Gaara is his younger brother. Although they had a bad relationship before, they were even afraid of Gaara. But now Gaara is different from before, she has completely accepted Gaara, the younger brother.

"It turned out to be Sasuke Uchiha! The situation is urgent and must be reported to Master Naruto immediately. Honda, you will immediately take her to Master Silent, and Master Silent will take her to meet Master Naruto."

"I see!" Honda Ichiro said.

Soon, Honda took Temari to the door of a dormitory, and then knocked on the door. After knocking twice, there was movement in the room, and then a silent voice came: "Who is it?"

"Master Silence, I am Ichiro Honda, I have very important things to tell." Honda said outside the door.

"Wait a minute!" Mute said, and then there was the sound of Xisuosuo in the room, it should be wearing clothes. Before long, with a sleepy expression of silence, he opened the door to Honda and asked, "What important thing must be said now."

"Sorry, Mr. Silent. Due to the emergency, I had no choice but to do this." Honda Taiichi quickly explained to Silent.

"It's okay, you can talk about the urgent matter first!" Mute did not blame Honda, but asked him what happened.

Then, Honda asked Temari to say what she had just said to Mute. After Mute learned of the incident, she ordered Honda to continue to stand guard, and she immediately took Temari to find Tsunade. After that, Tsunade was also awakened by Silent in his sleep, and after a tantrum, Tsunade had to admit his fate and brought Silent and Temari to the office building of Hokage.

"Mute! What time is it now?" Tsunade asked Mute, sitting in a chair behind his desk.

"Tsuna-sama, it's already 1 o'clock in the morning."

"It's one o'clock? There are about 10 hours left before noon tomorrow. If you rush at full speed, you should be able to reach the village of Sagakura in ten hours." Tsunade thought in his head, and then suddenly shouted. : "Come here!"

As soon as Tsunade's voice fell, three figures appeared out of nowhere, only to hear a "swish!", half kneeling before Tsunade. It is the Hokage Guard...Anbe.

"Master Hokage, what's your order?"

"You immediately summon the members of Class 10 and Kakashi led by Asma!"

"Yes!" A few Anbu led the orders, and then there was another "Swish!" All disappeared.

The Anbe is very efficient. It didn’t take long for the tenth class of Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru, Akima Dinji, and the seventh class of Kakashi Hagi, Naruto Uzumaki, and Haruno Sakura, all six people were summoned. coming.

"Hey~ Pulling us out of the bed in the middle of the night, I guess something troublesome happened again. Really, why don't you find someone else!" Shikamaru started complaining as soon as he came in, and then found that he was standing next to Silent. Temari said in surprise: "It's you woman!"

"Huh!" Before the change, Temari would definitely choke Shikamaru, but she is not in that mood now, just snorted coldly.

"Oh, mother-in-law! What's the matter?" Naruto yawned as soon as he came in, then rubbed his eyes and asked Tsunade.

"Sorry, everyone! I have called you here so late, and now there is another urgent task for you to complete, and that is to go to the sand hidden village to capture the Konoha rebel... Uchiha Sasuke!"

"What?" After Tsunade said the mission this time, all the Xiaoqiangs present showed a surprised expression.

"Tsunade-sama, are you saying you want us to catch Sasuke? Is there already news about Sasuke?" Haruno Sakura asked excitedly when he heard Sasuke's name.

"Ms. Tsunade! Isn't it true?"

"Yeah! Yes, there was news from Sagakura’s Temari just now. Sasuke Uchiha showed up in their Sagakura village and took away some of them, and he threatened Gaara. So, I ordered you to follow Temari. To Sagakura Village, be sure to arrive at Sakura at noon, and then catch Uchiha Sasuke back. This time the mission is led by Kakashi, the situation is urgent, I won’t say more, let Temari explain to you on the road, Go now!"


Group tail: 475137322...

Chapter 58: Fighting the Crane

After Tsunade arrived this time the mission division chased Uchiha Sasuke, Nakanin showed a surprised expression. Then the seven rushed towards the direction of the kingdom of wind overnight.

The seven were constantly jumping forward in the woods, and then Kakashi asked Kakashi, "Tema, what the **** is going on, you tell us what happened!"

"Actually, I don’t know much. It’s just that yesterday our guard in Shayin Village was attacked and taken away. Only one person was left behind to report the letter. Gaara must go to his designated place before noon today, otherwise. Kill Shinobu who was captured by him. And the one who came back to report the news said that it was Sasuke Uchiha who attacked them!"

"Impossible, how did Sasuke do such a thing? You must have admitted wrong!" Haruno Sakura jumped out to retort as soon as Temari finished speaking. In fact, Haruno Sakura is contradictory now. On the one hand, he hopes that person is, on the other hand, he doesn't want to admit that Sasuke is such a person.

"Huh! Whether he is Uchiha Sasuke or not, I don't care. I only know that if he wants to disadvantage Gaara, I won't let him succeed."

"Okay! Okay! Is it Uchiha Sasuke? I'll know by then!" Kamaru on one side said quickly.

"Well, don't talk anymore, speed up, we must arrive at Shayin Village before noon!" At this moment, Kakashi spoke. Then he took the lead to increase his speed, and immediately left the others behind. When Temari and others saw this, they all closed their mouths and increased their speed.

"Uchiha Sasuke, where did you take Chen on earth, I must ask you to make it clear!" Ino secretly said in his heart.

Time passed quickly, and it was morning in a blink of an eye.

"It's already morning, I guess Gaara is already on the way here!" Chen, who had just woke up from sleep, looked at the rising sun and said to himself. Last night, Chen asked Saqi to hang the giant net with Sand Shinobi on a big tree, and then let Saqi go back. He re-channeled and sent out a little poodle to be on guard, but he himself entered his space and went to sleep.

At this time, sand hidden in the village.

"Let's go!" Gaara carried his sand gourd and walked out of the village, while his brother, Kanjirou, was followed by him!

After the two left the village, they walked towards the woods Chen said. They did not hurry quickly, but walked unhurriedly, just as if the Buddha was walking.

It was noon soon, and Gaara and Kankuro were not too late, and arrived at the forest where Chen was at noon, and finally met Chen.

"Heh! I knew you were back!"

"Uchiha Sasuke, I didn't expect it to be you!"

"Surprised? Why can't it be me?"

"I was really surprised. I didn't expect that the proud Uchiha Sasuke would do something to threaten people!"

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