Having said this, Kozakura said: "After all, he saved my life before. If he hadn't been there, I would be dead now."

Sakura grinned reluctantly, thinking about bringing this heavy topic, but it didn't have any effect. Several listeners looked solemn, especially Kakashi's face the most embarrassing.

Sakura secretly looked at Kakashi's face and wondered in her heart: "Could it be because Kakashi and Daido were in the same class before, so..."

"I didn't expect Taito to suffer such pain... it's really touching!" Naruto had tears in his eyes, an exaggerated look. On the other hand, Xiao Li looked exactly like him, and only Sasuke was the only one who looked like him. The two of Kakashi and Kakashi are still normal people.

"Why are you not moved?" Seeing that Sasuke and Kakashi were not as moved as they thought, only Xiao Li was like him, Naruto couldn't help but get angry: "Isn't it worth moving! It's so touching!"

Sasuke snorted coldly and looked at the two of them as if they were idiots. He didn't speak. It was obvious that he didn't want to care about these two fools whose IQs were not online.

On the contrary, Hagi Kakashi sighed softly and took the topic over. He looked heavy, as if he was remembering something. He took a breath and immediately said: "Actually, he is also a poor man with soil. "

"Huh?" Seeing that everyone's eyes were attracted to him, Kakashi sorted out his remarks and continued to elaborate: "In fact, he has worked very hard since he was a child."

"Don't look at him when he was in class. His ambitions are the same as Naruto. He dreams of being Hokage. He is a kind person..." With the description of Kakashi's words, all the things that year show up to everyone. In front of him, when Kakashi finished speaking, the expressions on everyone's faces were different. People with big nerves such as Naruto Xiaoli already had tears in tears. Even Sakura couldn't help turning his head. To wipe away the tears from the corners of the eyes.

Only Sasuke’s expression remained the same. After all, the experience of bringing soil was too pediatric to compare with him. After experiencing family destruction, brothers’ rebellion, teacher’s betrayal, and teammate’s suspicion, Sasuke’s heart has long since become unequal. , As if nothing can touch him anymore.

The story of bringing soil is worthy of pity, but who will pity him after that? Sasuke sneered and curled his lips, without expressing his own comments.

Human beings are social animals. Once a person has been around for a long time, he will subconsciously seek the care and comfort of the same kind, and no one will be an exception. When Naruto was isolated by people, he chose to play a prank to attract everyone's attention.

After being isolated inadvertently, Sasuke Uchiha chose to pursue strength to get rid of his inner pain.

Different from the original work, at least Sasuke in this world also has an older brother Uchiha Tatsun. Even if Tatsuhatsu played stupid at the time, at least his position in Sasuke's heart will not change.

It's just that Sasuke has never been good at expressing his feelings. With Tatsun, Sasuke will not take the extreme road like the original.

"It's decided!" After hearing the story with soil, Naruto suddenly wiped away his tears, stood up abruptly, clenched his fists in both hands, staring fiercely at the front, he said every word.

"I have to take revenge for Daido! Uchiha Madara, I'll hit him **** and pee!"

"You should take care of yourself before talking." Sasuke poured cold water on Naruto in a timely manner: "Hurry up and take a rest, adjust your state, and there may be a fierce battle next."

Naruto geared up his hands, his eyes filled with eager heat: "I was ready a long time ago, I can't wait to put Madara underneath for a beat!"

Just as a few people were chatting, there was another wave in the void, and the bodies of the few people instantly tightened. Although they were relaxed on the surface, in fact, no one dared to look down upon Uchiha Madara.

The waves in the void continued to expand, faintly seeing two figures gradually coming out, Naruto stepped forward, and Chakra surged, and in the blink of an eye he entered the state of complete nine tails, just waiting for Uchiha When Madara appeared, he gave him a thunderous blow.

"Come!" Sasuke's eyes condensed, one hand was raised, and the Chakra inside his body was constantly pouring into his hand, chirping like birds.

Naruto also raised his hand at the right time, and two big fox hands were separated from Chakra's coat to help him maintain the stability of Chakra on his hands.

"Xianfa·Yin Dun·Qiaodiao!"

"Xianfa·Yang Dun·Spiral Pill!"

The two stomped their feet and smashed them out like cannonballs. They rushed towards Uchiha Madara who had just walked out of the mighty space, stretched out their hands, and threw their ninjutsu at Uchiha Madara.

As soon as Uchiha Madara appeared before he could stand still, he saw the two beams of light expanding in front of him. Naruto Sasuke's attack came to Madara in the blink of an eye.

I saw that Uchiha Madara was hit by the two men's ninjutsu before he could move in the future. Naruto Sasuke pushed Uchiha Madara to move forward, and the ninjutsu in his hand continued to destroy Madara's body cells.

"What...what!" Madara's brows trembled, he didn't expect that Sasuke and Naruto would ambush himself here.

In fact, as long as he gets the reincarnation eye in his plan, Naruto Sasuke can't turn the waves at all, but now that the reincarnation eye has been destroyed by Sakura, Madara can't stand the attack of the two in a hurry.

"Tomb Wheel·Border Prison!"

Madara's body was in a trance, and through the shadow's obstruction, he escaped from the ninjutsu attack of the two.

"Don't try to escape!" Naruto yelled, and a big scarlet Chakra hand stretched out behind his back, trying to catch the escaped Uchiha Madara.

"Get away!" Madara waved his hand, begging that the jade stick smashed into Chakra's hand, tearing Naruto's Chakra, and finally managed to escape.

Out of the attack range of the two, Uchiha Madara couldn't help gasping after standing still, staring at the two with unkind eyes, then set his eyes on Kozakura with cold eyes.

"This guy! If you hadn't ruined my reincarnation eye..."

"Kill her!" Uchiha Madara had only this thought in his mind. Madara was very annoyed when the plan was interrupted. If that was the case, someone needed to bear his anger. Kozakura seemed to be a good character right now.


Hidden in the dark, Uchiha Tatsu continued tossing the reincarnation eyes in his hand, looking at the angry frown and raised his brows: "Hey, it looks like a very funny look, the old guy Madara is angry, and some of them are watching now. "

Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Eight: Enraged Spot

Hidden in the dark, Uchiha Tatsu continued tossing the reincarnation eyes in his hand, watching the angry Madara couldn't help but move in his heart: "It's getting more and more interesting, the old guy Madara is actually angry."

Just in case, although Chen had already held the reincarnation eye in his hand, Chen couldn't guarantee whether the spot lacking a reincarnation eye could still successfully summon unlimited monthly reading.

Squeezing the reincarnation eye in his hand, Chen planned to find an opportunity to deal with the reincarnation eye. This thing is of no use in his own hands.

Whether it’s for the sake of the plot or to prevent people hiding in the dark from becoming demon, Otsuki Kaguya will break the seal and appear. His main mission is to defeat all the strong in this world and become the strongest in order to continue. journey.

It’s easy to send the reincarnation eye. The key is how to send the reincarnation eye without a trace. Chen must control the whole situation and control everything in his own hands. Otherwise, he will try his best to take the reincarnation before Madara. The eyes are useless.

The most important thing is that the person lurking in the dark hasn’t been moving until now. I don’t know what he is waiting for, or if he can feel the shocking power from the moon. Don't dare to act rashly?


In the underworld, the chakra aggregates of the six immortals entangled on the surface of the pool. He frowned and closed his eyes, and he could clearly feel that his current state was not very good.

Suddenly, the six immortals suddenly opened his eyes, raised his head and looked at the endless emptiness on the side of the sky, muttering to himself: "What the **** is that guy doing, why did the reincarnation eye reach his hand? What did he think? "

The six immortals meditated. Indeed, although he is only a chakra aggregate now, it does not mean that he cannot feel the outside world. Whether it is Chen entering the divine power space or the fierce struggle on the main battlefield, the six immortals are all one. Clearly.

He really didn't understand why Chen would take away the reincarnation eye: "But it's okay, as long as you don't let the little fellow Madara get it. It's just..."

The six immortals took a worried look. In that place, there was a more terrifying enemy hidden. Judging from the breath emanating from that person, it was not inferior to him at the beginning, and even faintly taller, even if it was. The six immortals must be afraid of it.

"People who don't belong to this world, is your arrival the gospel of the world or the disaster of this world!" As he said, the six immortals slowly closed their eyes.

"Forget it, the old man has been dead for so many years. Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. Now it belongs to their era. The old man just needs to do his own thing well."

In the pure land of the underworld, the six immortals fell into silence again, and the entire space seemed so empty with the silence of the six immortals.


On the main battlefield, Uchiha Madara suddenly ate a sullen loss. Naturally, he felt aggrieved. He patted the non-existent dust on his body. Uchiha Madara slowly floated in the air with a trace of hatred in his eyes: "You bastards, stinky fish, interrupting the old man's plan again and again, do you really think the old man dare not kill you!"

Madara released his murderous intent, and a strong **** aura permeated the entire battlefield. It can be seen that he is really angry now, and he backhanded all the jade for seeking Taoism in front of him, forming a huge circle, and the circle was just facing him. Naruto Sasuke.

Even the two of them can feel the breath that can threaten their lives in the circle.

"Impossible!" The two looked at each other, and both understood the meaning of each other from their eyes.

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