"Ah? Sorry, I can't help it, I can't help it!" Naruto saw that Kyuubi reacted tremendously, and he smiled after touching the back of his head.

"Damn!" Uchiha Madara whispered softly, and again, every time the two of them are in danger, they will burst out one or two hole cards. It seems that they will be able to win by a little, but they are actually two of them. Teasing yourself.

Lifting his head, Madara Uchiha looked at the full moon in the sky and muttered to himself: "It seems that the plan is going to be carried out in advance. A reincarnation eye should have no effect."

Madara rose into the sky, and after a distance from Naruto Sasuke, stretched out his hands upwards, making a gesture of supporting the sky, staring at the sky.


Under the action of Madara Uchiha's reincarnation eyes, countless gravel and gravel on the ground continued to condense together, and countless huge stones were slammed down towards the ground under the force of Madara Uchiha.

"Yin Dun·Turning Thunder!"

"Xianfa·Multi-day obstacles to shake the stars!"

"Combination of Ninjutsu·Duo·Tianjin Thunder!"

Countless meteorites are attached to frightening thunder and lightning from the sky. The meteorites cut through the atmosphere, producing super-strong air currents, and the harsh sound barrier sounds constantly stinging people's ears.

"This...what is this!" People on the other battlefields looked at the countless meteorites in the sky, and couldn't help but froze in place.

"God! What the **** is going on!"

"Are we going to die..."

No matter how chaotic the people on the other battlefields, Naruto Sasuke and the other two did not panic. They knew that only the two of them could stop the meteorite from falling from the sky.

"Let's go!" The two shouted at the same time, stamped their feet, and ran towards the falling meteorite.

Chapter 790: Failed Infinite Monthly Reading

"Let's go!" The two shouted at the same time, stamped their feet, turned on their strongest state, and ran towards the falling meteorite.

The power of the two is indeed very strong in front of other ninjas. If the two with the power of six yin and six yang are fighting alone, almost no one can completely defeat the two.

But in the face of natural disasters, human power is too small.

Sasuke kept swinging the long knife in his hand, slashing the meteorites on the zenith one by one, each meteorite turned into a mass of debris under his efforts.

"It's too much, Sasuke, what should we do now!" Naruto once again used the spiral pill shuriken to smash a meteorite, panting, turning his head and shouting loudly at Sasuke.

Sasuke gritted his teeth and cut down another meteorite, ignoring Naruto's stupid question.

"Okay, I see." Seeing that Sasuke didn't respond, he probably understood Sasuke's answer and could only continue to deal with the meteorite falling from the sky.

"What the **** is thinking about this **** guy?" Naruto couldn't help turning his head and glanced at Uchiha Madara, only to find that he had broken off the wooden forehead guard on his head, revealing the closed eye between his brows.

"This...what is this!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Sasuke, look at that guy Madara, he has an eye on his brow! What is that!"

Hearing Naruto's words, Sasuke couldn't help but pause, and turned his head to follow Naruto's words. Suddenly saw Uchiha's eyebrows, Sasuke's heart trembled subconsciously.

"This...this is, it's not good!" Sasuke's heart screamed. He subconsciously thought of the bad thing, the thing that Uchiha Itachi and Tatsun told him...

Sasuke gritted his teeth, squinted at Uchiha Madara with his hands raised above his head, thinking about what might happen in the future, he couldn't help but shook his head helplessly.

"If that guy is still around this time, maybe he wouldn't be so embarrassed." Sasuke couldn't help thinking like this in his heart. But he understood that Uchiha Tatsuno had disappeared now, and if he had been there, he would have appeared by now.

In such a grand scene, Sasuke knew that according to Uchiha's temperament, it was absolutely impossible to be absent.

Thinking of this, Sasuke's mood inevitably began to dim. Itachi died, the only remaining Tatsumi was also missing, and Uchiha was the only one alive. As for the patch and the soil outside, Sasuke has never regarded the two of them as his own.

Regardless of his own thoughts, Sasuke once again focused on the meteorites. To deal with Madara, he must first solve these meteorites. This is a hurdle that cannot be bypassed.

Maybe Madara knew this too, so he was so confident.

Hidden in the dark, Uchiha Tatsumi stared closely at Madara’s movements. He knew that now is the time to test Madara’s ability. After losing a reincarnation eye, can he continue to summon infinity? Monthly reading.

I saw Uchiha Madara looking up at the scarlet moon in the sky, and the blood red gou jade reincarnation eye on his brow was reflecting against the red moon in the sky.

The chakra in Uchiha Madara's body is flowing uncontrollably, continuing along the meridians, and passing to the gouyu reincarnation eye on the center of his brow. At this moment Madara can clearly sense how chakra is in his body at this moment. Majestic.

"This...this is the feeling of strength." Madara muttered to himself, feeling the surging of Chakra in his body. He felt that even if there were ten more Naruto Sasuke at this moment, he could not be his opponent.

The power on the moon penetrated into Uchiha Madara's body through the gouyu reincarnation eye, continuing to maintain his power release.

The release of Infinite Monthly Reading was perfect, everything went smoothly, and even Madara didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

"I had known that I shouldn't have forced them too much at the beginning." Ban leaned over and looked at the two men who were fighting the meteorite, sneered in his heart. He knew very well in his heart that when Infinite Moon succeeded in reading, they were the two. Of death.

Madara's communication with the moon is constantly going on, and the chakras in his body are constantly exchanging, but gradually, Madara can feel that there is still a little difference between the chakras in his body and the moon in the sky.

At this moment, the Chakra in his body felt a little stretched.

"How could this happen!" Madara's eyes widened, and she looked at the moon in the sky a little unwillingly. He took a deep breath and forcibly overdrawn the Chakra in his body: "No, I must, I must succeed, I must Prove that I am right, between the pillars, your idea is absolutely wrong!"

Although Madara was constantly overdrawing his chakra, the energy needed to release the unlimited monthly reading was too much, even now he was a bit unable to bear the ten-tailed person Zhuli.

"Damn it, it's almost a bit." The corner of Madara's mouth has been bitten by him, and traces of blood seep through the corner of his mouth.

"It's just a little bit, how can I fail here, I am Uchiha Madara, I am the strongest man in the ninja world, and I definitely can't fail here!" Uchiha Madara's eyes widened, suddenly his mouth opened. One, a mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth.


This is the reason why his Chakra is overstretching, and he is constantly overdrawing his Chakra, even if he is a ten-tailed man, he can't bear it.

"I'm not reconciled!" Uchiha Madara looked up angrily at the red moon in the sky, no matter how much he overdrafted his chakra and vitality, he couldn't make up the slightest gap.

"It seems that he can't do it anymore." Uchiha Tatsumi narrowed his eyes. Sure enough, without two reincarnation eyes, Uchiha Madara still couldn't summon Infinite Moon Reader, it seemed that it was always a little bit worse.

"Or give him the reincarnation eye." Chen muttered to himself.

However, it is not easy to give the eyes of Samsara to Uchiha Madara without a trace. He needs to guard against the guy who is hiding in the dark who doesn't know whether he is a friend or an enemy.

"By the way, I can do this!" Suddenly, Uchiha Tatsumi's eyes lit up, as if thinking of something, I saw Uchiha Tatsumi put his gaze on the lone Uchiha Daido with hot eyes.

"The decision is yours!"

Chapter Seven Hundred and Ninety One: A Circle of Reincarnation Eyes

"The decision is yours!" Uchiha Tatsumi put his gaze on Uchiha Daido who was alone, his eyes hot.

Of course, what Chen hopes for is not the soil, but Heijue, who has completely controlled his body with soil. How can he give it to Madara willingly to get the reincarnation eye with the soil?

Naturally, only that Hei Jue who wanted to resurrect his mother was Chen's best choice.

After making up his mind, Chen naturally put Heijue first in the plan, so now maybe he has to borrow the help of Itachi's psychic beast.

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