"Interesting." A smile of interest hung on Kaguyaji's cold face. To say that there is no such thing as angry Kaguyaji, she was just very funny that the little bug in front of her was able to move.

Kaguyaji's momentum continued unabated, ignoring Sasuke's flames, and rushing towards Sasuke. Sasuke didn't feel flustered. At this moment, he felt that he was an invincible existence, not retreating but advancing, rushing towards Kaguya Ji.


The sword of Kusanaru collided with Kaguya Ji's fingertips, and sparks were splashed. It turns out that even the sword of Kusanaru could not destroy Kaguya Ji's fingertips.

Before the people watching the battle from a distance, they were still in a panic. Seeing Sasuke suddenly exploded, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although I don't know why Sasuke was distracted, but fortunately, Sasuke was reminded by them. Come back in time.

Feeling the weird chakra in Sasuke's body, Sarutobi could not help but frown. He may not be familiar with this chakra, but he knew very well that he knew that this strange chakra was at first. I felt it from his disciple Oshemaru.

Even Sarutobi Rischi clearly knows that this power comes from a kind of curse seal technique. Although I don’t understand how Dashemaru was researched, it does not prevent everyone from admiring this power, even if this power carries A strong smell of evil.

If it hadn't been for this sudden power, Sasuke would probably be more ill-fortuned.

"This power..." Jianjian frowned, "How can there be an evil smell in it?"

Chapter 810: Cooperation

"This power..." Jianjian frowned. As the second-generation Naruto, Konoha Village's famous ninjutsu development master, what kind of ninjutsu hasn't he seen?

For this power that suddenly emerged from Sasuke, I only felt a little familiar. It was similar to the fairy Chakra from his brother Zhuma and Naruto, but it was not like the fairy Chakra from the two of them. Zhongzheng Chunhe, he only felt an evil aura in that power.

Turning his head to see the strange look of Sarutobi Rischi, he couldn't help but say: "This is probably something your disciple named Oshemaru made again."

Sarutobi dared not conceal anything, he just nodded and said, "It is almost impossible to do so." Soon he studied the Oshamaru and felt the same Chakra breath from the four people of Otonin. Tell the truth.

"The posterity is terrible." After listening to Feijian, he couldn't help nodding. For Dashemaru, Feijian generally appreciates it from the bottom of his heart.

If it is said that there is only regret, then I am afraid that Oshe Maru was once a rebellious thing. As for the living taboo experiments and the like mentioned by Sarutobi Hiichi, I didn't agree with it after I heard it.

As Konoha's ninjutsu and even the master of forbidden technology development, where did you not know the development of forbidden technology? Living experiment is unavoidable?

Didn't he still use in vivo experiments when he developed the forbidden technique for reincarnation of the filthy soil back then? Although this was criticized by his brother Zhujian at the time, he said that as a dignified Hokage, he even used a living body to conduct experiments.

But it had no effect on Feijian. After all, if there were no in vivo experiments, how could his widely circulated forbidden techniques be successfully developed?

If it weren’t for the fact that Oshemaru was forced to defect, I might be prepared to exchange experiences with Oshemaru. After all, there are not many people in the Ninja world who are focusing on the research and development of forbidden arts. There is no one other than the two.

"Patter." "Sasuke." Naruto patted Sasuke's shoulder lightly behind his back, and he turned his head to look back.

"Naruto." Sasuke smiled, knowing what Naruto meant at the moment, and immediately said: "I figured it out?"

"Ah." Naruto nodded solemnly, and then smiled: "Although I don't agree with what you said, I understand what you mean. Don't worry, I will cherish my life and I won't die. "

Speaking, Naruto turned his head, facing Kaguyaji: "Next, it's time for the two of us to join forces, Sasuke, don't you hold back." Naruto put his hand in front of Sasuke.

After hearing this, Sasuke was taken aback, and immediately smiled, put his hand on Naruto's and smiled: "Ah, it's you, don't hold me back."

Feeling the chakra transmitted from Naruto, Sasuke didn't speak any more, just taking advantage of this moment to absorb the chakra silently to supplement the amount of chakra that had gradually dried up in his body.

As Naruto continued to pass the chakra, Sasuke's body began to gradually recover.

"By the way, you should try not to use this power if you can't use it." Naruto frowned slightly, feeling the evil Chakra that had just been uploaded from Sasuke, he understood that all of this was the effect of the original curse seal.

Although that power is indeed a very powerful boost, Naruto always feels that this power is too evil, and should not use it again if it is not necessary. Not only him, but even Kyuubi felt that this power was too inhuman, thinking about the ugly appearance of Sasuke after his transformation.

"The good and evil of power lies in the people who use it, and those who have evil thoughts, no matter what kind of power they are, they will also become tools for evil. If they are good people, even the power of evil will become a reliance on doing good."

"So the good and evil of power do not lie in the power itself, but in the people who use it." Sasuke paused, sighed and said.

Naruto paused, did not speak for a long time, and finally just sighed and said: "You can hold it well by yourself."

"Ready, going to go!"

At the same time, the two hummed slightly, "I'm acting as a feint, you are ready." Naruto whispered towards Sasuke, and then he paused with his feet, stepped on it hard, and rushed towards Kaguya Ji.

Before Sasuke bought too much time for Naruto, during this time Sasuke consumed too much Chakra. Although Naruto Chakra has been supplemented, he still cannot restore him to his heyday.

It would be better to let Naruto who had enough Chakra in his body act as a feint now.

"Let's go!" Naruto yelled, clenched his hands, and waved his fist towards Kaguya Ji.

With a huge fist with an indomitable momentum, he rushed towards Kaguyaji without hesitation, "Get me down!" Naruto shouted. The fist hit Kaguyaji heavily.

Kaguyaji frowned, her hand was in front of her, and she ate Naruto's fist abruptly. At this moment, Kaguyaji could feel the different power from her fist.


Hit by Naruto's fist, Kaguya Ji's body moved backwards involuntarily.

"This power." Zhujian looked at Naruto in shock, other people don't know, don't he know? The power on Naruto's fist clearly contains the power that he created and carried forward the strange power fist by Tsunade.

"When did he learn it?" Jianzhu asked in surprise. There was a little doubt in his heart, and he immediately smiled: "No matter what, as long as it is useful, it is enough!"

"Come on! Naruto, come on! Sasuke!"

"We can only cheer for you here."


Naruto Sasuke and Kaguya once again joined forces with Kaguyahime, and the cooperation between the two of them rose to a new level with the passage of time and the mutual understanding between the two.

With the cooperation of the two, Kaguya's resistance seemed a little stretched. If it was just one person, it would be okay to say, but Naruto and Sasuke are not one plus one equal to two, but the result of greater than two or even multiples of two. .

After being repelled by the two, Kaguya Ji flees far away, and the constant attacks of the two make her look a little embarrassed. This was also the first time Kaguya Ji showed fatigue in front of everyone, which had never appeared before.

"Have a chance!" Everyone couldn't help but shine. The cooperation of Naruto Sasuke and Sasuke is really useful. It really needs the cooperation of both of them to seal Kaguya Ji. They can't help but sigh. They subconsciously hold Uchiha Tatsumi in their hearts. I ignored it.

Chapter 811: Chaotic People

Everyone subconsciously ignored Uchiha Tatsuo, not only because Uchiha Tatsuo had said before that he must not be exposed, but also because they did not actually regard Uchiha Tatsuo as a partner in their hearts.

Now that Naruto Sasuke and Sasuke have a chance to seal Kaguya Ji, then they will not pin their hopes on Uchiha Tatsumi.


Unlike the few people in Kaguya Jiten, Uchiha Tatsumi, who was far away from the space, faced the six immortals alone, and he remained silent for a long time and chose to leave.

Although Chen knows the situation in the Imperial Palace of Heaven, he is still beyond reach now, because he has already felt the person's trace at this moment.

A person hiding in the dark.

As for him... he is going to meet the guy hiding in the dark for a while, at least he has to figure out the origin of the person.

Outside the space, under the seal of the sacred tree, a man wearing a black robe stood in front of the sacred tree, looking at the people who were bound on the sacred tree, the man picked up the small stones under him and threw it at the sacred tree. go.

"Papa." The stone pierced the sacred tree and pierced the wooden bars that bound the people, but in the next second the sacred tree bound everyone again.

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