"I admit that I underestimated you." Kaguya Ji looked calmly at Qianshou Zhuma and slowly said: "But I won't underestimate you anymore. I didn't expect that the previous generation of Asura would actually It also has such strength."

Qianshouzhu made a cold snort, noncommittal, did not answer Kaguyaji's words, but proved his answer with actions.

The wooden man slapped his hands on the ground suddenly.

"Mu Dun, the art of bagging!"

The Chakra in the Qianshou Zhujian continuously transmitted towards the ground, and it continued to extend all the way. A strange Chakra vortex appeared in the forest, and the Chakra vortex expanded and extended until Kaguyaji’s feet formed a The huge abyss quagmire stopped the pace of expansion.

Chapter 819: The battle becomes fierce three

In a blink of an eye, the Chakra vortex formed a huge muddy vortex at Kaguya's feet, enveloping Kaguya.

"Give me to hell!" Qianshou Zhujian snorted coldly. Seeing that Kaguya Ji hadn't made any movement, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but a smile.

The technique of All Bags was originally cast fast, and it was meant to be formed before people could react. As long as the Chakra Slough was formed, even if the gods came, they would not be able to escape.

After the formation of Chakra Slough, countless large wooden hands stretched out from the sludge, constantly trying to pull Kaguya Ji in order to pull her into the abyss.

The countless big hands that suddenly appeared caught Kaguyaji's ankle a little by surprise, those wooden big hands grabbed Kaguyaji's ankle, and yanked it towards the bottom.

The power of one hand may not be much, but the power is constantly superimposed under countless big hands. Once all the big hands are caught, even Kaguya Ji may be in crisis.

Kaguyaji frowned and tried to break away from the big hand under her body, but when she tried hard, she found that the big hand hadn't been broken away, but she was still pulling her lower body firmly.

She was a little impatient, waved her hand to cut off the big hands that bound her, but after those big hands were cut off, there were still countless big hands that continued to hold her, and even unknown how many big hands stretched out from other places, it seemed like a ghost. You won't stop until you drag her into the abyss.

"Eighty God Air Strike!"

Kaguyaji turned into anger from embarrassment, vomiting lightly in her mouth, even when she saw her body start to spin, her air fists were constantly slapped on those big hands.

The big wooden hands continued to try to pull Kaguya Ji, and she didn't stop the rotation. When the chakra that was constantly outputting was removed between the pillars, he still seemed to gasp slightly.

The Chakra Swamp has stopped its output, and there is no big hand sticking out from the ground anymore, and the Chakra vortex is also shrinking and disappearing slowly.

Kaguya Ji stopped spinning, but her face was not pretty. It seemed that she had consumed a lot of Chakra during this time. She is not like the room where the filthy earth reincarnated. Although Kaguya also has the **** tree to provide chakras continuously, she is not like the room where there is no limit to the chakras.

It can be said that the rebirth of the dirty soil is the state that is truly suitable for combat. Not only will it not die, it will not cause pain after being injured, and more importantly, there is no need to worry about the consumption of Chakra.

This is completely inconsistent with the law of conservation of energy of Chakra. In fact, when the Oshemaru Senjuma and the others developed and improved the rebirth of the dirty soil, they couldn't think of where the Chakra came from.

However, after the explanation of the six immortals, I felt that I slowly understood the ninjutsu I invented. It turns out that the rebirth of the filthy land is not an infinite chakra in the true sense. In fact, the soul experience from the pure land will continue to absorb the ninjutsu. Chakra scattered in nature.

Just as there are countless natural energies in the air, there are actually countless chakras in the air, but these chakras cannot be used by living people, and only the souls in the pure land can absorb them without scruples.

In fact, the existence of the pure land itself is based on these scattered chakras. Otherwise, how could a huge pure land space be formed on such a huge scale with the power of the six immortals alone?

He himself was nothing more than a group of conscious chakras. With the help of the forces of nature and the chakras that escaped, they could continue to survive.

Panting slightly, looking at Kaguyaji with a slight smile between the pillars. Now that his purpose of procrastinating has actually been achieved, he looked behind him and found that Naruto had not awakened, but looked at the undulating state of his chest and the distance. It shouldn't be long before he really wakes up.

As a member of the whirlpool clan, Naruto's recovery ability itself is very strong, coupled with the continuous supply of chakras by the tail beast in his body, as long as it is not a fatal injury, Naruto will soon be able to recover.

Sakura's medical ninjutsu is just the icing on the cake.

"It's enough to hold on for a while." Feeling the fullness of Chakra in his body once again, Zhu Jian's heart became firm again. As long as Naruto recovers, that's enough.

At this time, they were not idle with the soil. Since there are pillars to delay time for everyone, it is definitely impossible for them to wait here.

"You mean that as long as that woman uses space ninjutsu again, you will be able to use your pupil skills to enter her space and find Sasuke?" Senjuka frowned and asked with a trace of doubt after listening to the words with dirt. road.

He nodded with soil. After listening to Kakashi's words, he was constantly observing Kaguya Ji. The moment Kaguya Ji tried to hide in the space of the beginning ball, he keenly discovered that this is actually just a kind of time and space tolerance. Surgery.

In fact, the two people and Bo Feng Shuimen had already guessed at this point. After all, their time and space ninjutsu talents can make them keenly discover the changes in space, but they have no way to enter Kaguya Ji's space. middle.

Although the Flying Thunder God technique is easy to use, every change in the Flying Thunder God technique requires a medium, which means that if there is no seal left in advance, the two will have no way to travel through space.

Flying Thunder God's art is indeed a very useful space method on the battlefield, and Bofeng Water Gate also won the title of Konoha's yellow flash on the battlefield by virtue of this trick.

But if they want to save people from the space of Kaguya Ji, the two of them have nothing to do. Hearing the words with dirt at the moment makes their eyes shine. In their opinion, even if there is only 10% of hope, Go ahead and try it.

Instead of just sitting here and waiting for death, it is better to take the initiative and wait for the left and right. Why not do something meaningful?

"But this requires a huge amount of chakras to support, and every space leap requires a lot of chakras to actuate, but also to take precautions, after all, no one knows what dangers are waiting for us at that end of the space. "Tai Tu frowned and said.

"Just based on my current chakra volume, I can't do this at all, so it's useless to say it now."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned and suddenly laughed.

"We people lack everything, but there is no shortage of chakras!" A trace of confidence flashed in the eyes of several people. Indeed, as their bodies reincarnated as dirty soil, the amount of chakras is almost infinite, and the demand for soil is seen by them. It is not a request at all, but a simple matter.

"Yeah, how did I forget this!" Tai Tu's eyes lit up, "A few Hokages are all reincarnated bodies from the dirty soil, so you don't have to worry about the consumption of Chakra at all."

Chapter 820: Intermission

Several people looked at each other and couldn't help but laughed: "We lack everything, but we don't lack chakras."

"Chakras are all trivial things in front of Dirty Land Rebirth, so your question is not a problem for us at all."

He nodded in surprise. He almost forgot the Hokage. He nodded and said, "It would be great if some Hokage-sama could help. It would be easy if a few Hokage-sama could help. too much."

Everyone nodded, and Qianshoujian said: "Then this action will have the old man take this guy called the soil, let's go. The old man of time and space ninjutsu still knows a little bit. For the four generations, let's stay here, you The two of me must leave one here just in case, without further ado, let's act quickly."

After Qianshoujian finished speaking, everyone on the scene turned their gazes on Daitu, and saw him chuckled and said: "That... only when Kaguya Ji performs her space-time ninjutsu again, I can rely on it. With divine power entering her space, if she doesn't use it all the time, I can't help it."

Hearing Daito said that, they nodded dullly. Before Kaguya Ji did not open the space again, they could only continue to wait. Now that they knew the conditions for entering the space, they must take the initiative to create opportunities and move their fingers together. , An unknown signal was sent to the pillars on the battlefield.

Zhu Jian Xinsheng turned his head slightly, and when he saw the signal on Fei Jian's hand, he could not help but nodded secretly to express his understanding. Although he didn't know why his brother wanted to do this, it must be reasonable to think about it.

Sakura was anxious, seeing that everyone had just discussed the list of rescuers, she knew that if she didn't speak again, there would be no chance.

She hurriedly stood up, even unable to maintain the Palm Immortal Technique in her hand, and stretched out her hand towards everyone: "Um...Can I also go with it?"

Sakura's words made everyone present stunned. To be honest, they never thought about taking Sakura with them. In the eyes of everyone, this little girl is not only weak and weak, but also not enough for her strength, although He is Tsunade's apprentice, but he is also a medical ninja.

They deliberately ignored Sakura, just to protect her. Seeing that Sakura took the initiative to mention this matter, they couldn't help but stunned, Qianshou said with a blank smile: "Little girl, why do you want to go, you have to know that this is not a fun thing."

Indeed, this rescue operation is not a simple matter, even if it has double insurance with the door and the soil. After all, taking the initiative to shuttle into the space of others is tantamount to putting one's own life in front of the enemy. What's more, no one knows what danger is in that unknown space.

Kozakura gritted her teeth and looked at Senshousuma with a firm look. She must go because, because the person trapped in Kaguya Ji's space is Sasuke.

She had been thinking about it for so many years and couldn’t ask for it. How much effort she had made to keep up with Sasuke’s footsteps, and finally waiting for Sasuke’s figure. She didn’t know about other things. Sakura only knew that at this moment she really hoped to be able to come. What did Sasuke's side do for Sasuke.

"I must go. As a class 7 person, I can't watch my partner get into a fight, but I can only watch from the sidelines. I am also a class 7 person, and I want to do something. !" Kozakura took a deep breath, closed her eyes and shouted regardless.

Sakura's voice fell, and the scene seemed a little silent. They all ignored the little girl's feelings.

They only thought about how to protect others, but never thought that Sakura never wanted their shelter, and she also wanted to do something for the victory of the battle.

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