Tanokuni is a small country in the Naruto World. There was nothing special at first, but after Oshamaru left the Akatsuki organization, Otonin Village was founded in Tanokuni. There it became the base camp of Dashe Maru.

At this time, the Otoshimaru in Otonin Village let out a hoarse laugh after listening to the information reported to him by the pharmacist.

"Wow! Is Sasuke-kun actually listed by Konoha as an S-rank rebel?" Oshemaru sneered a few times, and said to Yakushidou.

"Yes, Lord Oshemaru."

"But it's okay, so Sasuke won't have a retreat, so he can only stay with me, hehehe~~"

"Yes, in this case, even if Sasuke-kun wants to return to Konoha, Konoha's villagers will not accept him. After all, S-rank rebels are no small thing. For so long in the Ninja world, there has never been an S-rank rebel. Shinobu can still be accepted by the village." Yao Shidou quickly agreed.

Oshemaru: "Tell me what the **** is going on. The S-level rebellion is not a crime that can be committed by any rebellion. Those who have committed terrible crimes will be convicted of that level, Sasuke. Didn't you do anything serious before leaving Konoha? Tsunade couldn't have listed an ordinary ninja as an S-rank for no reason, even if the ninja was Uchiha."

Pharmacist pocket: "There is indeed a reason, but this matter is very strange. According to our spies planted in various places in the Ninja World, the information was sent back because not long ago, in the bear country, a small Ninja village called Xingyin Village was killed. The attack killed many people and even the village was destroyed."

Dashemaru: "Xingyin Village? Is it the Ninja Village that got a meteorite two hundred years ago?"

"Yes! The people in Xingyin Village call the Nako meteorite a "star" and regard it as a sacred object in the village."

"Star! I heard that it is a very magical thing that can improve the ninja's strength. I planned to grab the star back and study it, but later something was delayed, and then I forgot about it, you Keep talking!"

"Yes!" The pharmacist pushed his glasses around and continued: "Xingyin Village was attacked. Not only the village was destroyed, and many people were killed and injured. Even the sacred object of their village, that is, the star was also taken away. They claimed that the person who attacked them turned out to be Sasuke-kun."

"Oh? It turns out there is such a thing! But if I remember correctly, Sasuke has been practicing the ninjutsu I taught him since he came here from Konoha. It seems that he has never left the base?"

"Indeed, this is what makes me strange. According to reason, Hoshiyuki-kun and Sasuke-kun do not have any intersection, and Sasuke-kun has not even been to the bear country. There is no reason why Hoshiyin-cun will slander Sasuke-kun. If it is not a false accusation, it is possible that someone pretended to be Sasuke-kun and did this!"

"go on!"

"If someone is really impersonating Sasuke-kun, then his purpose may be to force Sasuke-kun out, and he most hopes that Sasuke-kun will appear. Apart from Konoha, I can't think of anyone else who has this motive."

"Hehe, Konoha couldn't do this, especially after Tsunade became Hokage. But your guess made me think of a person. If it was that guy, maybe he would do it. After all, he did it for Do whatever you can to achieve your goal!"

"What did Oshamaru-sama say?"

"Danzo hidden in the dark place of Konoha!" Oshemaru sneered a few times and said Danzo's name. "That guy, like me, is obsessed with Shao Lun Yan! I'm sure that Uchiha's tragic genocide, there must be this old guy behind it."

"Soga! Where do you live a lot!"

"But I think that old guy should have collected a lot of writing round eyes after Uchiha's extermination. There is no reason to fight for the remnants of Uchiha, so he is unlikely."

"Master Oshamaru, my subordinates really can't figure out who else would want Sasuke-kun to appear!"

"Haha~~ Maybe your guess was wrong from the beginning. The people who attacked Xingyin Village might not have deliberately impersonated Sasuke, but the people in Xingyin Village mistakenly believed that Sasuke did it."

"How is this possible, and Konoha has already sent someone to check, so Sasuke-kun was listed as an S-rank rebel!"

"So, what if Konoha's people also admit it wrong?"

"This..." Pharmacist couldn't explain.

"Hey~~po! I remember Sasuke-kun seems to have a twin brother who looks exactly the same? Do you know where he is now?"

"Yes, Sasuke-kun does have a twin brother, who seems to be called Uchiha Tatsuno, but I don’t know much about this person. I just heard that he and Sasuke-kun entered the ninja school in the same year. , His talent in the school was higher than that of Sasuke-kun, and even surpassed that of Uchiha Itachi. But later, the Uchiha clan was tragically exterminated by Uchiha Itachi of the same clan, and only Sasuke-kun and the whole clan That Uchiha Tatsumi survived. Unexpectedly, Uchiha Tatsuno, who was called a genius in Konoha, could not accept this blow, became a fool, stayed at home and never reappeared. He has since faded out of people. In Konoha's sight, some people in Konoha have even forgotten Uchiha Tatsumi, and Uchiha Tatsuo should still be in Konoha now! Why did Osamaru-sama suddenly ask him?"

"Hehehe~~ I became a fool because I could not accept the blow of the extermination, is that true? I seem to have heard that Uchiha Tatsuno is very indifferent to the people in his family, and he never comes into contact with people of the same clan , Then his feelings for the family should not be as deep as Sasuke, why after the genocide, Sasuke, who has deeper feelings for the family, did not go crazy, but he who is indifferent to the family and his family would be stupid?"

"This...Is this..." Yakushidou is not a fool, but a very high IQ conspirator. Of course, he can hear the meaning of Dashewan, and he has been surprised by Dashewan's remarks.

"In fact, I suspected it very early on. Uchiha Tatsu and Uchiha Sasuke were the last survivors of the Uchiha clan. I once regarded them as my targets. For this reason, I deliberately investigated them and collected them. Their intelligence. So, I also know Sasuke’s brother Uchiha Tatsu very well!"

"Why didn't Master Oshemaru bring him back in the first place?"

"If my guess is true, then this Uchiha Tatsumi's mind is too deep, such a person is not easy to control, so I chose Sasuke. The most important thing at the time was to get Sasuke here safely, in order to I didn’t let the four of you take it away with Uchiha Tatsumi.”

"so it is!"

"If the person who attacked Star Ninja Village is Uchiha Tatsu, then his talent is too terrifying, it has completely surpassed me!"

"That Uchiha Tatsun's talent is actually higher than that of Osha Maru-sama? How is this possible?" Yao Shi exclaimed.

"It is entirely possible. Although Xingyin Village is a small Shinobu village, its strength is not strong. However, to take away the stars of Xingyin Village and destroy the entire village, at least you need to have the strength of Shangren. If The person who attacked Star Ninja Village is Uchiha Tatsu, so this person’s talent is really powerful and outrageous. After only two years of studying at the Ninja School, he was hiding at home by himself without anyone’s guidance. , I was able to rely on my own practice to have the strength of Shinobu at the age of thirteen, or even higher. His talent completely surpassed anyone I know, including me and Uchiha Itachi. !"

"Listening to you, this Uchiha Tatsumi is really terrible."

"Hehehe~~ You should contact the scout we have placed in Konoha and ask him to verify whether Uchiha Tatsumi is still in Konoha! If Uchiha Tatsumi is not in Konoha, then everything I just said should be It's true. Then I have to find a way to find Uchiha Tatsumi, and then we go to contact him, contact him." "Yes! Lord Oshamaru, I will contact the spy now!" Yakushi pocket, facing Oshamaru Bowed, then turned and left.

Yakushidou stopped after walking a few steps, then turned around and said, "Master Dashewan, there is actually something I always wanted to ask you!"

"Oh? Come and listen!" Dashemaru said with a smile.

"That's...Oshemaru-sama, why are you such a dick?" (--! It's purely a spoof! Because Uncle Snake is really too dick!)

Chapter 62: Konoha Reinforcement Arrives

At this time, several ninjas were sprinting fast on the way to the woods where Chen was.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that we were still so late for the whole night. Gaara and Kankuro should have already met Uchiha Sasuke. Let's hurry up, the forest is in front of us!"

These ninjas are the Temari of Sain and the reinforcements sent by Konoha, Kakashi, Shikamaru and others, and it is Temari who just spoke.

"Almost there? I hope I can catch up!" Kakashi looked at the woods ahead, secretly said in his heart.

Just when Kakashi and the others were about to enter the woods, there was a loud "bang!" from the depths of the woods! The ground shook for a while, causing them to stop, with a guarded look.

"What happened inside?" Haruno Sakura said in surprise as she watched the movement.

"There was a fight in the woods. Is it possible that Gaara and Sasuke did such a big movement?"

"Look, what is that?" Naruto suddenly pointed in the direction of the woods and exclaimed while everyone was still guessing.

Hearing Naruto's exclamation, everyone looked towards the top of the woods and was stunned for an instant!

"Ok... so big, that's... what's that thing?"

I saw three huge gates suddenly rose in the middle of the woods, and saw that the three gates were half higher than the woods. Each huge gate was portrayed with a hideous grimace, which was very shocking from a distance.

"Okay...it's spectacular, Mrs. Kakashi, what the **** is this?" Naruto, who was shocked, asked Kakashi, and everyone looked at Kakashi very curiously, hoping that he could answer. After all, only Kakashi is the strongest here, and also more knowledgeable than them.

"Is this the super defensive ninjutsu, Rashomon used by the first adults in the legend? I have read the relevant records in a document of Konoha. Rashomon is the first Naruto master (I don’t If you know who created it, it's the first generation! Don't care about this detail.) Created a super defensive ninjutsu..."

Just when Kakashi wanted to explain to Naruto and the others, a loud noise suddenly came from the woods, and then the three Rashomons seemed to be attacked by some super ninjutsu, and they dazzled. Then Kakashi and the others heard a loud noise coming from the woods, as if something was about to rush out.

"There is a high-energy reaction ahead, (spoof!) Everyone, be careful!" Kakashi looked at the direction of the sound vigilantly, and said solemnly to Naruto and the others.

"Yeah!" The expressions of the rest of Xiaoqiang also became solemn, as if they were facing an enemy.

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