Fortunately, he avoided, and a faint cold sweat broke out on his forehead between the pillars.

When Kaguya sees Zhujian avoiding it sideways, she doesn't have too many waves in her heart. She has a deep understanding of the difficulty of this little bug, and Kaguya never thought that she could easily defeat the Zhujian. After a missed move, Kaguya Ji raised her head, her hair flying.

Balls of hair turned into a weapon capable of taking human lives, and the hair flying all over the sky seemed to be a sharp knife, forming a ball between the pillars, and making a gesture to make him pierce through it.

I don’t know how many **** battles he has experienced between Zhu Jian, his fighting instinct has long been unable to express in words, and has reached a terrifying level. Similar to this level of attack, Zhu Jian’s heart is not panicked. There was not even a slight wave of waves.

This is too pediatric for the battle he experienced before, even Uchiha Madara would not use such inferior attack methods to deal with Zhuma, which can only be said that Kaguyahime's actual combat experience is too poor.

This is also common sense. After all, Kaguya Ji is just the guardian of the sacred tree, and she hates war at the beginning. Even afterwards, she just crushes the past with her own strength. How can she understand these fighting skills?

Not to mention it is comparable to a ninja who has experienced many battles like Zhujian. This kind of attack, between the pillars, can easily dodge just by instinct.

The Buddha statue was cracking inch by inch, and the pillars began to fall without accident. He did not have the power of the six suns, nor did he have the ability to use the "light and heavy rock art" to temporarily float in the air like the three generations of earth shadows.

With the help of the body that was not completely turned into fly ash before the Buddha image cracked, the pillars slowly borrowed force, jumping little by little, and landed safely in the blink of an eye. It happened to escape Kaguyaji’s. attack.

Kaguyaji frowned, she didn't know why she had been at a disadvantage in these few battles.

Chapter 827: Shocking Change Three

Obviously the opponent's strength is not on the same level as his own. Obviously his strength can completely crush the opponent, Naruto is also Sasuke, and so is the current Senjujujuma.

Obviously it is an ant-like existence, why can he dodge his own attack so easily, and even be able to counterattack to a certain extent, causing him a lot of trouble.

Kaguya Ji was very puzzled, could it be that she had begun to weaken? She not only asked herself this in her heart.

"Mother, this is not your reason, but these people have never stopped the war for so many years. Their skill is honed in battle, and you don't like war, so you have never experienced it. The lack of skills in such a cruel war is excusable."

Hei Jue timely guessed what his mother was thinking, and explained, after all, Kaguya Ji's mind is too simple, to make her understand these things, if no one tells her, she might not be able to figure it out for a year.

Even if Hei Jue had told Hui Ye about this, she was half-believing, and she didn't know what the fighting skills Hei Jue was talking about. This was something she didn't have in her time. No matter how much she said, she couldn't immediately understand it. Hei Jue saw it, and wisely did not continue to say it.

"Mother, as long as you use absolute power to crush, then those so-called skills will be nothing in front of you. In front of absolute power, all cleverness is useless." Hei Jue could only comfort him like this. With his mother.

Hui Ye nodded softly. Although she didn't know how to fight, she still knew that whoever had the stronger power would be able to win. She didn't believe that anyone in the world was stronger than her.

"That's the case." Kaguyaji's eyes flickered, staring closely at the Qianshouzhu, her eyes full of cold killing intent, this guy not only interrupted her contemplation, but also obstructed herself in every possible way. The existence of ants, but they refuse to rest, is really unbearable.

"It's coming!" Tuotu, who had closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes. At this moment, his eyes were very focused. Although there was nothing in front of him, everyone knew it.

At this moment, what brought the earth did not see the blank space in front of him, but penetrated into the space of Kaguyaji through this blank blank.

I saw the earth-carrying writing wheel eyes slowly turning, and the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes appeared in his eyes. His other eye had recovered under Naruto’s treatment, but his pupil power was insufficient. After all, the eyes just grew out.

Unlike his previous eyes made with Baijue's cells, he couldn't regenerate his writing wheel eyes. It can be said that Naruto's treatment has just been appropriate to restore his real eyes.

At this moment, everyone was already prepared. Jian Jian and Sakura stood on both sides of the soil, with one hand on the shoulder of the soil, waiting for the soil to activate the divine power and take the two to shuttle through the space.

Seeing Kaguya leaping down at the moment, he didn't dare to be careless. The disparity in strength between the two was so great that even the previous few times between the pillars caused Kaguya to suffer. However, Kaguya Ji did not suffer substantial damage.

Kaguya Ji didn't even have a trace of scars on her body, and this could also confirm from the side that everything that the pillars had done before could only delay Kaguya Ji, not in the true sense of being able to be evenly matched with Kaguya Ji.

Kaguyaji suddenly bullied herself down, and in an instant she passed through the flying dust and came to the front of Qianshou Zhujian. She saw Kaguya raise her hands and snorted, her hands turned into phantoms, and she moved towards the pillars. The shadow of the fist was shot in the sky.

"Eighty God Air Strike!"

"Not good!" Zhu Jian was shocked. This was clearly the move that caused Naruto to be seriously injured just now. It was similar to the move of the gossip empty palm. Even if it fell on him who was reincarnated as a dirty soil, it would cause irreparable scars.

After all, even if it’s a body that reincarnated from the filthy soil, there are meridians in his body. The Eight Diagrams empty palm can block the meridian patrol, and the Eighty God Air Strike can break the meridians every inch, and even destroy people’s investigations. carat.

The pillars hurriedly retreated backwards, stomping his feet and fleeing away. As long as he could avoid Kaguya's attack, he could delay time again and wait for Naruto to wake up before making plans.

"Want to escape?" A mysterious smile appeared on Kaguya Ji's face, with a hint of evil: "Where else can you escape!"

A dark space crack opened in front of Kaguya Ji, and Kaguya Ji's fist struck straight through the crack.

At the same time, a mysterious space crack also appeared behind Zhujian, and countless fist prints protruded from the crack. It was clearly Kaguya Ji's fist!

When he recovered from the pillars, his fist had already come behind him.

"Mu Dun·Mu Ding Bi!"

In desperation, the pillars have been unavoidable. At this critical juncture, the battle-tested pillars set up a layer of defense in a dangerous and dangerous way.

But this layer of defense was like a window paper in front of Kaguya Ji, and it broke with a poke, and his fist pierced the wall of the wooden ingot between the pillars, and a violent blow hit him.

"Uh, ah..." The dead person who reincarnated from the foul soil couldn't feel the pain, but Kaguya Ji's attack completely subverted this theory, and the pillars could clearly feel the pain caused by the fist hitting him.

The kind of pain that was like a blow to the soul, even he could inevitably hum out, but so far, his goal has been achieved.

"Has the space crack appeared? Although I don't know what you are going to do, you must succeed!" This was the last hint of thought in the mind before the column fell into a coma.

After abruptly eating Hui Ye's full attack, the body between the pillars flew out and floated in the air like a broken doll, and fell in front of everyone with a "click".

At the moment when Kaguya Ji displayed the Imperial Palace of Heaven, she brought the soil and screamed: "It's now!" Soon the kaleidoscope in his eyes began to spin frantically, his pupils squandered as if they didn't need money.

"It must be successful!" With the soil clenching his teeth, the chakras in his body are constantly transporting. Just when he feels the lack of chakras in his body, he uploads a steady flow of chakras from both shoulders. Suddenly, the pressure of the soil was greatly reduced.

"Success!" All of this was just a short time.

Chapter 828:

All these things happened in just a few moments, whether it was the pillars being hit by Kaguya Ji to lose consciousness, or the space of Kaguya Ji successfully communicated with Kaguya Ji's space and successfully smuggled the two of them.

These were just things in the blink of an eye, saying that it was too late and that time, and the three of them did not even see the figure flying over between the pillars.

The bodies of the three people became nothingness, as if they had fallen into a blank vortex, turning into a trace of gaps and entering Kaguya Ji's space.

At this moment, Kaguya Ji seemed to sense something, and her brows suddenly wrinkled. Seeing this, Hei Jue couldn't help asking, "Mother, what's the matter with you? Didn't that little bug be defeated by you? What's the matter?"

Kaguya Ji shook her head: "It's not this, I feel as if something has entered my initial ball space."

The entire space is under the control of Kaguya, but it does not mean that she can control the movement of the entire space at any time. Just like Sasuke in the desert space, Kaguya knows that Sasuke is there, but if Sasuke disappears suddenly, Kaguya Ye Ji would not be aware of it for the first time.

But there are exceptions to everything. She can still sense it when they smuggle through Kaguya Ji's space cracks when bringing the soil, but it is only for a moment, as if a stone fell into her. The same space.

Movement and quietness can definitely be felt, as if a stone thrown in a lake will always splash a little bit of waves.

"Could it be an illusion?" Hei Jue couldn't help asking.

"Maybe it is." Kaguya Ji thought for a while, then nodded, and didn't care.

Kaguya Ji didn't care about it anymore, but Dai Tu and the others, who didn't know the situation, didn't understand. They were walking through the gate of the ghost at the moment.

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