Unfortunately, after a long time, the Chakra in the body did not grow.

"What's going on?" Hei Jue was frightened and angry, "Who is it! Who the **** is it!" There must be someone outside of him who did not know what had done to the sacred tree.

Hei Jue immediately set his sights on Yi Zhengnan. Among all the people, only this person was the last to enter from the outside world. The problem with the sacred tree must be inseparable from him.

But no matter how he thought about it, he would never guess that Yi Zhengnan had swallowed the whole sacred tree a long time ago. The nine sacred trees were swallowed by Yi Zhengnan directly, leaving only four trees, which can remain the same as before. Chakra output is no easy task.

Now want to increase the output of Chakra? It's just a dream.

"Asshole!" Hei Jue gave Yi Zhengnan a vicious look, but Yi Zhengnan made a silly look that I didn't know anything about him, so that Hei Jue could not vomit, and held it in his mouth. It's uncomfortable to die.

Although Hei Jue is angry, he has nothing to do. After all, he still knows his own level. If he is asked to deal with Yi Zhengnan, he will be eaten by Yi Zhengnan within a few rounds. He thinks about it. It would be better to stay with Kaguya Ji in peace of mind.

After all, even though Kaguya Ji is strong enough, she still lacks skills. Although Hei Jue is not strong enough, he has lived for thousands of years, so what skills do not know? When the two complement each other, there may be a miraculous effect.

Chapter 836:

Under the offensive of the three, Hui Ye couldn't resist it at all, even if Yi Zhengnan was paddling on the side, Hui Ye Ji couldn't resist.

Originally, the combination of Naruto and Sasuke made Kaguya Ji overwhelmed, but now there is one more Yi Zhengnan, who often puts off a cold gun, which is impossible to guard against.

Without enough chakras, there is no way to release big moves. Just like in the game, if the blue amount is not enough, the skills cannot be released. Kaguya has the ability now but does not have the chakra amount that matches it. The ten-tailed chakra is almost All are used to maintain her body, she can't move.

Only by absorbing the chakras of those who fall into the infinite monthly reading can it continue.

"It's now!" With a punch on Kaguya Ji's face, Naruto yelled at Sasuke as soon as his eyes lit up.

Sasuke nodded knowingly, and followed Naruto to stretch out his hands. Two hands were attached to Kaguyaji's body, one left and the other, the power of the six ways flowed out of the mark, acting on Kaguyaji's body.

Kaguya Ji could clearly feel that the Chakra in her body was in turmoil, and even the ten-tailed beast that had been forcibly suppressed began to agitate. The nine-headed beast was struggling constantly, trying to escape her control.

"Don't think about it!" Hui Yeji bit her lower lip and forcibly suppressed the riot in her body.

"Expanded...expanded for the truth!"

Kaguya screamed, but at this moment she had no chance to use Chakra again.

At the beginning, Yi Zhengnan quietly approached Kaguya Ji, and while Kaguya pushed Naruto Sasuke away and stabilized the situation inside, Yi Zhengnan stuck Kaguyaji behind Kaguya Ji. Give me a hug.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie! Host, are you so hungry, this is an old woman who has lived for thousands of years." The devil's laughter came from Yi Zhengnan's ear.

"Shut up!" Yi Zhengnan became angry from embarrassment, after all, his current posture really resembles that. Didn't you see Naruto Sasuke's dumbfounded look? Really think of yourself as such a person?

Suddenly, Kaguya Ji was hugged fiercely, with a hint of shame flashing across her face. She had never contacted a man other than her son, even the name of her motherland.

Although in name she was once the wife of the daimyo of the motherland, but in fact, the daimyo of the motherland did not even touch her.

Yi Zhengnan is also the first man who has had such close contact with Kaguya Ji.

"Get away!" Hui Ye Ji Jiao yelled, then turned around and wanted to kill Yi Zhengnan.

"How can you let go of the baby you got." Yi Zhengnan smiled slightly.

Kaguya Ji's movements suddenly occurred, it was obvious that she heard the word baby, even if it was her, she couldn't help being ashamed and angry when she heard someone call her that way, but the next moment...

Yi Zhengnan opened his mouth wide, his eyes were scarlet, full of madness, he took a deep breath, the boss with open mouth, an invisible whirlpool formed in Yi Zhengnan's mouth.

I saw Kaguya Ji, whose expression had not changed for thousands of years. At this moment, her face had already revealed immense horror. She crazily wanted to avoid this horrible vortex, but at this moment all her abilities seemed to have disappeared, no matter how she was Shi Zhan Huang Quan was no better than Ban Liang to escape Yi Zhengnan's swallowing.

Immediately, I saw Hui Ye Ji's figure gradually shrinking, gradually shrinking, and then slowly turning into a small arc of light, swallowed by Yi Zhengnan in a whirlpool.

When Yi Zhengnan closed his mouth and hiccup, it also meant that Hui Ye Ji was officially swallowed by him, and there was no room for reaction.

The poor Datongmu Huiyeji, who had been sealed for thousands of years, had just been resurrected, and was swallowed by Yi Zhengnan as part of his power before he breathed enough fresh air.

As Yi Zhengnan swallowed Hui Yeji, the ten tails suppressed by Hui Yeji in the body were also eaten by Yi Zhengnan. Even though Yi Zhengnan was small, his stomach seemed to be connected to another world.

He had just swallowed the six immortals and several sacred trees, and now he had eaten Hui Ye Ji and Ten Tails, his stomach was still flat, without a trace of ups and downs.

However, Yi Zhengnan's aura has improved steadily, and the people he swallowed have all turned into his heritage, increasing his strength little by little.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, let me just say it, take a try to change a bicycle to a motorcycle, how can you open a broad road if you don't bet?" The voice of the devil kept bewitching Yi Zhengnan.

Yi Zhengnan frowned slightly, feeling the growing strength in his body. Although this feeling was very refreshing, he didn't need to practice by himself. As long as he kept devouring and swallowing others, he could turn into his own strength.

It can be said that as long as you continue to eat, you can become stronger. However, this anti-human approach Yi Zhengnan uses once and once disgusting.

"Hmph, this is the last time, you don't have to try to seduce me, I just die, jump from here, die in their hands, and I won't eat people casually in the future!"

Yi Zhengnan's words caused a burst of laughter in the system. The devil knew that this was all Yi Zhengnan's stubborn mouth. Wasn't it clear before? Killing is no longer cannibalistic, but the result? It's so fragrant.

What Yi Zhengnan didn't know was that his thoughts had slowly changed under the temptation of demons.

This is the truth. Even if you hate something, if someone talks about it every day, you will become accustomed to it in the end, and you will not even care about it. In the end, you will slowly accept this fact.

In fact, people are like this. Isn’t there a saying, people will eventually live the way they hate the most. No matter who they are, in the end under the ravages of life, they will slowly choose to yield, and then compromise step by step. Eventually become the person you hate the most, in the name of becoming sleek, becoming proficient in accidents.

Even in the end, persuade those newcomers with the appearance of people who have come, and let them slowly and step by step become who they are now.

Humans are social creatures, and no one will allow an alien to appear around him. If it appears, then find a way to change him. If it can't be changed, then exclude him until he compromises or he quits and he dies.

Who is the devil? As the person who understands people's hearts best, is it not easy to seduce a fledgling person? Yi Zhengnan would never have thought that he had fallen into the trap set by the devil step by step, and even all of this was stepped in by himself.

Chapter 837: Kaguya Ji was swallowed

After devouring Hui Ye Ji, Yi Zhengnan's body strength continued to rise, almost every second, but in the blink of an eye, Yi Zhengnan's strength surpassed Naruto Sasuke's two.

Originally, no matter who they pulled out, they could defeat Yi Zhengnan, but in a moment, Yi Zhengnan's strength rose by leaps and bounds.

No one thought about this. After all, who would have nothing to do to prevent this, they are not perverted, how could they have thought that Yi Zhengnan would actually eat people, and his strength would grow with cannibalism.

It can be said that what happened in this instant has exceeded their normal cognition for so many years.

"How come!" Naruto Sasuke was dumbfounded, still a little unbelievable.

"I have long felt that something is wrong with this guy, it turned out to be here waiting for us." Qianshou Jianjian looked at Yi Zhengnan with a serious face.

Although the ninja profession does not treat life as the same thing, every ninja almost always receives tasks such as destroying bandits when they are promoted. Generally speaking, the goal of the task is to include everyone in the bandit den, old man. The weak, sick, and young are also their mission goals.

When a ninja is not a soft-hearted guy, even Qianshoujian himself often conducts human experiments. It can be said that he does not take human life very seriously, but when Yi Zhengnan eats Kaguya Ji.

Qianshoujian clearly felt that he had an unspeakable disgust towards Yi Zhengnan. Even people like him could not accept Yi Zhengnan's approach, let alone the others here? Especially Kozakura, she squatted directly on the ground when she saw such a cruel scene.

"Is this the feeling of strength?" Yi Zhengnan closed his eyes and felt the strength in his body continue to grow. This feeling of a realm in a second is really cool. Yi Zhengnan found that he had fallen in love with this feeling. .

He slowly opened his eyes, now he is not afraid of Naruto Sasuke at all, and even everyone in the room will not be his opponent. He looked at Naruto Sasuke and his eyes were full of heat, as if he was looking at some delicious food.

Soon he suddenly reacted, "Damn it, enough, how can I have this idea!" He shook his head indiscriminately, and put this idea behind: "No matter what, I can't have this idea anymore. Now, this way of gaining power is too extreme!"

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