The system is trying to protect Uchiha Tatsu, but the power of the system is limited. No matter what it is, it follows the principle of equivalent exchange. The same is true for the system. Without enough points, without enough energy, the system cannot be in space. To protect Uchiha Tatsumi in the turbulence, he can only find another way.

There is a rule in the program of the system, that is, if there is a danger between the system and the host, then the system will change to protect the safety of the host at its own expense.

In the turbulent flow of the vast space, only Uchiha Tatsu was alone floating in the chaos of nothingness. Gradually, Uchiha Tatsuno's body began to glow with a bright white light.

"Ding, the backup program is successfully opened, and the strong system subsystem program will serve you..."

In the entire turbulence of time and space, things with entities are undoubtedly the most dangerous, because anything that has been in the turbulence for a long time will be torn into powder by this terrifying energy, and Chen has fallen into a coma at this time, don’t know what Time can wake up, and once the system's energy is exhausted and no longer provides protection, Nachen's fate is to be transformed into nothingness by the power of space.

Although this emptiness is terrifying, it can turn everything into nothingness, but the damage to the invisible existence of the soul is much lower than the damage to the entity.

In other words, if it is an entity, it will take a minute to turn into nothingness, and then it will take a hundred minutes or even longer for the existence of the soul.

Therefore, under the unavoidable circumstances, the system can only make two-handed preparations, peeling Chen's soul from the body, and splitting it into two.

It focuses on protecting Chen's soul. As long as the soul is still there and the body is gone, the system can still find a body for Chen, but if the soul is gone, there will be nothing.

The system exhausted all energy, wrapping Chen's body with energy for protection, and at the same time deriving a subsystem to protect Chen's soul.

After doing all this, the system exhausted all its energy and fell into a deep sleep.

In the turbulent flow of void space, only the sound of the system reverberates here. If there is anyone here, you will find that Uchiha Tatsumi’s body is continuing to drift with the space turbulence, while the other side is differentiated from Uchiha Tatsumi’s body. The soul that came out broke through the turbulence of the void under the guidance of the subsystem and fell into the unknown world.

Chapter 846: Sun Wuchen

In the vast universe, a meteor quickly passes by. If someone can see it clearly, you can see that this is not a meteor, but a circular spaceship.


The spacecraft ejected high-speed energy and flew toward the planet named "Earth" at an astonishing speed.


At this time, on the earth, an old man with a hat was tossing and jumping in the woods, looking for food.

This old man is no one else, but Sun Wufan, a powerful old man.

From a distance, Monkey King saw something similar to a meteorite fall down.


A violent voice sounded, and a gust of wind passed.

The old man was curious, and hurried over, seeing the spaceship still smoking.

"What is this?"

Sun Wufan was curious, and hurried to the spaceship, looking at the spaceship curiously.


Just when Monkey King approached the spaceship, the spaceship opened suddenly.

I saw two newborn children lying in it, one wailing and crying, while the other was sucking his fingers and looking at Monkey King.

What's even more amazing is that both of these children have hairy tails.

"This...this shouldn't be a human child, I'll leave it alone, if it's a monster, it's not good."

Sun Wufan was about to turn around and leave, but stopped again, and shook his head helplessly.

"Hey, that's all. After all, they are two small beings. Naturally, they can't just disappear like this."

After that, Sun Wufan slowly hugged the two little things.

It is also strange to say that after Sun Gohan hugged the two little guys, the little guy who was crying loudly before stopped crying, and the two little guys stared at Sun Wufan without fear.

"Hehe, it seems that you are also destined to me, then I will take you two away to raise them."

After speaking, Monkey King hurriedly took the two little guys to his residence and put them on the bed.

"I should give these two little guys a name, but I don't know who their parents are. In that case, let them follow my last name." Sun Gohan looked down at the two little guys.

He pointed at the little guy who was crying before, and said aloud, "You are called Monkey King." He pointed at the other one, "You are called Monkey King."

"Well, Wukong, Wuchen, you two should take a good rest, and I will find food for you." After speaking, Sun Wufan closed the door and left quickly.

It's not that Monkey King ignored the safety of the two little guys, but because this place is very safe, and there will be no beasts or outsiders coming.


"What...what's wrong with this? What's my ability? What about the blood wheel eyes? Why disappeared again, I...have become a child again?" Ye Chen looked at his little hands in surprise, his immature face showing depression A look, "Don't you think that, I did everything in vain?"

As he was thinking about it, some fragments of memory began to emerge in Ye Chen's mind.

Huiye, Liudao Madara, the devil, and the last space crack.

Ye Chen remembered everything.

In order for me to survive, has the system fallen asleep? And all my abilities in the Naruto World have disappeared?

Despite the dissatisfaction in his heart, all of this has already happened, and Ye Chen can only choose to accept it.

At this moment, Sun Wufan had already returned with food, and began to make food for Sun Wukong and Ye Chen.


Under Sun Wufan's careful care, Sun Wukong and Ye Chen grew up sturdily.

A few years later, Sun Wukong and Ye Chen are already five years old, because these two temperaments are special, and with the teachings of Sun Wufan, these two men are also very strong now.

boom! boom! boom!

At this time, the two were fighting in the woods, and the two small fists quickly slammed together.

Although Sun Wufan gave them the same skills, because Ye Chen had already lived for the first time, he naturally understood a lot, so his strength was higher than that of Sun Wukong.


Ye Chen speeded up fiercely, kicked Sun Wukong's ass, and directly kicked him to the ground.

"Well, it hurts, Wu Chen, why are you doing so hard?" Monkey King rubbed his sore butt, and looked at Ye Chen with a full face of complaint.

Ye Chen also likes this younger brother who grew up together since childhood, especially Ye Chen knows Sun Wukong's character well and knows that he is a very kind person.

Ye Chen stretched out his hand to pull Monkey King up, with a faint smile on his face, "Wukong, you have to work hard, otherwise I will be pulled down too much in the future, I don't care about you."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Sun Wukong roused his spirit and stood up abruptly from the ground. Before Ye Chen could speak, he began to train.

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