"Since God gave you this, you can take it, but one day I will take it out when I want to use it."

Sun Wukong seemed to understand, he took the round stone that Sun Wuchen handed over and put him in his arms. He didn't know that in a year's time, this thing was going to shine again.

Sun Wuchen already has an idea. Since he can make a wish through Dragon Ball, can he get unimaginable abilities with himself? After thinking for a long time, Sun Wuchen didn't know what to call it.

This is, a wild beast suddenly bit at Sun Wuchen and swallowed him.

Chapter 851: Subsystem wakes up

Am I... careless?

Sun Wuchen felt the darkness around him, and there was a tongue that kept squeezing his body, and there was a stench everywhere.

He could vaguely hear Monkey King yelling next to him, and then the guy attacked the beast like crazy.

This is a super dinosaur with fine scales on its body, quite powerful.

These scales are super hard, and Monkey King's current ability can't subdue this guy at all. He can only attack those monsters with softer bodies.

Monkey King carried out an attack, but found that his attack could not hurt the opponent's body. He was a little discouraged, but he continued to yell and screamed, causing waves of damage.

This is not the time of the full moon, and he cannot transform himself. Sun Wuchen soon felt that the power of death was spreading around him. The biggest problem here was suffocating people.

"Could it be that I am going to die in this world again?"

Sun Wuchen is one head and two big ones.

This feeling of suffocation made Sun Wuchen almost fainted, and then suddenly he woke up, and the sound of the system rang in his ears, which he hadn't heard for many years.

"It is detected that the host is facing a fatal threat, the system is activated again, and the subsystem is running."

"The original points system is transformed. Combining the world's combat power combat system to form a new transformation relationship, the host can defeat the strong or sacrifice some powerful thing, and get energy points, which can be directly exchanged for some powerful skills and auxiliary supplies. It can directly improve combat effectiveness."

"Every time you get a dragon ball, you can get 1/7 energy increase! The dragon ball is invalid during the period of expiration."

"Each opportunity for Dragon Ball to make a wish, if you don't use it, and contribute to the system, you can get a large amount of energy points based on the current combat power and the opportunity to exchange for advanced skills."

"Does the host turn on the energy point system?"


Sun Wuchen shouted weakly.

A list immediately appeared in front of his eyes, all of which were all kinds of magical secrets.

Almost all the skills of the Dragon Ball World are displayed here, and there are even some of the skills of the previous world, but most of the skills of the previous world, or bloodline abilities.

Due to different energy systems, none of these things can be used.

However, it is also specifically noted above that after the host's ability reaches a certain level, energy conversion can be forcibly carried out, and it is also possible to restore the previous power of heaven and earth.

In fact, many abilities in this Dragon Ball World are within easy reach, but Sun Wuchen still took a look at his own abilities.

"The current combat power is only 10, which is really too weak."

Thinking of the fighting power of hundreds of millions and billions in the future, the current Monkey King felt quite helpless.

Even at the end of the story of Dragon Ball, the combat power of those people may reach hundreds of billions. 10 is really ridiculous.

But Sun Wuchen saw other things. There are quite a few things that can be exchanged. The points needed are amazing, and the only things available are a few upgrades.

There are four categories-strength, agility, physique, and energy.

These are basic skills, and they are a kind of strange energy bar upgrading skills.

After so many days, he has killed countless enemies and only has 130 points.

This kind of points is called energy points. You can get energy points by killing enemies or performing certain sacrifices. Of course, they can also be used to directly exchange skills. The most intuitive use now is to increase power.

Sun Wuchen poured the strength points directly into the strength, and increased the energy in that column, and the energy there continued to grow, and finally rose to the second level with a snap.

The terrifying power surging directly from Monkey King's body, he hit the monster's upper jaw with a punch.

With a loud bang, the monster kept shaking his head, but his mouth was still as closed as possible, twisting his tongue, trying to crush the prey in his mouth directly.

But all of this was in vain, and the power was so powerful that it was a doubling of the Monkey King. It was absolutely tyrannical.

There are four basic attributes in his body, strength, agility, physique, and energy.

The first three items will be directly reflected in combat effectiveness.

After doubling his strength, Sun Wuchen's combat effectiveness reached 14.

This is a 50% increase, which is indeed quite strong.

Monkey King attacked many times outside, and he couldn't reach this monster. Suddenly his head shook, and when he flicked it towards here, Monkey King was smashed straight.


Monkey King was killed and fell to the ground. At this moment, he couldn't help but hold his head and look forward. With a loud bang, a small fist penetrated the monster's head, and then there was a big hole, a small hole. The body got out of it, and the monster fell to the ground with a wailing.

The little man was still standing on the monster's head, with a big hole, where blood was flowing, even his body was full of blood.

The flashing red light on his body, plus a wagging tail.

"Wu Chen, is that you?"

"You didn't run away, I'm quite happy."

"I won't run away, I will definitely help you and protect you!"

Monkey King patted the dust on his body and stood up.


Sun Wuchen said lightly.

Maybe this guy is really his brother.

Chapter 852: Teacher Wu Tian's Big Turtle

From this day on, the relationship between Sun Wuchen and Sun Wukong eased a lot.

Sun Wuchen himself has experienced many lives in his own life, and of course he has more thoughts in his heart, but the carefree child in front of him has indeed given him a trace of infection.

The two of them walked forward, encountering a lot of battles along the way, mostly scary monsters, these things are very common in the world of Dragon Ball.

But Sun Wuchen also gradually discovered that even a dinosaur as big as a hill could provide very few energy points.

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