When Sun Wuchen was overjoyed, he pulled the unadjusted guy out of the magic lamp. When he came out, the guy was still asleep, and Sun Wuchen kicked him.

"Wake up, working."

"Huh? Master, what did you call me out for? I am having a sweet dream. A female elf is serving me."

"Don't tell children this dirty thing."

Sun Wuchen held his chest up, indeed he looked like a child, but Deng Shen was extremely helpless. You are more mature than anyone else, and you have the kind of patience to rule the world, not to mention the things that he shows now.

"Now you help me find some strange creatures. There should always be some powerful and strange creatures of various types. My goal is to kill them all."


Deng Shen took Sun Wukong to fly for a while, and there was a large forest here.

"There is a black poisonous snake below. It is quite powerful. It exists in myths and legends."

"Well, not bad. 350 points, not low anymore."

Sun Wuchen descended into the forest.




A minute later, Sun Wuchen flew up with a giant snake.

"The first one, solved."

Chapter 872: Galin Tower

"One-horned rhino."

"300. Fair."

"Black crocodile."

"400. Not bad, cool."

"Ancient dinosaurs."

"360. Much simpler."


Sun Wuchen took the lamp **** in the center to kill all the way, and gradually approached the big forest. After having the lamp god's guidance in the middle, he hunted many powerful monsters, and now his energy points have reached an astonishing 6,000.

So it is still a bit difficult to upgrade the tortoise style qigong, but Sun Wu has gained more possibilities.

"Master, there must be something unusual in this large forest, and the breath on it is quite frightening."

"You go back, I'll walk in and see by myself."

As soon as I entered the forest, I saw a tall tower standing there, extending to the clouds, this tower is not very strong.

Maybe three or four adults have become embracing this thing, but it is indeed a miracle in this world. This world has gravity. This kind of thing may collapse at any time after it is high, but it is supported without expectation.

But thinking about it carefully, there is a lot of mystery in this world after all, and I don't need to care about it. Walking into the big forest slowly, Sun Wuchen always feels that there are some eyes staring at him.


I activated my battle detector, and after a scan, everything around me was in my eyes. They were all weird creatures in the jungle who wanted to kill themselves.

These creatures are hunting, and there are even some monkeys in such a large forest. It is not unexpected to see monkeys, but these monkeys exude a fierce breath.

It can only be said that there are many enemies here, many, many enemies.

As soon as he walked near Kalinta, the opponent's monster moved.

Several long black snakes flew over, and Sun Wuchen held this thing in his hand as soon as he reached out.

With a strong pinch, these poisonous snakes instantly lost their lives.

"Five o'clock, too low."

It seems that the threat of this kind of thing to oneself has been reduced to a very low level. Even if you are bitten by these poisonous snakes, it is estimated that your body can quickly adapt to the toxins, so the energy points you can get are very low, but this is always regarded as one. A terrible creature, blood seals the throat after biting someone.

Sun Wuchen killed a black poisonous snake casually, and suddenly there was a big monster around him, like a crazy savage bull, coming towards him, the long pointed horns, with very powerful lethality.

Sun Wuchen floated in the air immediately, and this thing was powerless, hitting the big tree behind, smashing the big tree in half.

Air dance is really a good skill. When flying in the sky, these monsters fighting on land are quite powerful, and they can't touch their feet at all.


All of Sun Wuchen's ten fingers stretched out in front, and the light beam from the tip of the finger swept the surrounding space, especially the huge bull that was swept by the light instantly, burning all over his body.

After a terrifying attack, the monster finally fell in a pool of blood. In fact, his body had been cut into coke, but he had obtained a hundred energy points for no reason. Sun Wuchen was in a good mood. If he stayed here for a while, maybe It is indeed progressing.

After solving the few poisonous snakes in front of him, the bull had already fallen to the ground, but there were still many monsters attacking Sun Wuchen beside him. He was surrounded by a group of creatures. When he was fighting, suddenly a throwing axe stuck at him. On the head of a monster.

A strong man walked over from the depths of the jungle. He had very swollen muscles, which looked like an iron tower, and his face had a special pattern.

"Child, why did you come to this forest, it is dangerous here."

But when he saw the monsters that Sun Wuchen had killed next to him, he stopped, as if the child in front of him was the real danger.

"I just came here to seek the help of a Kalin fairy. I believe this tower is Kalin Tower. Can I climb it?"

"You can do whatever you want. If you are in danger, you can call for help and I will help you."

This guy is also a good person, and after saying this, he left here. Sun Wucheng didn't want that much, and immediately began to climb this high tower, constantly moving upwards.

There is no need to use one's own air dance. Even if you can fly with that kind of thing, you can only fly a certain distance.

The higher the altitude, the more energy it consumes, but another problem is that using this peculiar Wukong speed flight is not a training for Sun Wuchen at all.

Sun Wuchen crawled very fast, and it took almost four hours to reach the top of Kalin Tower.

After these exercises, his physical fitness has been greatly improved, and his combat effectiveness has been greatly improved. It seems that every time he crawls on this tower, his combat effectiveness has been improved a lot.

After going up, there was already a cat fairy waiting for him.



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