"Haha, I didn't expect people like you to think that they could offend my power, but I won't do it myself. If you kill my subordinates, you are qualified to take away your people."

The bald demons flew over again and fiddled with their arms there. There seemed to be extremely strong power on them. For Sun Wuchen, this guy still didn't take it seriously.

"Will you be a person who keeps your promise?" Sun Wuchen looked at Carrick II.

"You only qualify if you win."

After this guy finished speaking, he flew down and continued to study his spaceship. Perhaps in his eyes, this was something incomprehensible.

The bald demons had already flown over, the speed was very fast, it seemed to be faster than the so-called supernormal speed of the turtle immortal, after all, strictly speaking, his current combat effectiveness was really not the same as the turtle immortal.

Even in terms of pure combat power, his combat power is higher, but he doesn't have such a variety of skills.

In other words, even if Immortal Turtle was to beat him, it would only be a tragic end, but Sun Wuchen now had to surpass the limit.

Chapter 895: Advanced Skills

The moment the bald demon flew over, Sun Wuchen was ready, and light flashed from him.

There was an endless flash of light in an instant, and the guy's eyes couldn't see it in an instant.

Then at this time, Sun Wuchen hurriedly used his energy points to improve his attributes.

Sun Wuchen took a look at his attributes.

The strength and agility physique are 128, 96, and 96 respectively. Comprehensive combat power of 80.

Energy level 1.1.

Regardless of the strength, agility, physique, every increase of 4 will increase a little attack power.

As for each attribute, a normal adult man's measurement attributes may be ten, and the overall combat effectiveness is around eight.

Some people with weaker physique may only have five or even lower, and children are of course weaker, but those who are strong athletes may reach combat effectiveness of ten or more, but they are extremely rare.

In other words, the current Sun Wuchen's strength attribute is about 13 times that of an ordinary person, and his agility and physique are ten times that of an adult man.

The bald demons in front of him were fast and powerful. In order to deal with him, Sun Wuchen kept increasing his points.

Energy points can be exchanged for an attribute point for every 100 points. Generally, killing a powerful monster will only get a few hundred points at most.

In this way, the attributes that can be increased every time a monster is killed are very small, but this also confirms the possibility of a super race like Saiyan, which is constantly evolving and seeking the strongest.

After Sun Wuchen fought many times, his accumulated energy points were already considerable.

Originally, he reserved more than 9,000 energy points, and if they were directly converted into various attributes, they would get 80 points.

It looks extremely shocking, but it is impossible for his body to undergo such extraordinary changes directly.

If you immediately increase your energy points, etc., although the combat effectiveness looks terrifying, it is particularly detrimental to your body. Everything has a limit.

"System, what is my current attribute limit?"

"Ding! The host's current combat power attribute extreme value is determined by age, number of battles, experience, etc., the maximum combat power is currently 100. You can continue to improve after the attribute reaches the upper limit, but the combat power will not change much."

"Improve now!"

"Ding! The host chooses to increase the combat effectiveness, and the combat effectiveness has been improved."

"Current attributes are 160, 120, 120. The total combat power is 100. The energy level is 1.2."

After the direct promotion, Sun Wuchen's energy points have been used more than 8,000.

But this is definitely worth the price. Now his combat power has reached one hundred, and his energy level has reached 1.2.

Each of his next skills will have about 10% more combat effectiveness than usual, which is indeed quite impressive.

The bald demons certainly didn't know the changes in Sun Wuchen's body, and Sun Wuchen fought and retreated, coping with it as much as possible.

The bald demon saw that the little child also had some fighting power, but he kept shrinking. Of course, he was very excited. He opened his mouth and laughed, and suddenly stretched out his hand, which sent a powerful shock wave.

"Attention! Mozu shock!"

Even if the opponent's fighting ability is stronger than his own, but perhaps because of his special body and limited talents, the shock wave he sends out is not as good as his 120 fighting power, or even only one hundred points.

Sun Wuchen's overall combat effectiveness has now reached 100. He directly resisted the shock wave's attack, and his body hit the stone wall behind. The monster there was surprised to see that Sun Wuchen's body was not torn apart.

"Boy, your body is very strong."

"You can only say that your skills are too weak."

Sun Wuchen squeezed his hand. Of course, the bald demon was very angry. How could he accept it when he was despised by a child.

The moment he flew over, Sun Wuchen raised his hand again, and a ray of light came out. When the Mozu had five eyes, four more shock waves hit his face.

Among other things, Monkey King showed that when he used cave waves, his power was quite strong.

A terrible explosion occurred there, and the bald demons were blown out again, with scars on their faces.

With a smile at the corner of Sun Wuchen's mouth, he immediately flew over, with bursts of perfect holes in his hands.

This skill is becoming more and more proficient in the use of this skill, but there is no possibility of further improvement. It really makes me infinitely annoyed. Thinking of this, even though Sun Wuchen has no energy points, he still has the thoughts in his mind. The use of holes has been suppressed. On the other side, perhaps this skill has the potential to improve.

Seeing that the guy Carrick II next to him didn't plan to do anything, Sun Wuchen hurriedly used the last time to inquire the system.

"System. Can Dongdongbo continue to be upgraded? Or can the advanced skills that have reached perfect skills continue to be upgraded?"

"Ding! Perfect Hole Wave can continue to use, after reaching a certain level of proficiency, you can have upgrade options. The host can fully improve the power of skills, and can even use super advanced in combination with skills. The current host Perfect Hole Wave proficiency is 215, Upgrade requires 300. Super advanced (unopened) requires 1,000, and other skills are required."

Chapter 896: Super-Hole Wave Beam

You can continue to advance even with your own cavernous waves, which really surprises the current Sun Wuchen and looks at his previous skills.

Every time you use Dongdongbo, you will increase your proficiency a little, which means you can meet the upgrade requirements after you use it 85 times.

Then continue to use it, the most important remaining energy points may not be able to perfectly upgrade your super hole wave.

But at least after reaching the perfect state of proficiency, the attributes of Dongdongbo will be enhanced.

Sun Wuchen hurriedly flew out. When he was floating in the sky, his ten fingers continuously emitted various light beams, but only when the combat power reached a certain number of levels, he could directly increase his proficiency.

If you are just trying to use quick and practical skills, even multiple simple holes will not improve your proficiency a little.

Sun Wuchen's next step was to complete the use of the hole waves in the continuous charging and launching, the beams flew randomly, and the entire narrow valley was filled with fire.

The bald demon was beaten to the point where he couldn't raise his head, and he was almost groaning in his heart. The little boy in front of him was really like a monster, and the light beam fell down like no money.

Every time it hits the body, it will cause a certain amount of scars, making it more painful when facing the burning.

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