Carrick II screamed presumptuously, but Sun Wuchen's face was calm as usual, even he was already prepared.

Sun Wuchen had some peculiar coping strategies for a long time, and the energy of the endless explosion was sucked into a small space in an instant, as if it had never appeared before, but the huge ape body also began to move there.

Sun Wuchen's body got closer and closer, even Carrick II felt that he was about to succeed, but when the other party walked halfway, he suddenly stopped and stepped on the ground fiercely and stopped moving.

His hands waved forward, which seemed to be a very special energy.

Then there was a whirlwind, a very, very special whirlwind with extremely powerful energy.

This whirlwind is green, constantly spinning, submerging everything around it.

Carrick II was shocked. He had never seen such a thing, but Sun Wuchen was sneering because this kind of thing was the nightmare of these demons.

"Great ape transformation-10 times magic wind fist."

This is a vague simplified version of Guixianren-Mofengquan.

Compress the energy into a very special form of violent wind, and then directly affect the opponent's body.

If the opponent's body is instantly affected, it will be directly converted and compressed into a very small form, which is considered an extraordinary energy.

The effect of the Demon Wind Fist was completely aroused. Originally, Sun Wuchen’s power was not enough to control this forbidden power. Although it was the Saiyan’s physique that could make him immortal and able to exert great power, it was always a little bit beyond him. The scope of use.

However, in the great ape state, any skill can be used simply and easily.

At this moment, Sun Wuchen gathered all the energy on himself, continuously rotating and sending out, almost completely shattering everything around him.

Carrick II was caught in this energy before he knew it, and when he kept spinning, he crashed into the **** vortex behind him.

His body was swallowed by that thing in an instant, even if it was strong, even if this space was opened by him, he couldn't break away from the absorption of this space.


"Although I didn't kill you, just roll in and get some sleep."

Chapter 901: Peach White Comes

Sun Wuchen watched this guy fall into that peculiar space.

This guy will be unable to break away from the control of that space for a long period of time, and even consumes an unusually large amount of energy inside, plus that space itself, without the supplement of various energy resources, will make him Rapid aging.

Maybe the guy Carrick II hasn’t appeared yet, but it was a long time later. Sun Wuchen finally defeated a strong man. Although he did not kill him, it consumes a lot and makes himself extremely weak now, but it still makes him feel weak. Get unlimited possibilities.

This kind of enemy is far beyond his current combat power, and if he doesn't use the great ape state, he can't be beaten at all.

Even in this state of a giant ape, it is impossible to completely crush the opponent. It seems that the fighting power is stronger than the opponent, but this is forcibly improved.

Destruction and energy shock may be stronger, but they are definitely not as sensitive as the opponent, so they can't keep up with the opponent's movements.

Sun Wuchen collapsed on the ground with exhaustion and lay there for a while.

When everyone came back, they saw a giant ape monster on the ground.

They were surprised at first, and then rejoiced, because everyone understood that this was Sun Wuchen. After a period of rest, Sun Wuchen restored his body to its original state.

He is no longer the kind of giant ape-like monster, on the contrary, it has become very common. A child who has not worn clothes on his body makes him feel a little helpless. After all, it is the mind of an adult.

Oolong immediately found him a piece of clothing. After covering his body, Sun Wuchen calmed down. A girl was already staring at him, which was not a good thing.

After covering his body, Sun Wuchen calmed down, and Buman's warm eyes finally stopped.

"Well, this terrifying monster has stopped at least temporarily, and he won't continue to harass us anymore. As for the following, it seems to have been blown up. This is a good ending."

Sun Wuchen is really exhausted. It can be said that this enemy is far beyond the endurance of this world. Maybe only the gods can deal with his incomparable strength, but if you make a careful calculation, at least if it is the young god.

The aging fairy must not be able to beat the opponent, so even if he was put on, it would only cause casualties.

However, Sun Wuchen was also thinking about helping the gods to do such a big thing. Will they be rewarded?

"System, I've defeated a strong one for the time being, are there any rewards?"

"The host has overfulfilled special system tasks and requirements, and can get certain rewards, but they will get it in the plot, not certain skills or material rewards."

It seems to be a good thing. If nothing else, I will always find a god, at least I have to get some benefits from him.

Sun Wuchen was very weak now, and then followed everyone to another place, and they returned to the camp.

This camp is also so dilapidated. To tell the truth, it has not been attacked by any Red Ribbon Legion in the past two days, making it peaceful here, and Sun Wuchen is now very exhausted.

Just as Sun Wuchen lay there, slowly regaining his strength, he saw a figure sitting on top of something flying over.

This is a bit unlucky.

This guy should be Tao Baibai, the famous world's number one killer. He never expected that he would come here early, or that he would have arrived when he was weakest.

At this moment, Sun Wuchen was extremely weak, unable to fight him, but two people had already rushed back directly.

"Wu Chen, we are back."

Sun Wukong and Klin returned with the fastest cultivation speed. To be honest, they jumped directly from the sky, and they have such courage. It is really awesome. After all, they are at a very high altitude.

The two of them really jumped down from a height, and they were surprised when they saw a person standing next to Monkey King.

"Wu Chen, this person?"

"He is the world's No. 1 killer for nothing, kill him."

The simplicity of Sun Wuchen's words caused Tao Baibai's surprise.

"How did you know me?"

It was not Monkey King's words that greeted him, but Monkey King rushed up and was fighting with him. After the training of Monkey King Essential Oil Kalinta, his combat effectiveness improved a lot.

After a fatal fight, Tao Baibai was a little flustered. After all, although the opponent's combat effectiveness was weaker than his own, he didn't do too much. Klin next to him had already started his hand. He also saw that this guy must be different.

When did the world's No. 1 killer experience such embarrassment, and was immediately surrounded by two young children, unable to struggle.

"Hateful. You little bastards, Dong Dongbo!"

A ray of light traversed an arc and shot towards the Monkey King in it. If it hits, it will be fatal.

"Perfect hole."

Chapter 902: The Defeat of Tao Baibai

The perfect hole wave hit the past, just hitting the white hole wave.

Tao Baibai was really taken aback. Someone would use Dongdongbo. He was still that seemingly weak and unbelievable little boy.

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