Sun Wukong, who can defeat the Big Demon King Piccolo, is nothing in his eyes, and it is even said that his combat power has reached more than a thousand.

This makes people really feel a little scared, even a Saiyan fighter like Raditz, the combat power is only 1,500.

This Mr. Bobo could reach one thousand, but for various reasons, she didn't like fighting, not the kind of crazy killing type, so he had never fought on the front line.

However, this test is still coming. Sun Wuchen decided to be cautious and adapt to this hypoxic environment as much as possible. Unlike the original story of Monkey King, he clearly knows that a lot of energy consumption is not necessary at such a high altitude. One's heart must be calm.

When it was infinitely stable, Sun Wuchen sent a bunch of light towards Mr. Bobo, and these cave waves had the same effect when they were high in the sky.

At this time, the perfect hole wave exerts a very strong effect, constantly rotating and attacking, almost occupying all the surrounding areas, and even the hole wave beam has not come out, almost surrounding the opponent.

Sun Wuchen immediately noticed that the other party's figure had disappeared. This Mr. Bobo seemed to be able to make unimaginable movements in an instant, and was still unaffected by the high altitude.

Sun Wuchen gave him only one evaluation-monster.

The speed and efficiency of this guy has reached an astonishing level. Living in a high-altitude hypoxic environment all year round, it seems that it is also a kind of exercise for the body.

All the light beams were easily flashed by him, and not even a single light beam fell around his body and wiped it from his side. It was already as difficult as the sky.

I don't know what this guy did. After flashing through all the beams, he came to Sun Wuchen's side. He didn't attack, but just took a pose.

Sun Wuchen laughed too, and suddenly his hands were placed in front of him, and the Sun Fist flashed wildly.

He directly started to use the residual image fist, his own residual image fist was completely different from others, and had a certain lethality. Even though Mr. Bobo could know any of his actions through the perception of breath.

But when these afterimages with certain damage appeared, they all rushed towards Mr. Bobo, and Sun Wuchen himself mixed in. When these things arrived at Mr. Bobo's side, they were like burning flames with a certain range of damage.

Mr. Bobo seemed to have reacted, and he threw a punch in front of him. The speed seemed to be unsatisfactory, and a fierce storm came in an instant.

This fist seems to be really unpleasant, but it is like the legendary qi fist, which bursts out instantly, and can blow everything away.

The effect was perfect, everything around was completely blown away, as if the wind was howling, and those clones disappeared completely in an instant. As for Sun Wuchen himself, he had already reached his side.

Of course, Sun Wuchen didn't use his fists. He couldn't move the opponent's body at all. He just suddenly pressed his hand to the ground, and the light flashed sharply.

A large amount of energy directly covered the ground, and then burst instantly, flying his body towards the sky in an instant.

The explosion on the ground caused a large amount of terrifying energy to spread instantly. Mr. Bobo was in it and he immediately drew back. When Sun Wuchen was in the sky, his feet were facing the sky again, sending out shock waves as well.

"Turtle Qigong-Sky Cross Cut."

Coming down from the sky quickly, his speed was much faster.

With his hands crossed in front of him, he turned into an extremely terrifying blade, and fell instantly. Mr. Bobo can continue to escape at this time, but Sun Wuchen has already determined that he will not continue to invest.

A series of attacks were within his own range of response, so Mr. Popo should also give himself some face, he really stretched out a hand to block it.

The light of the cross knife hit his hand and instantly shattered, leaving deep marks on the surrounding ground, but there was no wound on his hand.

Two deep marks were carved around, but Mr. Bobo acted as Sun Wuchen's attack with one hand, and then punched to victory.

Sun Wuchen had already jumped down. His attack was effective, but it was also a failure because he couldn't stop the opponent.

"I surrender."

The first sentence that Sun Wuchen jumped down from the building surprised Mr. Bobo a bit.

"You are really a very good young man, but you are still a bit worse."

"Whether it’s my own power, energy or various skills, I’m actually inferior to you. I’m just trying my best to fight with you and make you feel the presence of a trace of power. I want to be completely Beat you, unless I become that giant ape state, I believe you have seen it too."

"It's difficult to fight in this high-altitude state in that state."

"But in that state, I have a chance."

Sun Wuchen's neither overbearing nor overbearing has aroused Mr. Bobo's approval.

He rarely sees such an outstanding young man, and he has such maturity and mind at a young age.

"But if you want to see the gods, you still need to beat me."

"No, take him to see me."

Chapter 960: Learn from God

Sun Wuchen had temporarily completed the test, and naturally followed Mr. Bobo excitedly and walked inside.

They stopped in front of a palace, and then a very weak old man walked out of that palace.

The first time I saw this kind of demons, I was quite surprised, because he was not young like Carrick II Napa, like a child, and the **** in front of him was really an extremely aging creature. But his aura is really strong.

Sun Wuchen could tell at a glance that this guy's combat effectiveness was not as strong as Carrick II.

If the immortal is young, he naturally possesses a strong fighting power, but in front of him, he is really a bit old, a person who is naturally not with me.

"You are that young child, called Sun Wuchen, you are very special."

"Nothing special, are you a god?"

"It seems that Garin told you."

"No, you wrote a word on your chest."

Sun Wuchen is really funny. You guy has a word of God on his chest. Could it be someone else? Of course, those who can live in this strange place are gods.

Even if it is a serious and unsmiling fairy, there is a slight smile at the corner of his mouth at this time.

"It seems that your observation is still very detailed. Do you know why I called you to come?"

"I guess it's because I temporarily defeated Carrick II. That guy is a pretty evil and terrifying existence. His fighting power, if I can say, has even surpassed you."

"Yes, I need a good young man like you very much. I hope you can take over my job and become a **** instead of me. As long as you have a strong power and a firm will, it will be fine. Except for Carrick II For people like this world, there will still be many powerful enemies."

Of course Sun Wuchen knows who it is, and your clone is already difficult enough.

Although the fiendish stars like Carrick II are quite powerful enemies, but your clone has unimaginable potential for cultivation. If you really make the Great Demon King Piccolo reappear, the damage will not be more than that. Carrick II drops.

And this Carrick II will always appear. Of course, Sun Wuchen will not agree to him. Being a fairy can only stay in this place, and it will definitely not work to be supervised.

"I am not interested in being a god, but I can learn some ways of fighting with you."


It seems that the immortal had thought of this ending a long time ago, and then ordered Mr. Bobo to train Sun Wuchen.

At this high altitude, a person's body consumes a lot, and almost every battle will make it difficult for a person to breathe. Only in an infinite static state, feeling the slow flow of airflow and reducing body loss is the kingly way.

Sun Wuchen spent the next time studying with Mr. Bobo. In fact, Mr. Bobo's combat effectiveness is really strong.

If Sun Wuchen is allowed to judge for himself, maybe the Big Devil Bick who can really threaten the world is not Mr. Bobo's opponent.

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