"Wow, it's writing round eyes, did you copy my ninjutsu at that time?" Looking at Chen's eyes, Kakashi understood the reason in an instant. It turned out that Chen had already copied Chen when he used the shadow clone. Coming down, even though his movements using the shadow clone were very secretive, he was still caught by Chen's writing wheel and copied it.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple, it seems to be getting serious!" Kakashi said while looking at Chen, and then knotted his hands again. But... Chen, who was opposite him, sneered, and also started Jie Yin, and the seal Chen made was exactly the same as Kakashi's. "Huh! Want to copy my ninjutsu again? Try it..."

"Lei Dun. Thunder Tiger all kill" and "Lei Dun. Thunder Tiger all kill" actually completed the seal at the same time. Both of them concentrated the lightning on the palms of their hands, and then used the lightning to condense them. "Dog" shape, at the moment when Thunder Dog takes shape, it growls and rushes towards the other side.

The Thunder Dog's speed is very fast. In the blink of an eye, the two Thunder Dogs collided together, emitting a dazzling light, making it impossible to look directly at it. The last two Thunder Dogs all exploded.

Because the light just now was too dazzling, Chen didn't notice for a while, and there was a short-term blindness. After he recovered, Kakashi had been lost in his eyes.

"Shui Dun. The technique of water dragon bullets!" Kakashi's voice suddenly came from behind Chen.

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Chapter 70: The showdown with Kakashi II

After Chen copied Kakashi's ninjutsu surgery, the two's ninjutsu collided together, emitting a dazzling light. It was as if someone had thrown a flash bomb. Chen didn't notice for a while, and was stimulated by the strong light, which caused him to become blind for a short time. After slowing down, Kakashi's figure had disappeared from his sight.

Before Zaichen had time to think about it, Kakashi’s voice suddenly came out from behind: "Water escape. The technique of water dragon bomb!" Water dragon bombs can be ejected from the mouth."

"It went around behind me, so fast, it deserves to be the elite!" Chen didn't panic when watching a giant dragon made of water condensed towards him, because there was no water here. So the water dragon bomb Kakashi cast was just a two-meter-wide column of water, so Chen didn't feel pressure. Facing the attacking Shui Zhu, Chen didn't idle either. He moved in his hands and quickly formed the seal with his hands, completing the seal when Shui Zhu was about to reach him.

"Fire escape. Howard of fireball!" Chen condensed Chakron to his throat, and then ejected from his mouth in one breath, forming a large fireball with a diameter of three meters. The raging fire burned Kakashi's water dragon bomb into steam, and Kakashi's ninjutsu was cancelled out.

"The reaction and the use of ninjutsu are good." Seeing that his water dragon bomb was offset by Chen's ninjutsu, Kakashi did not appear to be distressed, but said to Chen in an admiring tone.

"Really? Then try this again!" Chen didn't pay attention to Kakashi's praise, and directly took out a few special kunai and threw it at Kakashi.

Facing the kunai thrown by Chen, of course Kakashi easily escaped. "This kind of thing won't work for me!"

"Humph! I didn't expect to shoot you with Kuwuwu, since Kuwuwuwu would work...what about this?" Chen raised his right hand and quickly condensed a spiral pill in the palm of his hand.

"Helix Maru? It's really powerful, but... disappeared?" Kakashi was about to continue preaching to Chen, and suddenly Chen disappeared from his sight, making him startled. Then came a huge sense of crisis from behind. Before I could react, I felt that something was being attacked, "It turned out to be..."

"Helix pill!" Accompanied by Chen's voice, Kakashi was hit by Chen's Helix pill again before he finished exclaiming and flew out. It's a pity that when Kakashi fell to the ground, it turned into a puff of smoke and turned out to be a shadow clone.

"Damn it, is it the shadow clone again? It should be used when my vision is blocked. Kakashi's common methods are used to fight with the clone and clone technique. This guy has already used the shadow clone to perfection. It's really difficult!" Chen frowned and secretly said uncomfortably when he saw that he was being played by Kakashi again.

"Suddenly disappeared and suddenly appeared behind me. It's not wrong. This must be the signature ninjutsu of Ms. Watergate. It belongs to a very rare space ninjutsu...Fei Lei Shen! The kunai he just threw at me is not pure In order to attack me, there must be the art of flying thunder **** in the katsuma. Hwang thunder **** cannot be learned by anyone, and it belongs to Konoha's forbidden technique, where did Uchiha Tatsu learn it." At this moment, Kakashi, standing on the earth flow wall made by him, condescendingly looked at Chen on the ground, and a turbulent wave was upset in his heart. "Uchiha Tatsuno, there are too many secrets in this person, and the potential of this person is really terrible. If someone like him becomes an enemy of Konoha, the consequences will be disastrous. He must be captured anyway. Konoha."

"It's Kakashi, it's really amazing if you haven't been able to defeat you like this!"

"Well! It's not really much, it's just actual combat experience. Compared to this, I would like to ask you, how did you learn the ninjutsu that you just disappeared and then suddenly appeared behind me?"

"Are you talking about Flying Thunder God? I'm sorry, I can't answer your question!" "I know it will be the result, but forget it, you will say it sooner or later anyway."

"Really? Are you still so confident that you can catch me?"

"I think, before we appeared, you should have had a large-scale battle with Gaara? Also, the triple rasaman we saw outside the woods should be yours. After all, it’s impossible for people in Shayin village to know this ninjutsu. A ninjutsu as large as Rashomon must consume a lot of chakras, and you have used so many in the battle with me just now. Advanced ninjutsu, I think your chakras are running out, right? With your current situation, do you think you can escape from me?" Of course Kakashi didn’t know that Chen had a system on his body, so He couldn't even know that the problem he was talking about was not a difficult thing for Chen at all. Long before he met them, Chen had asked the system to help him restore Chakra.

"Oh, so you think so, but I am afraid I will disappoint you!" Chen didn't mind what Kakashi said. However, he already knew the gap between himself and the veteran elite, so he didn't plan to waste any more time.

That's right, Chen has been tempering himself from just now to now, and has not exerted all his strength. After all, most of his strength is obtained from the system, so what Chen lacks most is actual combat experience. Today, after encountering Kakashi, an elite, Shangnin, Chen regarded Kakashi as a sparring partner, so he did not use the kaleidoscope to write. The ability to round eyes.

Chen understands that although his strength has reached the same level as elite Shangnin and Kakashi. However, after fighting with Kakashi, he left the kaleidoscope and wrote about it. Chen found that even though he had the strength of the elite Shangnin, he was still not Kakashi's opponent. Kakashi didn't even use his full strength. After all, Kakashi Xi's trick is Lei Dun. Chidori! Of course, this is not to say that Chen is very weak. It is all because of Chen’s inexperience in actual combat. In the past, he used to target some middle and lower ninjas, who can be crushed with his tyrannical strength, but he is facing the same level. After Kakashi, it was not so easy.

"Oh? So, don't you have any hole cards to use?" After hearing Chen's transformation, Kakashi asked suspiciously, his expression also becoming solemn. After all, Chen even showed such a powerful ninjutsu as Fei Lei Shen, if this is not counted as a hole card, then what else? Suddenly, Kakashi's face changed, and he thought of a possibility, "Could it be...Kaleidoscope writing round eyes?"

Of course, Chen saw the change in Kakashi's face, and said with a sneer: "It seems that you have already thought of it!" He closed his eyes slowly, and opened them suddenly after a few seconds. The three-gou jade has disappeared, but it is replaced by a six-pointed star-like pattern.

"Kaleidoscope writes round eyes!"

Seeing that Tatsun actually displayed a kaleidoscope, Kakashi was so frightened at this moment, and said in his heart: "Kaleidoscope, it turned out to be a kaleidoscope writing round eyes. I didn't expect that there would be so many other than Uchiha Itachi. There is a kaleidoscope of eye openers who write round eyes. And it is also an eye opened by someone who has been regarded as an idiot for several years. The talent of Uchiha Tatsumi completely surpassed his brother Sasuke, which is really terrifying."

"So now, are you still confident that you can take me back to Konoha? Kakashi!"

PS: Kakashi’s battle is too difficult to write, all of them are shadow clones, and they are crushed by Suzuo directly!

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Chapter Seventy-One: Showdown with Kakashi III

After fighting with Kakashi, Chen discovered the gap between himself and Kakashi. Without the kaleidoscope, he would not be Kakashi’s opponent at all, so he didn't hide anymore and directly used the kaleidoscope writing wheel. Eye.

And just after Chen opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel, Kakashi was shocked, and quickly closed his left eye, using only his writing wheel to look at Chen. Even so, he didn't dare to look at Chen's kaleidoscope, he just shifted his gaze to Chen's body.

"How is it? Kakashi, are you still confident that you can catch me now?" Chen laughed at Kakashi's behavior.

"Kaleidoscope writing round eyes, it is really extraordinary. If it were Uchiha Itachi, I might not have a chance at all. As for you... I don’t think your kaleidoscope writing round eyes can be as skilled as Itachi, so you are not so good. It scares me..."

"Haha~ You mean I can't compare to Itachi, do you? Do you really think so? Kakashi! If that's the case, why don't you dare to stare at me?" Even dare to speak up, Chen feels that he is underestimated, and feels it is necessary to let Kakashi know that he is no worse than Itachi!

"That won't work, although I don't think you can completely master the kaleidoscope writing wheel like Uchiha Itachi, but after all, the kaleidoscope is too weird, I'd better be careful."

"Forget it, I don't need to tell you more, I will use my strength to prove how stupid your idea is." Chen's put away the mocking expression, and then said sternly.

"Really?" Kakashi's expression also became solemn, after all, Kaleidoscope is not a joke, although he pretended to be relaxed just now, it was just for Chen to see.

"Humph!" Chen coldly snorted, no more nonsense, and quickly sealed the seal with both hands, and then launched ninjutsu against Kakashi, "Huo Dun. The art of fireball!"

Chen didn't expect the trench fireball to hit Kakashi, he just used this ninjutsu as a signal to start the fight.

Sure enough, in the face of the violent trench fireball, Kakashi did not see panic, and directly escaped from the attack range of the trench fireball by using instantaneous spell. Chen's trench fireball hit the dirt wall just now by Kakashi, and knocked the dirt wall. A big mouth with a diameter of five meters was burned out.

"It's quite capable, but how long can your Chakra support you? And maintain the shape of a kaleidoscope..." Kakashi, who had just escaped the Chenhao fireball attack, said in his heart, but he was not idle, and his hands were also In the fast knot printing.

"Water escape. The technique of mist hiding!"

After Kakashi completed the seal, there was a heavy mist out of thin air around Chen, which obstructed Chen's vision. This ninjutsu was copied from Kakashi’s mission in Nami no Nami, and the battle with no more cuts, and now it is used on Chen's body.

"Mist hiding technique? Do you rely on this low-level ninjutsu to deal with me?"

"Ninjutsu only needs to be suitable, and it doesn't need to be advanced. These fogs are formed by chakras. It is difficult to blow them away even if the wind is used. Even the writing wheel eyes will be affected. This way Don't worry about looking at your kaleidoscope." Kakashi's voice came from the thick fog.

"Really? In this way, you won't be able to see me, so what are you going to do next?" Chen said with a sneer, as if he didn't take Kakashi's words to heart.

"You'll know..." Kakashi said, but didn't speak again. Chen's surroundings fell into silence, and there was no sound.

"What exactly does Kakashi want to do? Will he use the eight-dog chasing technique the same as when he was fighting again?"

Chen guessed it correctly. Kakashi really intends to repeat the same trick. When Chen’s vision is blocked, Chen’s movements are restricted by the eight dogs close up, and then he will not look at each other in an instant. Chen uniform.

Kakashi took out a scroll from the ninja bag, slashed his thumb and pushed the bleeding thumb on the scroll, waved it a few times, and then pressed it to the ground.

"Soil Escape. Teeth Chasing Technique"

I saw a few dark shadows rushing out of the scroll at a very fast speed, leaping towards Chen's direction.

Chen, in the center of the dense fog, suddenly heard a faint sound coming from the surrounding area, which made him alert...

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