Cavernous waves continued to erupt, and Sun Wuchen's power consumption was huge, and it was soon difficult to maintain one hundred combat effectiveness, and his combat effectiveness had been weakened by more than ten points, but the opponent's combat effectiveness was still maintaining the strongest state.

This is not a good ending. Sun Wuchen immediately understood that he also needs to go back, and he also needs to use other methods to stabilize the situation.

He suddenly turned around in the sky, and his whole body seemed to have become a windmill. After spinning twice, he suddenly stabilized in the sky, his feet sent a shock wave, and he rushed forward with this blow.

"Turtle Qigong cross cut."

Sun Wuchen's proud skills can cut everything in an instant. The stronger the energy of the turtle style qigong, the more amazing the power it will produce.

He kept accelerating in the air, and he reached the opponent's side in an instant. Perhaps this Kanan did not expect that Sun Wuchen had such an attack method. He wanted to dodge, but it was too late. He immediately put his arms in front of him with a loud bang. With a sound, a huge cross burst open in front of him, and his arms were cut with two huge wounds.

Then Sun Wuchen flew to the top of his head again, gathering all the energy directly.

"Turtle Qigong!"

If it was the tortoise school qigong with tracking characteristics, it would quickly hover in the air and hit the opponent's location. After flying twice in the air, Kanan was hit by this energy and hit the ground.

After a loud bang, the ground was smashed to pieces. The original small ring was already in a mess at this time, and the solemn grand occasion it started was no longer.

There was smashed to pieces, and Sun Wuchen floated down and looked at the ground, as if there was an explosion.

"You can't lose with this blow."

Sun Wuchen looked at all this indifferently, the immortal turtle next to him was so fast that he couldn't move, saying that he had to beat this guy back then, it really took a lot of effort, and his victory was also part of it.

Otherwise, Immortal Turtle hasn't improved much over the years, and even its combat effectiveness has declined compared to when he was the youngest.

But there will not be such a huge gap, the current combat effectiveness of the turtle immortal is only about one hundred.

Demon Kanan has at least 120 combat effectiveness, which can be said to have a certain gap.

Immortal Turtle is really full of thoughts when he thinks of the scene where he once defeated him.

"Turtle Immortal, how did you defeat this guy in the first place?" Bu Ma next to him couldn't help asking, and Monkey King and others were also very curious.

Because the Kanan in front of everyone stood up again and fought with Sun Wuchen.

"Let's put it this way, I never beat him back then, because he was one of the best fighters among the demons, but because he was so good, it was different."

"What's the matter?"

"If you know the legend of Big Demon King Piccolo, you will understand."

Chapter 920: Amazing Terror

"What!? The Great Devil Piccolo?"

The Oolong who was next to him immediately reacted and was taken aback. Even Klin and the others were surprised.

"It was a terrifying monster that appeared many years ago. Its power is endless. My teacher, Wu Taidou teacher, died in his hands."

Everyone was dumb. In the hearts of everyone, Guixian Ren was already invincible, and his teacher Wu Taidou must be stronger. Such a strong warrior died in the hands of Big Demon King Piccolo, which shows that it is terrifying.

And they also vaguely know something about the Big Demon King Piccolo, this is the terrifying demon who once ruled the entire earth, almost infinite in power.

Such a powerful Big Demon King Piccolo later disappeared under the attack of a group of warriors. However, the horrible era of his reign is still shocking. Many people have been reciting it for a long time, and they are afraid that that era will come again.

"Back then, my teacher, Mr. Wu Taidou, in order to fight against this big demon king Piccolo, gave his life and barely won. And he has countless strong men, Kanan is among them at the pinnacle. But normal Unlike the demons, he also has a sense of justice in his heart. So in the final battle, he betrayed the Great Demon King Piccolo."

"Then why would he be killed by you, Teacher Guixianren?" Klin touched his head.

"This is what he pursued himself. He believes that the life of the demons should not continue, and he has been corroded by evil. It may be regarded as a curse when the Demon King Piccolo is dying. Kanan asked me to Kill him, and then I moved my hand. As for why he turned from an evil state into a good person, I don't know, but it seems that after he is resurrected, he still has resentment in his heart. Wu Chen must be careful."

Hearing these words, everyone was naturally more worried. It seems that now, this guy is more powerful than Immortal Turtle. Although Wu Chen has improved a lot, can he defeat the enemy?

Even if they don't have to worry about Sun Wuchen at all, Sun Wuchen's power is getting stronger and stronger.

When he fought with this guy, he became more and more at ease. He began to try to use the perfect afterimage fist to control the opponent's movement through countless afterimages.

After using this unique attack, at least a dozen Sun Wuchen figures appeared on the ring for a while, and more and more, each of them was in action.

The immortals of turtles were amazed. Generally, the afterimages caused by these afterimages fist just stood still.

Let the opponent make a mistake in his judgment for an instant, and he will be attacked.

Unexpectedly, Sun Wuchen knew that these restaurants would even make short-term moves, and each one was quite effective, which was really amazing.

He didn't know how Sun Wuchen did it, and he could almost reach the perfect state.

Through this special attempt, Sun Wuchen allowed himself to reach the perfect state, constantly flashing, then disappeared after appearing, and soon interfered with the opponent's movement and all attacks.

Through this kind of damage, the Kanan in front of him could no longer distinguish where the Monkey King was, and then Monkey King tried his best to improve his perception ability through this battle.

The various perceptions and utilizations of Qi have all approached perfection.

He can definitely achieve the best state.

Now that he is trying, Kanan also feels that this kid seems to have another breakthrough.

Seeing the countless afterimages torturing him, Kanan couldn't bear it.

"It's a coincidence that you are a demon warrior."

A ball of flame was burning on his body, and he waved his hand directly to knock out the flame.

A group of fierce fire hovered in the air constantly, flew towards the other party, almost instantly arrived at the other party's side, and immediately exploded, the air was full of scorching breath, this kind of attack has already made people surprised.

And he was still using more attacks, trying to kill Sun Wuchen in front of him, the whole arena was full of flames, and he had even begun to carry out a range attack. Due to his infinite physical strength, this range attack was quite fierce.

The only thing Sun Wuchen could do was float, and there was a blazing fire everywhere in the air far away from him.

"Although you can fly, you can't leave the ring for too long, otherwise you will be judged as a failure."

Granny Crystal said suddenly.

Sun Wuchen frowned. The others wanted to swear, and suddenly said this rule, which is to let Sun Wuchen walk directly into the flames.

The surrounding flames kept burning, and Sun Wuchen looked at his palm and flew in directly.

There was a terrible fire all around, and Sun Wuchen slapped the ground with a palm, blasting the surrounding fire.

However, the flame was still burning fiercely, and it continued to spread towards him, and Sun Wuchen's situation became more and more critical.

"Boy, I'm going to kill you."

It may stop in an instant, and a palm slashed towards the current Sun Wuchen, and Sun Wuchen suddenly gathered all his power in his head.

"Five Elements Fist-Earth Head Hammer!"

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